¤Chapter 5¤

1405 Words
Eleanor's eyes fluttered open and began to adjust to the light. Her eyes adjusted to her being in a big bed with white sheets. The bed was warm and comfortable making her sigh before she finally remembered the events of the night before. She quickly sat up and began to look around. The room was big with a big bed and the white bed spread. She wanted to get off her bed when the doors opened. Her gaze darkened as she looked at the man before her. She shifted away from him wanting to create distance between the two, not to even share the same air they breathe. "You brought this apon yourself. I told you to agree." He stated standing at the end of her bed. "I don't want to do anything for you." She told him firmly. "I don't care what you want. I only care about what I want." He stated shamelessly. "You will obey every order and every demand I give you." He stated firmly. "If not you will be punished." "Why don't you kill me and get it over with?" She stated. "Because I don't kill women." He growled. "You shouldn't have been snooping around and maybe just maybe we would've been on good terms with each other." He told her. "I wasn't snooping I was going home-" "And you decided to stop walking." He finished off making her angry. "I don't need any assistance from you to help me speak I can finish my sentence all on my own. How dare you be so rude and cut me off." She said in disapproval. He rolled is eyes uninterested in her rant. "Be ready in an hour the maids will help you with whatever you need." He stated turning around. "Don't be late I don't like tardiness." With that he left the room and closed the door behind her. She took the pillow besides her and screamed into it releasing all her rage. She slowly got out off bed. She walked into the bathroom and looked at herself. She looked a complete mess. Her face was pale and her hair looked as if birds have been nesting there for a whole year. She had bags under her eyes even though she knew she slept almost the entire day. Huffing she walked over to the shower and turned it on. After her shower and washing her hair she made sure to get the knots out her hair as she dried it. After drying it she walked into her room only to let out a squeal and hold her towel closer to her body as two maids made her bed. "Good afternoon miss." They smiled. "Uh...hi." She gave them a small smile before walking off into a random door only to find out its a closet filled with many outfits. She walked further in letting her fingers brush along the clothes that hung on the hangers. She began looking at all the dress wondering which one would be appropriate. "It's a black and white event, miss." The one with blond hair said to her making her look at them both. "Preferably a white dress, miss." The one with ginger hair nodded with a enthusiastic smile. She nodded then picked out a white dress. She loved the material of it. Looking at the girls they both looked at her. "Turn around." She urged trying to get her point across. They quickly turned around allowing her to slip on her underwear and slip on the dress. The dress fit her perfectly. She had no shame in showing off her body but it didn't mean she was a slut of any kind. She's just proud of her body and how she took care of it. The girls eagerly sat her down in the chair. The one did her hair and the other did her make-up. Eleanor sat immobile as they did her make-up  and hair. Once they were done they got her a black and golf pair of shoes to match with all the jewellery they've put on her. "Ok you should really get going, miss. You've only got one minute to get downstairs." They urged. Reluctantly she got up off the vanity chair and made her way through the heavy door and towards wherever they were leading her. They lead her down a long curved staircase and soon as she touched down in the last step Roman had appeared from a door. "I see you are on time." He stated walking over to her. "Rose." He gestured towards the blonde. "Maria." He nodded his head towards the ginger haired. "You are dismissed." The women quickly scurried away from the two disappearing into the ridiculously long big hallway. Eleanor directed her attention back to him. "We can leave." He told her rather than asking her. His hand snaked around her waist making her move away. "Don't touch me." She demanded. "Fine." He shrugged caringless. They left the large home into an awaiting limo outside. She wanted to stop and exam the home but Roman would keep urging her to walk. She finally gave up and walked down the final steps and got into the limo with him. ~¤~ Arriving the event it seemed to be a celebration of some sort. She didn't understand why he'd bring here and she wants to know why even though given a clear instruction to do things without question. "Why are we here?" She asked him as she followed him. "Because I have business to attend too." He simply replied. "Ok why am I here?" She asked him. "Just wait and see." He told her as they entered the event. She sighed with his lack of response. If this is how their conversations were going to be like then she might as well take a gun and take her own life. She doesn't even know how she's going to survive with a man like him let alone a murderer. As they walked he slipped his hand around her waist and soon she began to follow knowing that it's was all a sharade for everyone else even though its far more than what meets the eye. She's basically kidnapped and told to do whatever she's told or there will be consequences if she doesn't obey. I basically a dog! She thought rolling her eyes. "Don't do anything stupid." He murmured in her ear. "Is if I were planning too." She mumbled. "Good girl." He smirked making her smile sarcastically followed by an eye roll and her looking away. She surely didn't like being treated the way he is treating her. I can't believe I made a move on this man! She thought to herself. Roman made his way to the back and revealed a whole different party compared to the one they had just gone through. Her eyes scanned the room. Majority of the people here were men and a naked waitresses that made her just cringe at their little self respect. She may like showing skin but not walk around in her bathing suit kind of skin. This was absolutely ridiculous. Some men had actual dates but we all known that those are just booty calls accompanying them. Some of them just simply came alone now and then glancing at a naked woman who'd walk by as the played a game of cards. "What are they all staring at?" Her brows narrowed. "Stop asking question." He told her not bothering to answer her question. "And don't roll you're eyes in public, matter of fact don't do all that stupid s**t you do with your face when I tell you to do something." He demanded. She internally began to sinisterly kill him in one million ways as she kept a blank face just looking up at him. She imagined pushing him off a cliff, feeding him to a bunch of wild dogs or sharks, poisoning him, extreme over kill as she ran him over with a truck, pushing him in front of a bullet train. You basically get the point that she despises him. "Stop staring at me." "Why?" She asked trying to be annoying. "Because I said so." "Why?" He huffed as his jaw clenched not having time to deal with how childish she is being. At the current moment. "I will not hesitate to kill you right here right now." "Then what's stopping you?" She said sassly.
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