Chapter four

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Ones Maddie ran away and drove of with Tina after her heated kiss with Jace they went straight to Maddie house were Tina dropped her of and after the two talked about an hour about tonight and what had happened Tina went home,but Maddie decided to just sit outside on a bench close to her flat. Tonight it's not as cold as the previous three days and the cool breeze wat like a shooting blanket but something was off tonight the surrounding forest seems to hide what feels like something Evil and this made Maddie a bit uneasy,her thoughts was shortly interrupted when cold hands rested on her shoulder and this made her turn suddenly seeing a big manly figure standing by her making the air in her lungs start to leave.His face was covered by his Hood but she noticed a scar on his face running down his neck.Maddie freezed on the spot... "Don't be afraid dear I promise I will not bite you!,whell not yet anyway", the dark hooded figure says with a evil look looking at her. Maddie gets up fast and gathers all her courage and says to this unknown person behind her," who are you? and why do you sneak up on me dammit?". "I didn't mean to startle you but why would you want to sit outside in the dark lovey you don't want to get into trouble and fall into the hands of a strange person or what if a stray animal comes out of those woods and attack you?" ,Someone like me can easily kidnap you!",and not n soul would know.The man says. "Stay away please don't hurt me I'm a good person I even give food to stray cats and dogs and other things!" , Maddie says while backing up slowly trying to get away,but suddenly the guy sniff the air , point his attention to the sky and for some weird reason looks nervous and just says laughing ." gotta go love but I'll see you around" ,he smirked again running down the street and just like that he was strange indeed. Maddie did not waste a second and hurried to her apartment yet again feeling weird but so thankful to be safe .Who was that and why did he sneak up on me? Maddie thinks to herself feeling scared. unknown (Pov) I smell that bastered and his despicable followers he calls his pack.For now I'll leave my tasty pray but she will most definitely be mine hahaha and for some reason I smell that i***t Alpha's sent all over her .a meare human,but Even though her sent smell amazing something about her interested me more ,not knowing what but soon I will have her to myself and then I will figure it out. I will make her my mate or maybe just devouring her and then eat her hahah. No!!!! first thing I have to overpower that Alpha Jace and his so called pack and reclaim my land,my old pack members and make him and his father suffer like me while I kill their mates like they killed my true mate 4 years ago.....!!!!! Revenge is coming little Alpha,the strange Hood figure runs into the forest. The moon was almost at its peak tonight and all the forest can feel the change coming soon for it is time for the new full moon and it's almost time for the Silver Stone pack to introduce the new Alpha,Beta and Gamma and hopefully the moon goddess will bless this new generation with prosperity for it is told that as winter comes so shall a new time come were the prophecy about the black and white wolf might come to be ,for she the white wolf is the true daughter of the moon goddess herself. There Destiny has been foreseen and the bad shall pass. Soon Jace and Will gets home,but before they get a chance to rest Jace's father calls a pack meeting and quickly tells them that through mind link the border patrol sensed rough wolf's and that the Alpha currently wants Jace and Will and Pieter and some warriors must go check it out and report back to Jace's father. Shifting into there wolves the boys hurry to the border close to some downtown apartments and as they get closer Jace smells his mate and soon looking across the road he spots her.Maddie looking like a goddess just sitting on a bench looking up to the stars,she looks so lost ,but as he glared at her through Fang's eyes,but also just like my men smell this rotten smell and that is a indicator that there is a rough wolf close by,just as I decided to turn I spot the son of a b**ch standing behind my mate !!!! hiss got his filthy hands on her and this just sends Fang into inferno and I'm just struggling to keep him back wanting to rip his f**ing head off for touching what is mine,but I know Maddie is human and she is not yet ready for the truth so my brother Pieter steps next to me mind linking me to wait til we get him alone, but suddenly we hear something deeper in the woods and decided to check in on that , that's when that f*cker makes his exit. Fang is not happy about that but we know his sent now and soon we will catch up and kill him. The night went by fast and Jace and Will and the others found one rough wolf but because we needed to know what he was doing on our grounds and who he is with he was thrown into the dungeon because we needed information. In the dungeon Pieter shoved the prisoner in to the cell and start asking what he wants and why he was in our territory,but off course he smirked and said that he works alone but soon all will be revealed,that's when Will and Pieter go into action mode and kicks him to the ground screaming" ,talk you low life !!!!!" .But to no surprise he spits out blood and just laughed looking at me saying ," enjoy little Alpha your time is up". Jace walks up to the rough wolf and just gives him one punch and he falls down to the ground not moving meaning his out for now!. "Let's go , leave him for now , tomorrow you can give my dad a try with this trach."Pieter says out of breath and walks out . "Hey buy the way Pieter who's this new girl you're seeing,mom said your not home as much?" ,Jace asked while also heading out behind his younger brother going towards the pack house. "Brother we all do respect but it's no one's business but my own and besides I'm not the one kissing a human ,now am I?!". "Fine ,but remember as soon as we have our ceremony and you become my Gamma,no more playing around ok?",Jace says more serious. Will just start to laugh and shakes his head because he knows all too well that Pieter being Pieter is the biggest player and owns up to the name pretty good but aside from being only two brothers and having two sisters kind off keeps the Harding boys a bit more bound but hey maybe if he also finds his mate like Jace he will cool down a bit. Maddie (Pov) One day before my 18th birthday party and yes uncle J agreed to lend us the house by the lake,I'm feeling kind of nervous because Tina being my bestie decided to take over the organization of the party ,meaning the guest list,the food and the booze of course and knowing my friend it's going to be fun and hey I just have to show up looking breathtaking, yes hopefully a certain someone will be there and then many I'll just get courage and talk to him about what happened at the bonfire.That kiss blew me away o man and the way my heart goes into overdrive when I see him ,it's just strange but new ,so no pressure hey!. Uncle John being the sweetest man surprised me saying that my present from him was me getting a beautiful dress because all of us will have a toast on me and then he is taking Alice to a movie (not knowing exactly how and why but they make a nice couple). Meeting Alice at the store is just great because she is kind of like a mother figure to me and even if I love Tina this dress choice must be a bit more ladylike and sexy, but not Tina sexy so that's why I asked Alice and her taste is impeccable. Going into the shop Alice is already there holding the most beautiful blue knee length cocktail dress with small crystals going over one side of the shoulders and the back going down a bit to much but Tina one's said I have a nice backside so I will let it slide because it is my day and I love it. "So let me see you Maddie" ,Alice almost shout . As I come over to the mirror to look at myself Alice just looked stunned meaning that her choice for me is definitely the right choice. Wow I say looking at myself,yes it fits my figure perfect I say to Alice smiling from ear to ear . "Watch out boys a storm is about to hit" ,I say suddenly feeling more excited about my upcoming birthday party!. Alice and me paid for the dress and luckily I didn't need shoe's because Tina said she's got the perfect pair when I send her a photo of the dress so now it time to just relax and enjoy our well earned lunch. "Thanks for coming and helping me today Alice I will forever remember it " ,I say kissing her on the cheek. "Only a pleasure ,you Know I love you and uncle J wanted me to help you out with that girl stuff so I'm pretty sure he's going to love the dress also." Alice says smiling. Lunch was delicious and getting a lift from Alice in the sports car was quite the thrilling part of ending with a bang . Home from a long day of shopping can make you tired, but it was fun and thinking about tomorrow and maybe seeing Jace Harding again we'll maybe I will tease him a bit and then show him I'm not just for the taking but so worth more. Getting into bed closing my eyes I drift off to sleep feeling at ease knowing tomorrow I'm a grown up and that is why I feel like it's my time to shine bright like the moon,the beautiful precious moon that I so love to look at up in the starry skies. Moon goddess Soon my child all will be known and your true nature will be showing to the world.fear not because I the moon shall light your way through the dark .The warlock's spell soon will be broken for your mate is your safe place and together you shall become stronger than all ,you are mine and I I'm you. Sleep my child for tomorrow your destination will be showing. The moon shining bright onto the world promise to be the light to the darkness and while all is still the moon keeps guard off all.
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