¤Chapter 3¤

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Eleanor has been settled into her office after her rush towards the office. This morning she had woken up late and had to rush through everything to just get here on time. She had a hard time falling asleep and when she finally did she heard her alarm clock go off. Now she sat stacked with a bunch of papers that she'd been meaning to do. The clinic wasn't as busy as the rest of the week. She was greatful that it wasn't because she needed this done by tomorrow. "Who is it?" She asked when she heard a knock on the door. The knock continued making her sigh and allow the person to come in. Her purse was put on the desk making her look up only to see Roman. "You should really make sure you don't leave your purse laying around." He stated making her smile. "Thank you for returning it...but how did you know where to find me?" She asked. "Your card is inside." He told her taking a seat from across. "You look more organised than earlier." "Yeah..." She trailed off smiling. "How could I ever repay you for bringing my purse back. I didn't even notice it wasn't in my bag." She stated feeling greatful as ever can be that he'd returned her purse. "No payment necessary, its the right thing to do." He told her. "No really I want to because if it weren't for you I'd be stressing... again." She said feeling the need to pay him back somehow. "I could take you out for coffee or something." Roman sat looking at her with an amused look on his face. He could tell she was very soft, maybe too soft in the kind of world he lives in. With the thought of bringing her into his world he couldn't help but fight with himself. He wanted her, he wanted her with him so bad but he couldn't do that to her. Her innocence was displayed like a sale for woman's footwear. "No." He told her standing up. She's too innocent. "No thanks necessary." He told her before leaving out his office. He was saving himself from any trouble that may come this way. She too delicate. He told himself. There's no way she could handle his lifestyle. He'd be damned if he knew he was the cause of something happening to her. "Gabriel pick your words wisely or I swear I will kill you right here right now." Roman threatened seeing the cheeky smirk on his face. "I wasn't going to say anything." He simply shrugged before walking towards the car. "I just hope that you did the right thing by not dragging her to your dark and gloomy life." He snickered. "As if yours is any different." ~¤~ "I feel like an idiot." Eleanor shook her head as she ate some ice cream with Kyle. "You shouldn't babe. I mean you took a leap of faith." He shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah and where did that get me? I got rejected by an angel kissed man." She whined. "So it's that bad?" He arched his brow. "Yes Kyle." She exclaimed. Kyle abortedly stood up and grabbed his best friends hand and dragged her towards the closet. He sat her down on the couch and began ramaging through her closet. "Kyle what are you doing?" She asked him. "We are going to get you over that kissed by an angel man and get you someone different." He told her throwing clothes in her direction. "Kyle as much I'd like to I really don't." "I wasn't asking if you wanted to go." He stated sitting her down on the chair. "Now be still while I fix your hair and make-up." Reluctantly Eleanor sat at the vanity stand allowing him to do her hair and make-up. Once she was done he got her to get dressed. When she was dressed he had dragged her to a club even though she wanted to sit down and sulk with ice cream. It's not the first time she'd been rejected but she never took rejection lightly like other people might have, like Kyle. Getting to the club she found it amazing at how the interior decoration was done. It looked modern, formal and yet more like a party. She'd seen a few beautifully designed places and this was another. In a few moments she found herself dancing with some man on the dance floor. She's not drunk nor is she high it's just that the music got her in the mood to let go. Music is practically her drug. She felt herself getting lost in the music as she closed her eyes and danced with him. He pulled her close and she didn't mind, it's the music that has drawn her...into absolutely nowhere. She just feels free, but yet somehow trapped. Music is not only her drug but it's also her prison. If she could, she'd get lost in it for as long as she wanted too. She pulled herself away from him and out of her trance. She wanted to get something to drink. Her throat felt dry and she felt as if she were being choked not too long ago. My be I'm coming down with the flu that's been going around. She thought to herself. Once she drank all her water she felt refreshed. She sighed feeling her body become more awake than before. She felt more alive rather than dead and stiff. She felt the presence of a man that she'd never forget besides her. "Hey." He simply greeted as if he'd never rejected her a few hours ago. "Hey." She found it in her strength to give him a small smile. "How are you?" He asked her. "Fine." She told him as she got her other bottle off water. "How was work?" He asked. He could tell that she wasn't talking as much even though their encounters were short she'd always speak more than now. He was trying to get her to speak and she was making it too difficult for him. "Ok." She shrugged. "I've got to go." She told him before hopping off her chair. "Hey." He pulled her back. "What's wrong?" Her breath hitched as she felt how rough and large his hand was compared to her small soft hand. "Nothing." She gave him another small smile. "What's the rush?" He asked letting go  of her hand. "I just want to dance." She shrugged. "Stay and talk with me." He suggested with a smirk. "Now why would I want to do that?" She asked him sassly. You couldn't really blame her. He'd just rejected her not too long ago and now he wants to talk to her. She found it outrageous since she didn't like talking to people who'd rejected her. She didn't feel the need and she knew things would be awkward to maintain any sort of relationship after she'd been rejected. "Just sit and talk to me Elley." He patted the bar stole next to him. "Goodbye Roman." She said rolling her eyes then walking into the crowd. She surely didn't have time for whatever he was planning. If he was talking to her just for jokes because he's rejected her then he surely wasn't going to get anywhere. ~¤~ Standing outside the club Eleanor tried her cell once more. She'd been trying to call Kyle for so long she doesn't know how long she'd been outside. She wanted to go home and he was her ride home. She didn't have any money on her since he dragged her out. "C'mon, c'mon." She repeated over and over hoping that Kyle would pick up. "Hey this is Kyle, I can't reach my-" she cut the phone groaning in annoyance. She didn't want to hitch hike knowing the dangers off hitch hiking. Huffing out a breath she guessed this is where free running comes in handy even though she didn't want too. She began to jog and pick up pace as she kept going. When she turned a corner she spotted figures standing surrounding a man. One stood with a cigar in his mouth and puffed out smoke. Her jogging had come to an automatic stop. She watched as they exchanged a few words before the other man punched the guy with a cigar in his mouth. She got a glimps off the person's face instantly recognising who it was. She watched a little while longer before all he looked at her making everyone else look at her too.
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