¤Chapter 26¤

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"Do I have too?" Eleanor whined as she brushed her teeth. "Yes." Roman simply replied as he continued to shave in the other sink. "But I've already taken one day off of work, I can't take another." She spit out the tooth paste. "Plus Jolene is going to have another fit." She rolled her eyes. "Let her have her fučking fit." Roman growled not in the mood to discuss Jolene after what she had pulled in the early hours of this morning. "You need to rest physically and mentally after what you've been through. You're soft and tough at the same time." He proclaimed. "Fine." She rolled her eyes. "Why didn't you wake me up so we could take a shower together?" He asked her. She began to floss. "You know Roman you're funny sometimes." She let out a small laugh. "Don't get smart little girl." "I'm not little." She began to applie make-up. "Sure." He stated taking off his towel. Eleanor's eyes widened as she saw his package. Her cheeks heats up as she quickly looked away and focused on he face. "I saw you." Roman chuckled stepping into the shower. Her cheeks heated up even more making Roman chuckle even more as he could see her in the mirror. She quickly finished applying her make-up. "Elley before you leave they'll be a stylist waiting for you downstairs so you can pick what you'll wear tonight." He told her. "And pick a suit for me as well." "Ok." She nodded and walked out. She put everything away and jogged downstairs. She now wore his sweatpants and a plain top awaiting Rose or Maria to arrive with extra clothing for her. When she got downstairs a lady in all black, glasses, blue red and purple hair stood next to two racks of clothes. "Hello." She greeted with a small smile. The woman looked at her from head to toe. "Mhm." She simply said. "Sit." Eleanor immediately noticed how strict this woman was and immediately sat down as instructed. "I will be showing you a collection of dresses and you will have to pick it for one of the most prestigious events of your life." She paces around. "When I show you, you either say yes or no, alright?" "Yes ma'am." She nodded noticing how funny she sounded. "Are you mocking me?" The lady asked turning around. Eleanor swallowed her laughter as she cleared her throat. "No ma'am I'm just a bit parched." She made up a quick lie. "Mhmmm" she looked at her from he a to toe once more. "Lets get started." She stated. She began to show her dozens of dresses that either made her look like some sort of animal, alien or plant or like Lady Gaga on the red carpet. "So how is the dress fitting going." Roman asked as he came down the stairs. "I cannot work with her." She dropped the dress on the couch. "Well I don't want to look like Lady Gaga on the red carpet." Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Are you insulting my clothing?" The woman screeched. "I don't know, you tell me." She she mumbled. "See what I mean." The woman continued "Ok let me have a word with her." Roman stated before walking toward where Eleanor sat. He stood in front of her and took a hold of her hands pulling her up. She stood up and looked up at him. "Are you being difficult on purpose?" Roman asked with an arched brow. "No..." She breathed out. "Then what is it?" He asked her. "These dresses are awful. A hunter will mistaken me for a zebra." She whined stomping her feet childishly. Roman chuckled looking down at her. "Ok then what is it that you want?" He asked her. "A nice simply dress." She smiled up at him. "Ok go take a look at the rack of clothing to see what you like." He told her. Eleanor smiled before skipping pass him and the lady, and began to look through the clothing. "Roman do you have a dark blue shirt?" She asked him.He gave her nodded. "Ok I like this one." She pulled out a blue lace off the shoulder dress that had an illusion net. "Go try it on." He told her. "Why? It's my size." She stated looking at the tag. "I know I just want to see how it looks on you." Roman told her. She rolled her eyes before going upstairs. She went into the room and changed into the dress. Once she had it on she went downstairs to see Rose had arrive with a bag of clothes. "Thanks Rose." Eleanor smiled. Rose nodded before leaving out the hotel room. Eleanor turned around to see Roman already looking at her. "So how is it?" She asked him Roman walked over to her and placed his hands on her waist drawing her closer. She placed her hands on his chest to steady herself. "Your bullet wound is showing." He stated. "My hair will be down and you're not answering me." She stated. "You look gorgeous." He said making her blush. He smirked noticing her blush. "You blush a lot everytime-" "Lalalalala..." She repeated as she blocked her ears with her hands. Roman smirked before pulling her hands off. "I won't continue but you still blush a lot." "Just go make breakfast." She grumbled turning around to walk away. He turned her back towards him. "What's the nice thing to do?" He asked her. "Say please." She stated. "No." He shook his head Her expression captured confusion since she knew that's what she'd have to say. Roman smirked and tapped his lips. Eleanor rolled her eyes before giving him a quick peck on his lip. "Not satisfying." Roma shook his head. "That's a shame." She shrugged. "It would be a shame if I were not to make breakfast." Eleanor rolled her eyes once again before leaning up to kiss him. When he was about to duck down to meet her lips she moved back slightly. "But you'd have to make breakfast shirtless and eat shirtless." She smirked. "Why?" "You have a nice stomach." She shrugged. Roman chuckled before pressing his lips against her. After a while he pulled back. "It's fine with me." He whispered. Eleanor grinned widely before pecking his lips one last time and jogging upstairs. After she had changed into her clothes she practically ran downstairs just to jump up on the counter and watch Roman cook shirtless. But when she got to the kitchen Roman had his shirt on making her frown. "I said shirtless." Roman turned around with a smirk on his face. "You were serious?" He asked. "Well it has been on my bucketlist to have a guy with a nice body to cook for me shirtless." She stated. "I'm not taking off my shirt to fifull some list you made." He rolled his eyes. "I'll take it off you if I must." She stated placing her hand on her hip. "I'm beginning to think I should've let you go to work." Roman grumbled. She walked over to him and held his arm then looked up at him with her eyes wide and bottom lip sticking out. Clearly giving him the face. "What are you doing?" Roman asked. "Please..." She begged batting her eyelashes tugging at his arm. "Please, please." She kept repeating. "You're highly annoying if you must know." Roman growled as he peeled her off his arm and began to take off his shirt. She grinned widely. "I've been told." Once he tossed his shirt to the side she began to scan his body. She started looking at him for his head down to his broad shoulders and chest then defined packs. She began to count them with her eyes only to find that he'd begun to develop his eight pack. Her eyes ended at his v-line. Her eyes lingered a bit more at his v-line, Just a little lower, Just pull your pants a little lower. She thought sinisterly. "Are you done?" Roman asked with a smirk plastered on his face. "A little while longer." She told him. Roman chuckled before turning around and commencing with what he'd started. Eleanor picked up his shirt and jumped up onto the counter watching him. She love how his muscles would bulge each time he moved. It clearly proved he worked out...a lot.
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