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(Tonia's POV) We walked for a while, hiding among the building and such, I was still trying to catch up with everything else that was happening, my dad was alive, how? Also I was now a...werewolf and everything was catching my attention, sounds, movements, smells. It was so overwhelming, but I needed to focus. I followed Dominic as we reached the back door of a nice looking hotel building, we walked among the employees and then into a back door that didn't lead outside, he knocked twice and the door opened. we stepped in, into a very fancy office, leather couches and a nice big oak desk. "Dom, to what do I owe this visit?" "Hey, Josh, you looking good as always." "The benefits of having money." The man was a tall, muscly black guy, bald and clean shaven. He looked at me, and I felt like he was undressing me with his eyes. "Whose, your friend?" Dominic went tense, but took a step back to stand next to me. "This is, Tonia, my mate." My wolf came to full attention as his words, and I had no idea how to feel, but I didn't protest or correct him in any way just, left it alone. "Good for you boy, it's about time you settled down." "Right, we need information, were you aware of the research hospital that was just outside of town?" "Yeah, I was." Again Dominic went tense, I could feel his anger. "You didn't say anything, Josh." "It was a bunch of soldiers wanting to play superman, Dom, if they got what they wanted, who am I to stop them." "They were killing innocent people." "They have killed a lot of our innocents too, Dom, it's only fair." Dominic, looked at his friend at how cold he was toward this whole situation.  Then looked at me for a second. then back at Josh. "She needs a place to crash, while we talk." Josh pointed to one of his men, and I looked at Dominic, he wanted to talk with the josh alone, but he knew I was still needing rest. So reluctantly I followed the guard and left them alone in the office. The guard lead me to the first floor until we reached a room the bed was covered in thick blankets, over stuffed pillowed and it smelled of other wolves, s*x, and just musty. "Nobody else will be in here, so rest up." said the guard. I nodded and walked in, he closed the door behind me. the light in here only came from the fire place, with it's soft glow. I put the bag down, and dug through it, it was first aide, blankets, a tent, flash light, and a fire starter. But no clothes for me or even extra clothes for him, or at least not in this bag. I went to the bathroom and got in the shower, using the shower and body wash provided by the hotel, and just washed off all the blood of me, and hopefully the awful memories. Once cleaned I just wrapped myself in a towel and and one in my hair, I sat on the bed , it was soft, so I climbed under the blankets and was fast asleep. It didn't feel too long until I felt someone climb into the bed with me, I jumped. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." "What time is it?" I asked, shaking my head. "You've been asleep for an hour, you need rest so, I didn't want to wake you, should've known you'd be a little jumpy." I pulled the covers a little closer to me, he grinned, but looked away. "Where are you're clothes?" "They're covered in blood and other stuff, so I didn't want to put them on again, and there weren't any in the bag you gave me." "Oh, I gave you the wrong one then." he got up and headed to the bag he had and dug in it for a bit, then handed me a pair of pants, and a shirt. "That's it?" "What were you expecting a whole gucci set of clothes?" "NO, I mean, my bra and underwear." "You won't need them, if you need to phase , they'll only get in the way." "Um...Dominic, I wouldn't care too much about the underwear but, my girls aren't exactly small, I need a bra." He rolled his eyes, then I remembered something an old trick, my friend Missy, taught me. "Never mind I got an Idea." I took my clothes and walked into the bathroom.Without really wanting too, I was going to have to wear the shirt like a crop top, so I ripped the bottom part of the shirt and tied it around my breasts, it was like a strapless bra. and put the shirt on, it didn't look as bad as I thought. I had gone from 200 Ibs, down to a 165 and I now had the hour glass figure, with big boobs and big thighs, but a small waist. I felt weird but what could I do. I walked out of the bathroom dressed. Dominic was sleeping on the bed, I took a deep breath, and climbed into the bed next to him, moving as far as I could away from him. Going back to sleep. "If he's our mate, why are we staying away?" asked my wolf. "He's not, he just said that to keep the other guy away from us." She felt sad. "He sounded sincere." "He wasn't, he's engaged with an other...person." "Oh." With that she went quiet. I let sleep roll over me. (Dominic's POV) I felt my heart twist when I saw Tonia, roll away from me, my whole being wanted to pull her into my arms and just be surrounded by her warmth, but she needed room to heal and process what's going on. I let sleep take me, it felt like a while later, but I woke up to kissing. "Tonia." I whispered begging this wasn't a dream, but when i opened my eyes, I was a little worried at what I was seeing. Tonia was completely naked and on top of me, but it wasn't her eyes, her eyes were brown and the eyes I was seeing were yellow, it was her wolf. She was gorgrous her black hair down and framing her face, her tan skin, smooth and soft like I remembered, and she was grinding on me just right. "Hey, pretty wolf, we need her awake too." The wolf looked at me, almost in a hurt kind of way. "Mate." she said in a sad tone, her eyes asking the question. I sat up on my elbow and reached out for her, she held my hand to her cheek, not breaking eye contact with me. Before I could answer, her eyes went back to brown, and Tonia was awake. "Dominic, what the hell is going on?" She asked with a scared tone, but before I could answer her,  I heard screams, and gun fire. She quickly got off of me and I ran to see what was going on, Soon she was next to me dressed, and ready to go. There was a full swat team out side, probaly looking for us. "We need to get out of here." I said heading for the window, but there were men outside too. "How?" Tonia asked seeing the guys outside the window. I grabbed the bag she had been carrying and took the basic's, and put it on my back, and pulled her toward an other door, it was a secret passage through the bathroom. It would take us up to the second floor. We walked until we could sneak out, but the building was surrounded with Swat, we'd have to run up to the roof and hop building, I had no idea if Tonia was up for it.  We got the the emergnacy exist. "Hey, stop right there!" we heard the shout behind us and we ran up stairs, we ran all the way to the top, once there. we found the helicopter, it shot at us,  I pushed her to one side I jumped to get away from the shots too. "Dom?" she called. "Run from roof to roof, I'll catch up!" I shouted and pointed in what direction, she nodded and ran, then I ran behind her, she was doing great, but the helicopter was still shooting behind us, she was taking cover like a pro, we finally reached each other and we had one last roof, as we jumped, she screamed beside, I made it and barely caught her as she barely caught the side of the building. I pulled her up and found her arm had been shot off, I looked below her and there were bags and stuff so I jumped with her down the shots barely missing my legs. We dropped on top of the bags, and to my surprise I found her arm. I rip a piece of my shirt and put where it was ditached and wrapped it. "f**k, that hurts!" "I know, but it will heal just give it a chance." I helped her and we ran out of there. As Soon as we were in the clear, I took out the first aide kit and got some gauze out, and the disinfectant, and really set her arm, it was healing but she needed to keep it in place or it was going to heal all weird. "How did they find us?" she asked shaking. I was so stupid, I had completely forgotten. "They must have you chipped." "I don't remember..." "Let's get somewhere priviate, I'm going to have to strip you down and search you." The look in her eyes almost made me laugh, but this was serious. so I wrapped her arm and we headed out. Once out of the city we headed to a bunker the signal would be jammed for a bit. "okay, take your clothes off." "You don't have to sound so happy about it." I smiled, "Um...you're going to have to help me." she said nervously, I felt myself get excited but remembered this wasn't the time or the place. "Fine." I walked forward and helped pull her shirt off, and her pants down Once she was completely naked I searched her using gentle touches to find key spots they'd put a damn chip.  She was ticklish right in the small of her back, and behind her legs, her arousing spots were right along her neck, her shoulder, and along her hip. I also got a look at the mark on her ribs, it still looked bad, but now just a mark. "Nothing, I can't find anything." "Okay sense you helped me out of them could you help me into my clothes again?" I did and right as I put her shirt on, I just couldn't fight it anymore, I kissed her, and she kissed me back. "Dominic." she whispered and it sent a shiver through me. "Tonia." I whispered right back, deepening the kiss, picking her up, wrapped her legs around my waist, and pinned her to wall. Everything was fine, until she flinched, she had moved her arm. "Ow!" "Sorry, I just can't keep my hands off of you." I looked in to her eyes, and I could see the desire in them, but she cleared her throat and pushed me away, and I carefully put her down again. "You're engaged Dominic, it's literally a life or death thing." "Tonia, I'm not going to do it." "You have to, if you don't it could cause a huge problem for all of...." "Us, you're one of us now, I was serious, what I said to Josh, Tonia, your my mate, I won't leave you." She was sad, tears threatened to spill from her eyes, but she took a breath, and looked away. "What's next, did you find out where the next hospital is?" "Yeah, are you up for it?" I asked her, she just nodded, I checked her arm one more time and we headed out.
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