Chapter 13

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The day breaking brings Maddie to think of her plans to talk to that bastered rogue, but she knows it would be with a price. Helping her pack , that was now her goal , doing what she thought was right, placing someone else's needs ahead of your own.That is way Maddie decided for her plans to work she needs to speak to their Raven spy whom she has seen a lot lately coming and going to meet with Jace and his father to get information on this rogue,and she knows he will help her ,he's got to . Walking Through the pack house she wait, knowing that the spy would be there this morning, like clockwork to report to Jace and his dad.Feeling a bit scared she waits and just as she got tired from waiting, he strolls into the house and it being very early in the morning no one even knew he was there, he is skilled in sneaking around , after all he is a Raven spy , just then Maddie makes her move whistling to him , making him turn fast looking to find the source of the sound hoping he wasn't cought, but then sees Maddie and feeling a bit better he goes to her bowing his head showing respect and that's when Maddie steps into the light telling him she wants to talk.The Raven quickly agrees but looks surprised and frowns."Luna what can I do for you,I'm here to talk to your mate,so please I do not wish for trouble".he says looking around."Believe me I know,but I need your help and if you are a true son of the moon goddess you are complained to help me " ,Maddie answers sounding intimidating. "We all do respect Luna but even though I take my faith seriously I'm not easily threatened or intimidated by you but seeing you are the child of our moon goddess I will help seeing your pack as friends, so what do you seek?". I need the location of the rogue Alpha". " No way no !!!!!!" ,the Raven say walking to the stairs but Maddie catch his arm making him stop. "Please Raven ,I promise no one will know you helped me ,I .. I need to Know just for in case I go there and not knowing it's dangerous don't you think?, "please nobody tells me anything". Maddie follow him begging him . Without knowing any better the Raven agrees" but please Luna don't go wandering around there , he's also got spies and he is very dangerous,", the Raven pleads. After telling Maddie the Raven goes on his way as do Maddie but knowing the Raven will watch her she quickly heads to her room and fool him into thinking she's going back to bed , but she was quite the spy herself knowing a bit of spying herself for when she was younger she would spy on the boy next door from were her and uncle J lived, yes it was different but still she was good she thought and it mainly the same thing. After a hour or waiting for the Raven to finally leave ,she was happy witch meant she can now start her journey.Gowing down stairs she bumps into someone, luckily it was Tina, thinking quickly she says to Tina that uncle J needs her and she will be going there and that she will be home later on.Tina being Tina just smiled hugging her friend , telling her to stay safe and left Maddie to leave. Looking at her gps she follows the instructions the Raven gave her, walking slowly but after a while she stops and try one's again to mind link Shanika because sins she spoke to the Raven Shanika shut her out because she didn't agree with Maddie's plan to try and talk to the rogue. "Shanika please I'm sorry ok , I just can't take Diana's tears and this might help ,maybe we can talk sense into him,we have to try !". Maddie says waiting for Shanika to at least reply witch she did finally, " No Maddie it's to dangerous and it's stupid,he is a rogue,they don't listen to reason . Go back to mate please he's got a plan already Maddie.!" Shanika shouts trying to convince her human but it doesn't help because Maddie just carry on.the closer Maddie comes she sees it's an old abandoned warehouse looking like a compound of some sort ,but it's quite, to quiet and the closer she goes the more rotten it smelled.Just as Maddie decides to go closer she feels something behind her making her feel uneasy and that's when the rogue patrol guard catch her hands putting one over her mouth saying" What do we have here?". Maddie struggle against him but he's strong ."Hey enough let's take you to the boss"!. I think the Alpha would be happy to see what we cought for him ha hah haha....!".Then the rogue laughed taking her inside. It was dark and cold and being shuffled I could just see this was no place for any woman and that's when a man appears out of nowhere ,but I soon recognize him to be the same man stalking me that night at my apartment building. "I come in peace , please I just need to know if Pieter is ok and to try and talk to you" I says hoping the man understand why in hear. "Well I must say it's good to see you my dear ,but why would you want to know about Pieter, and why would you come here ,o yes and how the hell did you know my location??!!!" ,He says looking pissed,but I could see in his eyes he was contemplating whether he should be nice or not . "Tell me what I want to know and I'll tell you, it's just fair" . As he stands sizing me up I can see his eyes glazing and that's a sign that he is mind linking someone."ok fine I'll show you Pieter but do tell how did you find me ,and Don't lie".he adds. This makes me uneasy but this is where my acting classes will pay off."Fine I left the pack,I felt trapped by Jace,so I needed to run, I say hoping he will believe it. Let's say I believe you how come you knew about Pieter?". "Because this place smells and I recognize you, your scar, that's how",I say back not letting him know that I'm actually scared out of my boots.Keeping my cool was important that's when this big guy drags Pieter out into the dimming light throwing him down like a sack of potatoes laughing and just then I run to him picking up his head seeing how battered his ones handsome face was. "Maddie what are you doing here ? ,you should not have come!!" ,Pieter says barely talking, but I hold him saying everything will be ok ,just hang on Pieter please", I say but was swiftly lifted up with Pieter, but Pieter was taken away while someone got me a chair to sit on. Someone was also traing to mind link me but I just cut it off. "you are indeed a true beauty Maddie, that is your name if I'm not mistaking?", he says to me ."Yes it is, why do you do this?, why not just live in peace? ". I dare to ask , but he replies quickly with anger in his face , "O you are so sweet and yet your mate and his parents are killers, why you ask ,whell they killed my mate long ago when there was still a war raging, she was innocent and beautiful just like you and the killed her , leaving me alone but that's not all I wanted to do the same but your mate Jace safed his mommy, he attached me and left me with this, " he pointed to the scar on his face going to his neck. "Thanks to him I have nothing but that will change because I met a witch ,you can say she saved me and I her, she told me I could win and I will be the ruler of silver Stone pack but first I need to become stronger than him and it was easy , till you entered the picture, of course I wanted to kill you put him through what I went through but that changed you being special and all " he says coming closer inches from my face , making me want to rip his head of ,that's when he winks at his men to hold me down ,he sniffs my neck then kiss me making me bite his lip , knowing this will make him retreat and he did but then he decided to slap me across the cheek making my head spin and soon I taste blood coming from my bruised lip.Tear wanting to stream down my face but I try to hold it in. "Take the Luna to the dungeon I'll talk to her when she behaves like a good little w***e". Pieter (Pov) This is not good why did my brother send Maddie ,was this his way to distract the rogue, if it is it's a bad idea, Maddie doesn't know him he is evil. I have to help her out but how do I when I'm tied up ,damit!!! now our Luna is also in danger. Maddie (Pov) I'm thrown into The dungeon making me fall hard to the floor, hurting my leg but I keep it to myself not to make them see that they get to me . I'm trying to mind link Jace but it's no use something is blocking it but I just wanted to let him know.Tears are starting to form in my eyes and maybe the Raven was right after all I shouldn't have come here.Being scared is a understatement because I'm definitely horrified ,my ankle and leg hurt like hell and my head hurts to such extends that I just close my eyes and be overtaken by darkness. Living without regrets was not something the Alpha rogue wanted to do , he wanted revenge and he wants a new Luna Even waging a war , but now he's ready , having a powerful witch and a lot of followers just makes everything better and easier to take what he wants.
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