¤Chapter 16¤

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Roman's fist connected with his face causing blood to splatter onto the ground. His muscles bulged making them much more visible through his shirt. The veins in his buckles and neck popped. He had lost patients and now allowed his knuckles to do all the talking. He was going to put him through excruciating pain before ending his life. But everything could stop if only he would tell him what happened at the docks that got his men injured and what had happened to his shipment. "Please man I've got a family." The man cried. "What happened to my shipment!" He yelled allowing his voice to boom throughout the small room. "I'm not telling you." Roman pulled out his dagger and pressed it against his cheek. "This blade will make 100 cuts on your body without killing you. I don't care how long it takes but when you die there surely will be 100 cuts on your body." With that said he made a slow but not deep cut on his cheek. Once he was done he stepped back. "Take him away and don't feed him for the next couple of days." He said giving his dagger to one off his men before walking out. "Gabriel go get the next bastarad on the list." He growled as he walked out the warehouse. Gabriel nodded before he got into his own car and drove off. Roman got into his own and drove off towards his home. Once he got home he made his way towards the kitchen feeling exhausted as ever. When he got into the kitchen he spotted Eleanor munching on some fruit. It wasn't the first time he'd walk in seeing her eat something. It had been multiple times. "No sleep again?" He asked even though he knew the answer. "Mhm...working late?" She asked him knowing very well what kind of work he'd been doing and if its not work surely some woman had spread her legs wide open for him. Either one she knew it had to be one. "Yes." He nodded as he leaned against the fridge. They had small talk during their midnight run in on each other. In some ways they've gotten close but not really close to the point where she would stop calling him a swine nor him stop insulting her. It's weird and complicated but they seem to understand each other and that's what seemed to matter most to them. Enemies at day time and friends at night time. "What happened to your hand?" She asked him. "Nothing." He simply answered. She rolled her eyes. "Go run it over water." She stated finishing up the rest of the fruit. "I'm fine." He stated. "I wasn't asking what you were I was giving you a clear simply instruction." She retorted grabbing the first aid kit from the kitchen cupboard. Roman rolled his eyes but ran his hand under cold water either way. Soon Eleanor came and cleaned up his hands. "Smiley faces?" Roman asked amused gesturing towards the bandaids. "What? They're cute." She grinned. "I'm a man Elley I don't need cute." He rolled his eyes. "Too late." She shrugged. "Plus I'm the doctor so you have to follow my orders." She stated before turning around and packing everything back into the first aid kit. When she turned around she came to face Roman's chest. "Whoa..." She stepped back slightly only to bump into the counter top. "Is that so doc?" He quizzed. "And if I don't follow your orders." "Well your cuts will get infected and germs may inter your body weakening your immu-" Her rant was cut off by his lips connecting with hers. Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at him before her eyes slowly but surely fluttered closed. She allowed her lips to follow his lead. Roman stepped closer closing the gap between the two and held her waist. He loved how soft and tender her lips were. He wanted more than he was getting but he knew that he couldn't. He knew deep down that she wouldn't allow it. Their lips parted leaving them both breathless. Roman looked at her closed eyes as she let out slow deep breaths. Once her eyes opened he smirked. "You talk too much." He watched as her cheeks turned a light pink and she looked down. She cleared her throat and let go of his shirt. "W-why did you kiss me?" She spoke just above a whisper. "Isn't it obvious?" He asked lifting her head up so she was looking at him. "Actually no, not really." She shook her head. "I mean you reject me then you treat me like dirt and you buy another girl the same dress as mine, even if she's your best friend it's still wrong, and yeah you basically put it out as you have no interest in me." She stated matter of factly. Roman let out a deep sigh. "Of course I have interest in you." He grumbled looking away then back at her. "I'm not good at all this boyfriend, girlfriend shït alright." He told her. "No kidding." She rolled her eyes. "If you're really interested me then you'd ask me out on a date." She patted his chest before stepping around him. "Goodnight Roman." "Goodnight." He mumbled as he watched her leave the room. ~¤~ "Hey girl." Danielle said walking into the rather dark room. Danielle looked around only to see Eleanor still fast asleep. She rolled her eyes and walked over to the curtains and opened them wide. "I can't believe you're still asleep." She stated as she heard Eleanor groan. "It's my day off ok." She grumbled. "That means I get to sleep in." "No that means we get to go shopping then have lunch at noon and after lunch we're going to the beach after the beach will go to the club." She pulled the covers off. "We can't go to the beach becuase I haven't shaved, I don't need anymore clothes and I don't want to go to the club." She stated pulling the covers back on herself. "Fine let me just get the bucket of water with ice." She shrugged. Eleanor didn't believe her and snuggled into the bed becoming warm once again. Before she knew it she felt a splash on her face making her sit up only to see Danielle holding a cup of water. "I hate you." Eleanor grumbled getting up. "I love you too no don't be long before I dragged you out." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." She waved her off. "Please get Rose to remove the pillow you ruined." "Ok." Eleanor stepped into the shower once she was done getting dressed she saw Danielle in her closet picking out clothes for her. "Wear these." She stated gesturing to the couch. She rolled her eyes but got dresses in the clothes none the less. She put her hair up into a bun and applied her make-up more natural. "Ok lets go." Danielle grabbed her purse and jacket while Eleanor did the same. "So you also got a day off?" "Yeah Abby and Tia are working today." She simply replied. They made their way downstairs. "Ok." Eleanor mumbled walking into the dining room. "Where are you two going?" Gabriel asked as they took thier seats. "Hello to you too." Eleanor rolled her eyes. "We're having a girl's day out." Danielle grinned. "Thank you." She smiled up at one of the maids. "You guys only just met don't you think it's too soon? You guys just met." "Hey don't get jealous that I didn't invite you anywhere or too join me for lunch because Danni is around." Eleanor grinned. "I'm not jealous." He rolled his eyes. "Sure..." She rolled her eyes. "But if it makes you feel any better I'll get you something." She announced. "Much better." He smirked Eleanor let out a small laugh. They all finished their breakfast as they walked towards the front door Roman came down the stairs and caught Eleanor's arm in his hand as he spoke on the phone. He gestured for Danielle to leave who rolled her eyes in response and walked out the house. Eleanor watched him speak. She couldn't help but watch his lips move remembering that hers have tasted his and now she wished she could kiss him again. She could still feel his lips on her lips.
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