Chapter Seven

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Unknown (Pov) After the tracker told me what he saw ,heard and witnessed I was just surprised out of my socks, this could not be any better for me and now I most definitely will make sure she is my mate haha come to think of it even though I'm a bit older than her it's will not be love just for the position of having all this power. Having her as my new Luna with her powers she might have I will surely overtake that Silverstone pack and have my rules apply and later because of her maybe become the strongest pack ever ,but all I really want is to make those idiots suffer like me and little Alpha Jace Harding will have his own scare like the one he gave me all those years ago to protect his mother,ha well they wouldn't know what hit them when I get my way but for now plans change to k********g my dearly beloved Luna to be ,mark her then mate and then getting her powers,man I can't believe she's the child of the moon goddess herself haha and to think that night as I smelled her neck I knew something about her is different. Don't worry soon you'll see me again,very soon hahaha " he laughed thinking of all the joy he will have to rip her clothes off and taking,making her his. The next morning was there day for explaining, talking and hopefully listening and accepting the truth and to be able to make it work for everyone involved.Tina got the kettle on putting out some muffins,cereal and milk while uncle J and Alice went to open the pub and then come back to the lake house to talk, Alice said she will keep an eye on the pub while the others talk to Maddie and another great thing that happened last night was Tina finding out that Will and her are also mates and he already marked Tina last night after a big make it section after everything happened with Maddie but Luckily Will explained everything to Tina and it seems she is happy and relieved about it all but also said that she would kill these boys if the ever hurt her or Maddie even though they are wolf's and she is only human. The air was shifting and the morning news said that the snow will be coming sooner than expected and that winter is upon this beautiful small while Tina and Will made coffee Maddie comes out of her room looking refreshing and she had on some Tracksuit that Alice left for her with her hair tied up neatly in a ponytail. "Wow what a night,then this weird dream about werewolf' she spoke Jace enters the kitchen and says", Well aren't you looking hot this morning little flower and what's this about a dream you had ? ,was it about me without my t-shirt on and you drooling over my abbs?",Jace's says smiling sweetly at Maddie. "O boy you do have a big ego"!, she fire's back but he's quick on his feet and puts his one arm around her and taking the other as if dancing then bends her backwards while she laughs at him enjoying the silliness.Jace brings her back up fast and says in her ear so only she can hear ," you are beautiful do you Know that?". Maddie smiles but quickly go to Tina asking to pass the cereal to her. While they eat uncle J comes through the door and as soon as he see Maddie he goes to hug her knowing what he must do and most probably lose her love and trust,as he hug her Jace lets out a low growl and Maddie turn suddenly and ask what the hell that was?, Jace,but we all just laughed but I know he was serious and I just looked at him saying something to calm him to let him know I mean no harm because wolf's are very protective of their mate's and him being a Alpha make it more intense. "Maddie me and Jace want to speak with you about something,do you think you'll be up to it ?", uncle J ask . "Sure it's fine let's talk now if you want?!. As she replied Tina and Will Wave to her saying they will see her later. Uncle J looks at Jace says with his eyes to sit down next to Maddie and hold her hand because what she is about to hear might scare her and even though they know she is strong enough the know her life was not always easy so uncle J looks at Maddie and start to talk.But the Maddie interrupted says before they talk she had this weird dream and as she talked uncle J and Jace just give each other these looks of knowing what it was but they let her finish and the uncle J started again,"Maddie it seems like you had quite a dream darling but apart from that first I just want to ask you to please listen and don't freak out ok?".Long ago there was a beautiful powerful woman and she fell hopelessly in love with a man but because her family did not approve of the man this woman ran away with this man but one day there was a terrible war and the man was killed but the woman survived and one month later she found out she was pregnant and because it was a sin to have a baby not being married she seeked help from the three witches of old because it's believed they would help,but wit a price.As she wisted them the made a deal saying that the will hide her but as soon as the baby was born she must give the baby up because these witches could see the future and they saw a proficy in a vision that a girl will be born from a princess but she must be kept a secret for her own protection but one day she will know it all,,"ok uncle J we all do respect but why are you telling me a fairy tale?" ,Maddie interrupt but was made quiet by Jace . Ass I'm saying then the princess agreed but then the witch said in return they need everlasting light and that the beauty the princess posses will make the most beautiful light and that she shall be the moon goddess the light to the dark and there for be powerful and also the moon must have her following followers and the will be magical creatures ,the will be werewolf's .She agreed because she knew her child would be safe and then she decided to go on her own to a town and then create the perfect pair , you mom and dad to raise you as there own but thing went wrong so then your adopted parents asked me a warlock to put a spell on your memory to keep your magical side hidden and the moon goddess agreed until you turn 18 years old and finally find your true mate , your Destiny and it was said that the spell will be broken if you both stand in the light of the moon and last night you did darling you broke the spell!!!!. Uncle J finish looking at Maddie worried . Maddie stands up and start to laugh but Jace wanting to hold her gets this look from her say just stay away witch makes his wolf sad walking up and down in his head. "Man your crazy it's not true it can't be uncle J you are the one person I trust most in my life so please tell me what the hell your talking about? if this is a joke then it's not good and your starting to scare the living sh*t out of me so be real please I expect something like this from Jace or Tina but not you !!! ,Maddie starts to cry and this makes both men wanting to hug her but Uncle J knows that this is were Jace must step up and make her believe but also comfort her knowing that the bond between to mates are sacred and true and says to Jace" ,Jace call upon her wolf." "What no uncle J please why are you telling him this are you insane?she weeps but Jace agree taking her hands and says the most beautiful, calming words," Mate awaken it I your true mate calling upon you as your Alpha you must come forth now!! he says in his Alpha tone and that's when Maddie hears this voice in her head saying she needs control to speak and that Maddie must not be afraid neither worry because she will show her the way , being tired and stunned Maddie agree even though tears are streaming down her face so that's when Shanika growls and take control and as she does Maddie eyes shine like silver , smiling and bowing her head to Jace,"Alpha I believe you are our mate? I am her wolf Shanika " ,Shanika says with a cheeky smile approving her mate while Maddie take a back seat in her own mind watching everything. As Jace sees this he smiles and also bow his head showing respect to her," ,Yes mate I am , I Alpha Jace Harding except you Maddie Brown as my Luna and my destiny always." I can't wait to see you and I believe someone wants to meet you also Jace says as his eyes also turns color witch appears to also have turned silver letting Fang take Fang take control he likes what he sees and smile. "At last the human give me a chance and I want to introduce myself to you mate , I am Fang Alpha of Silver......" "Silver Stone pack yes my love I Know I have known for a while now and I have to say I have heard good things about your life and when I run my first run it shall be by your side then we shall mate and Mark each other then Mr Playboy you're mine.!!" ,Shanika growls and soon give control back to Maddie before she and Fang mate just hear and now. Maddie and Jace's wolf's both let the take control and then Maddie one's again sits down staring at the ground asking"Are you my uncle,are you a wolf too and Tina o my word is she a werewolf to and who is my real mother then? and Jace can you turn into a wolf yet? Uncle J answers first," I am your uncle and I love you it doesn't matter if we are blood Maddie I helped raise you, second I'm not a wolf I'm a warlock Maddie like a witch only the man tipe , Tina is a human but she also found out before you she also has a mate and he is the Beta Will , Jace's best friend,then Maddie the princess in this story is your real birth mother and she is indeed the moon goddess herself and Maddie that is way you love the moon so much it's that connection you have to her , your bond to her."uncle J answer her every question then looks over at Jace to answer the rest. "Yes my little flower I can and when it full moon I will be by your side as will the pack to take you on you first run, I promise you Maddie what your feeling is what I'm feeling to " Jace says with so much love and understanding coming closer to her just to take her in his arms and hold her , kissing her cheek were more tears run down . Maddie Brown ,her life will never be the same again,she never knew something like this would ever be possible not even to mention she was completely someone else but she let go of Jace Even though his sent and closeness is now more important than ever she look at uncle J and says" I love you and I know this will take time to get used to but I will try I have you guys don't I?so ok I'm fine just sad but uncle J even though I am mad at you I do forgive you , she says hugging him tightly and kiss him on the cheek. "So we're to now , what happens now? "Wheel my little flower now you must meet our pack and come stay with me"Jace says . After talking a bit more and answering more questions Maddie agrees to go with Jace, now she must prepare for the shift and learn more about werewolves and everything that comes with it but although she is scared she feels better and know that whatever happens these two men will have her back. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ("Hi guys it's the author, I hope you enjoy my book so far!!!, feel free to leave a message and let me know what you guys think so far.pleas it's my first book so be nice please.thanks have a good one.) Natasha.xx
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