¤Chapter 27¤

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"I can't believe you aren't ready yet." Danielle exclaimed as Eleanor ran around the bedroom like a headless chicken. "Is it my fault or my company's fault?" She asked her looking at the different types of lipstick. "Instead off complaining help me." She whined throwing everything out of her make-up bag. "Elley no you'll ruin your make-up." Danielle scold moving her away from it. "Just sit down and I'll do it, alright." She exclaimed. Eleanor sat down with a huff blowing a strand of hair away from her face in the process. "I don't know why you whining  when you this all the time." Roman shook his head. "Easy for you to say since all you need to do is put on a tie." She rolled her eyes. "Don't get mad at me because I told you, you should start getting ready before Danielle got here." Roman adjusted his cufflinks. Eleanor simply rolled her eyes as Danielle took the curling iron. "You can get out now." She stated. Roman shook his head with a slight smile before walking out the room and closing the door behind him. "Did you two fučk?" Danielle spoke. "What? No." She shook her head. "Bîtčh don't move your head." Danielle said. "Sorry." She apologised. "Anyway, what's got you too grinning and teasing each other?" Danielle asked her. "We set aside our difference and come to realise we enjoy each others company." She explained. "So...you fučk." Danielle said bluntly. "No." She shook her head. "We just enjoy being around one another, ok?" She smiled. "If we did I would've told you because it would be my first time." "Wait you've nev-" "Nope." She began to blush. "Not even a finger fuč-" "Danielle nothing sexual...well except grinding on someone and heated make out sessions." "Wow you are such a good girl its kind of creepy." She shook her head. "I'm not a good girl." She whined. "What ever you say good girl." ~¤~ Eleanor smiled at her appearance in the mirror. She smiled at herself before looked over at who wore a green dark deep v-neck dress with slits on both sides that ended mid thigh. "Who are you trying to impress?" Eleanor grinned. "Any single man out there." She fixed her bracelet. Eleanor nodded before they both left out the room and made their way downstairs. She smiled as she saw Roman had actually worn what she chose for him. Roman grinned at her looking at her from head to toe. "Can you guys stop eye raping each other." Danielle exclaimed throwing her hands up. "She's right," Gabriel took her side. "You two look like your going to rip each others clothes off and bang each other right now." He chuckled. "When we come back you better get it out of your system." Roman glared at the two while Eleanor kissed her teeth with an eye roll. It's too early for us to be doing such...is it? Eleanor questioned herself as they walked out. It took them thirty minutes to reach their destination. They had arrived at a huge castle. She found it amazing as to how she hadn't noticed it since it's huge. Wherever she turned she'd notice people dressed in elegant ball like gowns. Of she were any other girl she'd feel insecure about what she wore but she didn't. She knew she always picked her attire to show who she is and one that would be easy to run in if something were to go wrong. Looping her arm around Roman's she followed him inside. She noticed Gabriel had taken Danielle with him. Once they entered the huge ball room after going down a ridiculously large hallway. Everyone had turned to stare but Eleanor being who she is decided to ignore it because she had spotted the one and only Jolene. "What is she doing here?" She asked him as they went down the stairs. "She who?" Roman asked her once they got down. "She as in Jolene." She rolled her eyes. "Keep your attitude and mouth in check before I do." Roman's eyes narrowed. "And I have no idea why she's hear unless she here filling in for her mother or she came with someone else." He explained. Eleanor let out a breath. "If she says something to me I will not guarantee that I won't say something back." She grumbled. "Just don't cause a scene or kill her." Roman told her leading her between the crowds. "No promises kept." She informed with grin. Roman shook his head as he stopped in front of his father, Romaine. "I'm glad you both could make it." Romaine smiled at the two. "Glad we did." Roman smiled at him. "I'd like to formally introduce the both of you." "Of course you would." Romaine chuckled. "Papa this is Eleanor, Eleanor this is my father." Roman introduced the two. "Nice to meet you Mr. Bianchi." She held her hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you too Ms. Elmz." He shook her hand. For a slit second it had surprised her how he knew her last name but then again she remembered who he was. He must've done a background check. She thought to herself. "Is Fiona here?" Roman asked once they both retrieved their own hands. "Roman I will not tell you again, she is your mother." Romaine said unimpressed by his own son. "Thatbwasn't the question." Roman growled. Romaine shook his head. "She's talking one of the other wives." He began to look around. Roman simply nodded. As he were about to speak the person that Eleanor least wanted to speak to appeared. "Hi Roman." She greeted with a bright smile hugging him purposely removing Eleanor. Eleanor slightly glanced at her with a glare but held her tongue. All the while Romaine stood watching Eleanor and her reactions. "I haven't seen you in such a long time." She placed her hand on his stomach and his bicep. Eleanor's eyes zeroed on where her hands touched. Jolene purposely glanced at Eleanor. "So Eleanor..." Romaine took a hold of her hand pulling her away from the two. Eleanor snapped out of it and looked at Romaine. She began to follow him as he placed his hand on her lower back. "Tell me what relations you have to my son. I've heard something's about you and I'll admit: they're not exactly impressive." "Things like?" She asked. They stopped in front of the door that led to the balcony. He took two wine glasses off a passing try and handed it to her. "You were a stripper, yes?" He asked with his Italian accent. "No." She snapped. "Where the hell did you get suc-" she paused before anger captured her face. "Jolene." She growled. She marched through the crowds knowing very well where to find her. Romaine followed after realising where she was going and he wondered what the woman would do. Once Eleanor had found them she viciously turned her around. "What the hell is wro-" before Jolene could finish she had to.say Eleanor back handed her. Her head snapped to the side due to the force. When she lifted her head in utter disbelief Eleanor back handed her once again forcing her head to the left this time. Eleanor was fuming with anger and had drawn all eyes on them. When Jolene lifted her head again she back handed her once more. Jolene being the i***t she is lifted her head and Eleanor raised her hand. Jolene flinched and she lowered her hand. "Say some bullshït about me again I will do more than what I've done, do you understand?" She asked her in a low threatening tone. Jolene glared at the woman before her. Eleanor raised her hand yet again. "Ok I understand." She exclaimed out of fright. "No tell Mr. Bianchi the truth." She demanded. "What truth?!" She yelled. "Don't make me slap you again." Eleanor raised her hand again. "Ok ok ok." Jolene rushed before walking over to him. "And make sure it loud and clear so everybody can hear." Eleanor stated with her arms crossed. "Elley-" Roman began but she held her hand up to him stopping him from going on any further. Jolene gulped before facing Mr. Bianchi who had a distasteful look towards her. "I lied about Elea-" "Ms. Elmz." She corrected. Jolene scowled before continuing. "Ms. Elmz being a stripper before she began working at the hospital as my boss." She finally finished off. Eleanor turned her around. "Don't you ever spread rumours about me because I will deal with you."
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