Chapter tree

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"Hello Mate", is what he says. The words alone gets me feeling chills running down my spine.Mate ,this word just makes me feel a little uneasy but maybe this is just local , because my dad used to call my mom this word allot. "What is a breathtaking girl like you doing standing here at the movies all alone ?,maybe I can be of some assistance little flower"?.The very sexy black hair Greek god says with his eyes going down my body, making me feel warm all over, but to think the insolence of this guy giving me the sexy eye and who does he think he is to make my legs feel like Jello?. "Thanks I'm good and just to correct you I'm not alone, I'm with someone,so your assistance isn't needed thanks". "Will ,go get tickets I have to talk to my flower!" ,Jace says to his Beta while still looking at me grinning broadly. Will just bowed his head and heads to the tickets stand. That's when Jace decided to take my hand in his ,coming to my ear smelling me saying,"Your mine and know this little flower I'll be the one whose name you'll be screaming soon".he says,feeling his hot breath on my neck and ear. Retreating and almost bumping into the person in front of her Maddie slap's Jace and almost shout at this arrogant boy," Who do you think you are ,first of all I'm not your damn flower, second don't dare compare me to your easy conquests,(now I recognize him it's Bloody Jace Harding) and lastly stop smelling me like some dog"!!!!!! she says catching her breath. "Next please" .the girl behind the counter quickly says and wait for my order. As fast as I can I turn my back to Jace and get my orders threw,but I noticed also that Jace left and suddenly I feel relieved but a part of me feels so empty,so I just suddenly stop this thoughts and at that moment Tina gets to me asking what just happened?. "Jace Harding happened ,but hey let's just go watch our movies already,I'm not in the mood to talk about the town Playboy ok" ,I say walking to the teater doors . Jace Pov) As I walk through the doors on our way to the movies I smell the most amazing smell of strawberry and chocolate mixed with winter if that even makes sense and Fang is pounding in my head , pacing up and down screaming, mate !!! mate !!!. .Searching threw the crowd I tell Will trough mind link that I need the bathroom ,but he knows something is up and says that he's coming to , I walk slowly following the smell and there she is heaven behold the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eye on and yes!! she's alone, Why the hell is she alone while some of the other duds looking her way with lust in their eyes, making me want to rip there heads of ?. So I walk fast to her literally getting into her face and quickly taking her hand and getting close to smell her amazing sent and yes whispers lovely words to her ,but she seems anoid, startled and that just make me babble and I thought giving her a bit of my bad boy side will make her eat out of my hand but sadly I'm mistaken because she slaps' me and giving me the third degree , I love that she's feisty, but hey why do I feel rejected and hurt?.No no I'm not going there now so as she turns to the counter I decided to just step away for now and get my thoughts together and damn this human girl !!!. little flower!!!. Sadly go to look for Will but he stood there and Baird witness to her and my display. Soon the movies finished and some of the young people decided to take the party to the waterfall by the lake because that's the place to hang with friends and family or to make out . Luckily the two love birds weren't watching the same movies so the night goes on as planned and this was what was best for now but destiny always has this cruel way of steering you into the right direction. Jace and Will was the last to leave and decided to head to the waterfall and further explore these possibilities and maby score with one of the locals or one of the pack members that's always drooling over them, because let's face it getting these girls into bed was way to easy. "Ok Jace let's enjoy and just for tonight forget about our new found Luna who slapped you silly earlier and just let loose please I need this and man we need to get laid !". Will almost plead to Jace . "You said it buddy nevermind that human".Jace said but his wolf interrupted ,"It's because your a i***t our mate needs us and we need her,and if you don't fix this and she rejects us heaven forbid, we can die,you do know that don't you? you asshole!!.,Fang says angrily. "ya ya just let me handle it" Jace reply and shuts his wolf out completely walking over to n blond hair girl smiling at him from the bonfire. Meanwhile Tina was trying to convince Maddie to go to the waterfall and luckily for her Maddie agrees, but she just hope that,that sexy i***t Jace won't also be there because that will not be good at all. As the girls drive to the waterfall Tine says happily ," ok so let's talk birthday Maddie, I have a great idea ,why don't we ask uncle J if we can use the lake house and invite a few people and just drink and dance?.Tina suggested to Maddie. "Maybe we can but don't count on it he doesn't like to have people there that he doesn't know so we'll see ". As the Waterfall gets into view Maddie started feeling nervous all of a sudden,but she just decided to enjoy tonight because tomorrow she'll be back at work and also she needs to ask uncle J the biggest favor ever and it will not be easy. The waterfall is beautiful in daylight but at night it looks like a fairy tale with lots of fairy lights and the calming sounds of the water is just what makes one relax. As Maddie gets out of the car she and Tina heads down the steps and there before her sits that arrogant Harding but he's not alone,he's got this blond bimbo sitting almost on his lap and as he sees us he quickly gets up and walks over . "Nice to see you also like to unwind a bit ,can we talk?", Jace says sweet and without hesitation I agree and follow him to the lake side. "Ok talk I'm actually with my friend Tina and we just came to see the waterfall and maybe have a drink and then head out again".Maddie says to Jace . "Fine fine !! ." so I just want to apologise for earlier being a jurk and well I thought maybe you and I can maybe go on a date sometime so I can show you what your missing." ,Jace says laughing and smiling at me. "Well I must say you are not shy and definitely cocky arent you?. I will accept your apology but please don't think you will ever get into my pants". "Haha ok so am I not your type ? flower." Standing close to him and looking at this handsome man just is such turmoil and not helping at all. He's so her type but she knows he's not going to be good for her he's a Harding. Stepping closer to her Jace takes a chance and leans down slowly getting closer to her lips,he's so close and then he slam his lips onto hers fighting for dominance Maddie opens her mouth and Jace start devouring her cupping her face and just kissing her Asif his life depended on her. Before Maddie gets her senses back and back away to catch her breath reality steps up and soon this passionate kiss is interrupted by Will."Sorry I need to go and ,and find Tina!...."she quickly says as she slowly runs to the bonfire were Tina is already kissing some random dude. "Nice timing Beta !!!!!"Jace says to Will clearly anoid running after Maddie. As Jace got to the bonfire Maddie was gone .........
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