Episode 5-Meeting her again

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/Ezra’s POV/ “Am I that scary?” I wondered after running after my mate but she still abandoned me at the door after one swift glance. My heart shattered and I felt this pain erupt from my deep down my chest, that wasn’t me reacting though, it was my wolf and I know how that simple action must have broken his heart. I felt tons or even thousands of questions piling up in my head at once as I slowly digest the whole new thing. My mate didn’t want me? I just can’t seem to get it, did I do something wrong? Has she seen me somewhere? Was she scared of me? I couldn’t understand her reaction at all, I didn’t even get to ask for her name. “Arrgh” I groaned inwardly, moving dejectedly back into the clubhouse though I waited a couple of minutes to calm my racing heart, but I can only do that much, my wolf won’t stop whimpering in my head, wondering if our mate would reject us? We were both drowned in our loneliness and feeling of dejection as we walked deeper into the club, bumping shoulders with the human who seem to fall in reaction or shout at me to watch where I was going but all these wasn’t enough to draw me out of my array of thoughts, if just being ignored by your mate can make your whole life feel out of place, I wonder how the feeling of rejection would be like. “She wouldn’t reject us, she’s our mate” Ember was pretty certain but even though he was I was still scared of it, the thoughts alone had my heart breaking into a million pieces. “Why don’t you ask around about here, after all, she works here, probably you can visit her, and maybe mate- “Shut up Ember” I spat out loudly making few people around me flinch in reaction. “Sorry, that wasn’t you” I apologized with a small hand gesture moving to the far end of the club where few people were sitting, both the far end to the right and left had a bar side with different bartenders tending to the customers' needs while they go along with the songs blasting off through the speakers, either with small body movements like hand tapping on the counter table, foot-tapping on the bar stool or full-body movements like swaying but all this didn’t distract me from asking the blonde bartender attending to an obviously drunk customer. “Um, sorry- “What can I get you?” The blonde immediately moved to my side while leaving the male bartender at the other side to attend to the drunk one. “If you don’t mind me asking, where’s your manager?” In the dim disco lights of the clubhouse reflecting to her side, I could still make out the sudden worried look on her face. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to complain or anything. I just want to inquire about someone” I saw relief instantly spread on the poor lady’s face, it was obvious she gave her all to her work, and she seem to value the job. “I’m the manager, can I help you?” A 6ft hefty man with spiked hair walked up to me with an extremely stern expression, if he was a supernatural or I was any shorter, I’d be intimidated. “Actually, I’m looking for a girl, if you could give me her name or something, her address, she’s about 6ft tall, brown eyes, black hair, narrow figure, long bangs but she wore her hair in a ponytail, it’s extremely long, she was tending to us upstairs but she suddenly ran off?” The dude frowned and gave me a long suspicious look. “If I know who you are talking about, I still wouldn’t be able to tell you. We don’t disclose private information of our workers, if you’ll excuse me” With that he left, I was desperate so, I kinda followed him, he walked upstairs to the VIP area and straight to the bartending tab side probably to inquire about the girl, I listened carefully using my super hearing as she requested from the other bartender who seems overwhelmed with serving drinks. “Where’s Malia?” He demanded glancing around in curiosity while I sneered in reaction, so that’s her name, Malia…she has a very nice name, I thought smiling while watching the manager frown and scold. Then he called another bartender over to join the girl, I took a seat on the red and black circle couch at a free table while watching his actions, he was instructing the new bartender when his phone rang, even though I knew it was an invasion of privacy, I was just really curious and like I suspected it was Malia, she seems really determined to stay away from me, judging from how she insisted that Joe, the name of the club manager; shouldn’t tell me her name but what made my wolf jump in joy was the fact that she insisted her actions today would never be repeated. “We can always come back another time” For once I agree with Ember, who said it would be that easy to get rid of this little wolf, I snickered and shook my head. “Ezra, where are you?” Alex reached out to me through the mind link (A link that allows you to communicate telepathically with pack members as long as they are in a close range, doesn’t work like cell phones). “I’m close to the stairs, have you met whoever it is you’re meeting first?” I inquired through the pack link but there was no response only that he was suddenly heading towards me. He looked, shaken. “Are you okay?” I asked as he suddenly reached for the bottled water in the middle of the glass table. “I…I-” “My mate’s a witch” He completed via mind link and my jaw dropped in shock, can tonight be more surprising. “You’ve met your mate?” My mouth dropped as he hesitantly nodded, not that I don’t want him to meet his mate, don’t get me wrong; but I was shocked we both met our mates on the same day, that’s a very strange coincidence. “So what did you say, why are you looking like that?” I questioned as he slowly wore a troubled look. “She’s a witch- “You make it sound like it’s something bad” I arched a brow while studying him under my brows. “I don’t know Ezra, I don’t know. What about you…your mate- “Don’t even get me started” With that, I briefed him of my ordeal and he chuckled softly. “Well with me, it was quite the opposite” Then he explained how the little witch princess had reached into his head and found out she was his mate, he didn’t leave the peck part out but he still concealed the reason while the witch was looking into his head in the fist place. After we chatted for a few more minutes, we ordered few drinks and ended up getting wasted. I can’t remember getting home but I woke up to the indistinct voice of Alex speaking to his uncle again “Yeah, yeah…we’ll set out soon” He sighed heavily like he didn’t like the decision he just made, not sure which decision it is but if it’s to leave here immediately and set out to the other countries Alex want to travel, I am also not very happy about it. “What’s going on?” I asked as I sluggishly roll off the heavy cyan covers covering me up, this brought my attention to the purple boxers I had on. “This isn’t mine, where are my clothes?” I added to the question and he arched a brow. “For a wolf, you are a really bad drunk...you puke all over yourself last night, don’t you remember?” His ripped hands slowly moved to rest on his waist as he narrowed his face at me. “No, I didn’t do any of those things” I denied almost immediately making him sigh. “Well, it doesn’t matter now. Get dressed and order yourself room service or something, we’ll be leaving in few hours- “What!?” I exclaimed giving him a shocked expression. I took few steps toward him and gulped trying to find proper words to relay my protest against his decision. “I can’t leave” I started and he tilted his head a bit, but he didn’t look the least surprised about my declaration. “I just met my mate, so I can’t just leave. I have to claim her, make her come with me” I insisted and he sighed. “Your mate isn’t so willing Ezra, we can carry this out first and come back for her- “And what if she disappears by the time I come back looking for her, she ran from me immediately she saw me, she must have been scared or hurt, I have to find her and assure her she’s safe with me, a mate isn’t so easy to come by Alex. I have to bring her back to the pack, I have to make her mine, you know that, you know how it works” Alex gave me a look of frustration. “Ezra- “Please, just give me some days to convince her to come with us, if she doesn’t come with me after three days, I’ll leave with you and come back for her later” My face drowned in despair as the fair of leaving without her slowly engulfed me, if I’m not able to go with her, I don’t know how I’ll feel. “It’s not that easy, I’ll have to call the supreme witch I am meeting that there’s been a change of plans, it won’t be that easy” Alexander’s pitiful look made me feel rather pathetic, I’ve heard how meeting a mate can change everything for a werewolf, but I never imagined that these changes would be like this. “Fine, I’ll see what I can do, three days…that’s all you get” he rolled his eyes and tried to turn but I jumped him instead. “Thank you, thank you” I excitedly reiterated before I awkwardly released him, he looked shocked and frozen after I brought myself to look at his face. I cleared my throat and scratched my head as an awkward silence looms over us, this was the first time hugging him, so…he must feel really awkward right now. “Um, I probably should get into the bathroom” With that I rushed over to the bathroom to prepare for the day. I was jolly the entire day, I kept whistling around the room and the Alpha’s family were quick to notice when they reached him over a video call, he didn’t hesitate to tell them the reason and I don’t really mind, just that Uncle Landon for some reason doesn’t quite agree with him delaying our journey for three days just because I found my mate. "Don’t say that uncle” Alex cautioned his uncle while briefly turning back at me while adjusting my jacket. “Oh, you’re ready, I thought the place is a late-night club, why leaving so early?” Alex turned away from the screen while Landon was still on screen, I know it was a cue to inform the Landon that I was in the same room with him and I can hear all he was saying. “She might be there early but…it’s already four. I could be lucky” With that, I headed for the exit wanted to leave the single room I shared with Alex as soon as possible. “Why on earth are you two in the same room?” I heard Landon's query right before I shut the door and I could only sigh. “Don’t think too much about it, we are meeting our mate soon” Ember consoled and I smiled because I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hurt by Landon’s words. ------
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