¤Chapter 25¤

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"Oh so should I take it off?" She asked him about to take it off. "No you can wear it." He stopped her. "So why is it so special to you?" She asked him. "She told me she'd been saving up to buy it for me." He smiled in remembrance. "At home everything wasn't handed to us so as her big brother she looked up to me and wanted to get me something for my birthday. So she saved up and got me that cashmere sweater." Eleanor almost choked on her wine and looked at him. "Roman do you have any idea how much a cashmere sweater costs?" "It's not that much Elley." He rolled his eyes. "Five hundreds dollars is way too much." She grumbled taking a bite of her food. "Don't mumble or grumble because I can't hear a damn thing you're saying. It's fučk annoying." "You know there wil be a day I'd wash that mouth of all the dirt because you use such language." She shook her head. "The only way you'd wash my mouth is with your tongue." He smirked. Eleanor's eyes widened at what he had said to her. Her cheeks turned a shade a off pink before she looked down allowing her hair to hide her face. "Don't hide your face from me Elley." He chuckled lifting her chin so that she was now looking at him. His inched closer until their noses touched. She could feel his breath fan her lips as he looked at her. She looked down at his lips and bit her own wondering how she'd feel if his lips were against the skin on her neck. Looking up she noticed he was looking at her and she had been caught staring at his lips. Her cheeks heated up even more giving her more of a rose colour. "I like to see you blush." He spoke with a smirk. "It just shows how much I have an effected on you without even saying a word." She rolled her eyes at his cockiness before pushing him away. "I'm going to finish mh meal." She stated. Roman grinned he continued to eat. Once they were done with their dinner they both cleaned. She let Roman wipe the dishes while she washed them. Once everything was in tip top shape Eleanor began to lazily make her way upstairs. "Walk much slower I have the time to be here another ten thousand years." Sarcasm oozed from his lips. Eleanor, however, took it literal. "Ok." She began to walk much slower. Roman groaned before scooping her up in his arms making her shriek and hold onto him. He simply smirked as he walked in a much faster pace than she did. "I was being sarcastic." He stated. "I know." She grinned. Roman rolled his eyes and closed the door with his foot. "Stop staring." "I'm not." She smirked knowing very well she was staring up at him. "I'll believe that when pigs fly." "But pigs fly almost everyday." "Bullshït." He said immediately. Eleanor bit him making him look down at her. "Language." "Don't bite me or I'll bite you." "Yeah right." Eleanor scoffed. In one swift movement Eleanor could feel the cold glass wall against her back. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he pressed himself against her. "Roman what are y-" Before she could continue his lips were on hers. She was shocked at first before she began to move her lips against his and allowing her eyes to flutter closed. His tongue trailed along her bottom lip asking for access but Eleanor didn't allow it. Roman growled trying once again but he got the same result. He slightly bit her bottom lip making her gasp giving him the perfect opportunity to explore her mouth. He placed his one hand behind her neck angling the way he wanted it in order to deepen the kiss. Meanwhile Eleanor tried to keep up with him as he kissed her hungrily. She let out a low moan as he moved away from her lips and kissed along her jaw. Her fingers found his hair tangling them in there. Roman moved to her neck leaving sweat wet kisses all over her neck. He began to nibble suck and kiss a certain spot on her neck making her moan. "Roman..." She moaned out tugging at his hair. She felt him smirk against her neck followed by a growl before he continued to leave his mark. Roman slowly began to pull away. He stared at the mark he had left then looked at her swallon lips. He waited until her eyes opened viewing her chocolate brown eyes he never got bored off looking at. "I did say I'd bite you." "Don't worry, I believe you now." She said breathlessly. "Good girl." ~¤~ Both Roman and Eleanor laid asleep around two a.m. They had finally fallen asleep after more make out sessions and chit chat in between. Her head rested on his chest as her one leg went over his waist and the other tangled with his leg. Roman had his arm rested on her back and the other on her thigh that was on his waist. Roman's phone began to vibrate immediately awakening Eleanor. At first she ignored it but the phone continued to ring. Groaning out of annoyance she stretched over Roman to get to the bedside table on his side. "Hello?" She answered with checking who was calling. "Who is this?" Jolene's voice suddenly awakening her. "Jolene what the actual hell its around two a.m." "What are you doing with Roman's phone?" Jolene immediately asked. "Put him on the phone." "No he's asleep." She said. "What are you doing calling him this late at night." "Well if you hadn't known Roman and I are a thing now." Jolene began to brag. "Then care to explain why he's sleeping with me?" She asked sitting up. "Oh sweetheart don't fool yourself." Jolene laughed as Roman woke up. "Who are you talking too?" His voice came out raspy and tired. "Roman will be done with you by next week like every other woman and he'll come running to me." Eleanor kept quiet biting her lip. She heard Jolene laugh yet again before hanging up. The phone rested on her ear a little while longer beford she threw it at Roman's chest and crossing her arms over her chest. Roman's narrowed his eyes taking his phone and looking at the phone. He noticed Jolene had called. He huffed and ran his hand through his hair as he sat up. "What did she say?" Roman asked her. Eleanor didn't say anything as she faced away. "Elley what di-" "She said you'd be done with me by next week and go running back to her." She spat out bitterly. Roman turned her head around so she was looking at him. "And you believe her?" He quizzed. "You guys do have a close relationship." She moved his hand from her face. "So what do you really expect?" She snapped. "Elley I'd never do that to you." "And how do I know you're telling the truth?" She asked him. "It's different with you this time." He tried to calm her down. "Different how, Roman?! It's different each time because it's a different woman each time!...except with Jolene of course." She muttered the last part bitterly. "It's different this time because I actually took you on a date instead of calling you over for fučking, I let you come into my home, my penthouse, give you a job, bought you clothes, I let you sleep with me and take you places with me because I don't mind being seen with you." Roman stated turning her bead by the chin so she looked at him now. "I'm able to be myself around you that's why its different and I'd never hurt you like that." Her expression softened as she noticed the sincerity in his tone and eyes. She closed her eyes letting out a deep breath. "I really dislike Jolene just to let you know." She stated opening her eyes. Roman chuckled before pulling her close and kissing her temple. "I know you don't Elley." This wasn't the first time Jolene had done this. He'd only caught her doing this a few times. Each good girl that made him happy all of a sudden would leave accusing him of cheating and that's when he knew Jolene had something to do with it. He'd spoken to her multiple times about it and she'd give him the same line: "I was only looking out for you." She'd say. But only the heavens know that she was practically begging for his love.
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