Chapter six

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It was dark out but suddenly this white light was so intense coming towards me that I closed my eyes but then a voice spoke telling me to open my eyes and see .That's what I did I opened my eyes and saw this beautiful model like figure with dark hair with pure white stripes in it and her hair looked like it goes down to her feet she was wearing all white and her eyes shone silver with was weird, but for some reason she didn't scare me but I was blown away asking who she is and we're I am and besides her the is the most beautiful white wolf and it's starting too but then the woman starts to speak. "Maddie Brown it is truly a honor to meet you my child you are a vision and still so pure ,I must give credit to your adopted parents they raised you whell even that uncle of yours!!". Who are you lady and what the hell do you Know about my parents,they..... they died long ago ,and why does your wolf keep staring and we're am I,am I dead ??",Maddie starts to panic but the lady starts to speak," Yes my child there is a lot you don't know,no your not dead just in your dream with us and I am the moon goddess I am you and you are me" No this is madness what the hell?... You are not mad Maddie you are a werewolf and you are my child and this standing next to me,she is your wolf Shanika ,but don't be afraid neither of us will ever hurt you and your mate Alpha Jace will reveal all tomorrow morning but now you must accept your destination with your wolf and become one ,you will shift on the next full moon but remember you and your wolf are special so after you shift all will know of you wolf and it can be dangerous so keep safe and remember just look up I'm always there for you ." And Maddie before I go don't be mad tomorrow just believe in yourself and in me and then all you shall see. Just like the wind that surrounded me today it suddenly surrounded her and poof she was gone leaving me with this wolf!. I am Shanika your better half and you are my human do you accept me human girl,?,do you feel how our hearts beat as one ? ,can you hear me in your head ? .without hesitation I say yes and suddenly she runs to me and bang!!!! our souls combined into one , at this point I feel like I'm more me then ever, feeling strong and wise, then she just says laughing," it's good to know you're mine as I am yours, Maddie", Shanika says . "Ok so care to explain what the heck just happened,is this a dream ?. "Shanika growls and laugh so hard my head hurts ,yes it's all true let's rest tomorrow you shall know it all." Shanika growls and gut me out. After all that my dreams were quite pleasant and just let the darkness overwhelm me further. Jace (Pov) After going home I went to see mom and told her all that happened and that Maddie is the child of the moon goddess but dad also came in and listened carefully to me explaining it all and that I know that it's my duty to protect Maddie but dad also said that he knows of this prophecy because when he was younger grandfather used to tell them about it and said that we should only be a few trusted people and not unnecessary put Maddie's life in danger because if she was marked by another she would turn Evil instead and life could be very different than what we have now and that is why I have decided that Maddie needs to be by my side were I can protect her, I Know she wants to take things slowly getting to know each other better but everything changed because she's not just a normal human and if her wolf awaken fully then she too will feel the mate bond and we'll maybe now I have come to realize that my hopping around from one girl to the next is probably going to have to stop , actually it stopped the moment I laid my eye on her and knew she is my true mate. My wolf Fang is also in my head more telling me that we should be close to her and she is the most beautiful woman and precious thing to us and I must admit she is ,in a short time I myself have been drawing towards her ,she is mine and mine alone and I will kill anyone who try to take her from me.!!! I can't wait for tomorrow to tell her everything and hopefully she'll be ok and not freak out on us. At the lake house uncle J just couldn't get to sleep so he went to the lake, chanting a spell soon a beautiful woman appear on the water close to the shore uncle J was standing. "Well Johnathan my good friend it has been to long but I must thank you for summoning me because I have to say thank you for all you have done for Maddie she is truly amazing"!. "Thank you moon goddess she is truly blessed by you but pardon me goddess but how do you feel about her not knowing you yet?". "O my dear warlock as good as your powers are you underestimate me as your moon goddess!!, I have visited her tonight! she says. "What? sorry I meant no disrespect but how I must go check on her!!" ,uncle J says almost wanting to go inside but the moon goddess stopped him fast saying, " Johnathan stop !! I visited her in her dream so it's like easing her into it all and she took it quite well I think and I also needed to o return her wolf to her and she wanted to connect with her wolf and then I left her with night full of good rest.!!" ,she replied making uncle J stop and listen. After talking a bit more about Maddie the moon goddess disappeared into thin air leaving uncle J feeling better but still a bit on edge. Knowing tomorrow morning will not be easy , but at least she will know the truth and there reason for keeping all this from her until now. Unknown While tending to his master plans to take over the most powerful pack he send one of his followers to go check what Maddie was up to , his newest attraction because something about that human girl interested him and he had to know more about her but the tracker came back to him through mind link saying she's not home,that pissed him off and told the tracker to follow her sent and report back urgently!!!!. "Where is she damit !!!!" ,He says getting very angry throwing a chair flying and crashing against the wall of this old rundown warehouse . After the outburst he went to the gym working hard because he knows that when he and Jace meet ,Jace will be very hard to take down,he had to focus but couldn't so he called his second in charge saying he needs one of the she wolf's in his room to blow off some steam . The tracker following Maddie's sent ,soon he ended up at the lake house and by the help of the witch friend they have on there side his sent was blocked so no one even knew he was there watching in the shadows seeing too much and being there in the shadows. This was great and now he needs to tell his Alpha because this news will change everything he thought smirking and off he went to the werehouse.As he mind link the Alpha he just says laughing" Pardon me sir for interrupting but I found our human and I think you should wait in the office sir for this news is big". You will not believe what I have seen and heard ".!!!! Running so fast he knew this was what the rogue Alpha wanted and more but what this means he will soon find out.
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