¤Chapter 18¤

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"Eleanor stop." Roman told her as she continued to grinding her hips onto Romero who seemed to enjoy it. It's technically no longer considered as dancing any more since she simply twerked against him. Roman on the other hand didn't seem too comfortable with it because Romereo is his brother. When Roman tried to grab her once again she snap around and continued to dance. The song was reach its end when he finally reached her making sure to hold her in place. Eleanor was laughing and Roman didn't know why. "You owe me money." She pointed at Danielle."I told you I could dance." She stuck her tongue out at her. "I never said dance. I said you'd never have the guts to twerk on Roman." Danielle fell onto the couch with a fit of laughter. "But I did..." Eleanor stated confused. "That was Romero." Danielle exclaimed. "What's the difference?" She asked looking up at Roman. "Damn you're really out of it." Roman shook his head. "To bed with you." Roman stated. "But I'm not tired." She shook her head. "I wasn't asking you." "You didn't have to because it was a statement and a statement doesn't need your question." She said looking as innocent as ever but her words expressed anything but innocence. "Doesn't your sassy have an off switch?" Roman rolled his eyes. "I don't think so. Doesn't your face have an off switch?" Roman huffed before placing his glass of a near by table. He placed Eleanor onto his shoulder. "Weeeeeee." Eleanor laughed. "Nice ass Roman." She smacked his behind making him stop walking. "Oh gosh I am so making backups of this video." Danielle said as she followed them. "I mean have you seen how plump your ass is?" She asked him as she pinched it. When he didn't answer she slapped his behind. "Roman I asked you something." "What is it Elley?" Roman growled. "I don't know I forgot." She shook her head. "Roman do you work out?" She asked him. "Yes." "I can tell. I wonder how sexy you'd look without a shirt on. I mean you look sexy as is so how sexy would you look without a shirt. Maybe that's why you've got ever girl opening their legs for you." She mumbled. "Welp!" She exclaimed. "Not this girl." She pointed at herself. "I mean have you seen how sexy I look? There is no way I'd stoop so low and fučk my kidnapper because that is slūttish and because Jolene has a thing for you." She pause for a moment. "Yeah mainly the second part though I mean Jolene's eye is twitching every time I'm near you." She giggled "Excuse me?" Roman asked her. "You're excused." She giggled once again. Roman let out a huff as he opened the bed covers before he slowly started to move her off his shoulder. He was about to place her on the bed but she managed to wrap her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck. "Elley what are you doing?" He muttered annoyed. "I'm not tired." She shook her head. "Danielle get the fučk out." Roman chased her out. Danielle kissed her teeth before ending the video then leaving out the room and closing the door behind her. "Elley let go." "Why?" She asked him. "I need to go and you need to get some sleep." Roman tried to reason with her. "No, I want you to stay." She nuzzled her face in the crock of his neck. "I know you don't like me or anything but stay." "Who said I don't like you?" Roman quizzed now kicking off his shoes. "Everybody can see it by the way you treat me Roman. It's not the hard to see. I mean I wouldn't have to insult you all the time if you didn't do anything. Standing up to you is very difficult considering I know what you're capable off but I do it just to know..." She trailed off with a sigh. "To know what?" Roman urged her to continue. "I'm still capable of doing something for myself." She mumbled. "I'm not following." Roman stated confused. "I have to be submissive to everything you say or there will be consequences. I don't like to be ordered around and being at someone's beck and call because it makes me seem weak. I'm not weak. I'm able to fight for myself but everyday you make it more difficult for me and the more that I have to be submissive to you, the more I feel weak. I don't like being a submissive." She spoke her words fading a bit. Roman didn't say anything. He simply listened to what she had to say. "Roman." He heard her speak once again. "What is it Elley?" "Just stay until I fall asleep." She murmured. Roman slowly peeled her off and placed her on the mattress. This time she didn't fight. Instead she allowed him to lay her onto her bed. Eleanor closed her eyes with a huff. She felt Roman's lips press against her temple. "Anything for you mi bella." ~¤~ Eleanor woke up the following morning with no memory of what happened yesterday. All she could remember was going shopping then she's blank from there on. She went into the bathroom and took a nice long shower. After she had taken her shower she got dressed in her scrubs and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She applied mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss. Taking her hand bag she made her way downstairs. When she got downstairs everyone looked at her making her stop in her tracks. "What?" She asked them. "Nothing." Gabriel chuckled shaking his head then going back to eating. She rolled her eyes and sat down and began eating. Gabriel slid a file towards her and she began reading it as she slowly chewed her food. "Don't you need the aspirin?" Danielle gestured to the glass and pills in front of her plate. "No." She shook her head. "I know I got drunk last night ok but doesn't mean everybody wakes up with a splitting headache and morning sickness." "Oh you're on of those few people who wake up with absolutely no memory of what happened from the time you were drunk." "Mhm." She hummed looking through the file. "Oh then that means you should really watch this." Danielle snatched the file away from her and handed her the laptop. Eleanor shot her a glare before watching the video. She watched it forgetting about her food in the process now placing her entire attention on the screen. "Did I mention how out of it you become when you're drunk." Danielle laughed. Once the video ended Eleanor went back to eating. Instead of being embarrassed as people expected her to be she was quite calm and collected. "As long as you don't post that on social media I'm ok with it." Eleanor informed. "Delete it." Roman caught their attention. "Why? It's not that bad." Eleanor shrugged. "Plus the video is of me not you, well you were featured but its mainly me." She told him. "I don't give a fučk-" "I didn't ask you too." She snapped sassly. "The video won't be deleted. I actually want a copy of it." She smirked. "Danielle delete it." Roman ignored Eleanor. "Oh now I get why you want he to delete it." Eleanor laughed as she got up. "You're just jealous that I was twerking on Romero instead of you." She laughed walking out. "C'mon Gabriel I'm going to be late!" Gabriel laughed at Roman who seemed to be annoyed by the entire situation. Danielle followed behind Gabriel laughing to herself.
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