¤Chapter 21¤

1367 Words
"You got us chocolate ice cream." Eleanor exclaimed sitting up straight as he brought the tub off ice cream. "No its choco mint." He stated handing her a desert spoon. "I noticed you took a lot off these the other day." He opened the tub. Eleanor dug her spoon in first and put it in her mouth before sighing in pleasure. "This is my favourite flavour so sorry if I finish majority of it." She said digging in another spoon. "I don't mind." He stated shaking his head as he dug a spoon in. "So tell me about yourself Roman Bianchi." She said turning her body towards him giving him her undivided attention. "What do you want to know?" He asked her. "Anything. Favourite food, siblings, friends, parents, bad habits and hobbies. Anything in general." "I like any pasta,macaroni or spaghetti dish-" "Why?" She cut him off. "I grew up eating those kind off dishes. I'm half Italian." He explained. "Oh that explains it. So who's Italian between your mom and dad?" "My dad." "Why don't you speak Italian?" She asked him. "I never learnt but I can hear what they're saying." He explained. "Ok continue." She urged him. "I have two brothers and one sisters. You've met Romereo and Romeo." "Wow so you guys are four kids?" She asked him. "Yes." "I wish I had so many siblings." "How many do you have?" He asked her. "Only one but he's no longer around." "Where is he?" Roman asked. "No I meant as in he's kicked the bucket." She explained letting her head drop to the tub that was in her lap. "Oh..." Roman trailed of unsure what to do in this situation. "You don't have to say anything." She told him looking up. "It was a long time ago." She managed to give him a small smile. "Maybe we should stop here for tonight." He stated. She nodded. "Let's get room service to get us movies to watch." She reached over him grabbing the phone. She now laid with her stomach on his lap and her legs swinging in the air as she ordered a variety of movies. "Are you even going to manage to finish watching these movies ma'am?" "No but I want them don't I?" She  asked. "Just bring with no questions asked then the both off us won't go to sleep in a gloomy mood." Eleanor stated. "But ma'am-" "Bring the movies to my room." Roman had taken the phone from her. "And when you're done you may pack your belongings because you're fired." He growled before hanging up. "You didn't have to be so harsh." Eleanor said looking at him. "If I'm not then everybody will walk all over me." "Oh c'mon Roman give the girl another chance." She rolled her eyes. "She kind of seemed new here." "And how do you know this?" He asked her. "I always encounter new people at the hospital and they somehow never really last long enough there. It was only a few of us who lasted long." She babbled on. "Eleanor I don't go into the hospital and tell you what to do so please don't do the same." Roman reasoned. "Ok." She let it go. "I never knew you were capable off saying please or apologising." She smirked. "You just keep surprising me today." She continued to tease. Roman grinned. "And I didn't know you were capable of turning off your sass towards me." He teased. "Touché." She smiled at him. Roman's heart warmed at the sight off her smile. He missed seeing her smile even thoygh she had only smiled at him a few times. Someone knocked on the door. Roman got up and went to get the door. A few words were exchanged before he came back with the movies. "You know I should've asked them to come with popcorn." Eleanor stated as she looked at the variety of the movies. "I think you've had enough for tonight." He stated. "Are you calling me fat?" She asked him as she placed her hand on her one hip. Roman chuckled taking in the sight before him. Eleanor stood with her hand on her hip wearing his loose fitted boxers and one of his shirts. Even in his clothes he found it incredibly hard to tear his eyes away from her. "No I'm not calling you fat." He shook his head. "I'm saying don't eat too much to the point where your stomach hurts." He grinned. Eleanor simply kisse her teeth. "Let's watch Miss Congenialty." She placed the DVD in. "That sounds like a romance movie." "Its comedy." She plopped besides him. "It has a little bit of romance, action and comedy." "That sounds boring. Lets watch something else." Roman started getting up. He checked all the DVD's that she had ordered and realised that they were all the same. "These are the same." "No they aren't." She shook her head. "The plot is different." "No they're all sissy. These movies are for pussy." He tossed them back on the table. A pillow connected with his head making him look at Eleanor who sat on the couch with a scowl on her face. "Language." She said pointing at him. "You threw a pillow at me because I said p***y?" His perfect brow arched. Another pillow connected with his face. "Don't act so innocent Elley." He chuckled picking up the pillows. "Language." She still said. "You have sworn before." He stated throwing a pillow at her head. "Ouch." Her brows narrowed. She grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "You better stop throwing pillows at me." "Or what?" She challenged him. A smirk captured his lips as he stalked towards her. He now stood in front of her as she sat on the couch. "No fair you're using your height as an advantage." She pointed up at him. She jumped up, now standing on the couch and stuck her tongue out at him." Now look who's tall...no wait we're the same height." She rolled her eyes. "But I'm still tall." She boasted. Roman chuckled shaking his head at her. "You are something else." He picked her up making her shriek out of surprise and grab onto him. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. "Put me down." She glared. "Why? Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" He smirked. "No." She snapped at him. "We should get to sleep because we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Roman began walking upstairs after he turned off the tv. "What's going on tomorrow?" She asked him. "You still have to go to work and I have meetings to attend too." "Oh... She trailed off. "Did I thank you for the roses?" She asked him. "No." He shook his head. "Thank you for the roses." She smiled. "I like them." "You're welcome." He replied. "So when's the next date?" She asked him. "I'm not sure." Roman toppled over onto the bed so he was hovering over her. "When do you want it to be?" "Whenever your free." She told him. Roman nodded before placing a soft gentle kiss on her lips and laying besides her. Eleanor grinned and faced him. "So why do you have this hotel room?" She asked him. "It's pretty high don't you think?" "Are you afraid off heights?" He asked her. "Nope." She shook her head. "I've just never been this high up in a building." She admitted. Roman nodded. "I own it." He replied. "Every hotel I own I always have the top floor to myself." "Ok." She nodded. "How many do you own?" "I own a few hotels, clubs and casinos." He told her. "Then the Mafia stuff on the side or is it those jobs used as a cover up for the Mafia stuff?" "Has anyone told you that you're smarter than you seem?" He asked her "Yes." She nodded. "Only one person has." "And that would be?" He asked her. "You." She grinned. "This is the second time you're telling me that." Roman chuckled. "Get some rest Elley." He pulled her closer. "Goodnight Roman." "Goodnight Elley." But they hadn't gone to sleep...
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