Episode 3-getting away

1781 Words
/Malia’s POV/ My heart raced in my chest as I carried my wobbled legs through the dancing crowd, but now his scent was following me, this time stronger as if it was the only thing my wolf was focusing on. “Selene cut it out” I spoke out loud to my wolf as I hastily moved towards the clubhouse exit. “He’s our mate” My wolf whined in my head and I groaned. “For f**k sake Selene, we’ve survived all these years because we refused to be in contact with any supernaturals, our mate will not be any exception, now cut the scent!” I growled feeling my stomach churn with need. I pushed past the guards and immediately head for my motorbike wanting to clear the air, f**k the mate bond! I thought as I suddenly felt reluctant to leave, I wanted to go back and drown in his arms, I wanted to feel his hard rock chest, I wanted to trace my hands over his handsome face down to his pronounced jawline. “f**k!” I cussed, raving my engine after setting my helmet on, then he came out, panting, his eyes fell on me almost immediately, he was confused and scared, I could feel it. I shut down the glass and swiftly turn my bike around. “Please wait!” He called desperately behind me, his voice sent tingles down every inch of my skin, what the f**k!? no one ever told me that’s what the mate bond feels like, this is so f*****g annoying, well who could, the people that could have, were dead…of course I wouldn’t know, I didn’t even know our mates could have such a great scent, goddmanit! The memory of how intoxicating the scent had been made my stomach churn again. Thankfully he wasn’t following me, I heaved a heavy sigh of relief after I had gotten as far away from the club as possible, I should probably call it a day. I received different kinds of looks as I walked into my apartment building looking like a maid who just got kicked out, I have never returned to my apartment like this before and I can’t believe just this once could get people talking so much. I groaned as I walked down to the elevator passing by the lounge, my apartment building isn’t for the poor but it’s not for the rich either, many average people live here, we don’t have a penthouse like most big buildings but it was elegant in its way, most people that stay here are decent people with white-collar jobs or few with brown collar jobs, the rooms are well spaced out and the lounge was well decorated, it isn’t the perfect place but, it’s certainly not bad. Took me a few months of work to afford this place though, I ignore the overbearing stares, shrugs, and consistent chatters as I walked down to the elevator, it’s actually very embarrassing showing up at home with bar-tending clothes, maybe I should have taken the emergency stairs, but I live on the 8th floor, I’m a wolf how bad could it have been? I regretted my actions rather too quickly. I met a few people in front of the elevator as it dinged open on my floor and I could tell they were shocked to see me in my work clothes, judging by the stunned look on their faces, they probably weren’t expecting to ever see me dress that way. “Excuse me” I whispered softly while pushing past them to walk the hallway to my room, the walls of the hallway were made decent by the beautiful floral wallpaper that designed it and the perfect lightening system but the looks of those behind me didn’t give me more time to admire the work. I could still hear the faint gossip of my neighbors as they walked into the elevator shocked by my appearance, like I give a f**k what they think, I froze on getting to the door and realizing that I had forgotten my room keys in my bag at work. Things just have to get more complicated, I thought sighing loudly, but at least I still have my phone with me, because heaven’s probably going to fall tomorrow if I don’t give Joe an explanation for my disappearance tonight. Turning my back to the CCTV camera at the corner, I raised my hands to the doorknob, willing it open without an actual spell, just my magic, I pull the door open and moved straight to my couch, my apartment might not be elegantly furnished but I arranged it to suit my taste, I’m not a flower person and repeated pattern wallpapers bore me so I use a plain one, a blue one at that. I have just two sofas which I placed opposite each other to corner my TV, my condo isn’t exactly high-ceiling, but I love the cozy but private vibe it gives off. I reached for my Samsung phone and placed a call to Joe. “Thank God! I was just gonna call you, where the f**k are you?” His bass voice raved at the other end of the call and I had to pull my phone away from my ear, blame my super hearing ability, it was too f*****g loud. “I’m sorry Joe! I had a female emergency, had to visit the hospital quickly, I’m so sorry, it was so urgent that I didn’t even get to change” I told him after returning the phone to my ear and I heard him sigh afterward. “I’m letting you off this once because this has never happened before, just this once” He reiterated. “Thank you so much” Well, that’s an advantage of being a hard worker. “Malia” He called out softly tome this time, his tone subtle and different from how he had addressed me at first. “A guy came looking for you, he described your features, I don’t think he knows your name- “Don’t tell him anything about me Joe, please. He could be a stalker…I’m really sorry for causing you trouble but please can you keep my information private?” I pleaded to him and a brief silence falls. “Um okay, are you sure he isn’t an ex-boyfriend trying to get back- “Joe! Please” I cut him short not willing to hear the rest of his intuition. “Um, okay if you say so” He replied dryly. “Thank you,” I said softly, concluding the call after exchanging our byes, I fall back into my sofa recalling the face of my mate. "He's a handsome guy isn't he?" Selene asked and I smiled, 'Yeah he is' I replied subconsciously. I'm grateful to the moon goddess for gifting me such a handsome mate, a Beta too, it's an honor, I would have appreciated him if he was also an omega but him being a Beta is a bonus, the moon goddess really does craft him to meet my standards. Unfortunately, I'm not ready for a mate yet, I don't even want to have one. It's too risky, I've been living a peaceful life for 12years but that doesn't mean the supernatural world has forgotten about the Crescent wolves, I don't want to expose myself now. I groaned and lay on my back staring at the ceiling, I wish him a better mate, he deserves better than a wolf fugitive. I was still lost in my thoughts when a call came in from Jake, I quickly picked up and tried explaining things to him, more like lying to him but we'll be saved the trouble, it'll be stupid to tell him 'Hey I'm running away from my mate to keep my identity as a Crescent Wolf a secret'. "Lia, are you alright? Are you hurt? Joe asked me to fill in for you, you good? This has never happened before so I'm sure whatever happened must be serious?" He worried, and hell yeah, it's serious. "Yeah, I'm better now. I just needed to rush home. You think you can help me get my stuff in my locker, I kinda left them back there while rushing home" I requested and he exhaled in relief at the other end of the call, I could still hear the chattering and loud blaring of music from his end, which means he was still in the club but somewhere away from the dance floor, I wouldn't have been able to make out his voice if he had stayed anywhere close to the dance floor. "That, yeah I can get it for you if your locker isn't locked- "s**t!" I muttered reaching down the apron to feel the key to my locker in it. "You lock it didn't you?" Jake figured after hearing me cuss. "Yeah, you know what...don't bother. I'll just leave it till tomorrow" With that I concluded our conversation. I groaned out loudly feeling so unlucky. Why the f**k do I have to meet him tonight! "Arrggh" I groaned loudly pushing past the couch, displacing it a little as I walked straight to my bedroom where I collapsed into. I was kinda hungry though, since I didn't get any food from the kitchen before getting to my bed, I decided to call it a night. Well, since my mate failed to meet up with me today, he'll probably be gone by tomorrow. "An what if he comes back for you tomorrow?" Selene asked me as I tried to fall asleep. "I would be prepared, I was too shocked to do anything tonight, it won't be the same tomorrow" I confidently said to myself but you know what, I lied. I got in a new set of clothing while moving to work the second day, baggy jeans, a bucket Jean cap, and baggy sweatshirts while packing my bar-tending uniform in my black bag, since I wasn't with my keys I had to control the lock as I leave the house and I must say, I wasn't expecting to see my mate waiting for me at the bar, he looked giddy and anxious and he looked tidied, did he styled his hair? I wondered shooting up a brow as I analyzed his sleek look. "Malia, you're here?" Jake came running to me with a smile, thankfully he was early today, and unfortunately, he just had to call my name out loud, now my mate was staring at me with a love-drunk smile plastered across his face. "Oh God, this is going to be tiring" I muttered under my breath. --------
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