¤Chapter 9¤

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Once they had greeted all most everyone Eleanor was allowed to be free to roam around but with Gabriel at her side, which annoyed her. He obeyed and stuck by her the whole time. She simply went outside and sat the bench looking up at the full  moon. "Don't you need something to drink?" Gabriel asked her. "I don't drink alcohol and so far that seems to be the only thing they're serving here." She told him not bothering to look away from the moon. "Well people are dancing and I feel like dancing." He stated. "Then go dance, I'm not stopping you." She told him. "I can't if you're out here." He said sitting besides her. "Plus I don't have a partner." "What are you implying exactly?" She finally looked at him. "Come dance with me and don't say you don't know how because I've seen you a couple of times at the club's." He grinned. "What if I just say no for the heck of saying no?" She smirked. "No isn't an option nor is maybe." His smile grew more. "Then that's not much of a choice is it?" She let out a small giggle. "No it isn't." He shook his head. Standing to her feet she dusted the back off her dress before turning to him. "Well are you waiting for an invitation or Lady Gaga to tell you to get up?" She arched her brow. "Funny." He chuckled getting up. "Shall we?" He asked holding his hand out to her. She nodded with a smile. They made their way back inside and straight to the dance floor where everyone else was. They all danced happily chit chatting about random knowledge. They were basically playing 'did you know?' while they danced. "May I?" An old man asked smiling at Eleanor. "Sure." Gabriel said. "Don't have too much fun without me." He winked at Eleanor. Eleanor threw her head back laughing. She shook her head at him as she began to dance with the old man. The man may have been old but he was fit like most of the men hair. He was tall and built. The only way you could tell he was old was due to the rankles that barely showed if you weren't  really looking and his grey/ black hair. "Wow you must exercise everyday." Eleanor stated after examining him. "I do." He nodded smiling down at her. "How would you know or did my body give it away?" He asked. "Yes and how you're able to move easily for an old timer." She grinned. "Plus I'm a doctor so I'd be able to tell." She added making him laugh. "Now I see." He nodded in understanding. "You must exercise too." He stated. "Only when I can." She said honestly. "But I maintain a healthy life style." "That's good." He nodded. "So what kind of relation do you have to Mr. Bianchi?" He asked her. Her brows came together in a knot. "You're talking about Roman." She stated making him grin and nod. "I see you're on the first name bases already." As she opened her mouth to answer Roman had appeared besides the man with a smile. Not a very pleasing one though. It was more sinister than welcoming. "Mind if I cut in?" He asked. "Not at all." The man seemed unfazed by the way he looked at him. "Bye dear, it was nice talking to you." "Bye, it was lovely talking to you too." She grinned waving at him. Roman took a step towards her and placed his hands on her waist. Eleanor placed her hands around his neck. She wanted to push him away and say something smart but she went against it because she knew she had caused more than enough trouble as is. "Why so quiet?" Roman asked. "Because I don't have anything to say." She restrained herself from rolling her eyes because of the audience they suddenly had. "Normally you'd have something smart and sassy to say." He stated matter of factly. "Oh you have no idea." She let out a small chuckle. "I have no desire to be near you whatsoever." "Didn't seem like it when you asked me out the other day." "Biggest mistake I've ever made." She shoved herself away from him. She attempted to walk away from him but he grabbed her hand and pulled her back with a spin. She came in contact with his chest as he placed his hands on her waist this time with a firm grip. "Don't embarrass me." He muttered. "You've already accomplished that on your own." She snapped back sassly. ~¤~ Waking up the very next morning Eleanor wished she had fallen asleep and never woken up again because she knew she'd have to deal with Roman for another agonising day and that was the very last thing she'd ever want or need in her life. "It's about time you woke up." She heard the sound of Gabriel's voice say besides her. "What are you doing in my room?" Her eyes narrowed. "I'm here to get you to work now get up and get dressed." He rushed her. "Ok fine no need to rush me." She rolled her eyes as she got up and out of bed. She went into the bathroom and took a hot shower. After her shower she got dressed in somewhat formal wear because she didn't know where she was going. She tied her hair into a sleek ponytail. "Gabe!" She called out. "What?" He asked from the other side of the closet door. "Flats of heels?" She asked him. "Bring both." He said unsure of his answer. "Ok thanks for nothing." She answered with an eye roll. She wanted a specific answer but seeing that she didn't know where she was going she wore her flats now and put her heels into a light pink bag. She applied a bit off make-up with a red bold lip. Once she checked herself in the body length mirror one last time she walked out. "Go changed." Is the first thing she heard the moment she walked out. "No." She said stubbornly as she held her bag and leather jacket in one hand. "You already took me from my home I will not let you take my fashion sense as well." "Do you ever listen?" Gabriel exclaimed following her out the room. "Yes...but I don't want too." She shrugged. Gabriel shook his head as he fell into step with her. "You should hurry up because you only have ten minutes until we have to leave." He notified her. "You never told me what I'm going to do." She stated. "It's not me who had to tell." He simply answered making her stop walking while continued. "Then who?" Her brows narrowed. "Who else?" He yelled back. She groaned knowing exactly who she'd have to listen too. She quickly caught up with Gabriel allowing them both to enter the dinning room. Sure enough Roman sat there eating his breakfast. Roman looked up from his plate at the sound of the door opening and the sound of Eleanor's click clacking of shoes. He watched as she sat besides Gabriel, furthest away from him. He somehow found it amusing at how much she distanced herself from him. It's physically impossible since she has to be there at his beck and call. "So where will I be working?" She asked with a flat look. In all honesty Roman did miss the bright smile she'd flash everytime she saw him. It did brighten his day after all. "In a hospital." He spoke. "You will treat my men with no questions asked and no record of injuries on computer only on paper." He instructed. "It's easier to get rid of paper rather than files." He added. Should've known it was something shady. Eleanor thought with a scoff. "I only treat children, not adults." She stated. "I've seen your file. You're more capable than you let on. I don't know why you choose children and I don't give a fučk why but you will be treating my men." He finished off. "And I'm working alone?" She asked. "No you'll be working with a close friend of mine." He said taking a sip of his coffee. "And that would be?" She asked waiting for an answer. "Jolene."
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