¤Chapter 2¤

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Sighing she rolled her shoulders before she had to get her last patient of the day. After her little chat with Kyle she had left off to work and made it just on time. Standing up she walked around her desk then out her office and took the clipboard for her next patient . "Mrs. Thompson." She called out with a warm smile. The lady stood up and followed Eleanor into her office. She held the door open for her and the child. They both sat at her desk and she sat on the other side. "Hello Mrs. Thompson." She greeted with a smile. "What can I do for the both of you?" "Hi Dr. Elmz, Carl has a building block in his nose and I've tried everything but nothing seems to get it out." Mrs. Thompson seemed generally worried. Eleanor nodded as she took a few notes. She looked up at them. "It's not anything we can't fix just take him to the bed right there." She pointed at the bed. They moved over to the bed. Mrs Thompson sat with Carl on her lap who was asleep. Tilting Carl's head up Eleanor used her flash light to see the inside to see a square block lodged in his small nose. Eleanor took tweezers and swiftly managed to pull out the block. As expected a few moments Carl squirmed then began to cry. "Thank you so much." Mrs. Thompson said letting out a sigh of relief. "No problem." She said writing the needed medication to take care of Carl's aching nose. "These prescriptions will help ease the pain in the nose." She explained handing her the doctors note. "Thank you once again." ~¤~ Getting into her bedroom she kicked off her shoes and walked towards the bathroom. She took a nice hot shower relaxing her body. After scrubbing off all the dirt from her body she brushed her teeth then began to dry her hair. As soon as she turned off her hair drier Kyle walked in with a huge grin on his face. "Hey Kyle." She grinned at him. "Hey girl so I was think we could go to the club, you know let loose." He suggested sitting on her bed. "How about no." She laughed going over to her closet to get her night-wear. "You can't say no to me because you've been saying no all week." He stopped her from picking out her night wear and threw clothes at her. "You'll get dressed then slut around in the club like the slut you are." He told her making her roll her eyes. She knew very well that she'd been saying no all week because she wasn't feeling the need to go to the club and be the designated driver or left alone because Kyle was busy mingling. But none the less she got dressed to go to the club just for him. After getting dressed she tied her hair up in a sleek ponytail and applied natural make-up with a red bold lip. After slipping on her heels Kyle dragged her out towards her car. Once they had arrived at the club Eleanor dragged him towards the dance floor. Eleanor loved to dance so it was the most obvious place Kyle would be dragged too. She is an amazing dancer and people who've seen her are amazed by her dancing. After a few more songs Kyle had disappeared with someone and she left of towards the bar. She didn't drink one bit but she needed a glass of water for her parched throat. "Water." She simply said to the bartender who'd become familiar with her. He gave her a bottle of water with a smirk before attending other people. She gulped down half her bottle before setting it down and pulling out her phone. "Gin." A masculine vioce said besides her. She glanced up to see it was the same man she'd seen earlier today at the the café. She turned away quickly before he could notice her looking at him, making herself busy with liking people's posts on **. "Aren't you that woman from the café." He spoke making her look up and smile at him. "Yes I am." She nodded. "That was great what you did for that kid." He stated. "Thanks...I guess." She said unsure of her words. "I've never seen you around these parts before." He stated as she turned her body towards him. "Well I've lived here for quiet a while now. I guess we just keep missing each other." She shrugged unable to find a better way to explain it. "So what's a beautiful woman such as yourself doing at a bar all alone?" He asked taking a seat besides her. She laughed slightly making him look confused. "I bet you use that line all the woman." She grinned at him. He chuckled with a nod. "Ok maybe I do." "Maybe?" She arched her brow. "Ok I do use it on women." He told her making her smile even more. "Well it was nice talking to you..." She trailed off not knowing his name. "Roman." He answered. "It was nice talking to you Roman but I've got to find my friend." She hopped off the bar stole. "Wait let me buy you a drink." He stood up as well. "Thank you but no thanks." She declined. "See you around Roman." She waved before disappearing into the crowd. Roman ran a hand through his hair frustrated at the fact that he didn't have more time to talk to her and the fact that she had declined his offer. No one had declined his offer before especially from him so this left a dent in his ego. He surely wouldn't have forgotten the woman who stared at him from the moment he stepped out of his car earlier today, so when he saw her here at the bar he took it as the chance to speak to her. He couldn't lie he was surely captivated by her beauty. Her long back hair that had a few copper brown highlights, chocolate brown eyes, very light shade of pink plump lips and a rocking body he couldn't help but look at each time. She was beauty at its purest form. "What's wrong with your face?" Gabriel his right hand man asked stopping right in front of him. Roman sighed before tossing the rest of his Gin in the back of his neck. "Nothing." He breathed out. "No you have that look when your mom tells you no." He stated as a smirk formed on his lips. "She rejected you didn't she?" "I said its nothing Gabriel." Roman growled. "Ok." He put his hands up in surrender. "It's nothing." He nodded. Roman sighed and ordered another drink. He needed all the alcohol he could get to get this weird feeling out his stomach. ~¤~ "Roman why are we here?" Gabriel asked looking at the familiar café. "I want coffee." He simply implied. Gabriel looked at him suspiciously before walking in behind him Gabriel didn't understand why they were back here. The coffee wasn't as good as Roman claims it to be. Gabriel has tasted far better and they both know it. Walking in Roman's eyes searched the café only to be filled with disappointment. He waited for his order not feeling the need to take a seat. As soon as he got his coffee Eleanor had just walked in looking disorganised as ever can be. She had bumped into a woman causing both their belongings to scatter on the floor. Eleanor was quick to apologise and help pick up everything. "Hey I made a phone call asking for my coffee to be ready when I get here." She stated frantically shoving things into her purse. The woman behind the counter nodded before going into the back to retrieve her order. "Hey Elley." Roman greeted making her head snap up for a brief moment. "Hey." She gave him a breathless smile. "How are you?" He asked her trying to get her to speak. Her order was placed on the counter in front of her. She paid for it and grabbed a bunch off letters along with her car keys and her order. "Look I'd really love to talk and all but I'm late for work, I've got to go." She told him before dashing back out the café. After a few moments of silence around Roman, Gabriel stepped next to him. "Huh so that's why we came here." "Shut up Gabriel."
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