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(Toni's POV) Monday morning I got up, went for my run, came back showered, got ready,then got lunches ready, and breakfast. I took Katy to school, and found she was indeed in my class, along with Jesse, but I pretended not to know him, but still said hi. He blushed when Katy went to give him a hug, and they went off to play.I walked around the school to get familiar, and  was so focused on my schedule that I ran right into someone. "I'm so sorry!" "NO, it was my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going." I looked up and saw a beautiful woman, about my age, black hair down her back, all curly. I felt like I recognized her from some where, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "I'm Amelia, I teach fourth." "Oh, I'm Tonia, I teach....second" "First time teaching?" "Is it that obvious?" "Kinda of, but don't worry, they don't bite." I chuckled and she grinned, at the light joke. "Anyway, if you need anything let me know, I'd be happy to help you out." "Cool, thank you." With that she walked away to her class, and I walked into mine, just as the bell rang. I took it easy on everyone for the first day, I started with introducing myself, and answering some questions. By the time lunch came they felt a little more comfortable with me, I was just walking into the lunch room when I felt a hand smack my ass. I turned to find a group of high school guys. "That is very inappropriate." "Maybe if you were a she-wolf I'd be shaking in my boot, teach, but what are you going to do about it?" "She can always report you to the Alpha, take your pick?" Amelia said walking up next to me, crossing her arms and guys sneered, but walked away. "I'm sorry about that, stupid teens here and their raging hormones." "Can I smack him if he does that again?" "Yeah, but I wouldn't recommend it, he's a wolf, and you're human." "SO, I'm suppose to let these boys walk all over me?" "Boys that can kill you, if you piss them off." I rolled my eyes, as I followed her into the lunch room. Katy waved at me, I waved back. I sat down at a table for teachers, I got to meet the other teachers, all wolves. They weren't too happy with me being there, but they were nice either way. The school went from kindergarden to 9th grade, that's when some of the kids dropped out, they didn't have teachers that cared enough, and more like they didn't care enough to continue. I found that sad, but this happened even with humans, but it was more on the parents to do something, but a lot of these people had been separated from family members, so I could see why they were acting out. I finished lunch and headed outside to get some fresh air, Amelia followed me. "If you really don't want those boys to pick on you, I'd suggest pepper spray." "No, I'll see what I do, but half of these kids....it's just horrible what they've been through." "Maybe, you can tell your government that." I looked at her, I could hear the anger in her tone even if she wasn't shouting. I sighed and kept walking, then came to sit on a bench. watching the kids play and run around. Amelia came to sit next to me. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like a bitch." "You're right, none of you asked for this, Amelia, but the government just thinks of it's self, with the excuse it's for the best for all of us." "Then if you hate your leaders, why are you here spying on us for them?" I laughed then stopped, and shook my head. "I'm not, I have family that are wolf and I hadn't seem them in years, just an excuse to come be with them." I nodded and looked away. "Again if you need anything don't hesitate to ask." "Thank you." She nodded and headed back inside, soon the bell rang and I headed back to class. Finishing the day on a good note, and headed home to make dinner. I was done when Liam walked in through the door. Katy went to greet her Dad. He thanked me for helping him out, I gave him a smile. After he finished washing his hands he came to sit down to dinner, I was so lost in thought, that he waved a hand in front of my face. "Huh...sorry." "No, you just seem to have a lot on your mind." I looked at Katy, and shook my head, and started eating. After Liam and I finished washing dishes, while Katy was in the shower, I dared talk out loud. "Some teens smacked my ass today in the school." He went still, at the same time he broke the glass he had in his hand. "s**t! I'll clean it...but....did you talk to the others?" "Kinda, but they suggested just to leave it alone." "Of course they did, little shits, yeah, high school is when those that are born wolf, their wolves are activated, they start feeling everything more, but here those punks start harassing women, and the girls, that's why everyone drops out of the high school." "Okay, but why do parents not do something about it?" "They're to focused on their own grief, a lot of people lost someone and from what I heard about mates, it's like you're slowly dying, when they're away." I sighed, and put the last dish in the rack. "Then why have kids if you don't want them?" "What do you mean?" "I get pain of loss, Liam, but they don't realize that they're not the only ones hurting, wolves are selfish." "Not all of us, Toni, some of us are survivors." "Yeah, until you find your mate then, you'll be just the same." He gave me a sad smile, as he took the glass to the trash. I went to sit down. I thought about it, if my one night, had been a wolf...no, he wasn't anything to me, all I was feeling was the fact that he had been my first and only man, they do say that your first is always memorable either for a good or bad reason. I went to check on Katy, and helped her get in her pajamas, and brushed her hair out. "Auntie Toni." "Yes, sweetie?" "I'm glad you're here." "So am I, honey." I braided her hair and read her a story and she was fast asleep. I brushed my hair out and braided it back, and got ready for bed too. Over the next week, I realized how bad things really were for the kids, they were being taught in a early age that women were suppose to be weak, and treated like slaves. The only one that seem immune was Jesse. They teased him for hanging out with Katy, but I guess he didn't care. Everything in here was back ward, I also found out that they were not talking about mates to any of the older kids, according to the law there weren't enough she-wolves to go around, and they weren't allowed to be with human women. So they were ignoring the most basic of their insects. My wonder was why Eric didn't do anything about this, he was the Alpha? Then I later found out, that his mate had been taken, and they had no idea if she was alive or dead. I could see why he was in a funk. All of this was frustrating. A lot of the older kids had only the one parent and it was mostly their father, and they were so locked in there own pain, they weren't even raising their child. At the school I still had my little fan club, I'd had enough. So one day I turned and slapped him, the boy looked shocked but soon he was in a full blow rage, the teachers came to wrestle him down. "I told you not to touch him." "I'm not going to stand by while he keeps touching me!" Amelia looked mad, but then turned to the boy and calmed him, I finished that day, with everyone except my class mad at me. Even Liam seems moody, I took Katy to her room. When I turned a pair of yellow eyes were looking right back at me. "Liam?"I said but my voice shook. I went over and hugged him, he buried his face into my shoulder, I had showered so I smelled like myself I guess. "Sleep with me." he said in a growly voice, I froze, but shook myself. "You mean..." "Just sleep, Toni." I nodded and Followed him to his room, we laid down, and he just held me close to him. "I would never hurt you, or Katy, you know that right?" "Yes, I do." Soon he was asleep, with me resting my head on his chest, I felt so weird, but if he needed me to hold him, then I would. The next morning he was gone. What was going on and how could I fix this? Later that day, Eric called me to the house, and I had to take Katy with me, they went to play while we went to his office to speak. I was waiting for him to tell me to get my things, and that I was leaving, but he just asked me why I hadn't gone to him for help. "I didn't want to burden you, I know everyone here had lost someone, Eric, but that doesn't excuse how those boy treat women, they can't keep this up." "I'm aware of that, but you don't understand..." "I was attacked...sir." Eric went quiet, and waited for me to finish. "By your kind, they killed my mother, father and my aunt, Liam's mother and he was turned, tell me I don't understand and yet, I hold no grudge toward you, I want to understand your kind, and help." He gave me a look like he'd been slapped, but nodded once. "What do you suggest?" "They need an out let, to channel all that anger and sadness, maybe if they started to train, I noticed that exercise helps my niece maybe it could help them." "We can try." I gave him a small bow and excused myself. "Tonia, would you mind watching Jesse and you and Katy make yourselves at home, I have some business to attend to." "Um..sure, as long as it doesn't take long." "Not at all, I'll be back." He was gone, I followed the giggles and laughing, all the while I kept finding more pictures, and I found three of kids, I recognized Eric right away, then I'm guessing his brother who seemed familiar to me, again I had idea why, and so did the little girl. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the kids running toward me. "Hey, where's the fire?" "Mrs. Tonia, can we play hide and seek?" "Yes, Auntie Toni please!" "Okay but your father's office is off limits okay." They cheered and I turned to count, they ran up stairs, once I reached ten, I went searching for them. I kept finding more recent pictures of the Gold family, and finally ran into one, where only the men were, and my heart dropped, the other brother...Eric's brother....he was the guy I spent the night with. (Dominic's POV) I was finally home, I couldn't believe our luck when we found what we found.I always knew we had friends in high places but this was great. I walked into the house as Eric and I spoke, but stopped for a second. "What's wrong?" asked Eric from the stairs, I shook my head. "Nothing, I just...never mind, anyway, like I was saying, this piece of information is good." We headed into the office and the scent from before was stronger in there, my heart picked up in pace. "Okay what did you find." "Who have you had in here,Eric?" "Nobody, just some meetings and business stuff why?" I looked around as if she'd be standing right behind me. It's been four years, but I still remember her as If I'd left her yesterday. I shook my head and looked at my brother. "Anyway, I found out, that the retaliation was because of a Major...named Cruz, his wife, oldest son and little sister were killed by a wolf two days before they made the attack on the safe house. "Cruz, No relation to Caleb Cruz right?' "His oldest brother, and little sister." "Wow, anyone else survive, him?' "Um.. a daughter and a nephew, who he raised as his son too." "Okay what else?" "The kids were told that Cruz was killed by wolves, but he was inside the house when the missile hit, the strange thing is they never found a body." "Would there be one after the missile hit?" "Maybe..maybe not, the fact is we're being made to look like bad guys here, and someone on our side is helping that along." "I still have group B looking too, so we'll wait and hopefully we get a name." "Mean while, I'm staying for a while." "Good, I need you to get a good team together to start training for the older wolves." "What for?" "To get some s****l tension out, they're harassing the new teacher at the school and she smacked the kid, he almost killed her." "That would sound so hot if it weren't so stupid." "But she suggested letting the boys get that anger out, and I agree with her." "Hmmm, yeah I  bet you do, big brother." I loved teasing Eric, but I knew he wouldn't forget, Letty so easy, she was after all his mate and mother of his son. "Hey where's my nephew?" "He's..." Like magic Jesse came running in. "Uncle Dom!" "Hey buddy, what you up to?" "Nothing I was playing with Katy and Mrs.Toni." "That's a confusing name is she a she or a he?" "Mrs. Tonia, is the new teacher, and her niece is Jesse's best friend, speaking of which, where is Mrs. Tonia?" "They got a call, Katy's dad called them home." "Oh, I would've liked for you to meet her." "I'll get the chance, it sounds like she's already taken anyway." "No, I mean..." "Uncle Dom, could you play with me?" "Sure let's go." I gave my brother a small salute and followed my nephew to play.
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