2016 Words
(Tonia's POV) Over the next few days what was left of the packs gathered making it easier on meeting with the Alphas. Dominic was a natural leader even if he was standing in for Eric, he made it look so easy. They established that they'd try the "nice" approach, talking to the one person that was probably in the dark of all this, they all agreed that if the President of the country was aware of this he either call for full out war against us or he'd be trying to help us find a equal playing flied, so we had to get someone in the big house to talk to him, but sense we can't really make an appointment without getting the secretary of defense on track of what's going on. That's when Victor's knowledge came into play, he knew a few people that know what's going on and are willing to help us. They wanted someone that not everyone really sees, somehow Victor volunteered me to go in. Dominic didn't like the idea, they wanted to get their hands on me and me walking into this place was walking into a trap. "That's why it's a good idea, they're expecting us to send a male, not a woman." Dominic looked at me. "Okay but I'm coming with you." "What if Brianna recognizes you, she'll blow that whistle so fast..." "I'm not sending you in there alone!" "She won't be alone, I'm going in too." said Antonio. "We're trying not to attract attention, not paint a big fat bulls eye on us!" Suddenly Antonio, closed his eyes and his skin healed, he looked like his old self. "You can heal yourself?" "No, it's not permanent it takes a lot but I can blend in for a few hours." Dominic looked at me again, he still remembered what I said about feeling Antonio off, but so far he hadn't really done anything to make us more suspicious about him. Reluctantly, Dominic nodded and things started to move a little faster. Dominic started to help me more with training and how to use my nose for smells and stuff, how to use my full strength, and our bond, it was better then any walkie talkie. We tested it from a distance and it thinned but he could still find me just fine, he taught me how to handle weapons, knifes and guns, how to put them together and how to use them everything in case. In a month I had learned a few corridors of the Big House and how to get out in case. They were having a celebration on some kind and it was formal wear, I got a pretty dress nothing too, attention getting but something that helped me blend with everyone. Victor was able to get a invitation from his friends from the inside, and I got ready. Letty helped with my hair and makeup and dressing me, just before I got done, Dominic walked in. His eyes ran along my body, like a caress. "If we live through all of this, I'm going to take you to a fancy place just so you dress like this for me, you look beautiful." "Thank you, let's just hope I don't catch too much attention." Dominic was scared I could feel it, but so was I, if there was any other way to get in there we'd do it, but I guess, this was what I was made for. I placed a hand on his chest he held it in place with his. "I love you, whatever happened, just remember that okay." He gave me a grim smile, he kissed me gently on the lips. "I love you too." "Hate to interrupt your moment, but it's time." said Victor who poked his head in the tent. We didn't look away from each other, until Dominic pulled me into a hug and kissed me where he marked me. "Good luck." he whispered then reluctantly he let go of me, I followed Victor to a black SUV. "Where did this come from?" "We borrowed it." I had to laugh, he borrowed it. I climbed in and found Antonio already waiting in there fully dressed in a tux. "Ready for this?" he asked all I could do was nod, but right as we were to about to pull away, the door opened and Jasper jumped in too, looking dashing in his tux. "What the hell are you doing!?" demanded Antonio. "I let you go once, I won't do it again, you're not doing this alone." Jasper said to me. "She not alone, dumb ass, I'm watching her back." "Like I'm trusting you again." "Okay, let's just go, there really isn't any reason you two should fight about this, they don't know his face and the more looks outs we have the better." They glared at each other then Antonio just slumped back in his seat, and Jasper just sat back too. "How are you going to pass with no invitation?" "I got it right here." he pulled out an invitation from his tux pocket, and gave me a small smile. "We're set I guess." I smiled back and then we were off. The party was to honor the children of the country, celebrating the future, Blake Knox, the president of the USA was one of the youngest in history, age 38, as white bread American as you can get, but he was well traveled, had gone to Africa,  Brazil, Japan, and Europe. Was well versed in three languages apart from English, known for his work with a self defense class for kids and teens. People had started to say he was a pedophile, but there was never any proof of that, but he started to get involved in other causes. If we let him know what was going on he might do something to help us, or we just painted a bigger target on our backs, he might not have a family for himself but once he knew what they were doing to kids, he'd want to help right? Tonight was to announce a new program for kids' education, more for the struggling schools, they were coming up with ways to bring in more money for the schools, focusing on the ones that needed it most. We gave our invitations at the door, were checked for any weapons and were allowed in. The White House was beautifully decorated, even if the presidents couldn't really change much to their liking, but it was beautiful none the less. We caught sight of Knox as we walked into the room the party was being held in. Knox caught sight of me for just a second, but then turned away...I felt a small wave of jealousy, I smiled inwardly. "Easy, Dom, he just glanced at me." I thought to him. "If it had been a glance he wouldn't of looked away so quickly." Dom thought back. He was kind of right soon, one of the body guards came over to tell me to join their circle, I glanced at Jasper and Antonio who were both standing apart and away from me, but I nodded and followed the guard. The night was going good, I sat there listening to Knox gloat more or less about how he was really looking forward to making this program work, and it would be so good they probably make a statue of him, everyone laughed politely, but me. He was just as shallow as any guy with power, we should all be worshiping the ground they walk on. ""Excuse me." I told the guard and I walked away and had almost reached Jasper, when I felt someone wrap a hand around my arm. I turned to look and found it was Know himself. "Did I say something to offend you?" "Not at all, I just find conversation dull and I need a drink, so if you'll excuse..." Knox signaled over a server and took two drinks and handed me one. I took it, when I glanced up it was Antonio in the server uniform.He walked away and without over thinking I took a long drink. "So you like children?" "Well, to be a teacher the idea has to cross your mind at some point doesn't it, yes, I love children." "You're a teacher, what grades?" "Grade 3, I feel that's when they start to really use their minds to....um." "Are you okay?" The room started to get fussy, I felt myself tip, but someone caught me. "Toni, what's going on!?" I heard Dominic's voice, but it sounded far away. "Could you should me where the bathroom is?"  One of Knox's guards helped me to the bathroom, when I got to the toilet I puked up the drink, but there was blood too, and a hot feeling started to spread through my body. I sat there for a minute, just taking deep breaths. "Tonia?" "I'm fine." thought back to Dominic as his voice broke through the silence of my mind. I got to my feet and drank some tap water, the feeling subsided and I headed out of the bathroom. "Are you okay?" "President Knox, you worried about an other person, careful they might start thinking you're human." He chuckled and ducked his head like a teenage boy talking to his crush. "Come with me." he looked around his guards followed him and he lead me to a small room not the oval office which would've been cool but an other room. I sat down before falling down, and pretended nothing was wrong, the guards stayed outside, and as soon as the door closed Knox's face changed completely.he wasn't smiling or oozing with charm anymore, he was a really good actor. "You know who I am?" "Sort of, but I had heard you were dead, now you're walking around the White house." "I must be a ghost, I have been most of my life anyway, never seen nor heard." He came closer and sat down next to me but as far as he could get from me. "What do you want?" I pulled out some pictures we took of the reservations, he scanned through them. "Dear God, where is this?" "Here in your own back yard sir." He turned to look at me, then back at the pictures. "Why? How?" "The why I'd have to show you, and the how we're not sure yet." "Show me what?" I quickly phased in front of him, he jumped up and stared at me. His fear filled the room, and I slowly turned back, fixing my dress and sat back again. Now however, the burning feeling was coming up my body again. "There's a group of us, all killed for this reason, but not only that whoever killed them took our young children from new born to eight years of age, and young women." "A group how big a group?" "There was six groups, all pushed into a corner and kept there, but most of them already dead." Knox looked lost like he was trying to recall signing something that sanctioned this, he started to pace. "Do you know who's behind this?" I was about to say, when I heard the running foot steps coming toward. "Crap!" I looked around and found that we were in a windowless room. Quickly, I went to the door, then before I left, I turned to look at Knox. "The Secretary of Defense." I said and walked out of the door. I started to run when I heard the running behind me so I ran faster, I was just heading for one of the windows when I felt two dart pinch my skin, I turned and was surprise to see who was standing there, I fell to my knees, and fell flat on my stomach, my body felt like it was on fire, as he got closer to me, Dominic was yelling in my head, asking what was going on, but all that really left my mouth was one word. "Dad." Before everything went dark.
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