Chapter 14

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They we looking everywhere for Maddie and Jace started throwing stuff around , shouting at everyone to look for his mate.Maddie being Maddie was probably at the pub helping uncle J but still he must find out. Stopping in front of the pub Jace feels uneasy because for some reason he doesn't feel Maddie's presents but maybe she's just at the back , so he quickly goes in and find uncle J at the bar handing someone a beer but when he sees Jace he knows something is wrong and quickly give him a look to go take a seat at one of the tables. "Jace what's wrong"?., uncle J asks also looking worried.Jace looking nervous asked if Maddie was here or if maybe she was here because no body can seem to find her and he can't mind link her . " No she wasn't even here today , she is in your care how the hell can you lose her," uncle J says getting up from his chair feeling helpless and angry , but he knows that getting mad will not solve anything , what is important is to find Maddie." we must find her , Jace says while walking up and down in the pub, just then Will mind linked him saying they have news but it's not good. After telling uncle J him and Jace heads to the pack house to find everyone already in the office getting ready for the rescue.Jace storms in and demands to know everything and then Will inform him of what they know and that the Raven came to Will saying Maddie is in danger or worse , he thinks the rogue wants to mark her as his before the next full moon and then attack, but while they talk Jace gives orders to his respected men to take possession of eny trespassers and then he and the rest started to get ready to go safe Maddie and Pieter and kill that son of a b***h who dared to take his mate. Rogue Alpha (Pov) Thanks he replies to his men before going to see the witch that was helping him .as he got there the witch told him that it's not a good idea to mark Maddie because it will not strengthen him but could destroy him all together but he was hearing none of it and told her to just make sure she and his men were ready to take the Pack house by storm , just after he planned on marking Maddie and then he would challenge Jace to get his title and then kill them all and step in a the new ruler.The witch only obligated because the rogue was also holding her daughter hostage and she had to do it even though she felt bad , but her daughter was suffering under this monster ,if only she could kill him herself but he made her put a spell on herself to not be able to kill or harm him or his men . "Get going you old rag ,I need to attend to my new Luna, make sure to keep that young Alpha alive , and kill the rest" he says laughing like a mad man going down to the dungeon. Now it's time to play kitten , and just look at you the child of the moon goddess , ha..! , no match for me and to think they said you have magical abilities. "" I don't know but you look weak my dear mind if I help you feel better?" , the rogue says coming close to the gate , opening it walking over to Maddie and taking her hair in his hand yanking her head back. Maddie kicked him but he punched her in the stomach and then inject her with wolfbane again , making her weak and unable to really fight back. " As she falls he catches her carrying her bridal style to his room . Maddie was crying and not being able to mind link her wolf also made her weak and that is when she knew she would not get away from this monster. ass the rogue Alpha puts Maddie on the bed he binds her hands behind her back , just as he came close she started to plead" please don't do this your mate wouldn't want you doing this please don't!!" ,Maddie cries but he doesn't listen and before she can try and wiggle around his harassing he bites her on her already marked mark , making her losing and falling into darkness. As Jace's pack ascend on the rundown warehouse were the Alpha rogue hides Jace suddenly feels a terrible sting in his chest making him fall to his knees , it's as if someone ripped his heart out and set him on fire, but that's when uncle J catch him helping him to a rock,"what just happened Jace?"." I don't know John it's strange like a part of my heart just got ripped out ", Jace says definitely in pain, that's when uncle J knew it must be there bond being broken or Maddie, no no no she can't be no not Maddie!"uncle J says worried helping Jace to stand up and get back on his feet but Jace's face just turned red knowing he was mad as hell " , no she's not dead, don't even think that , I'm gonna kill that f*****g rogue, ripping him apart but I feel a bit tired ,can you help we need to end this today" Jace says to Uncle J. "yes I'll give you some of my energy Jace anything for Maddie!". In one swift movement a blue light comes out of uncle J's hands but it flows to Jace circling him and then suddenly it's gone , that's when he straight up and looks at uncle J feeling his powers healing him. "Thanks I appreciate this now let's get our Luna and Gamma back. While they enter back at the Pack house Will and Tina is already fighting the rogue attack and Diana is fighting the witch while mind linking Jace telling him what's happening over there but she tells him take care of Maddie and Pieter I'll give this witch a piece of my mind I'm a Luna after all Diana screams cutting the link storming to attack. Fighting is never easy but it's for the best and the rogues know that beating the Silver Stone pack wasn't going to be easy but they have nothing to lose and just then they felt there bonds form with there new Luna while the Silver Stone pack feel the break of their bond with their Luna. The fight on both sides are hard but on Jace's side better , all the guards have be taken out and as they go down a long passage the stop, " I can smell Pieter!! Pieter are you in hear Pieter!! , after a while the get the sell he's in and quickly break the lock with all there might while uncle J fixes a light for them seeing it quiet dark . "Where is Maddie Pieter where is he keeping her ,have you seen her??". Jace asks feeling frantic and then Pieter reply but almost in a whisper because of the lack of food and he was badly beaten up." he's got her ,I couldn't help her Jace it's, it's wolfbane... just then he fell unconscious in his brothers arms. Jace gives Pieter to his head warriors and that's when he says that uncle J must get him home to the Dr and that everything at home is safe his dad and mom managed to stop the attack but the witch got away. Uncle J agrees with Jace and take Pieter away making haste. Now Jace was able to get a hint from Maddie's smell even if there bond was broken he could still smell that beautiful smell but it's mixed with her blood making his blood boil . Maddie's heart was broken after that bastered marked her by force and she felt empty and fighting was impossible because of the wolfbane he injected her with and she just praid that Jace or someone will help her because she knew this rogue Alpha wants to claim her as his tonight.She cried and while he was busy taking off his close to claim his prize the door was suddenly slammed open with a he will of a bang revealing her one true mate , "Jace , o my word Jace!! Maddie shout cries but just then Jace sees her on the bed and shift to his wolf as did the rogue Alpha. "You fucker !! Jace growls so loud everything shutters and then they circle each other but not one tends to back up, swiftly Jace jump's up taking the first hit straight to the rogues face making him growl as blood oozes out of the deep cut.He lifts himself from the ground charging towards Jace and soon the big fighting is on.This gives Maddie a chance to try and loosen these knots and just then Will runs in helping her up , "no help Jace!!, she says and see The rogue is on top of Fang biting his leg but he growled biting the rogue one his front leg also making his stamper back of of Jace.They are both strong but Fang stands a bit taller and his build is much bigger but the rogue fought dirty . "Maddie get out now!!!!" Jace shouts!! looking and mind linking Will to help her get away to safety. While tired and running Maddie and Will was suddenly slammed to the ground by some force , black smoke surrounding them .Will hurt his arm but quickly got up helping his Luna that's when the witch appears in front of them laughing and looking at them ," o may so you are the special one!" she says and that's when Will try to attack her but with a flip of her hand she sends him straight into a tree knocking him out cold."Will no no will !!! , Maddie shouts trying to get up , feeling so mad,hurt and feeling fed up with this damn witch and these rogues facing the witch, " What do you want? you use magic to kill why not let me teach you how we fight in a bar you witch!!" Maddie spits. "O my dear I want to kill you because you are standing in my way ,you and that i***t of a rogue,him I'm killing next for what he's done to my daughter but now I'm first getting rid of you and all your silly dogs !! hahaha ". Maddie was not a witch but one thing her mother the moon goddess gave her was light magic and that's when she got all her strength together and within herself asked the moon to help her ,that's when the bright light inside Maddie came alive , like the sun coming up but brighter ,all her emotions spill into one act , looking at the witch who stood stunned at what she sees . Maddie opens her eyes and they are silver meaning the light of the moon is within her ,that's when she lifts her hands shooting what looks like lighting to the witch knocking her over but she is strong and quickly fight back but Maddie doesn't easy up at all fighting back giving the witch one big lighting bolt to the heart killing her on impact making her turn to dust. Maddie won but that's when she falls to the ground turning to the darkness..
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