¤Chapter 15¤

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"To have a good time. What about you?" She asked turning around. "What? Not happy to see me?" She asked him. "I'm not happy to see anyone who is related to Daniel and if I remember correctly he is your twin." He growled. "That doesn't mean I'm just like him." She stated through gritted teeth. "I have no trust in your words whatsoever." Roman snapped. "If you haven't got anything nice to say about her then don't say anything." Eleanor stated getting up with her drink. "C'mon Ella." She took hold of her hand. Danielle looked at Roman one last time before grabbing her drink and walking off with Eleanor. The two walked away from him into the crowd of people. They stood at the balcony looking down onto the crowd of people. "So you know him?" Eleanor stated looking down at the crowd. "Worse...we're related." She threw back the rest of her martini and took Eleanor's martini. "That bastarad keeps comparing me to my no good brother who decided to drag our family name down." She stated before beginning to down her martini too. "So he technically hates himself because he said he hates anyone related to Daniel was it?" Danielle let out a small laugh. "Yeah." She nodded. "So you know him." She stated now looking at her. "Unfortunately...yes." She nodded. Danielle smiled. "I can tell we are going to be good friends." "That's great because its nice to talk to a mature girl around here." Eleanor said dramatically. "Mature girl?" She arched her brow. "If you know Roman I'm pretty sure you are well aware off Jolene?" She asked her. "Oh I wish I wasn't but unfortunately I am." Danielle rolled her eyes. "And let me guess she's the girl he brought the same dress?" "Bingo." She stated making them both laugh. They both looked down once again. "Roman is stupid." She shook her head. "He can't see that Jolene does this everytime another woman enters his life. He could've gotten married but Jolene just had to chase every girl away." She shook her head. "She's just that bad huh?" Eleanor asked. "Yeah..." She laughed. "This one time she bleached this other girls hair." She shook her head. "The poor girls hair started to fall out and she left." "Wow that girl has some major issues." "No kidding." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway lets go down and dance I'm tired off looking sexy but having no hot guy touch up on me." She stated pulling her towards the staircase. Eleanor chuckled realising she had gotten herself involved with a crazy girl, as if her life wasn't as crazy as is. A little more crazy wouldn't hurt anyone, right? ~¤~ Eleanor woke up to someone jumping on her bed. She looked around for the intruder only to see a fully dressed Danielle grinning at her. "Danni?" She mumbled looking up at her."What are you doing here?" She grumbled. "You're really not a morning person." She chuckled getting off the bed. "She's going to be working with you." She heard Roman's voice making her groan and put her head under the covers. "No get up." Danielle said yanking the blanket making her shiver. "Gosh you people don't love sleep around here." She stated getting up. She stepped into her fuzzy slippers and looked at Danielle who was looking at her from head to toe. "What?" She asked her. "That's not your shirt." She stated. "Who's shirt is it?" "I have no idea..." She trailed off looking down at herself. "I remember not feeling comfortable in my dress and that's it." She shrugged. "It's mine." Roman stated walking out. "You took it from my room." Eleanor's brows narrowed for a while before she simply shrugged. "Don't remember." "Well hurry your tiny ašs up because we've got to get to work." "My butt isn't small." She placed her hand on her butt. "Is it?" She went to the mirror and looked at it. Roman let out a breath watching her looking at herself in the mirror. He wanted to tell her that her ašs was perfect as is but didn't bother. He simply walked out the bedroom and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Your ašs is fine just go get ready." Danielle urged. "Then why did you say it was tiny?" She looked at her. Danielle rolled her eyes. "Go get ready please." She shove her into the bathroom. After Danielle had presented Eleanor with scrubs that had arrived today she groaned and put them on none the less. They both went downstairs to find Jolene, Gabriel and Roman sitting having breakfast. "Hi Gabriel, I haven't seen you since last night." Eleanor said sitting down besides him. "I was busy with stuff." He grinned at her. She nodded and dug into her food. "Why isn't she wearing her scrubs?" Eleanor eyed Jolene. "Oh because they're unfashionable." Jolene stated. "You can enter the hospital once you've got the right attire on." Eleanor said standing up. "You can't do that!" She shrieked. "Roman tell her she can't do that." "She can since she runs the place." He stated not really paying attention since he's been texting away on his phone. Jolene got up and stormed off with a shriek. Eleanor rolled her eyes before following behind Gabriel who had began walking. "So I'm chauffeuring the both of you today?" He asked opening the back seat. "Yes and you will do it because she's my only friend around here." Eleanor said. "Oh really?" He arched his brow. "Let me rephrase that: she's my only girl friend around here." She grinned at him. "That's much better." Gabriel started up the car. "So you too don't dislike each other?" She asked gesturing to Danielle. "Me being friends/working with Roman doesn't mean I have to hate everybody he hates." Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Yeah Gabriel and I go way back." Danielle looked up from her phone. "I just haven't seen him in a long time." "Yeah we had to keep our friendship on the down low though." Gabriel stated with a frown. "Oh...that must suck." She stated. "No kidding." Danielle sighed. The rest of the ride was filled with Eleanor filling Danielle in on everything that had happened around the hospital and Gabriel telling them about the new arriving patients. Getting to the hospital Gabriel left the girls to be. Eleanor had shown Danielle her new office which wasn't that far from her's. It was the same size as Jolene's and unlike Jolene she didn't complain about it. "So when you have a patient make sure to store their medical record on paper whenever you get the chance because we don't have receptionist to file all their profiles." Danielle nodded taking a seat behind her desk. "I heard Jolene works here too." She stated gloomily. "Yes she does just don't let her push you over and no conflict." She said sternly. "Damn...you're stricter than you seem when it comes to work." She pointed out. "I like order in my work environment." She simply replied. "Make sure you're organised before the patients arrive." "And that would be when?" "In five minutes." She winked before walking out her office towards her own. "Gee thanks I'm so prepared!" ~¤~ "Ok a few more steps." She said walking besides him as he walked holding onto the two poles besides him. He struggled to walk since the bullet had been lodged close to his spine slightly numbing his lower half. He'd been excersing every week and Eleanor had seen some great improvement. "You're doing great." She patted his shoulder before wheeling him towards his room. "It doesn't feel like it doc." He shook his head. "Oh c'mon you've started walking without my help now. Before you know it you'd be walking again." She said cheerfully. "You've got a point there." He smiled. "See that's the spirit." She helped him onto his bed before leaving out as Jolene came into the room and place his food in front off him. Eleanor looked at her wrist watch to see it was already lunch time. Getting into her office she saw Danielle sitting down having her lunch. She grinned and sat across from her. "I see you've made yourself comfortable in my office." She said as she took out her lunch that she had asked Rose to make for her. "If I don't who will?"
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