chapter two

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Today better be a good day cause I'm taking half a day just to relax and to hopefully still go watch a movie with my best friend Tina. For her and my sake I truly hope that she is going to be at work, and also because as her friend I think it's my duty to talk some sense into the girl! Knowing in the end she will most definitely want to kick my ass but it's a risk I'm willing to take,We were friends since we were kids and out of everyone I truly believe she gets me the best. As soon as Maddie puts down her stuff Tina walks into the pub looking cheerful and ready as always to begin our shift and get everything ready for the day ."Good to see you made it Tina !." ." Later on me and you will have a talk ,but first let's open ." Uncle J says to Tina looking rather calm knowing he was kind of mad yesterday.But because my uncle is a good person I truly think he just wants the best for us. "All good Uncle J" ,Tina quickly reply to him before her face falls . Tina comes up to Maddie and hugs her tightly as if they were apart for days."Hi Best buddy thanks for covering yesterday"!. Tina greets ."No problem T , just glad you made it seeing you were sick and all."Just be careful uncle J is not going to oversee you every time, and we are worried about you Tina, and I think you must start getting your priorities straight."Where were you really yesterday? and don't lie I'll know when you do !!. "Fine!! just stop nagging "!! ,Tina replays with a bit of anger in her voice. Suddenly Tina starts to talk because knowing Maddie will not stop until she spills the beans."Me and Pieter went out and got a bit tipsy and whell we had fun and the rest I'll just leave to your imagination,and yes I know I dropped you guys yesterday but I had a massive hangover and Pieter said that he would make me something to eat and look after me and I loved it Maddie, because for once in my life someone cared about me".Tina sadly explain herself. Me being me I just hug her, knowing that she is going to be ok and feeling her pain and then I thought that maybe just this time she will be happy, "Tina just promise me you won't get to lost in this relationship, always remember he is a Harding and most of that family's men are players and I don't want you getting hurt or distracted from your priorities ok, your my best friend and I'm just looking out for you" ,I say to her. After a long,nice talk both the girls started to work and like every day go about their routine.The pub is busy today ,but no one complains because the customers gives great tips and it's almost twelve o'clock and time for Maddie to take her well earned afternoon to get ready for her and Tina's movie . Jace (Pov) Man waking up in the pack house is the best feeling in the world,as I get my thoughts together I smell the smell of fresh baked bread,bacon and I bet there is eggs as well,mom just knows her kids to well and since I can remember my mother the current Luna always bakes her own bread every damn morning since I was a kid and me and my brother and sisters always fight over who gets the first slice. I always got is first seeing I'm the eldest but she always made sure to have more . Going to the bathroom I still haven't received a message from my father through mind link to go and meet him and Will's dad to discuss matters regarding the Pack,but I guess it can wait until tomorrow. As Jace comes down the stairs on his way to the kitchen a girl with blond hair abruptly yells at Jace, throwing her long hair over her shoulder in a teasing sinful manner, with her eyes boring holes through his face."Good morning Alpha Jace,I heard your were back and well I thought maybe I should just come and say hi ?", With a flirtatious smile on her face. Quickly Jace is blown away by this sexy female and man she's got swag and guts ,she looks familiar and as Jace Scan her face he remembers !!, it's Gina his first girl, well she's all grown up ,but still his tipe,sexy and well willing to do his bidding. "Hey !! sugar how's life ?, it's been a while ,well 4 years exactly",Jace says laughing and going to the kitchen leaving her stunned, but still deciding on following him. Table is set and just like Jace thought his mother's own baked bread is displayed on the table with all there favorite jam's and of course the bacon,fried eggs and toast and nonetheless some fruit,let's face it being back his mom will not let her pack go through a single day without fruit .As the soon to be Alpha start to dish up his food he wonders if he would ever find a true mate,if she will even slightly be as good,kind, gentle, strong and wise as his mother?,Luna Diana is one of a kind and he knows that it will be extremely hard to replace her,so all he can do is ask the moon goddess that if it so happens that he finds his true mate that she will be like his mother. Luna Diana is a strong woman and a great mother to her four children and grandchildren and she is well know through the pack's as fierce and a wicked warrior herself ,but what she does for humans is beneath him ,she does community work and host all kinds of charity balls, but one thing she always kept our family business as private as she could. "I see your dear old mom can still warm your Heart with her cooking" ,mom says playfully"."o how happy I am your back son,oo hi Will ,come take a seat and have something to eat!".Mom says". "Thanks you Luna this smells amazing,it sure is good to be home" ,Will says while tending to his hunger. "You boys eat while I go get your father, and Jace we will talk tonight ok?"Mom says smiling at us. "Sure mom no prob", I add, as Mom leaves, the rest of the pack stars to join us and one by one greet Jace and Will with their heads bowed showing respect for there future Alpha and Beta . "Let's head to the movies Will ,get out and have some fun today ?,I need to unwind a little" ,Jace says pleadingly. "Hahah fine ,fine ! we can go as soon as we are done, I think I need it too and maybe we can go to the waterfall afterwards because I heard that's still where the old hangout is and the girls in our pack must be introduced to us don't you think?". "Ya now your talking like my Beta". Maddie (Pov) The movies are just what I need today and going with Tina always makes it more fun , sometimes I prefer my own company ,but today I need to chill and me an Tina need to talk about my birthday coming up on Saturday, man I hate it when she makes a fuss about it but sins we were small we made a pack to promise to always celebrate our birthdays and well it's just her thing I suppose. After taking a refreshing shower I find myself standing in front of my cupboard, thinking of what I should wear tonight,yes it's only going to the movies but hey a girl must always look nice because you never know who you might bump into. I get out my sexy stretch denim, red crop top with a bit of bling on the neckline and my favorite boots .This will do just fine now for my hair witch I'm letting hang naturally and just n bit of makeup,not that I need it because like Jo and Ben said I'm a natural beauty.Lastly just a bit of lipgloss and my small handbag and I'm ready to go. A nock on the door is a good indicator that Tina's at the door and as Maddie opens she is delighted to see that it is Tina .Tina got this second hand car from her aunt and it's not your dream car but it gets her from one place to another every day and it this ugly yellow color. On the way to the movies Maddie suddenly sees something running in the forest next to the road,but simply ignores it and turn on the car's radio for some music. She rests her head while Tina drives. Meanwhile Jace and Will are also getting ready for a good night out . Jeans and black shirts will definitely to the trick seeing girls have this thing for it and making the female population happy is there forty. All geared up they head out the door taking Jace's truck heading to the movies and then the hangout by the waterfall,still this night had so many possibilities but what will happen when destiny decides to intervene and abruptly change everything.? Maddie and Tina (Pov) "So what are we watching tonight?" ,Tina ask Maddie . "How about a action movie with a sexy hero ?,I'm game if you are, I'm not in the mood for romantic or comedy movies.", Maddie replies asking nicely."I'm game yha action it is then,ok I'll get the tickets and you get the regulars." "Fine get me at the door".! Maddie says back when she starts to walk to the cool drink line to get two diet Cokes. and then the popcorn and last the whispers and some jelly sweets. Waiting in line takes a bit longer for some reason tonight but It's fine because all the young people in town watch movies on Wednesday's then they go to the waterfall by the Silver lake to party,drink and make out. As Maddie stands to look around she sees the most handsome guy she has ever seen coming in the door,but he stops in his track when he notices her ,his eyes turn almost black ,but I guess it the lights of the movies but it's as if something in the air changes ,like every step he take toward her takes forever. He remind her of someone but she just can't focus because now this Greek god stands in front of her and then says .."Hello Mate".
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