Chapter 12

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Maya POV I went back to the suite as quickly as I could, trying to remove from my head the image of Nate Dare with my son, or with a child in general. The image of Nate with a child in his arms, literally blew up my ovaries of joy, I think that every woman would want to throw herself on him naked and beg him to make a baby together. That the child in question was mine was just a bonus that added more spice to the whole thing. Not that Nate Dare wasn’t absolutely hot with his black tuxedo and his white shirt and those damn blue eyes that made my legs shake every time they pointed at me. Seeing Nate with my baby in his arms had upset me and set my body on fire. I wanted to take a picture, take a picture of that beautiful image, and make it a giant picture to hang in my room. And the way he kept him? Like he was the most comfortable things, like it was something he did every day. Holding him with one hand under his butt and the other on his small chest as Axel laughed and clapped his hands cheerfully, at ease in Nate’s arms. My son was never comfortable in the arms of any man, I had to change his pediatrician into a woman because every time he tried to visit him, he screamed like a desperate man and did not hint at reassuring him, so seeing Axel so quiet in Nate’s arms, it just made me want to throw myself at him and kiss him until I lost my breath. This is getting worse. The elevator doors opened and I went out quickly, I go back into the room and close quietly the door behind me. Mrs Dare was helping Jess with the back of her dress. "Was there a bloodbath?" Jess asked looking at me through the mirror. "It was wet but not of blood." I said, sitting comfortably on one of the armchairs and crossing one leg over the other. "What?" Lucas asked looking at me. "My parents were getting busy in the hotel parking lot, locked in the car like two teenagers in heat," I said shivering at the memory of my mother’s frantic voice and my father’s moaning in the background. What were they 15? "Were Mr and Mrs Sheppar banging each other in the car?" asked Lucas surprised. I nodded and he began to laugh loudly, writhing in the chair. "Just because we have adult children does not mean that our s****l instincts are dead." replied Mrs Dare by fastening the last button of the dress. "Oh please Mom! I don’t want to imagine you and Dad rolling up between the sheets! Not on my wedding day!" said Jess with a disgusted face. "And when the children are old and out of the house? It’s like I’m back to the first years of marriage!" continued Jess’s mother with dreaming eyes. Jess on the other hand made a disgusted sound and shook her head, then looked in the mirror and smoothed her dress. She was really beautiful. She wore a tight lace dress that left her uncovered half-back, the sleeves were lace and transparent fabric that left her uncovered a little 'skin. On the front, he had a long V-neck, with a tight corset adorned with beads. The tight dress emphasized her slender figure and softened at the height of the thighs, descending into a soft skirt with a train long to the ground. I approached her and set the train in the back. The lace on the back created flower designs that sparkled with shimmering beads. "You’re amazing." I said, putting my hands on her shoulders and looking into her eyes through the mirror. "Do you think Andrew will like it?" she asked, the insecure look of a child. Jess was nervous, I had never seen her in that state. So anxious and insecure. "Are you kidding me?" "As soon as he sees you walk down the aisle, he will throw you over his shoulder and take you to the suite to f**k you for at least a week." Lucas said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Until you can no longer hold your legs!" I replied. "Do you remember that her mother is still in the room right?" asked Mrs Dare making us laugh. "I just hope I don’t trip down the aisle." Jess said with her eyes shining. I held her on one side, Lucas on the other. "Look at you." said Mrs Dare, taking a picture of us with her cell phone, "It seems only yesterday that you were running around the garden like crazy hiding Nate’s toys. You were playing bride and groom, and today, my little girl is really getting married." said Mrs Dare as she began to cry. "Mom please don’t cry, you’ll ruin the whole make-up." Jess said turning to her mother with shiny eyes, "otherwise you’ll make me cry too." she continued with a trembling voice. Someone knocked at the door and the other bridesmaid went to open, revealing Mr Dare fully dressed. As soon as he saw his wife and daughter, he rushed to them and held them in a hug while Lucas and I were stepping aside. "Should I save you a dance?" Lucas asked, giving me an elbow. "If you’re not too busy rubbing against Devon." I laughed. "Or maybe you’ll be too busy rubbing against Nate." he winked. I opened my mouth wide open and I watched his surprise. "Don’t think I don’t remember the little scene from the other night, it looked like you two were f*****g on the dance floor.," Lucas said in appreciation. "Oh please." said I, holding myself in my shoulders. "May, I remember your glances I pick you up and I take you to the bathroom to get banged, and you were doing it. You were begging him to look at you and bang you in the bathroom at the club and he was begging you to suck his c**k until he saw the stars." Lucas said seriously and took an invisible hair off his dress. "Lucas!" I scolded him by looking out of the corner of my eye at Jess, but she was too busy crying with her mother to care for us. "What?" he replied carelessly, "He’s sexy like hell and you’re a sexy bomb that makes anyone drool. From what I saw the other night, you’re inclined to get banged, he’s inclined to bang you, more than inclined. Just do it!" said Lucas looking at me. "He thought we had sex." I confessed to him. "What?" "He was convinced that the night of the graduation party we had s*x, he doesn’t remember anything about that night, he thought the girl I found him with was me." he said remorsefully. "And?" Lucas asked, "Better not? He wants you, God if he doesn’t want you. The other night he was eating you up with his eyes. Stop dredging up stuff from the past and think about spreading your legs, you need it." "He’s Jess' brother." "And?" "Jess doesn’t want it." I said, trying to defend myself. "Oh, but please, please. Jess doesn’t want you to get hurt, but if you need s*x and he volunteers, and there’s a common understanding why waste this opportunity? You really want to miss the chance to get banged up at a wedding for I don’t know, pride maybe? If you’re not gonna get banged by him, I’m sure someone else will, and believe me when I tell you that Nate’s not gonna stay the whole party with his d**k in his pants." "God Lucas, you’re so gross." At that moment the Dare approached, interrupting the speech. Nate could do whoever he wanted. I didn’t care. Nop. Absolutely not. We waited in line in front of the closed doors of the event room, where all the guests were waiting for us and at the small altar, built and decorated under the close supervision of the bride, there was Andrew Spring with a tuxedo waiting for his future wife. I could only imagine with what anxious eyes Andrew stared at the doors, waiting for them to open. We got ready and lined up, Mrs Dare had already entered, while in front of me there was Lucas in his designer suit, with a red tie and a flower in the pocket of the same color, I was in second place, with my low-cut dress that I would rather not wear but according to Jess it was necessary given the size of my boobs, her words not mine, behind me finally there was Sarah, Andrew’s cousin. Sarah was a few years younger than us, but from the way she acted and talked, she seemed to be 20 years older than us. Unlike mine, her red dress was very tight, highlighting every single shape of her body and, in addition to having a large V-neck on the front, with a very tight bodice that highlighted her breasts, she had a big slit on the side of her dress that almost went all the way to her groin. Under her breast she had a cloth belt that emphasized even more the shape of her breast If she wanted someone to notice her, well, I’m sure she would have. Despite that, I could feel her nasty looks pointed at my covered back. I didn’t understand why, but I didn’t even care which problem suffocated that little blonde head. I took a deep breath and the doors opened. Jess had hired two violinists and a pianist who, as soon as the doors opened, began to sing some melody. Lucas went first, and I followed him holding in my hands my little bouquet with white roses in the center and other pink flowers around. Lucas walked tall, with a wide smile, until he reached the altar and stood before Andrew, who had his eyes on the entrance. I stood next to Lucas and looked towards the front door, and so did Sarah. My eyes fell for a moment on the front row of seats, where Jess’s parents and of course Nate were sitting, I noticed that his eyes were on me and, as soon as our eyes met, A shiver ran through my body as he gave me a mischievous smile and looked at me from head to toe. The doors opened and all those present stood while the orchestra chanted the wedding march. I looked back at Andrew, waiting for his reaction once Jess got in. A myriad of emotions appeared on his face. First surprise, then lust, then love. His eyes were shiny and he looked at Jess with eyes in love and dreaming, while he gave her a sweet smile. I turned to my friend and saw that she was almost dragging her father to Andrew, while her eyes were bright and filled with love. The kind of look that only a person in love could comprehend, the kind of look that only two people in love exchange and, from the way they looked at each other, it was more than clear that for them the rest of the guests had completely disappeared and that in their eyes, there were only the two of them and their hearts united from that day to the rest of their lives.
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