Walk Away

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                                                                            Thalia Aphrodite Williams The next morning when I woke up, I feel strange. I feel so much emotions that's draining my energy. I still remember that strange, memory-like, dream. My heart constricts in pain again. "Okay, stop moping around, Ro. It's just a dream, don't think about it so much, okay?" I said to convince my self to not be so affected on that dream. After all, it's just a dream. "Just a dream" I repeated outloud and I heaved a long breath and sighed with a big smile on my face. Now, time to get ready for scho- I turned to look at the clock on my nightstand. Oh s**t! I'm running late. I run towards my bathroom and took the quickest shower I've ever done and brush my teeth. I move quickly and just throw on whatever I grab first. I rushed to find my bag and put my books inside then went downstairs without even combing my hair. Why didn't mom woke me up?! As I'm walking down the stairs, I message Sophie. To: Sophie Hey, Soph! I'm running a little late. Where are you? I clicked the send button and decided to just leave a message to mom. To: Mom Mom, sorry I didn't bid goodbye but I'm running late already. So if you receive this, don't be mad okay? I hit the send button at the same time my phone beep. From: Sophie What?! Girly, we're in school already, your mom said you're not going to school today because you're not feeling well. If you're not feeling well, why are you going to school? Just stay there, Ro. To: Sophie No, no, I need to go to school. And besides, I'm fine. Just had a bad night but I'm fine. I send the message and I walk towards the direction of the road. From: Sophie Okay, if you say so. Do you want me to tell Damon? To give you a ride. To: Sophie No, I'm fine. Don't want to disturb any of you, I'll just catch the bus. There's still a bus this time, right? From: Sophie You'll not disturb any of us, Girly. And even if there's still a bus, you will be late on your first class when you wait for a bus to show up. I ponder on what she said but decided on not bothering them. As I type my reply, I already reached the road and wait at the side for a bus. To: Sophie No, it's really okay, Sophie. If Damon go back here, I will not be the only one who's late, but Damon too. And he can't have a detention, he has a football practice and if he missed the practice, his coach will be pissed at him. I checked the time on my phone and there's only ten more minutes before the bell rings. I sighed. If I'm going to be late, then I will have detention and I still have my punishment. I sighed again but my breathing stopped when a car stopped in front of me. And the car is not the reason why my breathing stopped, it's the person driving it. Princess Adriana Black-Ivanov "Hey, do you need a ride?" She said and I just stood there looking at her with wide eyes like an i***t. "Come on, you can ride with me to school" She said again and I just got to her car, stiffly. "Don't be so stiff, I don't bite." She said and chuckled. I relaxed a bit and tried to laugh but I just let out an awkward laugh. "Aphrodite, right?" She asked and I nodded. "Y-yeah" I stuttered and she hummed while nodding her head. "Such a beautiful name. Do you know why you were named after a Goddess?" She asked and I nodded "Yeah, my mom said that, she named that to me because a friend told her to name me like that, and she said, she actually loves it. Besides she's also named after a Goddess." I said, looking down at my lap. "Ah-huh, and what is that?" She asked as she maneuvered the car. "Aurora" I said and I looked at her briefly. "The Roman Goddess of Dawn, am I right?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah" I said and just looked out of the window. God, this is so awkward. Minutes passed by with silence and I just keep on looking at the trees we passed by while she's busy maneuvering the car. Seconds turns to minutes and we finally arrived after a silent ride. She was just parking her car when I turned to her to thank her for the ride to school. "Thank you, for the ride" I said and gave her a genuine small smile. She turned to me with her own beautiful smile. She's very beautiful. "You're welcome, and also I just want to apologize for Gabe's behavior yesterday. He just really had a bad day yesterday that's why he kind of snapped at you." She said and I nodded. "It's okay, I kind of disrespect all of you yesterday too, so I'm really sorry about that, It's just-" I said and look down at my lap. "I'm really desperate to know whose smell was on the shirt. I-I think it might be from m-my mate, that's why I-I fe-" But I was cut off when I felt her hand on my fidgeting hands. "I know, I get it. I felt that too when I was just getting a sign of my own mate. I feel desperate too, to know who my mate is. But, Aphrodite he will come running to you too, once he got his own sign of you, so just wait. Let him come to you. Let him do his own part and find you." She said and I nodded, feeling calm from her melodious voice. "Now, we should probably go. We'll be late in less than. Oh! Two minutes!" She said and got out of the car. I went out of the car too and went straight to the school but then, I look back at her again.  "But... if ever you encounter the scent, could you tell me? I-I just feel like, there's something.. wrong that's why I really, really want to know who's my mate. Please?" I said at her, hesitantly. She contemplate on whether she will do what I said but after a few seconds, she nodded. "Okay, Aphrodite" She said and I gave her a small genuine smile. And I jogged towards my first class, not bothering to go to my locker to put some of my things there. I'm going to be late in.. one minute! As I arrived to the door, I let out a heavy breath, my heart racing rapidly. But luckily, the professor isn't here yet. I went to my seat and heaved a sigh. As I sit and wait for the professor to arrive, my mind went back to my dream again. Prince Eric Darian Smirnov Why the heck do you occupy my mind so much and why do you keep on coming back, again and again? "Urrggh.." I grumbled and put the front of my face on the table and closed my eyes for a just a second because there's a stupid person who knock exactly on my head. Stupid. I faced and glared at the person. Stupid jocks. "Hey, b***h! Why the hell are you with the princess, earlier? Trying to make your way to become friends with them?" Dana asked. Stupid, of course she'll be here. "Keep dreaming, b***h" One of her cronies said and they all laugh. Oh, please, really.. are you talking to me? Or you're talking in front of a mirror while telling that to your self, b***h. I said in my head, don't have the guts to really said that outloud. "What?" I said in a bored manner. "Are you deaf or just really stupid?" A jock said, the boy toy of Dana. "Of course, she's stupid" said Dana and I mentally rolled my eyes. Are you stupid or are you an i***t? Both, I know it's definitely both. I said again in my head. All the jocks and witches laughed along with some students that find their bullying funny. Ha-ha-ha funny. Hope you all get an STD. I said in my mind as the laughter subsided because the professor finally arrived, yelling that we will have a quiz before the discussion. Lucky me. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours, finally the morning classes are finished and I'm on my way to the cafeteria when there's someone who hugged me from my right. Damon. "Hey, beautiful. Why are you here? Your mom said, you're not feeling well" he said and put his right hand on my forehead. I swatted his hand. "I'm fine, just had a bad dream but I'm fine." I said as we make our way to the cafeteria line. "Then, how did you got here? Mrs. Williams drove you here?" He asked and I shook my head "Got a ride with someone" I said as I lined and went behind a girl. "And may I know who is that, someone?" He asked and went behind me. "Well, uhmm..." I trailed on as the Lycans arrived. And then, that's when I smelled the addictive, manly scent. As soon as they arrived at the door and I looked at them, my eyes landed on a pair of the most beautiful grey eyes I've ever seen. And then, it became more beautiful as it glowed blue. Like the color of the deepest part of the sea. I can't help but drown. "What's happening, Ro? Ro! What happened to your eyes?" Damon asked but I just ignored him as I keep on memorizing every features of my mate. Prince Alejandro Valentin Ivanov. I gasped. That's when the thought sinks in. I-I'm mated with a Lycan? And not just any Lycan, but the prince, himself. How? A werewolf being mated to a lycan is not impossible but it's a rare case. The Lycans mated with their own kind because a Lycan can only be mated with a Lycan. Like what I said, Lycans are very powerful, they can't be mated with just an ordinary werewolf or any creatures other than their kind. It can be a werewolf, a vampire, a fairy or dwarfs. And if like this happens, the mate who is not a Lycan will start changing. They'll start changing with their appearance, strength, speed and all the features of a Lycan. If they succesfully passed all that changes, they'll become a Lycan. But the process is so complicated and hard. No one and I mean no one, who tried the process became successful. They can complete the process on appearance, strength, speed but once they reached the process of the wolf to change, that's where all will go wrong. The change will be excruciatingly painful to both the human and wolf. And sadly but true, eventually they will die. While in other creatures, they can undergo on the change but they can never, ever have a wolf that's why it's also not possible for them to mate with a Lycan. That's why some of the Lycans nowadays chose to be mated with one of their friends or whoever they can mate with, that is a Lycan. I was already imagining all that will happen when he suddenly turned around, walking away from me. And as soon as my mind began working again, I went after him. I sniffed trying to locate him with his manly scent. I went to the right hallway to the parking lot, he was just about to go in his car when I yelled. "Wait! Please wait! W-we need to talk!" I shouted and he halt but didn't turned around. I jogged towards him with half working brain. My brain is still shock about this newfound discovery. "You're my mate." I said as I reached  him. I looked at his behind intently, I noticed that he's so stiff and tensed. I also caught a glimpse at his jaw clenching. "Are you not happy... to find me?" I asked as I step closer to him. Every step I took, equalled the way he became tensed and stiffed even more than he already did earlier. "Don't you want me?" I asked with so much emotions. And that time, he turned around. I was face to face with his chest as he's so tall, and just a few inches apart from each other. I want to touch him so badly. I want to feel that tingling sensation they said mates will feel whenever they touch each other. I looked up and locked my eyes with him. I didn't blink, I keep my eye contact with him as his eyes changed colors from grey to a deep blue color I'm not afraid if making eye contact with him is disrespectful, all I know is that... I want to see the beauty of his eyes. But the eye contact broke when he turned his gaze elsewhere. I swallow the lump forming in my throat. "Don't you want me?" I repeat again, emphasizing the word you. I watch his jaw clenched and his eyes glazing. He's talking to his wolf. And looks like they are fighting for dominance as his eyes keeps on changing colors from grey to black. I gasped. I think I already saw that pair of black eyes before. "Y-you were in m-my dream before, right?" I whispered and he turned to me. I saw his eyes stayed black. His wolf won. "Nice to finally see you, mate." His voice became more deep and masculine. I heard that voice before too. "Y-you're voice" I whispered with wide eyes. "Oh, yes. Now you know that I'm not a bored, pack member dude that's fooling you. I'm not bluffing, mate." He said and chuckled with that powerful voice. But then his eyes changed again. The grey, serious eyes of the human side returned and he just turned away, going inside his car and drove away. I just stood there like an i***t, gaping. What the heck just happened? I stood there for a while, processing all that happened when I heard the faint rang of the bell. I went to my locker with a hazy mind and painful heart. He didn't answer my question. The school finished and I'm on my way to where Damon always parks his car and there I saw them three, talking. And as soon as they saw me with an expression of dejection and sadness, their smiling faces turned into a frown. As I reached them, Sophie put her right arm on my back, comforting me. "We heard what happened earlier, is it true that you're the mate of the Cold Prince?" Christina asked and I chuckled with her nickname to the Prince of Lycans. She said the Prince of Lycans give cold shoulders to all people even to all the Lycans he's with, that's why she started calling him 'Cold Prince' I sighed. "Can we just go? I'll tell you everything tomorrow. For now, I just want to lay down and think." I said and they nodded, giving me small smiles. We went inside the car and drove off towards the pack house. When we reached the pack house, I went outside of the car and bid them all goodbye. Then, they drove off to their own homes around the pack territory. I went to my room and changed into a comfortable sweatpants and oversized t-shirt. I went downstairs and to the kitchen to let my mom know I'm already home. "Hey, mom" I said as soon as I saw her. And also, hoping that she didn't get mad when I went to school without even eating anything. "Hey, sweetie. How's school? And how are you? I thought that you're not okay that's why I didn't think you would want to go to school, earlier." She said as she turned to me. I hugged her tight, shocking her. I want to feel her hug to comfort me. She hug me too while rubbing my back. I let go when I feel like I'm gonna cry and showed her a big smile that I definitely know was fake. "I'm fine mom, you don't need to worry." I said and she looked at me intently. I turned my gaze away from her. When she's like that, I know she knows I'm lying that's why I need to escape before she starts asking me questions I don't have an energy to do so. "I should go. My punishment is waiting for me. See you later mom."  I said and kissed her on her forehead. And then, I went to the garden to start my chores. The faster I get this done, the better. When I finished cleaning the garden, I went to my room and laid on my bed. The voice I constantly hear in my head, the dream I had with that black wolf. It's him, It's really him. How the heck did that happen? As far as I know, I can't mind-link my mate yet and I never heard someone saying that they dreamed of their mate before they met them. "Urrrgghh.." I grumbled while I turn on my side, facing my window. And then, he didn't even answer my  question, he didn't tell me that he wants me. Does that mean that he don't want me? I put my hand on my heart, feeling it constrict because of pain. I don't want to assume and hurt my heart, he didn't answer, meaning it's maybe a yes or no. So stop thinking about it, Ro. I sighed and eventually fell asleep, not bothering to go to the dining hall to have dinner. "Hey, Love. Wake up." Said a very sweet, deep voice of a male. I opened my eyes and I'm met yet again with the pair of green eyes. "Eric?" I whispered, my voice sounds so hoarse. I cleared my voice and sat up. "Come on, get dressed then, we'll go downstairs for breakfast, okay?" He said and pulled me up from the bed. I let him pull me but not until I notice that I'm n***d and was just wrapped with a quilt. I immediately grabbed the quilt when it almost showed my breast. He chuckled at me, showing a pair of dimples on his cheeks. He's so beautiful. "Don't be shy now, Love. I already saw every inch of your beautiful body, so you don't need to hide from me." He said and I felt my cheeks heat up. I'm sure as heck that I resembled a fudging tomato right now. "You know what? I'll just do this, so you won't be shy anymore." He said and suddenly lift me up from the bed, bridal style. I shrieked and grabbed his neck. "What are you doing? Put me down!" I hissed at him but he just chuckled and tighten his grip on me even more. He went inside the bathroom, a very big bathroom and put me on the side of the bathtub. I looked around the bathroom. The bathroom has ancient looks too but with a touch of modernization. I keep on looking around when he tugged at the quilt and because I'm distracted, my hold on the quilt was loose and the quilt slip on my fingers. I watched the quilt dropped to the ground with a soft thud. My eyes widen and I stood there for a little while, just looking at Eric that has wide eyes like me. When the situation sinks in, I immediately covered what I can cover with my small hands and grabbed the quilt but Eric has a plan, too. He grabbed the quilt the same time I grabbed it and mind you, he grabbed it close to where  I grabbed it, pulling me together with the quilt. I bumped onto him and the next thing I know, I was drenched with water and soap. I looked down and I suddenly went back on my feet and pulled Eric up when I saw him drowning in the tub. And because I was drenched with water and soap, I slip and grabbed whatever I can grab. The result? I grabbed Eric's shirt,  pulling him with me and I fell on the ground with a loud thud. "Ow.." I whimpered as I felt the pain on my back. "s**t! Love, are you alright?" He asked as he help me get up. "M-my back" I whimpered but now I fake it to pull my plan on him. Payback is a witch! "Come here, sit. Where does it hurt, Love?" He asked with worry and sweetness. He made me sit together with him on the side of the round bathtub. He put his hand on my back, asking if it hurts there. I answered him with fake pain and has an amuse expression on my face, not really worrying about my n***d body infront of a male. He was busy looking at my back for any bruises when I decided to pull my plan. I pushed him to the bathtub and in seconds he was drenched all over his clothes and body in water and soap. Again. I laughed. Hard. I put my hands on my stomach as it began to hurt because of so much laughing. But my laughing fit stop when two strong arms hugged me from behind and pulled me to the water. I shrieked and then laugh harder. I pushed Eric away and then we play in the bathtub like kids. But soon after that, Eric got out of the bathtub and told me to finish my bath. "Where are you going?" I asked as I relaxed my body, leaning on the side of the bathtub while facing Eric. "To shower. Because somebody decided to make fun of me." He said as he started stripping right in front of me. "Really? Because as far as I know, it's your fault you got drenched in water and soap." I said while I shamelessly gaze at his beautiful body. Damn that muscles! "Oh, yeah? Then who is the one enjoying the result of it?" He asked as he started stripping his pants off, leaving him with only his boxers on. I ignored what he was saying as I stared at the big bulge showing on his boxers. Damn! But my free show got interrupted when he leaned onto my face, blocking my view of his body. "You might want to wipe that drool on the side of your lips, Love" he said then walk towards the shower, chuckling. I scoffed. Stupid! I wiped the side of my lips but there's no drool there. Stupid! Why did you stare at that thing, shamelessly, Ro?! He's not even your mate! Or more importantly, this is not even true. I sighed. I finished my bath and grabbed the robe at the side of the bathtub. I wrapped it around me the same time Eric came out, n***d. My eyes and mouth widen. Damn! What the heck?! I immediately covered my eyes with my hands and with a shrieked, I turned my back on him. I heard his husky laugh. "What's wrong, Love? You've already seen it, why so embarassed?" He said and I know he has a smirk plastered on that handsome face. "Just get dressed!" I hissed at him and I heard the shuffling of clothes. "You can turn around" he said and I released the breath I was holding and turn around but shrieked again and turned my back on him when I had a full glimpse of his n***d body. "Eric!" I shouted and he laughed again. As he continue laughing I decided to walk out of the bathroom and bolted out of it, not glancing at him. I closed the bathroom door while I can still hear his sexy laugh. Damn, how can someone be so sexy?! I walk towards the bed when I noticed a long gown, again. Just like what I was wearing on the other dream. A clothing that was only made for Royals. I traced my finger on the soft cloth. The intricate design made it elegant but the simplicity of the whole gown made it more beautiful and elegant at the same time. I lift the gown from the bed, it's so soft and has just a right amount of weight. I was busy gawking at the gown when a soft knock resonated throughout the room. "Your Highness, the servants that will help you get dress are here. Permission to come in, Your Highness?" Said a monotonous but respectful voice. Damn! They have servants just for getting dress?! What are we, infants?! "Permission granted, Sylvia" Eric came out from the bathroom in a trouser suit and white long sleeve polo. The servants, four females and three males walked in together with a middle-aged woman. The four female servants went to me and the three males walked towards Eric. "Your Highness, please go inside the walk-in closet. We will help you put the gown on." A sweet voice of a smiling female servant said to me. "A-alright" I said and walked towards the walk-in closet. It's very big and full of numerous amounts of dresses, gowns, suits, shoes and purses. The servants followed me inside and they made me sit on the vanity table at the side with a big mirror. One of the female servants that has a blonde hair went closed to me and started putting make-up on my face. After a few minutes she's finally finished doing a light make-up on my face. Next, a brown-haired girl went behind me and did my hair. She curled my hair into perfection then pulled it all together into an elegant bun. Then, I stood up to put on the gown. After a few minutes of putting on the gown, I'm finally done and the servants cleaned the walk-in closet. Then, they walked out and leave me behind to gaze at my self on the big mirror plastered on the wall. The gown hugs my curves like a second skin and instead of feeling uncomfortabe for wearing something like this, I feel beautiful. I keep on admiring the gown on me when the door opened, revealing a smiling Eric. "Hey, Love. I thought something happened because you're still here even though the servants said you're already finished. That's why I decided to come in." He said while he walked behind me and he wrapped his strong arms around my waist. "You're so beautiful, Love. Like an angel." He said as he put his face on the crook of my neck. Kissing the part where my shoulder and neck meet. And he looked up and stared at our reflection. I stared at our reflection too and I can't help but feel so contented and happy. "And soon enough, we will have our own angel" he said as he rub my stomach with his right hand while the other was wrapped around it, protectively. "I'm so lucky to have you both." He whispered. And then, I woke up with a gasped.
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