Chapter 5

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The party The lake house was looking beautiful everywhere stood these beautiful candles ,the garden was looking pretty magical with all the fairy lights hanging everywhere. The moon was shining bright on the lake and it was the perfect evening for a party. Outside under the feranda the were a beautiful table set out wit food to feed a army and a small cocktail bar on the opposite side.The deck was also lid with fairy lights making the backyard look like quite the fairy tale and all that was needed now was the birthday girl and the quests to make everything perfect. Maddie took a bubble bath and started to get ready for her somewhat surprise party so soon the beautiful blue dress was cuddling her perfect body showing of her perfect back just leaving enough to the imagination ,then the shoes Tina is borrowing her and lastly her mom's jewelry. The makeup was just right and she curled her hair letting it fall down her shoulder and back. Done she says nervous but thinking she looks hot and sexy. Turning 18 is big even in her family and from this morning her mind was so busy as if she had a new sixth sense or something,more energy and this weird feeling in her stomach like a thousand butterflies are flying inside. But soon she hears uncle J's truck and a definite hooting that gets her attention signaling that her ride is outside. Hurried she rush out to find uncle J waiting and looking to her with so much love and tears in his eyes saying" My dear your the spitting image of your mother even more pretty ,I'm so proud of you hunny ", he says hugging Maddie and kissing her cheek ,but before the get in the truck uncle J hands Maddie a small velvet red box." This was meant to be yours Maddie I was promised long ago by your mom to give you this if everything should happen to them, This is your birthday Maddie but also the new chapter in your life so please always wear this remembering your parents that loved you dearly and that they only ever did all they good to keep you safe" ,He says handing it to me to open his we are alone. As I open the box I'm blown away by the most beautiful necklace with this pretty pendant of a half moon covered in small white diamonds, "This is amazing how could they afford this? it's stunning and I'm definitely going to wear it always thank you uncle J this is the best present ever besides my amazing dress " Maddie says and hugs her uncle asking him to help her put it on. The necklace is timeless and it fits my dress perfect. With haste they drove to the lake house. Upon arriving Tina and Alice runs out to get the quest of honor and Maddie is driven to tears as she sets her eyes on what her best friend has done for her knowing to well uncle J and Alice paid and helped her to."You are the best guys! do you Know that?, everything looks magical and I love it so thanks so much", Maddie says with tears wanting to stream down her face but holds it in because she doesn't want her makeup to be ruined. " Happy birthday dear Maddie, happy birthday to you,hurry hurry!!!, everyone around them start singing out loud also bringing Maddie to the small cake stand that displays a beautiful cake also decorated with the beautiful moon she so loves sins she was small for a reason she not yet understood.Blowing out the biggest candle she ever saw she smelled the most alluring smell she ever smeld in her life even if it was familiar smells the smell of rain mixed with pine and mint it was sexy as hell and something in her moved like her heart was beating faster,her hands started to sweat and as she looked to the lake side there stood the man looking straight at her with lust and some other emotions in his hansom eyes, forgetting the cake and guests she walks straight to Jace , standing in front of him saying the weirdest word,"mate".. Jace didn't blink an eye because this unbelievably beauty was standing saying the one word he never new she will say but Fu*k it sounds so hot coming from her sexy lips,he bends down and whispers lovely closer to her ear" you my mate smell divine but you look truly beautiful tonight and man I just want to take you home to my room and make you mine completely" Maddie's lower parts start to pain from all the lust she's also feeling and it's scary to her cause this is so not like her but with Jace it's different,like her body needs him and his body speak to hers and there is this undeniable feeling that they must be together forever. "Jace please don't, I am not like that but yes I know there is something between us, but can we take it slowly and carefully because for some reason I have been trying to get you out of my mind but it's like I can't!. Maddie says but Jace never leaves her and say with certainty that he will respect her and that he feels the same . She smiles and he kisses her softly before saying that they will talk more later and that she owes him a dance. Maddie was having so much fun dancing and after uncle J and Alice left all the young people still were having fun taking shots, chatting and just chilling but then as midnight started to approach Maddie went looking for Jace and even though she told herself it's a bad idea and he's a player she still needed to be close to him and this being the first time feeling like this it was maybe because she is older and as she saw Jace standing by the lake alone looking at the moon she smiled and upon arriving she said" are you admiring the moon Mr Harding or thinking of something else?", Maddie asked amused. "yes I am looking at the moon is so breathtaking don't you agree?, I have loved this moon since I was a boy ,why does it scare you that I stare at it and not at you, because believe me I have to admit I have been staring at you the whole night but didn't want to take a chance and scoop you up and have my way with you".Jace says laughing but with this look in his eyes. "Me to it's like the moon is always lighting my path and I just never thought of you as someone that would be so deep and whell I must say I like that Jace" Maddie says also looking up and that's when this wind blows around her suddenly almost sweeping her up and slowly lifts her up just to shoff her closer to Jace's arms catching her and holding her tightly. Maddie almost c***k and her heart is pumping fast her head is spinning and suddenly she feels dizzy seeing stars and the last thing she remembers is falling into Jace's strong sexy arms. Jace hurryingly took her inside with Tina right behind him and Will asking Tina to get someone to call uncle J and some wet towels.Tina came back putting the wet towel on Maddie's head and the Jace said that maybe the guests should go home and asked Will to call Dr Simmons (the pack doctor) to come and look at Maddie,and just after giving the oder to Will, Maddie started to wake up morning something and finally opening her eyes."Maddie are you ok what happened Why did you pass out ,one moment we were talking and the next you're out cold?"Jace ask her but also wandering to himself what happened out there because he saw the wind blowing around her and then she floated a bit and then these tiny stars was around her and then she passed out,so what the hell could that have been ,he thought because as far as he knows Maddie is a human or is she? "I have no idea what had happened I just felt so dizzy seeing stars so I don't know." Maddie replies and as soon as she did Dr Simmons appear in the room asking everyone to please leave and give the poor girl some space and to let him check her to see if she is ok or needs to go to the hospital. Jace was hesitant but the Dr mind linked him saying that he must not worry and just let him examen her quickly. Dr Simmons asked her some questions and how she is feeling also checking her pulse and blood pressure.After he was done he told Maddie it was most probably stress and that she must take time to rest and then he went outside to find a worried uncle J and Jace and everyone else,but he first went to Jace witch was weird but the Dr started to talk to Jace ," Alpha the Luna is fine she just needs rest but I think what happened out there was a spell being broken and I don't think our Luna is just a plain human,and I suggest you have a talk with her uncle because as I was examining her I felt her wolf waking up and I have a feeling she knows nothing of our word ." the Dr says patting Jace , bowing his head and heading out the house. Uncle John stormed to Jace taking him by the cooler saying" ,what the hell have you done to her ? "First get your hands of me and second why don't you tell me what your hiding John,? for some reason Maddie who is a human drifted in the air with stars around her so please do explain that,!!" Jace says mad looking at uncle J. Fine young Alpha we are not just humans,I mean our family,we are part witches and I'm a wworlok butt Maddie she's special she is a wolf and a special one at that!" uncle J says but quickly Jace frowns and ask how it's possible that the are witches but she is a werewolf?. Telling everyone they can see Maddie uncle J shows Jace to his office to talk alone.As soon as the enter Jace sits on the couch waiting for a explanation ."Talk I'm listening because that is my mate and my soon to be Luna and I have to know it all now !!" ,Jace says. "Yes you do and I knew she was your mate." "How the hell did you know that??" Jace says sitting on the edge of his seat with Fang wanting to take over and hit something. "Calm down,calm down!!, I know this is all weird but Maddie had to be protected until she is 18 witch is today because Jace she is more than special,she is the child of the moon goddess herself and her wolf was awaken tonight under the light of the moon goddess herself to so take on her destiny with you the soon to be Alpha of the Silver Stone pack for you two are meant to have found each other to fulfill your Destiny and become all magical beings true salvation,to generate peace between all but also to bring light to the darkness. We ,her parents and I was made her guardians and when she was a baby a powerful warlock put a spell on her to conceal her true nature,and it can only be broken by her true mate under the eyes of the moon the moon goddess herself."uncle J explain softly not leaving anything out. "But she doesn't know anything!!.she will know you lied to her about her life". "Believe me I know Jace and I think you and me both should tell her before her wolf starts to awaken fully course she will think she's going mad and I don't want that but tonight I want her to rest so tomorrow we will tell her all of it" "Fine but I'll just go say goodbye to her and be hear first thing tomorrow morning".Jace says while going to her room. Maddie (pov) As everyone leaves Maddie wanders were her uncle and Jace are and starts to worry that they're fighting or having words but luckily Jace came into the room sitting on the bed smiling at her saying" Maddie love my flower you scared me ,and now that I know you're ok and need rest I'll be going home because I also don't want my mom getting worried were we are but I will definitely see you in the morning,we aaaa have to talk about something but don't worry it's nothing big ok?"Jace says kissing her forehead and getting up to leave. Very tired Maddie just saigh and thank Jace and as he leaves decides to sleep because her body really feels like crap and she is really sleepy.closing her eyes she easily drift off to sleep again. But what Maddie didn't Know is her wolf is about to awaken fully !!!!.
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