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(Tonia's POV) I almost blew a gasket when I saw that my arm had been shot off, but now I was a little grossed out how it was healing back together. My wolf was strong and I felt normal or as much as normal can be, but I could also feel my new strength, I could feel my wolf, she felt solid, I could smell everything, like at the room, I could smell the emotions, fear, calm, arousal. I could hear things, like a heart beat I could hear Dominic's heart beating in his chest, and I could see in a way I never thought I could ever,  and just feel the world, their energies were so clear. I thought of Liam and wondered if he felt like this the first few days of his change? Then I thought of Joe, what if I had turned out like that, what would they do with me? Would I be a good enough werewolf so I didn't have to die? If it was true that Dominic was my mate, but for the good of his pack, he'd have to marry Brianna, where would that leave us, or me? "You okay?" "Huh?' Dominic had stopped and I almost walked right into him. "You've been quieter and quieter, behind me, and now I smell your anxiety, so what on your mind?" "Everything and nothing at the same time, just meaningless, pointless things." He looked at me with a serious expression, and came closer to me, took my good hand in his, to brought it up to his face and kissed it. "Everything will be fine, I promise you that." I knew he couldn't promise me that, even if I wanted to believe him, but I smiled and nodded. He smiled back and with that we continued on, it was summer but for some reason the forest always seems to get dark faster, everything was green and alive, birds were singing in the trees, but then I noticed as we got deeper, there were a lot of dead...everything, trees were leafless, and broken down, there was no birds singing, or even any little critters running around. It was just lifeless. The air was tense, and gloomy. Like the forest wasn't the only thing that had been killed around here. After a while, it was down right scary, the air was so heavy with emotion, fear, sadness, and death. "Where are we?" I whispered scared something would hear us and come after us. "According to Josh, this WAS  where the second research hospital  is located, he said it was one of the worst ones." "Why?" "This was were they brought soldiers, who didn't make the cut, but wanted to go into the army." "Kinda like what they did with Captin America?" "Captin America, got off easy, no, they turned people into monsters here, like Frankenstein." I was about to argue that Frankenstein was the doctor not the monster, when I suddenly heard screams ringing through my head,  I held my head for second, but the more I got closer the more, the vision flashed in front of my eyes. She was screaming as she was being pulled away from me, and I fought to get to her, but I was too weak, by the silver, in my system. They tied her to a slab and laid her back, all I could do was watch as they took a giant syringe, and used my mate and our baby as lab rats. Whatever they injected her with had her in pain, and then she just went still. "Toni?!" I opened my eyes, and looked into Dominic's worried eyes, the sadness I felt and empty feeling of it after, was so real in my heart. "This was where they started, where everything started." "How do you know that?" he asked helping me to my feet, I looked over his shoulder in the direction somehow I knew the hospital was in. "I just do." I said and walked ahead and he followed, after ten minutes, we were at the building it was run down, covered in vines, and just looking abandoned. Like in the urban explorer documentaries this place looked hunted and I finally understood what they meant, this place was alive with emotions : terror, pain, loss, and death.we walked around and looked through things.At some point we got separated and I found the record room, there were papers every where but for the most part it was empty, you could tell they left in a hurry, but they didn't forget all the incriminating documents, but they were so much in a hurry they didn't get all of them. I looked at a few pages that were on the floor and picked them up, they were names of people, or so I thought, these col d be wolves too for all I knew. Both men an women names, and how long they lasted, and a dosage of something, at the end of some them, it said ACTIVATED, I went down the list, and found one name that caught me off guard, but before I could really ponder, a sound came from behind me. I turned but found nothing. "Let's get out of here." advised my wolf, and I had to agree. I put the pages into my pocket and headed back to where I last seen Dominic.I followed his scent, it was going down stairs, and the more I followed the heavier the feeling of dread hit, but then I heard a gun load right behind me. "Turn nice and slow, or I'll shoot your head off." It was a female voice, full of authority, and a light accent. Slowly I turned, the woman couldn't be that much older then me, maybe thirties of not early thirties, 5'4, Latina, about 160 to 170, of muscle, but what caught me was her eyes I'd seen those eyes before. "Letty?" I said without thinking and she shot right next to my head, I covered my right ear, the sound was too loud, she reloaded her gun again, still pointing at me. "Who the hell are you?" "I'm...." "Toni?" I turned to look who called me now and with that the woman was gone, I stood looking around how the hell did she do that? "Dom?" I looked around but it wasn't Dominic or anyone, I felt a shiver crawl up my back, then Dominic came out from one of the rooms, from up stairs. "What's up?" "Did you call out my name?" "No." Now I really felt a bad feeling, but didn't say anymore. Soon Dominic came down stairs, and we left, he had found a bunch of other papers, things he needed to tell Eric, so with that we headed back to the reservation. Once back I found that Liam was back too, and he had more or less the same thing to report. "The three hospital are run down and alone, not a single person or thing in the area." "Dom?" "Same thing, but I found a folder that was full of names you'd like to see." "Toni, why don't you go home and get some sleep..." " You are more then welcome to stay in my room, it's faster." said Dominic. Eric gave him a look and Dominic gave it right back. "Tha's okay, I really want to see Katy, I'll be back once I wake up." "I can drive you." I shook my head and turned to leave but then turned back. "Thank you, both of you for saving my life." "You're welcome, Toni." said Liam. "The pleasure was all mine, Toni." I noticed the emphasis he put in the word, pleasure, but I stopped myself from smiling. I nodded and headed out. I drove back to the house, where I let the smile spread across my face, until I remembered he's engaged. Once at the house, I realized that Katy was still at the Gold house, with Amelia. I felt a little Stupid, and realizing that Eric didn't want me around for some reason, maybe he thought I 'd lose it. Whatever the reason, I shrugged it away, and headed inside of Liam's house, and headed to the shower, my whole body hurt, and I just wanted to sleep. Once I got done, I got dressed and went to bed. My dreams were filled by a happy thought we would have our baby soon, I couldn't wait to hold her, in my arms. We had a peaceful life, and nobody bothered us.Until the soldiers came and took us to the hospital. I could hear my screams and pleads for them to leave her alone, to let her go, but my words fell on deaf ears, they killed her...they killed her and my daughter. "NO!" I screamed bolting forward, and I remembered where I was. My heart was racing and I was shaking so bad. "You see them don't you?" I jumped and looked around, there he was the wolf from before, he hid well among the shadows. "Your wife was days away from giving birth to your child, they both died..." "She was murdered! Like some lab rat, she was human, the only reason they did anything to her was because of me, because they couldn't understand why she loved a beast!" "I'm sorry, for your loss." He looked at me for a bit with a cold stare, tears in his eyes,but then they warmed. "You're the only one that can help me, now." "Me how?" "We are now a part of each other, Tonia, you can find what I can't." I was about to ask how, when the door to the house opened and when I looked back he was gone. How the hell were these people so freakin stealthy? I fell back for a second, then got up to see what was going on. Right when I opened my room door, Liam was standing right in the door way, he looked angry and sad. "Toni." "What's wrong? Did something happen to Katy?" "NO, but I don't have good news...Eric won't let Katy come home...." "What why?" "He says he can't trust you, both Dominic and I had to tell him you were turned and he's doesn't trust you around the kids, so you might also be out of the job too." "What!? He hasn't even seen me around the kids yet, how the hell can he just make that call?" "I'm sorry, but he asked me to tell you that you have to leave my house, he's going to be giving you a small house, further up the road." I felt cold, the biggest reason I had come to the reservation was because I was going to be with my family. NOw i had to leave because I might be a threat to them. Before I could really answer, someone else came through the door, this time it was Eric. "Ready to go?" I looked at him, even if it had been a few hours ago but, now seeing him a little closer, I noticed Eric had dark circles under his eyes, he looked more tired, and he had lost weight. He wasn't his welcoming, warm self. I looked back at Liam, but he wouldn't look at me. I could feel his sadness, but also smell his fear. "Let me grab my bags, and I'll be right with you." Eric gave me a nod, I glared back at Liam, he doubted me. Some part of him thought I could hurt, Katy. That hurt me, but then again, even I didn't know what I could do, but it just hurt that he feared me. I finished packing my bags, and threw on a sweatshirt and followed Eric, without a backward glance at Liam. Once on the road Eric spoke. "I'm sorry about this, I didn't know you were turned until after I had sent you home." "Am I going to be able to keep teaching or are you going to wait and see with that too?" He looked at me, and a small smile crossed his face, but it was the same smile he had given me when I first came here. "I'm willing to give you the chance to continue teaching, but with someone there to monitor." "Fair enough." After a short drive, he arrived to a small house, it looked run down, there were weeds knee high, some windows were broken, and the poor thing needed a paint job asap. "I know it looks bad, but wait until you look inside." I followed him and he opened the door, he was right, the inside was intact, walking in the first thing you saw was a book shelf build into the wall and place for coasts and shoes, to the right was a nice living room, the book shelf wall was a little thicker, on the other side of that wall was the kitchen, across from that was the only bedroom, and across from that was the bathroom and right in the middle of those rooms was the little laundry room. "It needs a little work but I think you'll be happy here." I turned to look at Eric, there was something in his eyes that made me nervous, I thought I had been seeing things, but there was something there, like a wrongness that wasn't there before. Then I felt something, it was like a pull of some kind, but it wasn't to me exactly but to my wolf, and she spoke to me. "Alpha." I felt myself bow down, and expose my neck to him, he was doing it with the least power possible. Almost tenderly pushing his power toward me. I had never thought Eric had such a thing, he's been just so...so gentle, and welcoming. "Tonia." he said between a command and a question, but I carefully looked up at him, but looked at the wall behind him, he walked toward me. When he got right in front of me, he knelt down. He placed a soft hand at my cheek, making me look at him, his eyes completely yellow. His face was so close to mine, for a second I thought he was going to kiss me, but I looked away. He kissed my forehead. "You'll be fine." He said a little disappointment sounding in his voice, but he hid his power again and with that he got up, and headed out of the house, leaving me alone in my new home.
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