¤Chapter 22¤

1491 Words
Eleanor woke up to the sound of talking. She looked to her side to see Roman wasn't besides her. She slowly sat up rubbing her head. Her eyes grew realising she had slept in. She scrambled around to find a phone and quickly dialled Danielle's number. After the third ring she had picked up. "Danielle I know I'm late bu-" "You're not late. Roman called and said you wouldn't be able to make it today." "Oh..." She said follows by a sigh off relief. "Yeah anyway but Jolene is having such fit about it." She could sense her rolling her eyes. "Just ignore her." Eleanor grumbled. "She's just seeking for attention." She stated bitterly. "So how did your date go?" She asked. "How did you know about it?" She asked. "I saw the roses and the card on the floor." She stated. "And luckily I put it away before Jolene could see it." "Gosh did I forget to lock my office?" She said wuth a whine. "Yes hut I locked it up for you." Danielle said. "Listen I've got to get going I'll talk to you when I can." "Ok bye." She smiled. "Bye girl." Danielle hung up. She put the phone down and went into the bathroom. She stripped off everything she wore and hoped into the shower. Once she had finished showering she went into the bedroom to see an outfit laid out for her. She got dressed and left her hair down shaking out her hair seeing no brush around. Once she had put on her shoes she made her way downstaurs. When she got there seeing Gabriel sitting down talking to Roman. "Hey." She greeted Gabriel with a small hug. "I'll be in the kitchen." Gabriel stated after he had greeted her. They both watched him walk out before Eleanor turned to Roman with a smile. "Why didn't you wake me up so I could get to work on time?" She asked him. "Because when we went to sleep it was around three a.m." He reminded her. "Well it's not my fault that we didn't go to sleep straight away." She rolled her eyes. "Are you blaming me for last night?" He asked her. "Of course I am." She exclaimed. "And technically it was early morning." She added. Roman chuckled. "You're the one who started talking and even when I started falling asleep you urged me to answer you." Looking away she let out a breath. "Then you shouldn't have answered me in the first place." She grumbled. "I'm not even going to persue this argument because we are clearly not going anywhere with it." Roman gave her a smile. Eleanor simply kissed her teeth with an eye roll. "Doesn't matter." She muttered. "Anyway what's going to happen now?" She asked him. "Paul will drive you to the mall so you can occupy yourself while I handle a few meeting and last night's incident." "Why don't I go back to the mansion?" She asked him. "Because I can assure you that you'll be bored." He stated taking out his wallet and handing her the credit card. "Whoa..." She trails off followed by a whistle. "You're trusting me with a no limit card?" She asked him. Roman chuckled as he walked her towards the door. "You better be glad that I do trust you with such a card and don't loose it." He told her. "I promise I won't." She smiled at him. "So where's Paul?" She asked him. "He's in the lobby waiting for you." He informed. "Ok." She nodded and wrapped her tiny arms around his neck. She was giving him a hug. Roman wrapped his arms around her small waist pulling her close. Once they pulled back he have her a kiss on the cheek before she walked off towards the elevator. Eleanor waited patiently as the elevator went down. Once she had reached the lobby she began to look around for Paul. "Ms. Elmz." She heard him call out. Eleanor looked around to see Paul walking towards her. She smiled before walking towards him. "Hi Paul." She greeted. "Good afternoon Ms. Elmz." He greeted. "Oh call me Eleanor or Elley." She told him. "Alright Ms. Eleanor." He stated. Eleanor simply smiled seeing that he was too well mannered to just address her by her name. "Ok shall we go?" She asked him. "Of course." He nodded leading the way. She followed him out towards the black Bentley that awaited them. Eleanor admired the car as they walked towards it. Paul opened he door for her. She thanked him like always as she got in. She buckled up and waited for him. "Where too miss?" He asked as he pulled into the traffic. "I don't really know." She stated thinking for a little while. "I'm new to Miami so do you have any recommendations on where to eat?" She asked him. "Theres a pancake place not too far from here." He notified her. "Oh I love panckaes." She said aloud. "That will do Paul." "Alright we'll be there in five minutes." She nodded only to realise he probably might not see her because he's driving. "Ok thank you." ~¤~ Roman watched Eleanor walk away towards the elevator. He liked the bright smiling Eleanor that he knew from when they met. He didn't like the sassy one clearly showing her hostility towards him. At first he didn't know what approach he should take the moment she woke up. But when he saw the glare and hostility directed towards him before he even spoke he got mad. He didn't like the way she looked at him so he forced her to go places where she wasn't needed. It was surprising to him when she shot Andrew. He had to admit that she looked hot when she had a gun in her hand. "So what have you gotten so far about the attack that happened last night?" Roman asked walking out with Gabriel to go meet his father, Romaine. "The group that was there last night haven't be around long like you said. But as this group has been causing chaos not to only you but other Mafia leaders. I'm assuming these are the guys that messes with your shipment." Gabriel pressed the button. "We don't assume Gabriel I want accuracy."  Roman demanded. "I'm pretty sure they are." Gabriel rephrased. "These guys have stolen weapons, raided clubs and have messed with other people's shipment." "Who's the leader?" He asked him. "Nobody knows and whoever the leader is, is sending out his men to do all the work." Gabriel informed. "They call themselves the scorpions." He added "Anything else?" He asked. They stopped walking as Gabriel faced him. He let out a breath, "They've broken into the family estate and took all the valuable goods." Gabriel informed. "Fučk that explains why papa is here." Roman growled before continuing to walk. Roman met his father in the lobby as planned. His father was in shape for his age. Even though his grey hair was on display and his wrinkles showed, he is the toughest man Roman has ever know. "Papa I just heard what happened at the estate." Roman stated as they all began to walk out the hotel. "Yes but I'd like to know if you're alright." Romaine stated looking at his eldest child out off all four. "I heard what happened last night, it all over the news. "I'm fine papa we managed to get out alive." Roman explained without going into detail. "We?" His father quizzed. "Who were you with?" He asked. "Papa it doesn't matter who I was with." Roman said not wanting for him to know he was with Eleanor. Sadly his father knew him too well. "You were with a woman." Romaine stated. "Is she the one who endangered you? Didn't I tell you to becareful around woman?" He asked him. "She didn't endanger my life papa." Roman said as they got into the car. "She actually saved me even though I didn't need her help. She staid when I told her to leave." "Mhm..." The father trailed off listening carefully. The car came to an immediate stop. Roman wanted to scold Gabriel for his reckless driving only to see why Gabriel had stopped. Eleanor was twisting some man's arm yelling at him. Roman got out the car. "Elley!" She turned around and pointed a gun in his face. He could tell that she was afraid. "Elley its me..." He stated walking slowly towards her. "Just put the gun down." He watched as her chest heaved up and down while the man struggled under her bare foot. "Its ok, no one is going to hurt you just stop ok." He told her. She slowly began to lower her gun only to turned around and hit the man in the head, knocking him out cold. She immediately dropped the gun and backed away...
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