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(Dominic's POV) After a while longer, I told Tonia to get some rest, I had cleaned up my room for her to sleep in, she took it and headed down. I sat there with so many things on my mind: Where was Eric, what were they doing to him, what was going to happen to all of us now, and how the hell did we start to make this turn? Then something caught my attention, someone was sneaking in, carefully I jumped off the roof and snuck behind the person, before they could reach the house, I jumped them. We tumbled for a second, when they saw who it was, they stopped fighting. "Dominic, you scared the s**t out of me man!" "Hey Alan, did Josh send you?" "Yeah, he had a message for you." "Let's hear it." "The remaining Alpha's want to meet, and they have heard you're in the middle of it, bring your mate." "How...Why do they want her with me?" "I'm not sure, but they think she's in the center of all of this somehow, or at least Samuel made it seem that way." "Of course he did, where?" "At Josh's place, at midnight." "I'll be there." "You mean both of you right?" "No, I'll be there, just me." Alan didn't argue, so I let him up and he hurried away. I walked back to the house, seriously thinking why did they want Tonia there, when she really had nothing to d with this, at the house Jasper and Victor were standing outside, prepared to attack I guess. "What's going on?" "A messenger, the Alpha's want to meet Josh's place is the closest. They also want me to take Tonia, Samuel made it seem that she's in the center of this." "It looks like that doesn't it?" "No, it doesn't." "Dominic, think about it, she was here they attacked here, she went to our pack and they attacked there, Samuel and his pack took her in and they attacked there." "She was in each one of these places by chance, they would've attacked even if she hadn't been there." "That's for damn sure, this was going on way before Toni, was even on the map, as her father, you should know that instead of placing a fat target on her back, but I forget you don't even know her." "I wasn't given that chance, but look at it, there's something about her that puts the others in danger, Victor, we have no idea what that is exactly, and until we do she has to be kept under watch." Victor rolled his eyes, this was the second time he was actually shown he cares about Tonia, and proving that Jasper even if they were blood, would toss her under the bus first. I agreed about one thing with both of them, there was something about Tonia, that had the government on edge but why? I quickly went inside to find Antonio, he wasn't anywhere in the house. I was frustrated, I ran over what they had spoken a while ago, he kept saying that Tonia was perfect, he had picked her as his soldier, because of it. "Shit." I said and walked back out, to Victor, "what were the complications for everything they tried?" "With the expecting mothers they just burned out, their bodies couldn't handle the difference in blood, The babies didn't have the same strength and health a real wolf has, and just taking the babies, that bond the mothers have with them, is so much, humans can't replicate it." "Tonia, has surpassed all of that, she survived the separation, was turned because of the blood to blood, she would make the  perfect wolf mother, to have wolf babies." Victor and Jasper gawked at me as they realized everything I had said. That's why they were after her now, they realized this too, and some wolves are hearing things too. That's why Samuel wanted her for his son, a prize for sure. "What do you think they 'd do to her if she went with you?" "Knowing some of these men, they have her killed, or given to the most powerful of us." "Glad to hear I'm worth the fight." said Tonia behind me I knew she was, but I wanted her to hear. "We didn't mean to wake you." "As if I could really sleep it was more of a cat nap." "So you heard everything?" I asked her, she nodded. "As if all of this wasn't bad enough." I gave her a sad smile, as she leaned on the door frame. "So what's the plan?" asked Victor. "I have to go, or else they'll send someone after me." "I was afraid you'd say that, but you're right, they'll send someone after you, this way they know you're taken." "So I'm going to be shown around like a shiny new toy?" "Not with me, you are not up for debate, I promise." For some reason that didn't make even me feel good. (Tonia's POV) We packed some things and phased, running all the way to the city for the meeting, Josh let us, change at his place, and we walked into the meeting, there were five men, one of them being Samuel, John's father, all varying of age, two looked well into his fifties, the rest i couldn't pin point but thirties was my guess,  they were so different from each other, not just the obvious like race, height, but they knew how to hide their power, I  could barely pick up on it. I could sense it though, and it made me nervous. They all looked at me like a prize turkey waiting to be devoured, a couple of them had gold specks in their eyes, but I kept myself calm, remembering they could smell my fear if I started to panic. Dominic lead the way in guiding me by the hand, which the others noticed, and the tension grew. "Gentlemen, I'm glad to be of servous  in hosting this meeting, let's get down to business." Joshua sat behind his desk, as everyone looked at me. There was a tension I wasn't quiet sure it was just because of me, until one of the men finally turned to look at Dominic, giving an all teeth grin, it made my skin crawl. "Very brave of you to come Dominic, with your brother gone, and no pack, nobody would have the balls to show themselves in our crowd." "Good thing I'm not like you guys." The man's grin wiped away, but his eyes came back to me. "So it seems you have the pest that has started all of this." "Last time I heard, the problem was already on going so no need to blame anyone." Dominic's voice was calm but there was a power behind it, that made the men in the room respect him, that was hot. "Huh, the noise is for nothing, she's nothing special in least." said Samuel I felt Dominic fighting to keep calm. Suddenly, one of the guards grabbed my wrist, and a snarl so animal like came from Dominic, I thought he had phased right there and then, but no he was still in human form. Let. Her. Go." He said though his teeth, the guard did and I turned to look at Dominic to reassure him that everything was fine, then turned to look at the other men. "If you wanted me to stand you could've asked." "Women are better seen...." "Shut your mouth, if I didn't mean anything you, you five wouldn't of forced Dominic to bring me." I stood in front of them, turned, and crossed my arms after a full circle. "She has a mouth on her." said one of the younger men, as I felt his eyes wonder. I rolled my eyes but looked back at him, he then stood up and came toward me. Dominic was to spring to his feet but I asked him to trust me, reluctantly he sat there. The man walked a full circle around me, then stopped in front of me, then looked over at Dominic with a grin. "You sure you can handle her?" The other men laughed, but then the same man went still then pulled my collar away from my neck and saw where  Dominic had marked me. "You already claimed her!?" "That's what I was forgetting to mention, yes, yes I have." The man pushed me away angrily, and Dominic caught me before I fell back to far. "Now that we have that out of the way, down to the real reason you're here." "She was the reason we came!" "Kade, this meeting is long over due, we all should've met years ago, our kind are being killed and the humans won't stop until they have her." The man Dominic called Kade, glared at me then back to Dominic and went back to his seat. "A woman, of all the things why a woman?" " A woman is the future of a pack, she gives us our children, and if the right one she helps the Alphas lead, as Luna." Samuel huffed a laugh and rolled his eyes. "You're mind set that all women are trash, Alpha, is sad, when your son is with you." I said, because John was nothing like his father  but would make a great leader. "Woman, take and take it's never enough, they demand things giving nothing in return." "A mate doesn't do that unless that's what you get her use to, or that's the way you like her." I said "Mates, a bunch of bull s**t!" I walked over to him, a knelt next to his  chair, he looked almost startled to see me. "You're purified idea is no use to all of you now, Alpha, you keep doing that and your kind will disappear fast, but we need to stop what's going on now, before our future truly is nothing." Samuel sighed deeply but nodded and turned to look at the other men. Kade looked at me seemingly impressed, and we started to put a plan into place. By the end Dominic and I left feeling good with what we talked with the other men. "Roberto wasn't here." "Probably still mourning his wife's death." I thought about everything we'd been doing from the moment Antonio changed me, then how he's helped us and everything, but the more I thought the more I realized it felt off, like we were over looking a giant piece of the puzzle. "What's on your mind?" "I've been seeing things in my dreams like flashes of Antonio's life and stuff, it feels...off." "In what way?" "Like he's not saying something." Dominic was holding my hand our finger intertwined, it felt right even if all of this was so new to both of us. We had stopped walking as he thought about something for a while, just looking at our hands for a minute. "We all have things we hide, Tonia, it could be he is hiding something, just be alert around him okay." "That's it, you're not going to be like' I don't want you around him,' or ' don't trust him!' nothing like that?" Dominic grinned and shook his head. "No matter what I say you'll be doing the opposite, so just be alert around him." I smiled at him and went up and kissed him, his hands played with my dress, which I brought seeing that is was an important meeting, but I had been sending little thoughts here and there for Dominic, like I didn't have underwear on under the dress, he had almost made it so I didn't go to the meeting but, I was a good girl and behaved, but now my naughty side was itching to come out. I slide out of the dress and put some distance between us, his eyes turned yellow so fast as he looked at me. "Catch me if you can." I said in a sensual one and I phased and ran toward the bunker, he phased too and we ran, both excited with the chase.
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