¤Chapter 20¤

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More than five minutes had gone by and no one ha come through those doors nor had she heard of Roman. Eleanor knew that she'd have to leave but she didn't want to leave without Roman. She went to the bottom deck and released one of the jet skis. She looked around to see a cupboard filled with weapons. She grabbed a backpack and filled it with weapons and a first-aid-kit before running back up to the top deck. When she walked pass the dinning hall and further along the hall she began to hear voices and groaning. She stopped at the door where she could hear the voices her them coming from. She closed her eyes taking in a deep breath before opening her eyes again. She was about to open the door when she felt someone grab her. "Let me go!" She shrieked as she struggled against the man's hold. The man chuckled before slamming her against the wall by her neck. "What's pretty little thing like you doing out her all alone?" He asked pressing his body against hers. "Back off." She tried to push his face away from hers but he simply seized her hands. "You're a feisty one aren't you." He chuckled. Eleanor kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. When he let her go buckling over with pain she lifted her foot and kicked the side of his face and finally pushed him over board. The big splash gained the attentions of the men inside. The masked men gestured for two of his men to go check out was going on. As soon as the two stepped out Eleanor pepper spraud them making them scream out in pain. Taking in a deep breath she shot them in their chest. "Roman." The man chuckled. "You've got a woman as a body guard?" "Elley I told you to leave." Roman growled. Eleanor ignored him and shot the two men who held him. "Back off." She pressed her gun against his chest. "I'm backing off." The masked man stated. Eleanor pulled Roman up to his feet and began walking out backwards keeping an eye on everyone. Once they wrre out she kicked of her heels and managed half of Roman's weight on hers as they moved along the halls. "Turn in here." Roman groaned as he briefly glanced back. They got into a room and waited for the men to run pass them. Eleanor let out a breath before looking at Roman who was removing a painting off of the wall. He watched as he opened the safe and took out a bag of diamonds and a flash drive along with a gun. "I told you to leave after five minutes." Roman growled limping towards her. "And leave you to die?" She whisper yelled. "I think I prefer you livibg rather than dead." She rolled her eyes. "And how do you suppose to take on those men?" He snapped. "I don't because I have another idea." She rolled her eyes. "And that would be?" He quizzed. "Just stick with me." She grumbled as she checked the halls. Once she made sure the coast was clear she made her way out with Roman following close behind. "Why are they here?" Eleanor asked as she checked if there was anyone in the next hall way. "They're here for this." He held up the small black bag with the diamonds and flash drive. She simply nodded before she gestured for him to follow. As they were halfway down the hall a man walked out from a room. In a blink if an eye the man had two bullets in his chest. "Dont waste time pulling the trigger." He advised her. Eleanor swallowed a lump in her throat before nodding. She kept going before they had reached their destination which was the jetski that was awaiting them. "Climb on." Roman instructed. She climbed on and Roman pushed it into the water. Roman climbed on holding onto her waist. "Take the backpack." She instructed him as she started it. She moved around the yatch gaining the attention off the men on the yatch. "Throw the grenades on the boat." She told him. "I kind of figured that out." Roman muttered as he began to throw them onto the yatch. Once he had used all of them Eleanor drove them towards the shore. Once they stopped on the beach she climbed off with the help off Roman. Roman lifted her off her feet and ran towards the sand. "Roman what are you-" before she could finish her sentence the yatch blew up into a million pieces making Eleanor cover her face. Roman placed her down on the ground before grabbing a hold off her hand and pulling her away from the scene. "Don't look back." He instructed. She nodded as she kept walking. They made their way onto the boardwalk. The kept walking until they were in a not so busy store. "I killed somebody." She stated looking at Roman. "I can't believe I just killed somebody." She stated looking at him. "Hey." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "Everything is ok. You did what you had to ok?" "But I killed them." She looked up at him with teary eyes. "You technically didn't kill them. The bullet did." He said trying to sooth her. "Think of it that way." She closed her eyes taking in a deep breath before nodding. In a way she did find it rather soothing and it calmed her. "Good." He stated. "Let's get you some shoes so we can get the fučk out of her." He grumbled before pulling her towards the shoes. Eleanor picked black sneakers seeing they didn't have the right colour heels for her. Once he got the shoes for her, they went out into the streets and took a cab. Roman took them both to a hotel he owned. On the top floor is where he had reserved it only for him. "You can take a shower in there." Roman stated. She nodded before going into the room and then into the ensuite. She managed to the dress off. Stepping into the shower she noticed there were only men shampoos and soaps. These will have to do...for now. ~¤~ Eleanor made her way towards the living room where she noticed Roman on the phone. She walked right pass him and into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. As she waited for the coffee beans to finish brewing she leanrd against the counter lowering her head with a big huff. She wasn't able to get the image off killing those men out of her mind. It brought back a terrible memory she wished not to remember. She had shot and killed someone before. She was surely no stranger to a gun. But she didn't mean to kill the person. So she became a doctor in hopes of making up for the life she had ended but it didn't now she was involved with the Mafia. She knew Roman but he didn't know her. She'd seen him before but he hadn't seen her. When she lived with her late brother she'd see him and his men walk by towards one particular apartment on her floor. She dug him up obviously. She gathered what she could find. She wanted to persue him but after her brother's death she had forgotten all about him until she'd seen him outside the café. That's when she saw him again. But thus time she found him much more attractive than before. She was a teen when she first saw him and- "Are you alright?" Roman's voice sliced through her train of thought. "Uhm...yeah." She mumbled pouring the coffee into her mug. Roman took the cup from her hand and placed it on the counter top making her huff. She looked up at him seeing that he was already looking down at her. "What is it Roman?" She asked him. "I wanted to apologise for tonight. It didn't turn out how I planed." He rubbed the back of his neck. Her eyes softened looking up at him. "Its ok." She assured him. "They'll be another night to make up for this one." She gave him a small smile. "How about now?" He asked her. She was taken a back by his statement until the door man walked in with a trolley of food. "I picked the best dishes off the menu. I know how much you like food-" "It's perfect" she cut him off. "Its nice and simple."
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