¤Chapter 28¤

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"Elley why the fučk would you do that?" "Because she lied about me." Eleanor exclaimed. "You can't just slap my best friend-" "I don't give a flying pigs ass who the fučk she is." She snapped. "I asked one thing of you. All you had to do was keep your fučking attitude and sassy attitude under control." Roman barked angrily. "You can't control me Roman! You always try to control and why can't you see that you-" she cut herself off as her expression softened but was captured with sadness and slight anger but most off all hurt. "You try to control me because you embarrassed of me." She whispered looking up at him. Roman growled seeing the look of hurt written all over her. "That's not tru-" "Don't lie to me Roman." She let out a breath. "If you embarrassed to be seen with me in public all you had to do was say so instead of trying to control me." She stated. Shaking her head she stepped around him but he caught her hand. Eleanor yanked her hand away. "Leave me alone." She muttered bitterly before walking away fast. She stormed out the ball room feeling everyone look at her before she had disappeared out off the sight. She walked out the hallway until she was in the foyer. She looked around before she looked up at the staircase and began to walk up. She found herself in a random room and entered. Closing her eyes she huffed and fell onto the bed with a puff of air. She began to feel her hand ache from the slaps she had inflicted onto Jolene's face. Rubbing her hand she sat looking down at it as it burned. She got up off the bed and out to the balcony. She sat at the seat and closed her eyes. She knew very well that she was loud and sometimes may get out of hand but most of the time she was more than civilised. When she reacted it was only because she needed to or someone simply just pushed her buttons. Her eyes opened to look up at the sky but she didn't at the sight of Roman in front of her. He was simply sitting across from her with his ankle on his knee looking at her and a glass of Gin in his one hand. "I wondering when you'd open your eyes." Roman stated removing his ankle removing his knee. Eleanor rolled her eyes standing up. She was more than ready to leave the room. Roman stood and grabbed her hand swirling her towards him. She bumped into him as he held her tight. "Let me go Roman." She snapped. "If you're too embarrassed be around me in public you should be to do so when we aren't in public." She tried to push him away. Roman rolled his eyes as he placed his glass down as Eleanor continued to struggled against his hold. "Elley stop struggling." He growled. Roman placed both his hands on her waist pulling her close. He dipped his head low allowing his lips to brush against her ear lobe. "If I were embarrassed then I wouldn't take you anywhere with me." He whispered in her ear. "Then why do you keep controlling me." She snapped. "I'm not controlling you. I'm keeping you out of trouble." He pulled back looking down at her. "The people downstairs will not hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes, that's why I tell you not to be so sassy and full of attitude." "But you stood up for Jolene." Her eyes narrowed. "You took her side even though she lied about me." "You shouldn't let-" "But it's not your name she dragging in the mud." She snapped once again. "She wouldn't drag your name through the mud because she's afraid off you. Everyone is." She looked down at his hands around her small frame against his larger frame. "So you are afraid of me." He stated. "I don't want you to be afra-" "I never said I was afraid of you." She sassily replied. "I said everyone is afraid of you and quite frankly I'm not everyone, I'm Eleanor." She continued. Roman smirked looking down at her. "Did I ever tell you how fučking hot you look when you're being sassy and fierce?" He asked licking his bottom lip. Eleanor's cheeks turned a ntugjt red as she looked up at him, "No I'm not." She grumbled looking away running her tongue along her teeth. Roman chuckled as he placed a sweet kiss on her temple before nuzzling his head in the crock of her neck. He took in a deep breath loving how she smelt of mixed berries. "You smell good." He murmured. Eleanor huffed wrapping her arms around him. "Are you drunk Roman?" She asked him. "No." He shook his head. "You sure as hell seem like it." She muttered. They stood like that for a few more moments before he stood up right. "The meeting is going to commence in a few more moments." He stated looking down at his watch. "Do I have to come along?" She asked him. "Yes. My father asked for you to be there so you can tell them what has happened." Roman stated. "You're not afraid of speaking to a crowd are you?" He asked. Placing her hand on her hip with an arched brow. "Really Roman?" She asked him. "Ok lets go." He stated. "Alright." She sighed. "But before we go..." he trailed off pulling her back. "Wha-" she was cut short as his lips connected with her own. She closed her eyes gripping into his suit jacket as she allowed him to have full control of the kiss. Roman grew hungrier the more they kissed. He walked into the room backing her into the wall. He lifted her up letting her wrapped her legs around his waist. Roman pushed himself into her core earning a moan from her. He began to grind his him into her causing her to moan even more as he trailed his kisses to her neck. Eleanor grind her hips with him matching his rhythm making him groan on her neck which caused her to smirk momentarily. "Fučk." He continued. "Roman...." She barely got out. "W-w-we have to get going." She said but made no effort to stop grinding into him. "Your right." He growled out and slowly stopped but didn't stop leaving his mark. Eleanor continued to grind into him gripping onto his collar. Her moans continued to slip out as she felt his sweet lips on her neck and his hands on her ass. "Fučk Elley if you don't stop we aren't going to leave this room without me bending you over." He growled desperately. Eleanor released a small chuckled as she gripped his head and pressed her lips onto his lips. Roman growled as his one hand wrapped around her neck deepening the kiss. Not too long the buzzing of Roman's phone had made them both stop their heated make out session, well it was basically s*x but with clothes on. So in conclusion their dry s*x was put to a stopped by a phone call. However, the phone call didn't stop Eleanor from kissing his neck in a teasing manner as he spoke. Every time he seemed to calm down she'd nibble at his neck and kiss the same spot making him realse shaky breaths gripping her ass even more. "You Ms. Elmz, are a bad girl." Roman stated lowering her. "I wasn't the one who started the make out session." She stated pulling the illusion net down since it had riden up. "We have to get going." He said more seriously. "You might want to get fixed up first." She stated as she pointed at his hair she'd messed up. Roman huffed walking into the bathroom. She followed inside with him and began to fix all the smudged lipstick. She ruffled her hair a bit trying to cover some of the hickies. Roman had fixed his tux and tied his hair. He wiped off the lipstick on his neck and view the two hickies Eleanor had given him. He turned towards her with a smirk. He pulled her to him and placed his hand on her neck. "We'll finish this another time." He whispered. As he removed his hand he purposely moved the hair that covered his marks. "C'mon."
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