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(Tonia's POV) I watched as the blood ran down the drain, all those familiar faces flashed before my eyes, all those kids and people most of them not even wolf, just killed in cold blood. Even when I hadn't seen Liam's face in that pile of people, it still made me sick. I scrubbed my body roughly, trying to wash away everything even the feeling, people did this and it made me sick to know what humans were capable of. I finished and walked out of the shower, Dominic was waiting with a towel. "You should be with your sister." I said taking the towel from him, and wrapping myself. "She's healing slowly, but it's going." He came closer to me and wiped away tears I hadn't realized I had been crying. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment, he looked so tired. He had light under eye circles, thin from his body burning everything to heal him, but he was still solid and that's what I needed right now. He hugged me and I him. I hadn't felt this kind of terror sense the first time Liam had to move away, I had been scared for him and Katy, not knowing what would really happen. Suddenly, a pain hit me hard as the memory of that  night came running back, the pain of Antonio's teeth breaking into my ribs, then hearing screams first from my brother , then Liam.... "Hey, I got you, you're safe." Dominic's voice firmly pulled me back. All I could do was nod and let his scent calm me. Ever sense Antonio turned me using his blood, my old memories have been coming back, things I had forgotten, and didn't want to remember again. After a while Dominic lead me somewhere, it was a room, his room, it was also a mess but at least there was no broken glass. "Pick whatever you want to wear." I managed a chuckle, as I walked inside, taking in what the room use to be. It was painted in a lightly tinted cream color making the room brighter, the carpet a light brown, with brown trimmings. some plants hung in the windows, or use to hang the pots now busted. otherwise he lived simple, no big plasma TV, no women's posters, nothing to really indicate a guy slept in here. For some reason that gave me comfort, a sound from down stairs made us both turn. I grabbed a shirt and pulled in on. We both hurried but quietly ran down stairs. Dominic relaxed first. "It's Jasper and Victor." I relaxed a little and we walked out toward them. "How bad was it?" asked Victor a little coldly. "Everyone was killed, only maybe a handful of kids, women, and men were taken." Victor, sighed in frustration but nodded. "What do you know?" I asked coming to face him, he glared at me for putting him on the spot. "Nothing you...." "All of these people were killed, children, women, and men, that their only crime was to be suspected of knowing a werewolf!" He looked at me, the way he use to look at Luis for picking on me, and that would make my brother tremble but not me, not now. Before he could answer, Antonio came in and dropped in one of the broken couches. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It seems this is not the only res. they attacked my father's pack, and Samuel's pack were attacked too, not as bad as this one though they lost a few people but other wise everyone is fine." He looked angry and sense nobody else wanted to ask, I did. "Then why are you so pissed off?" He glared at me, again I didn't shrink away in fear. "I'll go get Letty and the kids." said Victor. Nobody else moved.Antonio finally gave in. "My mother, she...she was hurt and  died a few hours ago." I felt for him, I liked the crazy old lady, but I guess. "I'm sorry Antonio." "Sure you are, but I don't need your pity, so save it for someone that does." I looked at him, and I could tell he was hurting but didn't push. "Dom?" we all looked up at the voice. "Amelia!" Dominic hurried up next to his sister, who was leaning on the stair railing. Soon Victor came in with Letty and the kids. Katy ran toward me, she was crying as she looked around, then up at me. "Where's Daddy?" "Victor and Antonio are about to give us a clue." They both glared at me, but I wasn't scared, right now I couldn't afford to be scared anymore. I walked us to the big sitting room, Dominic helped Amelia down, and we all got settled. I went to my bag that Letty had brought in and pulled out the list I found at the abandoned research hospital, pushed it into Antonio's chest, he looked down at it. "Start from the beginning." He gave me a creepy grin, but didn't make a comment but cleared his throat. "After Angelina and I left the pack, I had heard things... whispers, of the humans trying to better their armed forces, somehow they got wind of werewolves, they first tried the peaceful thing, then something happened that made them get rough with us. Before I knew what was really happening, Angelina and I were being dragged into a lab, Angelina, killed in front of me and I was tortured and burned. Once they thought I was subdued, they wanted my help. They gave me a list of people they wanted convinced." "Convinced of what?" "I'm not sure, but your family was on that list." "Why?" I asked a little impatient now. "They wanted the perfect, solider, both in control of the beast and of himself, all of my test subjects died, so I started to make them..." "The babies?" "They perfected it, but we started with injecting desperate mothers, with a guarantee to get pregnant but the death toll was scary, they'd go to full term, but then somehow they just died, so back to the basics, blood with blood." "So why me?" "You had wolf blood, but not a wolf my dear, it made you the perfect, candidate." "How did you know, from the list?" "No, the night I attacked you, I tasted it in your blood, if I'd known who you were then...that would've been a different story." I now looked to Victor, who had been sitting in silence. "Elena couldn't hold a baby in her body, after we had Luis I thought that was it, we had the one, but then she wanted an other, again miscarriage after miscarriage, but nothing, until the third, we thought she had gone to full term, until they told me the baby had died a week before, her body couldn't handle the dead baby inside her, she had put her life at risk, convincing herself that the baby was fine, she was in the hospital for a while in coma, I didn't know how I was going to confront her, until, a doctor came up to me and we talked, she found out I was in the army, told me they found you almost dead, but if I was interested?" "Yeah, after they killed my mother, how considerate." "When Elena woke up, and she saw you, her whole body seemed to come back to life, we came to love you as our own, but as you got sick, and your weight was out of hand, I started to look into things, and found out that happened, then that's about the time we started to attacked  safe houses, small villages, or even some believed cults." "What did you find out?" "They were taking babies from families, putting them into army families to keep a watchful eye on them, but it wasn't working I later found out these were the werewolves searching for their babies, human families were being killed left and right, or the babies died for some reason. Then they started separating the mates, found that the males became weak, so now they could kill two birds with one stone." "So what's this now?' I asked both men. "They're cleaning house, they must've found something and they want to get rid of any trance of these people." "All of this is happening, does nobody else see or notice that people are disappearing?" I asked. "Humans are very self centered, I doubt it." I sat down, as Letty looked at me. "We've been in the shadows for a long time, Toni, anything that had to do with our kind we usually dealt with it ourselves, and honestly this doesn't change that." said Jasper. "But now, you're being wiped out, for no reason, and you all just want to accept that." "Our numbers are bigger then this, we're everywhere, Toni, there are more of us then you think." "So let the few die for the more?" They all looked at me, innocent people were dying and they were just willing to accept it, but I couldn't, but I had no idea how to begin to fix this. I looked outside the sun was just rising. I looked at the clock it was four in the morning. Katy and Jesse were cuddled up together fast asleep, and looking around at everyone, we need some good rest. At that moment not only mine but a few more stomachs rumbled. I patted my stomach. "Let's hold it there, let's just...focus on a few things at a time." "We can't wait that long, Tonia, they have Liam and my brother." "I get that, but what good are we hungry, sleepless, and uninformed?" Dominic looked at me like angrily, and I could feel why, he felt like I was babying him. Now I got angry, and thought to him. "Fine, do whatever the hell you want, you always do anyway!" then I turned and walked into the kitchen, to look through the place, there were canned foods, and some other stuff to feed us, so I got to cooking, soon Letty walked in and started to help. We got done, Letty went to wake the kids and we got everyone seated and feed. After we all headed to places to sleep for a while, I was tried but I told the others I'd stand watch.  There was a type of watch post on top of the house, I hadn't really noticed it before, but I went up there with a dark blanket. While everyone else went to bed, a while later, Dominic came up with some water. "I'm not really thirsty." I lied, but he left the water bottle down next to me. "Are we having our first fight?" he asked in a serious tone, I rolled my eyes, and got up from my spot to look around. "Look I'm sorry, but I am worried about my brother, I feel like this is my fault if I hadn't left him...." "To follow me, you  would've been here to save him." I finished he looked at me, it wasn't exactly a secret I had been feeling the guilt of it sense Antonio told us what happened.  "I don't blame you, if that's what you thought." "Really that's not what I'm feeling honestly, my question is why, I didn't ask you to come after me." He looked at me like he couldn't believe what I was saying. "You were playing hard to get, if you would've just let things happen..." "Well, excuse me for not wanting to be a home wrecker and for respecting the sanctity of what an engagement was!" "An engagement I was forced into!" "I had no right to get in the middle of any of this, Dom!" we looked at each other, " we had a one night stand, this was your family, your pack on the line, I was not going to sacrifice them when I had no idea who you were and what us seeing each other again meant." "So you would've let me marry someone else for the sake of my pack?" "Even if it tore me apart." As I said that I realized I had always been in love with him, not even knowing it. Just at the thought of him being with someone else hurt me. I was looking out toward the gate but he gently turned my head to face him. His thumb caressed my cheek softly. "I didn't know I could love you anymore then I already did, but you're full of surprises." I grinned and he kissed me, it was light and gentle, but I could tell he was holding back as was I it wasn't the time or the place for fooling around so the kiss was enough for now.
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