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(Dominic's POV) Humans are so superficial, of course she wouldn't want to see me after that night more if she knew what I was. I stormed into the house and found Eric at the top of the stairs. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you?" "I was already awake, but you seem to have something on your mind." I hated my brother sometimes, he always knew when there was something bugging us, that's why our sister spent most of her time at the school, not in the house, and once she was here, she'd go straight to her room. "Something like that." "Want to talk about it, I've noticed sense the first day you got back." "That's creepy." He just shrugged, but I followed him up to the office, once there I just dropped in one of the couches.He gave me a thing of whiskey, and sat in one of the other chairs as I looked at a picture of him and Letty. "How did you know she was the one, after Mom died dad rammed the idea that a mate was bad, how did you get past that to let Letty in?" He chuckled and looked at the same picture, the love he felt for his wife was great, and it surprised me to see him still alive,  when she wasn't near him. "Finding your mate, isn't suppose to be easy, Dom, it has it's challenges, but then sometimes your mate is that very last person you suspect, when Letty and I first meet, she hated my guts, we couldn't even stand be in the same room, Dad had killed her family remember." "Yeah, her father had been one of the captains separating the women from their mates." "But I knew from the moment I saw her, who she was to me, and I understood she was in pain, we were the cause of that pain, so for her to heal I had to let go of the fact that someone of her kind had caused me pain, we got to know each other, and understood each other, it took time but in the end it was worth it." "The one I think is...fears me." "But does she really?" I gave him a look. "I've seen her, and she doesn't seem to mind being among us, she loves her cousin and niece, she would rather be here with them then out there in the normal human world, she might not understand us too much, but she's willing to take the time to do so, the question is will you give her the time and the chance?" "Right." I said somehow feeling a little more relaxed. "The Secretary of Defense is making his rounds, he'll be here in four days, and along with his daughter." "So you're pimping me out?" "Show her around, be respectful, we're having dinner with them here..." "So play nice and be her lap dog, got it." "No, just that..." "I got it, Eric, or else this is going to  start a war." I drained the rest of the drink and got up. "Dom...." "Good night." I said not really wanting to hear more of how I need to kiss ass with the humans. (Tonia's POV) Over the next few days I was really getting nervous, Caleb in the same house as werewolves is bound to bite us in the ass, no pun intended. Caleb had a big mouth, and could easily offend even a human. Liam asked Mrs. Jules to babysit but found out later that Jesse had asked Katy to be invited and Eric allowed it. The night of I got her all nice and dressed, then got dressed myself. As I got dressed my mind wondered, I have never been good with politics and I wasn't going to pretend to be interested, but I wanted to understand all of this, what did the government gain from treating people like this, and how is it that nobody really knew about it. As I've watched Liam, he did his normal things but I could see the other side too, and I don't really understand, as much as I wanted to. It's as they say you have to live it to know it. I was just getting done, when Liam peeked into my room. "Wow, you look....beautiful." "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." He really did look handsome, in his tux, but his tie was done a little weird, so I went over. "May I?" "What?" I undid his tie and fixed it, and I noticed his reaction, the yellow specks in his eyes when I was close to him, I cleared my throat, and got done. Maybe Amelia was right, me being here with Liam and Katy wasn't healthy. His wolf was confusing things and it was getting inappropriate. "Okay, you ready, let's go." I said walking past him, and headed out to the truck. We drove in silence as we got to the Gold house, once we stopped Liam opened the door for me and I climbed out. Katy ran past us Mrs. Jules was waiting at top the stairs to collect her, also waiting for us at the top of the stairs was our uncle, with his charming smile plastered on his face. "My, you two clean up very well, come on, everyone else is here." "Well, it kinda of the point it is their house." He stopped and this time he wasn't smiling. "I don't need your smart ass, remarks today little girl, my boss is in there and I want to make a good impression, so how's showing me a little respect." he shot at me. "Same old Caleb, you need us to kiss ass, fine..whatever." "Thank you, now let's go they're waiting." Liam and I shared a look, it was going to be a long night. We walked in the house like always was spotless, but this time you could smell delicious food cooking in the kitchen, we followed Caleb into a sitting room, where The Secretary of Defense was chatting with Eric, and a beautiful young woman with golden hair and a super model figure sat chatting with Dominic and... "Amelia?" She turned to look at me, and she gave me a look like when you get caught in a lie, she swallowed her drink set her glass down and stood up to face me. "Tonia...um..Liam..Welcome..." I stopped her, and she went quiet, and I turned away, I needed a drink. "Tonia, I'm sorry..." "So you guys were keeping tabs on me, that must've been fun pretending to be my friend, while trying to get information out of me." "It's...well, not completely." "Just stop...we all have our reasons to do things." "Tonia." I walked away I was heading for the door, when Liam came to stop me. "Toni, come on..." "They want us to believe in them, and yet...they lie." "Who's they?" I looked up at Liam and let out a frustrated laugh, but shook my head.I was doing it again clumping people together. "Never mind." "Look, I got your back don't worry, okay." He placed a gentle hand at my cheek, that was to be comforting but it was making me see what Amelia had been saying. "Okay." "Okay, come on." He took my hand and pulled me back to the living room, Liam kept me company the whole night, I noticed Dominic's eyes on us, but he too was entertaining the young woman.It made my insides churn, with no right but it did. I was the one that wanted to put distance, and now I was getting mad because he was moving now so quickly, I tried to kept my eyes away from them. A few minutes later we walked into the dining room and sat down to eat, we were sitting across from who I now knew was Brianna, she draped herself over Dominic's arm, and he kept sneaking glances over to me, but Liam had me so caught up I barely noticed. However, Brianna, noticed and she wasn't having it. "So Tonia, right, I've heard about you a bit." "Have you now, like what?" "How brave you are, for coming here, and honestly I agree." I felt like there was a punch line, so I waited. "Really?" "Yeah, I mean I've never been over weight and I don't see a lot of women, your size getting out of their comfort zone." There it was. "Women my size?" "Well, yeah...I mean you were bigger and I applaud you for looking amazing now, but you're not really the fit to represent us humans, among such an important people." "Oh, so someone who looks like they eat baby food and count the drops of water they drink is the one better suited for representing the human race?" She glared at me for a minute but then put on her fake smile again. "I just mean, we want to make a good impression, and you're just not cut out to do that for us." I took a sip of my drink, then turned to look at her. "Then, why am I here and you're not?" She gave me a pearly white grin, right then Eric called for a toast,announcing that Dominic and Brianna were engaged to be married. I felt my heart shatter, in my chest, but I faked happiness for the happy couple. She gave me a smug look, but I put on my fake smile. After dinner we went back to the living room and I just wanted to melt into the ground, and disappear. Soon Laim came over and took me by the hand. "Are you okay?' " I'm fine, you enjoy the rest of the party." "I can't if you're not." I wanted to cry and I didn't understand why, I didn't know Dominic not enough to say something anyway, but the news that he was engaged made my world fall apart. "Toni, you're crying.." "I'm sorry..." I whispered trying to control myself. The others were now looking at us, but I couldn't stop. Suddenly Liam kissed me, the surprise was so big, it made me stop crying. "Liam!' I heard Caleb call to us, when we finally pulled apart, I saw something in Liam's eyes, and it scared me. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." "Why is Toni...." "It was nothing..." I started, but then Liam said the last thing I thought. "She was overwhelmed, by happiness, I didn't want to say anything, but sense everyone is wondering, I asked Toni to be my mate, and she accepted." The whole room went still and quiet, Caleb looked like he was going to explode. Dominic, was a stone, as he looked at me, both me and Amelia were speechless. The one that broke the silence was Brianna, who came to congratulate us, and thought it was sweet. "Can we move this discussion to the office." offered Eric, and Caleb flashed us a warning glare and we both followed.Once in the office, Eric sat behind his desk, and sighed deeply. "I understand given what you both have lived, you two feel like this is a choice, but you two are..blood related, even among wolves that's not allowed." "What can a pair live through, that would make them think this is okay?" asked Dominic a little angry. "Dom, for once shut up and listen, this is Tonia and Liam Cruz." "Cruz...as in Major Cruz's daughter and nephew?" This time I turned to look at him, his tone held something between disbelief and anger. Eric nodded and the look Dominic gave me was like acid, full of hatred and disgust. "I see...hope you two are happy." With that Dominic walked out of the office slamming the door behind him. (Dominic's POV) She was the daughter of the bastard that killed our mother, this was such a sick joke it just had to be. I had come to care for her, I...I had imagined things. I phased and just ran, ran as fast and as far as I could. Until I reached where the reservation ended, then I remembered what Eric had said few days ago, it's not suppose to be easy to find your mate, and sometimes it's who least expect. "You got that f*****g right!" I thought to myself, my wolf had been very quiet. "I always knew she was the one, she knows too, she just doesn't want to accept it." "We disgust her, that's why!" "No, she's always been on her own, Dom, she doesn't want to rely on anyone." I stopped my raging and thought about it. Her mother, aunt, and older bother had been killed by a wolf. She had been hurt too, I remember the mark across her ribs where the wolf bit into her. Yet she came here to teach our children and has done a great job, Jesse loved her and she even suggested something for the older kids to do and it's helped them. She had no reason to be kind to us, yet she was. "You can't let Eric allow them to be together." "Don't worry, I won't." I ran back toward the house, everyone was gone, I phased back to human and ran up the stairs, and barged into the office. "Eric, you can't let those two be mated!" "Can it wait..." "No, it can't she's mine, Eric, I've been with her she's my mate..." "Dominic!" I went quiet as my brother looked at me, then I realized my mistake. "My, my, my that is a very passionate argument, please don't let me interrupt." "Secretary, I didn't realize you were still here." "My daughter wanted to go home, but I have a car coming shortly, I was just talking to your brother on how well he's been doing as an Alpha, and maybe we might be able to open the doors for your people to live among us again, chipped of course." "Of course."I wanted to punch the guy in the face, but if I did that, Eric himself might kill me. "Well, my car is here keep up the good work, Mr. Gold." "Thank you." The two shook hands and the Secretary of Defense was gone. "Now you really f****d up, Dom." "I'm not sure how, I bet he didn't really want his daughter to marry me." "Dom, they want control over us, and they started with our mates, what do you think they'll do to Tonia, knowing she's your mate." I felt a shiver, would they take her like they took Letty? "Shit." was all I could say.
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