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(Dominic 's POV) "Tonia!?" I thought so hard that I had a headache after a while, as I started to run toward the White House, but Kade and the others held me back. "Dominic, you can just run up in there!" "Watch me!" But even when I fought to get away, they didn't let me go. After a while Jasper was back and Victor came out from where ever he had been hiding, but I had heard Tonia's last thought she had, I told Kade and the others to hold both men, with my anger level, nobody went against me and took a hold of them. Both men had serious faces, but I could sense their moods, Victor was too cool when I told him Tonia was taken, unlike Jasper who's eyes filled with guilt and anger. "Should we throw a line and see what we catch?" said my wolf, a little eager for the hunt, but he had a good idea. "What happened?" "I don't know one minute everything is going fine and the next security was rushing toward the room." "Room...What room!?" I felt my wolf growl inside of me. "Knox and Tonia went into a private room, nothing was happening beside them talking, but the next thing I know they're dragging her out down the hall, I would've followed, but the Secretary of Defense was there, with someone...that looked a lot like Victor." "My little brother Caleb I'm sure." Like Tonia had mentioned, something was off with Victor's story, not only had he been nowhere to be found a second ago, he's way to cool for all this. I looked at Jasper and his face was expressionless but the emotion in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. I took a deep breath to calm myself only a little, but it helped me think clearly. After a second I told the others to release them, and they both went about the rest of the day, Jasper trying to help us piece together an idea of where they could've taken Tonia, and Victor was gone again. Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to keep a tail on him, so our best bet was to find Tonia on our own. The next day I snuck into the white house to my surprise, Knox wasn't guarded at the time, and when he saw me, he was scared but he knew what I was. "I'm guessing you're one of them?" "That all depends on whose 'them" I said taking a seat but on full alert. "Shapeshifter, werewolf, witch, whatever she showed me." I gave him a toothy grin to show him my teeth, I saw the color drain from his face. "Werewolf, and I'm not here to kill you, your Secretary of Defense took her somewhere and I want to know where, before they do something to her." "Who her...?" I felt a growl escape me and he stumbled back into his desk. "We were just talking about her and you quickly forgot..." "Oh, her, I apologize...I just wasn't..." He was flustered, but more because he was scared, so I forced myself to calm down, I wasn't going to find her this way. "No, I'm frustrated, I need to find her..." "So it's true what she told me, there is a group of you out there and according to her, my people are involved." "How can you not know what's going on?" He actually turned red in the face he was ashamed of something. "All this, it's not all it's cracked up to be, there are things that are hidden from me because I have to be looking in only one direction at a time, and I have turned somewhat a blind eye to these things." I stared at him. "Blind eye to what?" He ducked his head a bit, and when he looked up again he looked aged for a second, but he stood tall. "I've been hearing rumors of attacks, I thought maybe terrorist attacks again, but then it went quiet, now that I've thought about it, Mason, has been telling me he'd look int it and hasn't reported much back, except the most basic of things, and he just brushes me off all the time." I shook my head, and looked away from him, our people were all dying and this man couldn't even be bothered to look into it. The door opening pulled me from my thoughts, as Brianna walked in. "Mr.President...Dominic, oh my god you're here." she came over and gave me a hug, but when she tried to give me a kiss, I stopped her. "What's wrong I haven't seen you in weeks...." "Brianna, right now is so not the time." "Of course it is, I mean we're getting married..." "Again, not the time." "Oh, Mr. President you don't mind do you?" "I..." "See, we really need to talk..." I glared at Knox, he just shrugged, well she wanted to do this now fine. "Brianna, the engagement is off." "What? Why?" I pulled my shirt a bit to show her the mark, Tonia had made on me. Hurt flashed across Brianna's eyes, but then she said. "What does that even mean, it's a mark so what?" "I'm marked by my mate, Brianna, I'm sealed to her, more or less married already." Brianna, really looked hurt now, as she looked up at me, but nodded her head then turned toward Knox and explained what she had originally come here for, then stood up tall and with one last glance, she walked out. "Playing the field a little too much aren't you?" "No, I was to marry her to keep peace and safety for my pack, but I found my mate, and I wasn't going to let her go, and then there's no pack left to protect anymore." Knox looked at me understanding clear in his eyes. "I'm really digging for information right now, so leave me a number or something, so I can contact you." I turned to look at him, with as much threat I could I said. "Betray me, Knox, and like today I will get to you, so be careful." He swallowed hard and nodded. I wrote down the number of the burner phone I had and gave it to him. "As fast as you can." "You have my word." With that I left him. (Tonia's POV) I was on a cold floor, and my whole body felt cold. It was so bright it made my eyes hurt, as I took a few breath, I gagged as the smells hit me, and I sat up I was in a lab, a huge one. There were people every where. Once I opened my eyes all the way and was more aware of what was going on around me, I got up. there was a tank like in the clone movies but this time it was someone I thought was dead a long time ago. "Mom?" The woman I had known as my mother my whole life was floating inside a tank full of water, with an oxygen mask. My heart hurt, as my memories of her hugs and care came back to me, then my memory of the day before came back, then I sensed his presence. "You traded me in for Mom." Victor walked closer to me, but not close enough for me to touch him. "I'm sorry, Toni, but if I can get her back..." "How long have you had her here?" He looked away, biting his lip a bit. "So the tombstone I went to talk to, she was never in there was she?" He looked at me again, and shook his head. He had lied to me from the very beginning. I felt my chest tighten, the man I had thought my father had betrayed me. "Is Dominic and Eric's mother even alive, or had that been a lie too?" "I've done things I'm not proud of, Toni..." "Add this one to your list!" He looked at me, with hurt. "But I never stopped loving Elena." "At least you have something to talk about, if she ever does wake up, tell her how you have a new family." "Shut up!" I shook my head, and chuckled. "You made your bed, DAD, now lay in it." "Good she's awake." said Antonio walking up next to Victor with a big excited smile, this explained a lot, and I thought Jasper would be the first to turn on me. "So much for me helping you." I said. "Oh, you still are, but now it's for a bigger purpose." He signaled someone and when the person opened the door, I was stunned. "Liam." I breathed but he wasn't himself, he acted more robotic then human. He grabbed me by arm and carefully lead me out of the cage I was in. I felt sick still so I couldn't fight. "Right this way." said Antonio leading the way toward a adjustable steel table which was now standing straight up and down. Suddenly my fight or flight kicked in and I hit Liam hard, he let me go, but I didn't get far, I didn't have the strength to fight, all he really did was smack me hard, and I was on the floor, then grabbed me and slammed me to the table, and claps closed in around me. Then very slowly Antonio started to cut my clothes off. Even when it was a dress he cut it into pieces, not sure why, but I could see it in his eyes, lust. Then I remembered what Jasper said, he had Angelina but not her heart, that had always belonged to Jasper. I could feel  him "accidentally" run fingers over my skin, but when he looked at my face he flinched he saw Jasper in my eyes. "You really are perfect, Tonia, and today you'll see just how perfect." He poked a needle into my arm, and blood started to drain from it. With that Victor left and Antonio shooed Liam away, as Liam left I saw it, there was a type of chip in his neck, right where the occipital bone was, but before I could really wonder what it was, Antonio slammed his mouth over mine, I fought to get him off me, but he held me tightly against the table , I bit him but he bit me right back, when I yelped in pain he pulled back with a bloody lip and a big grin. "Some things just don't change, liking it rough as usual." he said licking  his bloody lip. "Only in your dreams have we ever been together." "Don't tell me you forget, Angelina, how much fun we have." "I'm not Angelina, I'm Tonia!" Antonio looked lost for a second before he chuckled and nodded as he came to me again, I held my breath as he kissed me lightly on the lips, then looked me in the eye. "I'm going to bleed you, Angelina, and then I get to have all the fun I want with you." My mouth went dry, as I looked into Antonio's face, he had the crazy look in his face. Then he started to laugh like a crazy person. "No you won't." We both looked round and found the Secretary of Defense, coming toward us. "We had a deal I make your soldiers you let me..." "And a deal is a deal, but sense she is the answer to our deal, she will be one of my soldiers you've seen how well everything is going, you can have her any way you want after she's under." That seemed to cheer Antonio up greatly, I wanted to be sick. Then The Secretary came to look at me, he then pulled out the needle from my arm, only a trickle of blood left my arm when the poke healed. "You can't even tell, my men reported that your arm was blown off,  did it grow back?" "No, it reattached." He grin in the most maniac type of way it scared me. "For my family." With that he signaled Antonio and he came over with a small box, when he opened it, it was a chip. Now I wiggled and fought against the restraints, but they wouldn't budge, I was to weak to fight. He walked over with it in hand, his eyes gleaming with excitement, as he had Liam pulled my head forward exposing the back of my neck, I felt a sharp poke, and then blank.

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