¤Chapter 4¤

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Her breath hitched as she saw no emotion in his eyes. His eyes pierced into her own. Before she knew it the man who'd punched him was on the ground motionless, lifeless and breathless. He no longer lived. The moment he took a step in her direction she began to run. She didn't dare looking back as she heard footsteps behind her. Deciding to make it difficult for them she incorporated parkour into her free running. She went into a narrow alley way and began using to walls to get up to the top. Only those who know how and what parkour is they'd understand how she got to the top off the building. Once she was on the roof top she looked down only to see them looking up. Her chest heaved up and down as she stared at them for a moment longer before continuing on the rooftops towards her apartment building. ~¤~ "What do you mean you lost her!" Roman roared. "We lost her." Gabriel shrugged. "She climbed up onto the roof tops then disappeared." He sat down. "She basically went all Spiderman." He muttered. "You better find her and bring her to me. I can't risk anything." He said in a more quiet voice. "I know that's why I've got someone working on it." He stated. "Should've left that girl alone when I told you too." "I didn't do anything with her. She so just happened to be there." He said getting out his phone. "Right..." Gabriel said unconvinced. Roman needed to make a few calls to find out where she lives so he could know how much she's seen and prevent her from saying anything. He didn't expect his night to turn out like this. He was ready to pay a huge amount of money for her silence. ~¤~ Eleanor paced back and forth in her apartment not wanting to make a stupid decision where she could get herself killed in some sort of way. She wanted to be smart with this and going to the police was surely off the table. She knew she'd be crushed like a bug if she were to take Roman to court. He smelt like money, anybody and everybody can see it from miles away. So taking to him to court would be useless since she didn't even have any physical evidence nor did she have another eye witness. She's pretty sure she'd get killed not too long after she lost the case. I watch enough tv to not be so stupid. She told herself matter of factly. Now she kind of felt glad that he had rejected her because she was no way in any way going to become an accomplice to his murders like tonight. I mean he didn't even blink when he pulled the trigger! She pulled at her hair frustratedly. A knock on her front door made her stop pacing. She groaned aloud wanting no visitors right now. She went to the door and tried to look through the peep whole but it was covered. Being the smart person she can be she took her beretta and held it firmly. She unlocked the door to see the one person she thought would come knocking later today since its early hours of the morning. She pushed the door only to have him fight it open that's when she with drew her beretta. "Get out." She said through gritted teeth. His brow arched as he stared at her. He stood in a crisp suit much different than the one he had on earlier while being the murderer he is. As for Eleanor she stood in her pj short shorts and a sports bra. She couldn't even sit for a moment nevermind sleep. "I didn't come here to have a war zone, I came to talk." He told her. "Yeah right. You probably came here to 'talk' and by that you mean kill me. No thank you I'd like to live." She rolled her eyes. He chuckled and shook his head. "No I will not kill you I came here to talk about what you saw a few hours ago and by the looks of it..." He trailed off as his eyes landed on the gun she held firmly in her hand. It actually surprised him that she knew how to hold it the way she did. "You've seen more than you should." He finished off. "No kidding Sherlock Holmes." She rolled her eyes never failing to bring up sarcastic remarks in the worst of situations such as the current one. "I have a proposal." He stated making Gabriel arch a brow and look at him funny but never dare say a thing. "And that would be?" She asked never failing to stay firm and holding her gun in place. "I can't talk with a gun pointed at face." He stated still holding onto his poker face. She slowly lowered her gun still keeping an eye on him. She still had her guard up. "Can we come in?" He asked her. "No, no you can't come in." She placed her hand on her hip holding onto the door. "That's too bad." Roman said before letting himself in along with Gabriel. She took in a deep breath before closing and locking the door. She walked into the living room where they had made themselves comfortable. She sat far from them looking at them ready for anything and everything. "What's your proposal?" She asked ready to get this over and done with. "Whenever I call and whatever I ask for you will do with no questions asked in exchange for your life" "And you expect me to just agree to this?" She arched her brow. "I'm making it easy for you so better agree now." He stated. Standing to her feet she shook her head disapprovingly. "You can get out." She told them. Standing up he shook his head. "I didn't want to do this all you had to do was agree." He stated reaching into his pocket. "Gabriel grab all her things and remove any trace of her being in this apartment." "Wh-" before she could finish off she felt a slight sting in her neck making flinch and her body to become numb. She fell backwards only for Roman to catch her before she could hit the ground. He took the beretta from her grasp and pulled her body close to his. "You should really leave this girl alone. She's far from what she needs to be in order to keep up with your lifestyle." Gabriel stated starting to pack things after he had sent a text to his men to come up and help. "You're becoming too familiar with me Gabriel. You should watch yourself." Roman warned before picking her up. "I'll meet you back in Miami." He informed before leaving with her slumped body in his arm. Even he didn't know what he wanted with this particular woman. He could get women left, right and centre but yet he choose her out of all and he has no idea why he did so. He just hopes he hasn't done anything stupid.
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