Chapter 11

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Maya POV "That’s not possible!" Jess said on the verge of a hysterical fit with tears in her eyes. "Jess, let’s get another one." said her mother. "I don’t want another one!" cried my friend in tears "Jess is not the end of the world." I said, cradling Axel. "But yes!" she cried, "Do you know how many months it took me to find the perfect hairdresser? I went all over town to find her! And she decides to get the intestinal virus today! Today! On my wedding day! Do you realize?! No, I can’t get married like this, we’re not following my chart, everything is falling apart!" she shouted exasperated. "Oh please, it’s just a hairdresser, now let’s find a solution! Stop it!" I said furiously. Axel clung to my dressing gown, underneath I was just wearing a strapless bra and panties, we were all waiting for the hairdresser but, the tragedy of tragedy, just that day the hairdresser carefully chosen by Jess, she announced that she had taken a terrible intestinal virus that kept her from coming to do her job. Needless to say, Jess had almost had a heart attack and had a nervous breakdown at eight o'clock in the morning, had threatened to blow up the wedding at least ten times if her hairdresser had not arrived. At that moment we were all in the room where we had to change and we were witnessing the bride’s demise. Jess’s mother tried to calm her down as much as possible, but the attempt was futile, just as Lucas tried to calm her down. I was about to have a nervous breakdown. That day Axel had decided to stay attached to my breasts and I was sure that I would not reach the end of the day with him like this. Luckily after the festivities, my mother would take care of him, and I could stay until late at night and maybe exaggerate even with alcohol. "We can’t!" said Jess screaming. It was getting late. We still had to put makeup on and everyone in the room had to fix their hair. My baby was trying to undress me to get to his food source and my friend was exhausted. I couldn’t take it anymore. "That’s enough!" I said furiously. I had a big stride towards Jess' mother and give her Axel who laughed amused and threw himself into her arms, happy to have other feminine attentions. "Sit down immediately!" I ordered Jess pointing at the chair in front of the mirror. "Maya, I don’t know what you want to do, but I don’t think you can..." "Shut up and sit down!" I ordered in a firm voice. Jess shut her mouth immediately and went to sit in the chair like a whipped puppy. I was puzzled, no one could ever force Jess to do anything. I turned around and saw Mrs Dare and Lucas and the other people gawking at me. "How did you do it?" Lucas asked me quietly. "I don’t know。" I confided him as baffled as he did. I went after Jess and got a hairbrush and started combing her long blond hair. "Do you remember when we were little, and you forced me to do the weirdest hairstyles for your fakes weddings?" I said in a sweeter tone. "I’ve always dreamed of a big wedding," she softly said, "and you’ve always been good at styling my hair. Remember that hairdo you made me for graduation?" "You were by far the most beautiful girl with hair of our year." Lucas said behind our back. "So do you trust me?" I asked her to put my hands on her shoulders and bend over so she could see me through the mirror. "Always." she said, sure. "Then shut up and let me go." I said seriously. I felt behind me Mrs Dare laughing as well as Axel who tried to imitate her. After half an hour, which seemed like an eternity, I ended up with Jess' hair. I was quite proud of the result I had managed to create. I had curled her hair, creating soft blond waves, I had taken some strands on the head, and I had woven them creating a soft tail between strands intertwined with each other, In the middle of these strands I had put on the beads with the fake flowers that Jess had bought especially for her. The result was crazy and on Jess it was even nicer. She stood up, proud of my work and almost jumped. When the makeup lady came in, I had already started working on the other bridesmaid, Sarah, to follow on Mrs Dare and finally created something elegant for me. Meanwhile, Axel passed from arm to arm, happy with the attention he was given. He was all dressed up and I was just waiting for my mom to pick him up. While the makeup lady was taking care of Jess, we heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" asked Mrs Dare. "Nate." he answered. The low, guttural voice gave me chills all over my body. God, I had problems. Mrs Dare went to open the door, without revealing anything since we were all half-naked, not that Sarah and Lucas were sorry to be seen half-naked by Nate. "You’re fabulous." Mrs Dare commented, as I took Axel from Lucas' arms, "what are you doing here?" "I came on a special mission looking for a child." I frowned at the doubtful forehead, "Mrs Sheppar sent me to get a package for her." I approached the door and leaned out as Axel had again targeted my robe. "Did my mother send you? Why didn’t she come herself?" I asked looking at the door. "Your father has a bit of low blood pressure and didn’t want to leave him alone, so I offered to pick up the package and bring it down," he said, leaning with his shoulder at the doorpost. I looked from head to toe. He was wearing a black tuxedo, the white shirt with a black tie, inside the pocket of the jacket had slipped a white flower.  God, he was hot. He also looked at me from head to toe, noting how little I was dressed and how much Axel was discovering me, so much so that I slipped a shoulder of the robe, leaving the skin exposed. Nate’s eyes followed the movement of the shoulder strap and then stopped on the uncovered skin for a few seconds. When he returned his eyes in mine, his eyes were darker, his pupils dilated. "I promise to leave him safe and as soon as he is delivered, I will send you a message." he said seriously as Mrs Dare came back to the room, "If you leave me your number of course." he said with a mischievous smile. I rolled my eyes while he put his hands in his pocket. "Maya." heard Jess' voice behind me, "hurry up. Give him Axel, we have to move!" she said anxiously. "Said the one who has been screaming all morning." I whispered, snorting, I looked at Nate and give him Axel. He took him carefully as if he were a hand grenade that needed to be handled with care. Axel quietly clings to Nate’s neck and sticks his hands in his hair. "Hey, buddy, don’t throw up on me again, I don’t have a change of clothes." he softly said to the baby, looking right into his eyes. Axel gave back the serious look on his face, and it almost seemed to me that he nodded, as if he understood what he was saying to him. I turned around and took the bag with Axel’s change and the bottles, pulled out the empty ones and held them in my hands while I gave the bag to Nate who grabbed it and put it on his shoulder. "Tell my mother that there is only one full bottle, the others I still have to fill, I see if I can pull the milk now or after the ceremony, in the meantime if he is hungry can give him this and in case he still has, I take him aside and breastfeed him." I gave him instructions to keep Axel. "Do you have a breast pump?" he asked surprised. "Everybody has a breast pump, Nate." I said, snorting. "I’d like to see it in action." he said quietly and quietly. "Oh, just stop it. Take it to my mother immediately and don’t worry, she’ll write it to me." I said, and I shut the door to his face without giving him a chance to respond.       Nate POV I was stuck staring at the locked door for quite a while until two hands on my mouth distracted me and were reawakened by thoughts focused on Maya. "Oh buddy, your mom’s so hot even when she talks about breast pumps." I confided in him secretly. I swore the baby looked grim at me, I understood, I was talking about his mother. I walked up to the elevator as the baby grabbed my tuxedo with his hands and put his head on my shoulder like it was the most natural thing in the world. And I felt a bit like it. I held him quietly in my arms, without wavering in the slightest and Axel seemed at ease. I went into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. I put my chin on Axel’s little head and let his good smell fill my nostrils. It smelled like baby perfumes and Maya, my favorite smell. "Do you know that you are the luckiest man in the world to have her attention?" I said to the child sighing, Axel imitated me and I laughed. After a few seconds, the elevator arrived on the ground floor and the doors opened. I passed the reception where the girl looked at me winking, ignored her and went straight on, heading towards the event room where the wedding would be celebrated. My sister had her set up by a designer, always looking for the best for everything. I went into the decorated room and looked around for Mrs Sheppar, who I obviously couldn’t find. On the other hand, I found some of our colleagues who immediately met me laughing. "Are you babysitting now?" Chris asked, laughing. Axel raised his head carefully and leaned towards the men, electrocuting them with his eyes. That’s the way little one. I put one hand under the child’s butt and put it straight, while the other put it on his belly so that he could look at the man frontally and that his back was resting on my abdomen. "Isn’t that the s*x bomb’s baby?" Josh asked. Ever since they saw Maya at my parents' house, all they’d done was talk about her, understandable for god’s sake, Maya was the kind of woman who got into your head and didn’t get out easily, but that didn’t mean I liked the way they talked about her. "Do you use the son to pick up  his mother? Extraordinary idea, why didn’t I think of it?" said Chris looking at Axel. The child looked at him with a grim air and I almost high-fived him. Chris was an asshole and he would have deserved a punch in the face a long time ago, I hadn’t given him yet because we worked in the same studio, but if he kept talking to Maya that way he would have received more than one soon. "It’s not like that, we’re friends and I’m doing a favor for a friend." I said, almost with narrow teeth. "Why don’t you introduce me to this friend?" Josh asked. "Shut up, Josh, if you don’t want to get punched in the face." I said before I turned around and continued my research with the dumpling in my arms that had begun to squeak cheerfully, as if it approved of my way of speaking to the boys. I remained searching for the Sheppar for ten minutes, not finding them I remained with Axel in my arms as I watched the guests advance one after the other and take place. I had put the bag on an armchair and I had been standing holding the baby in the same position all the time, it seemed that Axel liked to be that way, so he could look at everyone carefully. Axel was just like Maya, always attentive and alert to anyone around him, he was also very empathetic, felt when he could trust someone based on what his mother felt. He must have been very attached to Maya, more than normal having only her. I wondered what kind of i***t the father of the child was. What kind of person lets a woman like Maya go? What kind of person abandons her at a time like this? What kind of person didn’t want anything to do with his own flesh and blood and especially a little person like Axel? If I had been the father of that child, I would have taken care of him, and Maya, until my last breath. I would never have made him miss anything. I would buy them a house with a garden, where I would build a swing and a tree house and I would have at least four more children with her, I would fill that house with life and joy and, every night, I would take her to bed and adore her body as she deserved. "Nate!" heard Maya’s voice calling me, maybe I was in heaven. I turned and saw her arrive like a fury from the elevators. Axel began to clap his hands cheerfully at the sight of his mother. I’d clap them, too. Maya came up and I saw how her eyes got sweeter as she looked at her son. "Why do you still have him?" she asked me once she was in front of me in all her beauty. She was wearing a red dress. A very wide v-neck, with the fabric barely covering her breast and ending in a narrow band under her breast, the wide skirt reached the ground. She wore a pendant around her neck that went down inside the neckline. It was slightly rigged, the makeup brought out the grey eyes and the lips were dyed red like the dress. She had her hair tied in a soft chignon behind the neck, some strands in front were left free and were curled. On the lobes shone two bright earrings that gave it a refined and modern air. "So?" she asked, crossing her arms to her chest and highlighting the breast that could be seen from the wide neckline. Oh sir, I won’t hold out much longer. "I can’t find your mother." I admitted as Axel laughed happily and pointed out to his mother the other people who were entering the hall. "And you didn’t think to go back upstairs?" she asked. "We were having fun watching people. Isn’t that right, Axel?" I asked the child who immediately clapped his hands, "See?". "You could have even called my room and told me. I would have tried to contact my mother." Maya grabbed one of Axel’s little hands and gave him a little kiss. "It doesn’t bother me, we were having fun." I repeated as I watched her cuddle her son. You’re a lucky man, Axel. "Give me the phone." she suddenly said reaching out her hand. I looked at her doubtful, but I gave her my cell phone. She took it and went into the call log and then pressed a number and called. "Mom, it’s me Maya." she said after a few seconds of waiting, "No, it’s Nate’s phone, where are you?" "What are you doing in the parking lot and in the car?" She waited again and I curled her eyebrows, "What a s**t mom! Didn’t he has low blood pressure?" Maya made a disgusted face, "Please don’t ever say that again." and she put her hand in her face and shook her head, "Well, anyway, Axel is with Nate, call this number when you’ve reassembled, I have to go back to Jess or she’ll have a hysterical breakdown." she said and hung up. I looked at her as I put my phone in my pocket and she shook her head shivering, "They were having s*x in the car." she said disgustedly. I burst into a loud laugh that roared all over the lobby. "Can you hold him until they arrive? Jess is going crazy upstairs." she said sorry. "No problem, I only have one condition." I said seriously. "Which one?" she asked, almost frightened. "Show me how the breast pump works." I replied very seriously. "My God, Nate! Stop it!" said Maya upset and pat me on the shoulder. "I’m serious," I said as she bent over and gave a kiss to the child who grabbed her cheeks and printed a kiss in her mouth. More and more lucky. "I’ll see you later," Maya said before turning on her heels and returning to the elevators, admiring the back of her dress. "You’re so lucky." I said to Axel, watching him clap his hands.
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