Episode 7-Alpha's command

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/Ezra’s POV/ It’s okay if Malia doesn’t want to give in immediately, my mate was different I could feel it, unlike most mates, immediately they meet, they are ready to start making babies but Malia, not only was she strong-willed and stubborn, she was also very brave, a hit in the crotch thought me that, I wasn’t expecting it at all, thankfully she didn’t aim for the balls, that would have taken some time to heal. I don’t specialise in women and don’t know much about them but I’m certain Malia would need time to accept me into her life, which I’m willing to spare by the way, as long as it means I’ll have her. I spent a couple of hours watching her as she diligently attend to her customers, smiling when she to and frowning when she need to, it was obvious she was pretty good at what she does, there was this guy who was staring at me at the other side of the bar, short broad-chested fellow, don’t know why he was looking at me but I know it wasn’t anything good. And when the manager came around asking Malia to attend to some men because they requested for her, I almost lost it to Ember again, for some reason; he’d been rather aggressive today, it does have something to do with Malia but it was frustrating fighting for control with my wolf, it’s nothing fun but that was the second time. I glanced up and narrowed my eyes to see some set of eyes staring down at Malia, they were wearing ridiculously smug faces that made me want to punch them in the gut, so…I hugged her to rub my scent on her, thinking at least that would be enough for them to back off but I was wrong. I had to follow Malia upstairs but was stopped by the two hefty bouncers who requested my VIP card, they didn’t ask me for that bullshit the previous day, I wonder why they were asking now. “How fast can I get one?” I inquired and they exchanged knowing looks. “We can grant you a one-time ticket if you are just visiting someone or- “And how much is that?” I cut in sharply. “2000 dollars” I reached for my wallet and quickly gave them in cash so, they gave me a bronze card with the bar logo on it, I didn’t stop listening to the conversation going on between Malia and those set of dogs as I sought my thing with the bouncer though and I was glad I walked in just in time to stop them from laying a finger on her. Ember was furious and was instantly begging to be released but I had to ask him to keep off and let me handle it and when Malia leaned in to tell me about my change, I had to immediately keep Ember at bay. Then I had to switch, I took an empty seat with the guys who were giving me a hard look after I asked Malia to get them the champagne she offered them, and I don’t mind the look on their faces at all but I have to get their eyes off Malia, that’s my mate damn it. “You’re not from around here are you?” The Alpha in their midst spoke with a serious expression on his face, he definitely mean to threaten me but I’m not impressed, he would have to put more muscle on it. “No, I arrived in the country a day ago” I smiled then I met Malia’s eyes as she approached us with an ice bucket with the champagne peeking out of it. “Oh, here it comes” I smiled meeting Malia’s eyes for a brief second. “So, that means you’re very unfamiliar with how things work around here, right now what you’re doing- “Hold on please” I raised a finger and reached for the champagne flute to help Malia distribute. “You were saying?” I urged the guy who had picked the conversation from his alpha after I told them I was new in the area. He was probably a gamma, the Alpha snickered and reached for the champagne glass just when Malia was about to leave. “I don’t remember ordering for this” Malia’s face dropped. “You didn’t say otherwise while I was filling your glasses” Malia put up for herself. “Well, we thought you probably want to get it for us for free, I’d rather have a beer” The Alpha spoke softly with a sly smile. “I’ll pay for it” I put in and he frowned. “Consider it a thank you gift for allowing me to seat by your table” I grinned sheepishly and I watched the five of them clench their fists or jaws while wearing an irritated look. “Why don’t you buy us beer instead, champagne, isn’t our thing” With that, he reached for the champagne bottle and empty the contents into the ice bucket, only then did I see Malia’s fist clench, they were giving her a hard time on purpose. "Ember, please...please calm down, there's an Alpha here and there are humans around" I had to beg my wolf to keep himself at bay or he was ready to rip out the heads of these fools. Just then, my nose caught on a new and familiar scent, I sniffled the air and looked around to get where the scent was coming from, but immediately I turned to the back I felt Alex's hands on my shoulders and his aura was filling the room, making the little pets the i***t Alpha had with them tremble in terror. "Alpha Kaden" Alex smiled at the terrific-looking Alpha taking the only empty chair left with us, now seven people are seating around a small round glass table. "Alpha Alex, I didn't expect to see you here" Kaden smiled and relaxed into the circle chair. "Do you know this fool- "Mind your tongue that's my beta you speak of" Silence falls immediately after Alex spoke, though he had challenged his authority on his turf with that that Kaden brought it on himself, I don't know the relationship between those two, it's surprising because as Alex's beta I know almost everyone he'd ever met, except this big bad wolf by the way. "Lady, do you mind getting us some beer, I would like to treat some old friends to some drinks" Alex courteously smiled at Malia who seem frozen on spot but his eyes never left Kaden who on the other hand seemed to have a hard time controlling his anger, now you know how that feels you uncouth fool. "That's harsh" I flinched as Alex's words infiltrated my thoughts. "Didn't mean to say that over the link, I was thinking out loud" I apologized and I watched him suppress a smile. "Um, yes" Malia had a late response but she eventually get over the shock and walked off to get our drinks. "Who the f**k is this dude anyway?" I asked Alex over the link while Alex and Kaden had their gazes still locked. "Son of Alpha Benjamin, Flaming moon pack" Alex kept me informed. "You have got to be kidding me, that old man has this arrogant fool for a son?" I had to ask again to be certain. Alpha Benjamin was one of the many friends Alpha Rowen has. He had three male children, two of which I've seen before, o believe this is the third of them. "I must apologize, Alpha Alexander, I meant no disrespect, I had no idea you would know the likes of him" As much as that sounded like a crappy ass not properly composed apology, it was still a straight-up insult. "So, Alpha Alex...what brought you to this side of the country?" Kaden decided to abolish the awkwardness he created himself and Alex decided to play along. "Came to visit, but my beta found her mate, would have been on our way but he'd rather win her over, a lady's heart isn't a place to force your way in" Why do I feel Alex had two meanings to his words, well, who am I not to play along. "Even if I'm her mate, it wasn't right if I don't take the proper approach, I'll be considered uncouth otherwise" I shrugged but then Malia appeared back to fill over the table and our cups, the one sitting at the right side of Kaden, fringed ginger hair decided it was a perfect moment to embarrass my mate my simply putting his foolish leg out. Malia squirmed as she tripped pouring the beer she had in her hand on herself. "Malia" I quickly reached for her before she could reach the ground. Her chest rose and fell in small heaves probably from the fear that she was going to hit the ground, the beer had poured all over the white shirt properly tucked right into the suit best she had on, it had wet part of her sleek hair making it stick to her skin in tender baby coils. "Sorry, let me help you up" I slowly raised her to her feet but she didn't stay another minute before running off in embarrassment, then I turned to the redhead. "Ezra controls yourself, please" Alex pleaded through the mind link but I didn't care, I wanted to cut him down and for once in my life, I didn't logically reason it through, I was a logical person, putting the odds and consequences into account but this time, for once I wanted to strike without thinking. "Stand down!" I blinked feeling my body go rather weak and my claws which had protruded instinctively, receded; God that could have been devastating, Alex had used his Alpha tone on me, I would have killed that i***t without thinking. Alex heaved out in relief as I took slowly returned to my seat, but I felt satisfied on seeing the fear-struck face of the redhead, he was probably anticipating my attack. "Are we gonna pretend we didn't see he did that on purpose- "I-" I took a sharp glance at the redhead before he could mutter a word of protest. "You did wrong" Kaden snapped, he looked enraged as well, can't tell why though. "I apologize for my gamma, thank you for showing restraint beta- "Ezra" I completed for him, my gaze still on the redhead. "He would have to apologize to me and her, don't care if he'll do it like a proper person or I'll have to force him" I didn't hide the anger and irritation in my voice, I am gonna kill him if he refused to apologize. ---------
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