¤Chapter 19¤

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Eleanor sat at her desk filling out paper work for the new patients that had arrived. These patients were patients who simply fell sick on the job or had continuous complaints about a pain/ headache and were sent to the hospital. A knock echoed throught he quiet space. After a few moments of granting access to whomever was knocking at the door she looked up. She was quite surprised what she saw in front of her. "And who are these from?" She asked with a grin. "They're from somebody who'd like you to take you out to dinner tonight." Gabriel smirked as he hands her a card. She took the card eyeing him before looked down at the small card. She opened it and instantly a small smile appeared on her face. I didn't know what type of flowers you liked, so I got you roses that mach you're personality. See you at 19:30. Roman. So he took my advice about asking a person out when they're interested in them... She looked at the her wrist watch and her eyes widened. It's was already 18:10. "Oh my gosh when were you told to give me this?" She asked Gabriel. "Not to long ago." He shrugged. "It was before I drove over here." Eleanor quickly grabbed her bag and neatened her desk before taking the flowers and placing them in some water. She rushed out grabbing Gabriel along with her. She managed to get to the house in good records time with the great power of yelling at Gabriel to drive faster. "Maria! Rose!" She screamed out for them as she ran upstairs. She quickly got into the bathroom and turned of the shower. As she took off her top she could hear Rose and Maria calling out for her in her bedroom. "Could you please help me pick out something to wear." She asked them. Rose and Maria nodded before dashing into the closet. She could hear to two woman argue about what she should wear. Eleanor stepped into the shower and took a quick shower records time. She probably broke the record for quickest shower taken, if it even exists. "Ok what have you got for me?" She asked them walking into the closet. Both off them showed her various outfit but she didn't like any until they both presented the last one. Now she really liked the last outfit. She nodded before quickly slipping on the dress and her black with gold detailing heels on. The heels matched with the clutch. When she walked out her closet the woman were adjusting her dress. Eleanor stood in front of the mirror looking at herself. Her bedroom door opened and she looked up to see Roman walking in. She instantly smiled at him making him smile back. Rose and Maria slowly slipped out the room noticing the two needed time alone. "You look beautiful." Roman commented. "Thank you." She continued to smooth out her dress. "Ready to go?" He asked "Yes." She nodded. Roman took hold of her hand and led her out the house. This time Roman drove his own car instead of having Paul his driver drive them. She knew the car is a Ferrari but she didn't know what kind. "So where are we going?" She asked him. "We're going to have dinner." He smirked. Eleanor rolled her eyes but her smile never left her face as she paid attention to her surroundings. She was glad that they were back in the city but she hoped that they weren't going anywhere too fancy or to a club  because she'd have her mood ruined. She noticed that they were going to docks. Once he parked his car he got out before Eleanor could. As soon as she placed her feet on the ground he was besides her holding out his hand for her to take. She gratefully took it with a smile on her face. Roman led her towards the board walk. They'd been walking a while and Eleanor was about to ask him what was going on before they stopped in front of a yatch. She grinned as they both climbed the staircase. "I've never been on any kind of boat before." She stated admiring it. "I'm glad to be the first to take you in one." He smiled down at her. She noticed his smile wasn't sinister nor was it sarcastic, it was rather genuine. She smiled back at him. He led her inside. They went up to the top deck and entered a dinning hall. She saw a table set for two. Her heart fluttered as her eyes softened. "This is so beautiful." She whispered. "I'm glad you like it." His body seemed to relax. "Why do you look like the plant has been lifted off your shoulder?" She asked with a cheeky smile. "To be honest Eleanor, your not so easy to please. I've bought you a dress, given you a job to keep you busy, I take you places as often as I can but yet you seem unpleased." He huffed. A few moments went by before her lips parted. "Is that how you see me? As a materialistic person?" She asked him. "I don't know how to see you because you make it difficult to figure out who you are."He explained. She blinked a couple of time as she looked away then looked up at him again. "Roman..." She paused. "I-I'm not a materialistic person. If you're really interest in me then show it. Don't be so cold towards me." She placed her hands on his shoulders. "Truth be told I'm afraid of being hurt and I have trust issues, I can tell you do too but with someone like me you have to be patient." "Then show me you want to be around me instead of being so repulsive around me." Roman stated looking at her. Both stared at each other not saying a word. Slowly Eleanor nodded. She knew she'd been like that towards him ever since she woke up in his home. The yatch started to move catching them both by surprise as Eleanor fell onto him. Roman steadied them both as he frowned. "The yatch isn't supposed to deport until I give permission." He mumbled. He got her into standing position before taking out his gun and handing it to her. "If I'm not back in five minutes don't come looking for me just leave the boat. If anyone enters through those doors you shoot to kill, understand?" "Roman I'm a doctor I don't end lives, I save lives." She stated looking down at the gun in her palms. Roman lifted her head with his thumb and index finger. "I know what your profession is but in such situations it's either you or them and I'd prefer it be them rather than you." He stated pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Closing her eyes she exhaled before nodding at him. "Ok." "Good girl." He placed a kiss on her temple before leaving out the room. She let out a long breath before she began to pace around the room and constantly glancing down at her wrist watch. On the other hand Roman slowly made his way towards his office knowing whoever had come into the boat was probably looking for his documents. "Ah Roman." A man with a mask on stated grinning at him. "And who may you be?" Roman ask closing the door behind him. "Someone you don't need to you know." The man dismissed without a care. "It's not like you'd live long enough to actually find out who I am." Roman chuckled sinisterly. "You come onto my yatch and hold yourself with such arrogance its actually disgusting." Roman spat with distaste in his tone. "I'll let you know you wouldn't be the one to live long enough to feel regret for trespassing onto my yatch." "And how would you do that if I've got all of them." The man gestured as men began to enter the room. Roman looked around knowing he wouldn't leave this pmace without a scratch. "All of them against one isn't quite fair don't you think?" He asked him. "Who said I was ever fair?" The man smirked. "Search him." He gestured to one of the men. The man searched him. "His clean." "I never expected The great Roman Bianchi to waltz around without a weapon." He chuckled...
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