
Their Destiny

small town

Big bad Alpha ,he does not believe in the power of the mate bond or love.

He is Alpha Jace Harding of the most powerful pack ,The Silver Stone pack.

Maddie Brown is his true mate but a human ,or so they think,but she has allot of her own secrets to uncover.Who knows what can happen in a small town and will love win over all or will everything go wrong?.

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Chapter one
After a long day of working tables and feeling tired Maddie takes a good earned break and decides to just sit at the big old wood bar of her uncle John's pub ,The Waterhole Pub and Grill on the outskirts of town. This old family pub have been in their family for many years and as a girl her grandfather used to make her milkshakes in the very same spot. He always knew how to make her day special .She also misses her grandparents dearly and even her mom and dad loved this place and before the accident they came here almost every day. Maddie Brown is a beautiful girl turning 18 in just a week and in her bones she knew something better was coming her way very soon. Working hard was never all to difficult because her parents taught her from a young age that working hard gets you what you need and where you need to be . Maddie with her long black hair, blue eyes, small build and strong will believe in love and is really good at reading people, but what she did not know is that she was in for a shocking change in her simple life. "Maddie child please go get me a clean towel and please stop eating all the peanuts it's for the customers"! ."sure uncle J coming right up" ,but as she turns to go she says ,"o and besides uncle these glas bowls are to small for all these peanuts, might think on getting bigger bowls." Maddie says with a big smile plastered on her face heading to the back where they dry all the linnen. Outside it's cold and you can feel winter is coming, soon the lake and the waterfall will be frozen over and the snow will cover the mountains. She loves the snow,the smell of fresh air and the way the snow turns the town into a fairytale world.She gets the towel and head back inside were uncle J awaits her. "Thank you Maddie,now if you want you are more then welcome to go home ,I don't think we will have allot more customers,I see there is a storm Coming so me and Alice can lock up" . "Uncle John you are the best thank you ,that will actually be great thanks", Maddie says and hurry to go get her coat and bag in the kitchen. When a storm is coming it's not always pleasant and getting in the middle just is not my idea of fun. Maddie walk to the door looking at her uncle. "Be safe guys see you tomorrow morning" ,Maddie says and wink at her co-workers and beloved uncle. "yes you to and let me know as soon as you are home safe" ,uncle J says. After saying her goodbyes Maddie opens the pub doors and head out trying to walk fast ,but is suddenly stopped when she spots two red eyes in the forest opposite the pub and this is not always strange because their town is situated in the mountains and surrounded by forests and a lake, so seeing wild animals is not all to strange. Walking home the night air is starting to get colder and the wind blowing just a bit to suddenly is a good indicator that a storm really is about to come soon .Nevertheless walking home is Maddie's only option at the moment seeing she does not have her own car yet like most off the rich kids and families in her town like the Harding family who lives on the other side of town ,they are rich and very wealthy indeed but they tend to keep to themselves and just a few lucky people actually know them, like uncle J and mom and dad. They are a big family and their eldest son Jace Harding or as sosial media names him 'Mr big bad bachelor boy', was sent away to some military school alongside his best friend William when they turned 16. His mom told my mom at some fancy city council dinner party long ago that Jace was quite the rebel and that they had to send him there to learn how to behave a bit and become a better man,somehow I just never believed that story because Jace was always nice and kept to his school work and football and even if he was a bit popular among classmates he was never rude, but hey ,like my mom always said 'one does not know what goes on behind the scenes of people', I think maybe she was right. But according to social media he is quit the busy boy nowadays and the girls just can't seem to leave him at peace.I on the other hand did not care, So walking it is until I have money saved for my own car. Uncle J loves me but I Know he's not really the fathering type ,sins he never cared to have kids of his own,but the day my parents died he was made my legal guardian and he was forced to take me, he loved me as his own , but as I turned 17 he helped me get my own small apartment,and now and again he gives me a ride home and that's fine because this way I became independent. Jace (Pov) "Sweating is a understatement dude, and I am hungry like a wolf!" "O wait I am a wolf" ,Jace says laughing at his best friend and Beta William. "Yes and that my Alpha is why you and me must go and eat now before I fall down and die of hunger,and afterwards we must get some sleep and pack because tomorrow we are finally going home". Will reply tiered with sweat dripping from his face.. Finally going home to our pack and to begin to take over the pack from our dad's ,Jace thought."To have fun,to party all night and live our lives again." Jace says again heading to the dining hall were they all eat every night and day before and after training. Jace the next in line Alpha is every girls dream guy with his big strong muscular build, his jet black hair nicely gelled , green eyes and arms that will make any girl go weak in the knees, but this soon to be Alpha doesn't believe in the mate bond or true love. However because he will be Alpha it is a must to find your true mate or at least choose a suitable Luna to lead besides him.This is also one of the reasons why him and William had to go to Alpha training school,to become stronger, wiser , better men and learn to be a leader and good Alpha and as soon as they were done with four years of intense training they were ready to return again. As his grandfather always told Jace from when he was still a young pup,a Alpha needs to grow in strength, practice to be the best and always do what is best for his pack no matter what.He also said that before you can lead you must be the leader for a strong leader will lead the strongest pack and to be weak or have weak spots like a mate will not do ,so if you have a mate keep her aside so that she is invisible to the world.For Jace this was what he wants, to be strong enough so that he will not need a mate or so he thought. Surely going home will not change anything ? . Maddie (Pov) All the way home Maddie had this weird feeling that something or someone is watching her from afar ,but as she gets home and inside her flat she quickly closed the door and make sure it's locked before putting down her bag and taking off her coat.In her flat it's much warmer but for some reason she has chills running down her spine,and she found it silly because she walks home every night after her shifts so maybe just maybe it's this storm uncle J was talking about today or the fact that it's almost winter. Without hesitation she puts on the kettle and decides that a bubble bath is just what she needs before watering her plants ,taking a bite to eat and drink and then going straight to bed. Suddenly it starts to rain and the wind blowing outside sounds like that storm have arrived, lucky she got home in time. Before getting into the bath Maddie let's down her hair and take of her work uniform and then she supmerge into the Heavenly hot water,all the sore muscles and aching just slipped away. Closing her eyes her mind is simply thrown into a past memory of her loving parents whom she misses every day and just thinking back to that day of the accident makes her teary... Mom and dad were laughing at each other because Dad said he was hungry and mom replied saying dad eats like a wolf,they were so happy that day because we were also going to dinner at uncle J's house, something we would do every second week because family is all we have and mom and uncle J were very close , even when they were growing up.It was raining that night and dad tried to focus but a drunk driver skipped the stop sign and collided straight into us , I was thrown out the side window and as I laid in the street I felt darkness overwhelm me and all I can remember was waking up in the hospital with this beep sound of some kind of monitor, I guess it was a heart monitor and my uncle standing up to come and hug me with tears streaming down his face,that's when I knew my Life was never going to be the same again. The pain of my body slowly got better after that day as it does now in this hot bubble bath but the memory and pain remains but life goes on and so must I. Getting out of this bubble bath heaven Maddie slips on her nightgown and take her watering can to fill it with tap water for her beloved houseplants .Done she says and because she always eats at the pub she Seldom make herself a big dinner so tonight a simple toast with tea will do before bed.She also send a message to Uncle J saying she's safe. The one place in her apartment that she loves the most is her bedroom and soon after eating she slips into the soft covers and slowly starts to drift off to sleep. "No no noooo!!! please don't eat me I tell you now I really will not taste good at all ! please,the black wolf just comes closer and closer after running he finally pins Maddie to a tree and smell her,he opens his mouth and these big long sharp tuscs appear ,now Maddie knows her end is hear ,tears running down her cheeks are just enough to make the wolf stare into her eyes and say "mate". still afraid Maddie suddenly scream and as she opens her eyes realized it was just a dream."I need my own damn car this walking late at night alone will not do anymore because it just gives me nightmares" ,she says out of breath. After turning allot Maddie finally drift off to sleep again. unnown (Pov) I have been trying to keep everything together but this damn human girl ,her smell is just Divine and it keeps distracting me every night I go for a walk in the woods.She thinks my red eyes are just some kind of forest dwelling animals, but she is sadly mistaken,for I am her worst nightmare hahaha , and tonight was the first time she noticed me,not that I care, but still dumb as I am I enjoyed seeing her walk fast feeling scared. To bad she lives in a town full of werewolf's .It's strange because John and Alice are werewolf's and come to think I thought she's his family from what I have heard from these imbeciles following me . Somehow this black hair beauty remind me of someone,but I must keep my head in the game and concentrate on what really matters now and that is getting back what's mine. As the sun comes up and brace the world with its presence a new day begins , a day to start of new to be alive and well again ,a new day with hope .The sun swoops threw the curtains and announce the start of a new day.Jace suddenly feels the hot smoothing feeling of the sun on his face and start to smile because it's time to take the long drive home. Getting out of bed is easy seeing it's a part of there every day routine.Soon the boys are heading down the stairs with there luggage in hand ready to return home .It is going to be a long drive back to there pack but it's so wonderful just to feel free again because at the military school they were strict and they were only allowed to shift into there wolves at night because the school is in the middle of the human towns and they did not want to let them see werewolf's for sure it was not supposed to excited to humans except if it so happens that your true mate is a human,but it's rare. "On the road again,ya ya on the road again" William starts to sing along with the radio.. Jace decided to drive first because it's a 12 hour drive and he is taking the first six hours of the journey and when they stop William can take the last six hours. Hopefully their trip home will go smoothly and they will get to their pack in one piece."Hey buddy while you sing along just remember to help now and again with the map , seeing when we first came to this military school we were put on a private plain ,but good old dad the current Alpha decided that this long drive will be good for me and William to bond because a Beta and his Alpha needs to work as a team. After day starts to fade and the sun starts to set I can feel my body start to get tired, but luckily that's when William decided to take over so as we came to a stop at a local petrol station he quickly heads to their bathroom and speed into the little coffee shop clearly hungry , getting us some food and snacks for the rest of the road. Finally back on the road I decided to have something to eat as well because let's face it being a wolf can get you hungry fast and I'm a Alpha,my wolf's name is Fang and he not really the talking kind and I actually sometimes prefer it that way,not that we don't talk I think he's just shy," O no human,don't even go there I'm not shy just like to keep to my own company and you my dear Jace are to talkative so that's also why I just take the backseat and enjoy the ride" Jace's wolf Fang interrupt his thoughts ."Sure thing buddy" Jace reply to him and decides to cut him off to take a nap. Maddie (Pov) My alarm clock went of just when I am about to get out of bed wanting to go to the bathroom and do my thing.A good night's sleep was all I needed to be fully prepared for the day ahead except for the nightmare I had ,but putting that aside I climbed into the shower,yes I Maddie B Sinclair are privileged to have a bath and shower in my small apartment or flat as some call it and that is why this is my second favorite room .The hot water is just what a girl needs to wake her up.Its peaceful and quiet and I also decided to wash my long black hair ,the beautiful lemon and mint shampoo smells great and refreshing and leaves my hair feeling soft and clean. However after the shower Maddie gets out and dry herself and now it's time to blow-dry these long strands of hair,and after it was finally done she got a new uniform from the cupboard, quickly getting it on she looks at herself in the mirror and agree that today she will wear her hair in a simple braid. "Morning my beautiful plants,what a beautiful day it is " she says happy ". Coffee is a must in the morning so she turns on the kettle to fix herself a cup and then as she wait she takes a apple and a bran muffin she got the day before from her next door neighbor,the coffee is done and the muffin witch was actually very nice but the apple she'll eat on her way to work. Arriving at the pub Maddie first greet her uncle J and quickly go to the back to put away her stuff ,greet Jo and Ben in the kitchen and hurry to the bar were Alice already starts to put away the clean glasses.Then lastly she puts on her apron because as usual the first customer is asking for a menu and the other waitresses witch is Maddie's best friend Tina is not at work yet so she steps up and just help the customer."Good morning so what will it be this fine morning? ,how about our special , uncle J's Waterhole breakfast it's got fried eggs,bacon,hashbrowns,toast,baked beans and last but not least succulent steak and it comes with some good old fashioned coffee ?".Maddie ask with the biggest smile on her face . The customer gladly places his oder and Maddie hurry to the line in the kitchen to give the first order to Jo. "One order up Jo " ,make it quick uncle J looks like he is about to explode out there cause Tina is not at work yet...." ,Maddie says with a small smile on her face. "Coming right up M," Jo reply without hesitation . "Where is that silly girl , I bet she had a late night with you know who,"Jo says while tending to the almost done order. "Please don't get me started ,she knows that Harding boy is just Trouble and I think he's going to turn out to be just like his cousin if not worse and Tina just seems to lose all senses when she is around him,yes he is a Harding ,but luckily he's just their cousin ,but still Pieter Harding means that one of these days something bad is gonna happen or Tina might lose her job , "uncle J is nice, but one thing he can not tolerate is lazy workers and showing up late to your work" ,Maddie says with a worried face while taking the plate from Jo. Happy customers equal a very happy boss and as the morning Rush is over they start to prepare for the lunch rush and with that it's also almost happy hour at the bar side and still no sign of Tina,just a quick text to say she came down with something like a stomach bug and that she'll be in first thing tomorrow morning. Uncle John just let is slide but I know tomorrow is going to be a longer day then today because I'm gonna give Tina a piece of my mind,I'm working her tables as well and luckily Alice agreed to help out until happy hour because she is actually our bar lady and not a Waiter but she jumps in from time to time like today. I decide to give Tina a call but her phone goes straight to voicemail and I decided then and there to cancel our plans to go to the movies and suggested to do it tomorrow night , seeing that tomorrow I work just half a day. Tired uncle J, me and Jo lock up the pub and help one of the regulars to his pickup truck and decided to head home as well . Tonight uncle J insisted to give me a ride home , seeing I had a long day just like him. Glad to take him up on his offer I quickly get into his big red pickup truck and feel relieved to know I wouldn't be walking tonight and it saves me a good forty five minutes. "uncle J thanks for the ride and please I know you're mad at Tina but please don't fire her let me talk to her first ,I'll get through to her and make her see she was wrong and I will talk sense into her" ,Maddie pleads with these big puppy dog eyes. "Ok fine but this will be her last chance and hey don't let her get the best of you even though she's your so called best friend Maddie" uncle J reply without looking at me. "See it as done and yes my beloved uncle she is my best friend and I'll try my best.! thanks for the ride see you tomorrow." Jace (Pov) Going past the old church and flying past the street lights Jace is suddenly awoken by his friend William saying that it's not far now until they arrive home." Man you drive like a mad man William ,chill and watch where you're going dude!."Jace shouts with a bit of panic. "Sorry Jace I mean Alpha,we are finally home and I'm just so excited to see my parents" William says shyly . " All good and hey just call me Alpha in front of the pack man not when it's just us". The pack house or rather the pack's territory is slowly coming in to view and although it's already dark out one can see the thick forest surrounding our borderline and all the small apartment like houses in between the lavish forestry's.The Silver Stone pack is nested along the silver lake and beautiful forest also surrounded by mountains that stretch on for days even going onto the next town further up north. The pack house must be the most beautiful majestic building next to the big church because it's home to the Alpha family,the Beta family and the gamma families and we also have a library,a big kitchen,lots of rooms and the biggest dining room ever,and apart from that it's got a beautiful garden and view of our precious Silver lake and just behind it , lots of forest land with a hidden jem the waterfall with a lot of the locals knowing  about it. The pack house looks like a castle from the outside with it's big white Stone walls that takes you back to the Stone age or the time of Kings, luckily the humans just think it's our family mansion and the never really bother us much and they just come when mother host's one of her fancy party's.This castle have been in the Harding family for many generations and still stands proud even after one or two pack wars.Yes There are other pack around us but we have our alliance's but time and again some stupid rogue wolf tends to wander too far in some of our territory that we have to intervene. Home sweet home ,as I get out of the car my mother runs from the stairs she was standing on and hugs me so tight I can almost feel the air leaving my lungs,we all do respect I know we haven't seen each other in a while but just go easy ." O honey I'm so happy you are finally home,was your journey ok,are you hungry,tired,can we get you something?" she says walking us inside to the spacious living room were a nice fire is already going in the big Stone fireplace. "Mom relax take a deep breath we are fine just a little tired from the long drive but that's nothing a good night's sleep wouldn't fix,and maybe some of your homemade cornbread you promised for our return! and we're is dad? " "Welcome home son , welcome home William, glad to see you made it home in one piece after all hey? dad says in a strong voice coming from the stairs. We simply bow our heads to show respect to dad, he is the Alpha currently. "Good to be home Alpha!"

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