¤Chapter 8¤

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"What the fučk did I say about talking to me however you please?" He growled. "Nothing you swine!" She snapped freeing her hands. "And don't you dare touch me!" She shoved him. "You lied about my family when you know absolutely nothing!" "Watch your tone." He warned becoming impatient. "Or what?" She snapped sassly. Roman pulled out a gun and pointed it right between her eyes. However, Eleanor merely looked at it the let a small chuckle escape her lips before she grabbed it twisting his wrist in process. "Guns don't scare me Roman. Never have and never will." She spat bitterly. "Now let's get something straight. I may know stuff and I'm somewhat working for you but don't you ever place yourself in the position of lying to my friend. I'm pretty sure I'm capable of that." She instructed. Roman pulled out another gun pointing it between her eyes once again. "Little girl you don't dare mess with me becau-" "I don't know who you are?" She arched her brow in a questioning manner. "I know exactly who you are Roman and let me tell you this so it's nice and clear to you. I'm not afraid of people like you. Kill me now if you want, its not like I'm afraid of dying." She told him. "Lets see what you have to say now." She challenged. Roman staid quiet as they both never dared to lower their guns waiting for the one who's going to break. Eleanor chuckled sinisterly shaking her head. "That's what I thought." She stated lifting her head up. "Put your gun down...it's empty." She stated. She remembered when she held his gun yesterday that he had pointed at Andrew with and it was way too light to be loaded and that's how she knew that he used that gun for show and to scare people. A throat cleared making them both look away and into the room filled with men who have been watching ever since they entered. They all sat wide eyed looking at the scene before them. Roman faced her again. "We'll discuss this when we get back home." "No." She lowered her gun. "We're done." She took his other hand put the gun in it before walking to the open seats that were at the top of the table. Roman closed his eyes taking in a deep breath so he doesn't brutally murder this woman in front of everyone. Keep calm Roman, keep calm. He told himself before he pocketed his guns and went to his seat right next to Eleanor who sat with a frown on her face. Keep calm Roman, keep calm... ~¤~ "Roman you've got yourself one heck of a woman." His cousin teased making his other cousins laugh. Eleanor ate her food not bothering to say anything because she had it with Roman and she felt as if she opened her mouth to say something she'd say things she'd regret. But of course life being its usual self didn't let her off the hook so easy... "So my dear do tell us your name." The one who looked older. "Well wouldn't you like to know." She muttered only for herself to her but Gabriel and Roman heard her. Gabriel nudged her giving her stern look. She inwardly rolled her eyes before looking up at the man. "Eleanor." She simply replied. "Where are you from?" "I don't know you so I will not reveal such information." She snapped making Gabriel nudge her again. "And would you stop nudging me." She snapped at Gabriel. "Keep yourself under control." He growled. "Then stop pushing the wrong buttons." She stated in an obvious tone. The men on the table laughed seeing how Roman and Gabriel struggled to keep her under control when she knew she could die at any moment. "Roman..." His one cousin placed a hand on his. "Where did you find her? She's such a thrill to have around." He stated taking a sip of his coffee. Roman didn't reply to him before he simply shrugged his cousins hand off his shoulder. He wasn't in the mood for anything at this moment. Eleanor had made him pissed off. She had not only disrespected him infront of his men and cousins but she'd also pointed a gun at him. Her and her fučking attitude. He thought to himself with a growl. "We're leaving." Roman stated getting up. "Gabriel." He nodded at him. Gabriel stood up and took Eleanor's wrist in his hand. She yanked her arm away forcefully as she stood up. "I'm capable of walking all by myself since I walked in without anyone having to hold my hand." She stated matter off factly before walking ahead of him. Gabriel huffed as Roman began saying his goodbyes. Gabriel followed Eleanor out the restaurant to where she stood looking annoyed, impatient, anger and very irritable. "You know you're in trouble right." He stated standing besides her. "I'm not in trouble." She stated making him nod. "What you did back there was not only brave but also stupid since you claim to know Roman." He placed his hands in his pockets. "Its not my fault he decided to take me." She rolled he eyes. "It's not." He nodded in agreement. "But it doesn't mean you should act the way you acting now." "And why is that? I'm not going to be submissive to such a swine." She growled. "I can tell you he a certain liking towards you that's why he hasn't killed you or whatever he does to keep people shut." He said. "A liking?" Eleanor threw her head back with a loud laugh. "Yeah right I'm pretty sure that happens when pigs fly. He is nothing but a brute." She spat bitterly. "You're nothing but a little girl and do you see me complaining? No." Roman spoke appearing from behind them. Eleanor rolled her eyes before getting into the car. She surely didn't have the energy and time to fight with him. Not now... She told herself. Just keep your cool... ~¤~ Eleanor staid bent over as she scrubbed the stain off the carpeted floor clean. Her punishment was to clean the whole off the third floor and she surely didn't agree at first but now here she was cleaning the last room. She was not to eat until everything was clean. She didn't have a problem with that because she never had a problem with not eating. Once she had finished cleaning she put everything back where it belonged. She made her way back upstairs and took a warm relaxing shower. "What are you doing in here?" She snapped at him as she saw him sitting on her bed. "Get dressed we're leaving in thirty minutes." Roman stated standing up. "No." She shook her head. "You're leaving in thirty minutes not me." She said walking towards the closet. "I wasn't asking you." He said calmly. "Get dressed and I won't repeat myself again." He told her. Roman walked out and closed the door behind him making her release a frustrated groan and walk into the closet. She saw a two piece ballroom gown laid out on the couch. Her frown instantly vanished and was replace with a smile. Once she got dressed she curled the ends of her hair allowing them to to fall down to her mid-back. She did natural make-up allowing the dress to stand out more. She made her way downstairs and as perusual she met Roman at the staircase. They both walked out and got into a white limo where Gabriel also sat. Instead of sitting besides Roman she sat besides Gabriel who wore a grey suit with a black shirt and black shoes with his hair jelled back. "You like handsome." She commented. "Thanks not so bad yourself." He smirked making her smile. The rest of the car ride only had Gabriel and Roman discussing matter which she never paid attention to as always. All she kept hearing was the same name, Daniel. This person must be important. She thought to herself. Once they have reached their destination he gave Eleanor a stern look warning her about her behaviour again. They all got out and this seemed to be an important event since the paparazzi. Eleanor looked up to see the banner indicating it is a charity event. No wonder why...
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