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(Dominic's POV) Over the next few days, I got a team ready, and started calling all the punks that didn't want to go to school or were acting out in school, to training, and just like my brother said, the kids, hit until they broke down in tears, soon it went from just training to them actually going to school and after they came to train. A few father's came to get in my face, but I stood my ground. "So you're mad because now your son is doing better, and has a future ahead of him, but you were okay with him being a little shit." "What future, there's nothing here for us, they just locked us in here to rot!" "If we don't get our young ones under control, they will leave us here to die, but if they have some self control they can blend in with the rest of them, he doesn't have to stay." The man looked horrified at the idea of his son leaving him, but didn't try intimidating me any more. I could see why our people didn't have hope, but if we played our cards right we could go back to what is normal. I was so busy with the training of the boys, that a month passed, the guys were doing great in school and I was doing something to help me too. At full moon I took all those that were turned to run and hunt, when out of no where I smelled her again. I turned to look and it was a dude, how the freak? after the run, I got dressed and walked over to him. "Hey, man, that scent, where did you get it?" "What scent. man, it's my daughter's " I knew he was lying, but I felt weird already so I didn't push it. Was I going insane, or what was going on. I was dreaming of her too, about that night, that one night. Her face was still fresh in my mind, I had looked for her a couple of times these past four years, but never found her again. We had always been told we could mate with humans, and yet, I look at Eric, his mate had been human, a lot of the men here had had human mates, but some were killed in the sir strike, and others had been taken from their families, now we didn't know if they lived or died, and some wolves were dying from not knowing. Like now one night and I couldn't stop thinking about her, had she...could she had been my..mate? That thought had crossed my mind before, but I always fought it, even if she was we couldn't be together anyway, so there was no point, in celebrating. Then one afternoon, Eric got caught up with something, and asked me to pick up Jesse. I did. When I walked into the school I went straight to his class, and my heart jammed into my chest. There she was, the girl from that night. I was frozen in place, I couldn't believe it was really her. She had lost a lot of weight, but she still looked amazing.  "Uncle Dom?" I turned to look down and Jesse was standing next to me. "Yeah, buddy?" "Are you okay you look like you just saw a ghost?" "Yeah...I mean yeah, I'm fine, um...who's that?" I pointed at the woman. "Oh, that's Mrs. Tonia." "That's your teacher?' "Yeah." I felt like a teenage boy, all tongue tied and sweaty hands. "I need to get my stuff, want to come in?" "Yeah." I followed my nephew into the classroom, and I expected her scent to hit me, but I smelled nothing. I was confused. "Bye Mrs. Tonia." "Okay buddy have a nice day okay." She called not looking up from her papers, I felt a little disappointed, why didn't she have a scent? "Bye, Katy!" "Bye-bye Jesse." She never looked up, we left and headed home. "So that's your teacher, and what's her name?" "She just told us to call her Mrs.Tonia." "Is she married?" "Um...I don't know she lives with Katy and her dad, and calls her aunt, so I'm not sure." "Who's Katy's father?" "Oh...Liam." My wolf felt angry the asshole lied to my face, but I could see why, he didn't want to share her, well, I wasn't planning on that either. (Tonia's POV) I had been avoiding going to Eric's house, but that meant Katy couldn't go play over there, I felt bad, but I didn't want to chance it, I'd heard that Eric had given his brother the charge of training the boys, and so far my plan worked, the boys were more mellowed out and leaving me alone. Even after what happened Amelia was still talking to me, and only she noticed I was on edge. I didn't say anything even when she tried to tease me into telling her. She was saying that Liam and I were sealing the deal, and stuff like that but I didn't say anything. Then one morning, I went for a run, I stopped for a second to retie my shoe when I felt like I was being followed, and it wasn't just one. It was a few guys, I ran at full speed and they kept pace with me with no problem. Somehow I took a wrong turn and found myself in a dead end. I didn't have the energy to do all the jumping and climbing in the woods, but then a punch of adrenaline hit me and I did it,  I had memorized these trails if I cut through here I'd be at Mrs. Jule's bakery shop, I ran and jumped, but I didn't make it, I felt a body ram into me, we rolled and he ended on top. "You?"I gasped, as I realized who it was. His body was warm, and I could feel his skin through my shirt. "Tonia." he said in a husky voice. "How do you know my name?" "MY nephew goes to your class and is your niece's best friend, go figure right." I pushed him but he was solid, but he got the point, he got up and helped me up. "What do you want?" "Nothing, can't an old friend just say hi?" "Friend, right." I dusted myself off and started to walk away. "So you're not going to talk to me?" I stopped and turned to look at him, if I was honest my heart was racing but not just from the run, but I couldn't tell him that. "What do you want me to say, 'glad to see you again'." "That wouldn't be so bad, but are you?" "Am I what?' "Glad to see me?" "Get over yourself." I said and started to walk away again. "Why are you so mad at me, was it that bad?" "You're right it was only a one night thing, and I shouldn't hold it against you, so...." "How are you even here?" he asked. "The town needed teachers, I'm a teacher, and plus Liam and Katy are here." "And are you and Liam..." "That is none of you're business." He walked closer to me making me back into a tree. "Does he know about us?" "No, and there's no us, as I just said it was a one time thing, you walked away easy enough." I pushed past him, and head back to Liam's house. Liam was standing outside. "I got worried, are you okay?" "Yeah, the new training teacher and his students thought it'd be funny to chase me, I tripped." Liam looked at me, he knew I was hiding something, he came closer to me, and looked into my eyes. Ran a gentle hand along my cheek, someone was watching, and he was doing this to make a point, a few seconds later,  I heard brushes rustle and the someone was gone. "I have disinfecting spray in the bathroom." "Thanks." I pulled away from him and went inside, got in the shower and got ready for the day. At the school the high school boys came and said they thought I did awesome in the run, if only I was a wolf, I probably would've gotten away from them.They all fist bumped me and walked away, I went to have lunch and Amelia came to sit next to me, she looked a little mad. "Hey rough day?" "You could say that" "I'm sorry, um...if it makes you feel any better my day pretty much tanks too." She looked at me, she was angry about something, but didn't want to say anything. For some reason she took a deep breath. "What's wrong with you?" "It's long story." "Give me the short version." I huffed a laugh I had only told Liam, but I really needed some advice. "I had a one night stand, with a guy, haven't seen him for four years, now he's here and I'm not sure what he wants from me now?" She looked at me in awe, and took a sip of her water bottle. "Is that why you're with Liam to get over the other guy?" "There is nothing going on with me and Liam, he's my cousin and the only family I have left." "Your words say as much but his actions, say an other thing completely." "What actions?" "The way he touches you, the way he acts around you, almost possessive, the way he looks at you." I felt my face burn, I had seen it, but I didn't want to see it. I couldn't believe he'd want...something more, when we're blood related. "The wolf wants you, Tonia, and Liam sees you as someone he cares dearly for, but it's not healthy." "Amelia, if he can't have a mate, what else can I do, I can't leave him." "Right." With that we sat in silence, when I walked into my class again, there was a thing of flowers and a card, when I opened the card it was an invitation to a dinner at the Gold house. It was for this weekend, so four days away. After school I got a phone call from Caleb, and he was coming too. Now I was nervous as all hell. I looked through my closet and remembered I had brought a dress in case of this. in was a maroon color and it went nicely with my dark hair. I then realized it was really quiet, I went out to look on the table, there was note, Liam wrote he and Katy had gone out to ice cream. I shrugged and accepted it as a night off. I went out to the deck, and looked at the starry night, but then I felt watched I turned to find HIM sitting a ways away from me. I sat up and soon he came to sit next to me. "Are you stalking me?" "No, I was walking and saw you laying out here, thought something was wrong so..." We sat there for a minute. "So what is your name, sense you already know mine." He looked at me with serious eyes. "I'll tell you on one condition?" "This should be good, okay." "Kiss me." My throat went dry at his condition, I looked out toward the lake, for a second. "That's it?"I asked feeling a little uneasy. "Yeah." I fought it for a second, then gave him a peck on the cheek. "Nope." "That was a kiss." "On the lips, and more then just a peck." "What's that going to do, then to open a can of warms already closed?" "I need to confirm something for myself." I took a deep breath and got closer to him, he felt so warm, it was hard not to get closer to him. Once I was close enough I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, and he deepened the kiss, it was still slow and tender, but also hungry and longing. He pulled me closer to him, as his hand went into my hair, his thumb caressing my cheek. We were so lost in the moment, but then I pulled away. "Dominic." "What?" "That's my name, Dominic." "What did you just figure out, with that kiss?" "You're still as sweet, as that first time, I kissed you." I rolled my eyes, but I was blushing. "So you're a Gold?" "Yeah is that bad?" "Not exactly but, it would've been nice to know before we...you know." "Before we slept together?" "Yeah." "Would it of made a difference, you knowing who I was?" "No, not who, but what." He went very serious. "I see.." "Not like that, I just meant..." "You wouldn't of gone to bed with a beast is that it?!" "Your words not mine!" He glared at me, and shook his head. "I really thought you were different, I guess I was wrong." "Dominic, I didn't mean..." but he was gone, not looking back.
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