Episode 6-Leave me alone

2060 Words
/Malia’s POV/ I averted the longing gaze of my mate and moved over to the dressing room where I changed into my working outfit. He was still there when I returned and now, it was almost impossible to avoid him, especially now that he was even walking up to me with a curious expression on his face. Should I just reject this motherfucker and get it over with, he seems to be a very decent person, he doesn’t really deserve that. “Malia- “Look, I know what you’re thinking but it’s never gonna happen” His face fall solemn and I felt a pang of sudden guilt wrapping me up, my throat run dry and my palms suddenly felt sweaty as I studied his Crestfallen face. I sighed and turned towards Jake who had been watching us for quite some time. “Cover for me please” I requested and reached out to my mate’s hand but it turns out that was a terrible idea as we both gasped out in shock at the sudden electricity we felt. Goddamn it, how could a single touch feel like that, I felt reluctant to pull my hand away as we both stood frozen in front of the bar table, I bit down on my lips as the sudden need of want and need engulf me, took me almost every willpower I had to pull my hand away from his. It was obvious he was in the same situation judging from the sudden sigh of relief that escaped him, the beads of sweat on his head made it obvious he didn’t have it easy as well. “Why don’t we go outside and talk?” I requested sounding breathless and flustered. “Yeah…right” He gave a sharp response and I nodded leading him outside. “I want him” My wolf grunted in my head, it’s no surprise she was more affected than I was but I had her under control, that wasn’t the same for my mate though, he moved away from me a little his eyes changing from his normal amber eye color to a brighter shade of yellow, it was as if his wolf was fighting him for control. “Are you- “Stay back” He pleaded while he face his battle alone. Well, I heard a beta or an Alpha’s wolf was stronger and more stubborn, it was the first time I am seeing it in person, I thought as I heard him cuss under his breath before he turned sharply to me adjusting his clothes, he looked rather calm now. “I’m sorry about that” He broke the awkward silence that falls after his reaction. “Oh, um…it’s okay. Look…I just want to say- “You’re not trying to reject me are you?” I could feel the panic oozing from him, he felt rather terrified of that. “No, no…I won’t, I heard the experience is quite painful, I wouldn’t want you to go through that, that’s why I want to politely ask you to stay away from me, I might not plan to reject you…but that doesn't mean I plan to accept you either. Please, this mate stuff, it’s not my thing- “Then tell me what is” He cut in and I sighed. “I…I don’t plan on taking a mate, and I hope the moon goddess can bless you with a better mate, you deserve more” Though he was patient and listened to everything I had to say, I couldn’t fathom the meaning behind his rather strange expression. It was like he was confused but yet amused. “I’m sorry, that’s not how it works, to be granted a second chance mate, you have to have been rejected, you’d have to reject me before I can get a new mate, that’s one…two, I don’t know what you might have been through to make you decide you don’t want a mate but I’ve waited my entire life for that figure perfectly made for me, and now that you’re standing in front of me, there’s no way I’m letting you go, we were chosen for each other for a reason, so…if you think I’m gonna just go because you asked me too, you’re wrong Malia, by the way, my name is Ezra, a beta of Silver Knight pack” He introduced wearing a courteous smile on his face, his pack name sound vaguely familiar but I couldn’t place a finger on where I’ve heard it. “I…look, I do appreciate, argh” I exclaimed not expecting his arm to swiftly reach for me and pull me close to him, his amber eyes glowed and a mischievous smile replaced the courteous one. “You’re mine” It was really hard to disregard the spread of warmth through my body and straight to my panties after his domineering voice hit my eardrums. “Let..go of me” I finally summon the courage to ask for my freedom but it appears he was also enjoying the little show of watching me react to him. So, I went defensive and knee him in the crotch, his hands let go of me immediately and I stagger back almost losing balance while his mouth hang low as he reached down to his crotch bending a little while he sucked in his lips as if he was holding in his scream, I must admit, he does look rather sexy doing that, get over it, I subconsciously scolded myself. “That…hurt” He made known pointing a finger at me. “Leave me alone, I might really reject you if you keep bothering me” With that, I left him on the pouch but had to run to the restroom as my heart wouldn’t stop thumping loudly in my chest. “Oh God” I let out nervously before raising my hand to my chest, I sighed resting my head against the wall while calming myself down. “Malia” Kate draw me out of my reverie as I stood in the restroom while recalling every single word Ezra had said, I couldn’t help but smile at myself when he had declared me his, but it wasn’t that simple. “Earth to Malia” Kate’s voice came again and I instinctively blinked myself to reality. “What are you thinking about that much, your boyfriend?” Kate smiled coyly and I quirked a brow in reaction. “Don’t pretend alright, we all saw that handsome dude that came looking for you; damn you really landed a great one” Just so you know, Kate is a w***e that thinks the best way to be noticed is to find big rich men to flash cunt while keeping your pocket filled, in short words, I hate her. “f**k off Kate” I spat at her and walked out of the restroom but she followed almost instantly; she is a lady with a small and delicate figure, a light, natural tan, and her strawberry blonde hair was in a messy bun, she’s a very opinionated lady and judges others rather very quickly, I head back to the table hoping not to see Ezra again but there he was filling my nostrils with his scent as he sat in front of me staring at me with a satisfied smile on his face. “Don’t look at me like that and if you aren’t getting anything, please go away” I curtly told him but he waved me off. “A bottle of vodka please” He requested and I was obliged to get it for him, his eyes were never leaving mine and it was kinda making me uncomfortable. “Malia” Joe walked up to me after two hours of settling in at work. “Yes” I glanced up rather quickly wanting to answer him, but his gaze was rather glued on Ezra who refuse to mind him. “Some guys at the VIP table request you personally serve them, I don’t know why…they must be an acquaintance but check it out, they are loaded so, help me out here” The request was rather strange but what was even more strange was the low growl that erupts from Ezra and made me flinch. “Hey” I moved closer to him, taking in more of his sense and risking myself being vulnerable around him. “Please control yourself” I flash him a hard look before turning back to Joe whose expression was stiffened and deadpan. “Yeah sure, why not” I gave a forced smile. “Table 6” With that he turned to and left. “Did you serve men here? Is it men that you serve?” Ezra who was on his 3rd drink after taking a seat with me queried me and I scoffed. “Who do you think you are to use that tone on me?” I arched a brow at him staring strangely at him, his voice was possessive and annoying, I shook my head and moved out of the bar side, wanting to head up, the music was now on and people have started coming in numbers which means soon, we wouldn’t be able to hear a single thing, which by the way is a good thing for me, I’ve been continuously tortured by Ezra’s scent playing at the tip of my nose, but now it’ll likely be reduced by the scent of sweats and alcohol. I didn’t expect in a million times that Ezra would pull me into his embrace and gave me a brief hug, I was too shocked to react , what the f**k is up with this guy? I wondered as my expression turned serious. “I want them to be able to smell me on you” I frowned almost immediately but decided to ignore him and just leave. I’d have to find more effective ways to get rid of this dude. He can’t just walk right into my life thinking he’s got a place, I shook my head and head straight for the table seat, only then did I understand Ezra’s action, all the three guys at the table were werewolves, can my day get any worse? I wondered. “Hello gentlemen, what can I get you?” I requested but they seem to be studying me rather keenly. “Can I- “That’s a very strong and nice scent you have there” One of the guys with a thick husky voice speaks and my throat instantly hurts. He was an Alpha obviously, only them could create such an aura. “Um, well…it’s Chanel's really expensive but thank you, what can I get you again?” I took the compliment and decided to handle it rather professionally but assholes will forever be an asshole. “I tell you what, 5000 dollars, one night?” I wanted to scoff loudly at his expensive joke but since he was a customer, I decided to disregard his rather insulting approach. “Um sorry, we don’t have any drink called that but I don’t mind getting you another one, champagne perhaps- “Um, what?” One of the guys sitting around the Alpha who had come at me exclaimed. “Then champagne it is” I concluded wanting to leave but one of them reached out to grab me instead, I was surprised when Ezra’s hand had suddenly grabbed the blonde’s, making my heart skip a bit. “You would get your hands off my mate” I think I just wet my panties hearing his voice grow from gentlemanly to serious real quick as he spoke in a soft growl. “Ezra your eyes, there are humans here” I leaned in and whispered into his ears after his eyes glowed again, does this guy kinda like have anger issues or something? I thought as he jerk off the dude’s hands, then he switched, wearing a playful smile. “Wow, I like your jacket” He smiled dusting off the expensive brown leather jacket the blonde one had on, we were all still very shocked by that. “Babe, why don’t you get them that champagne they ordered” He winked and I nodded my head and reluctantly left. What the f**k just happened? -----
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