
Aphrodite And The Magical Forest

Writing Academy

The war has began. I can see werewolves and vampires fighting with each other. Bloods are everywhere. Dead bodies of werewolves and vampires are lying everywhere on the forest. Anger and bloodlust radiates from everyone.

And then, I saw them. The two most powerful out of all of them. Great power radiates from them and also, so much bloodlust. They are circling each other, calculating each others movements, challenging each other with their eyes. Challenging each other of who is worthy of that one particular girl. The reason behind all of this fight or is she really the only reason?

A girl named APHRODITE.

"I need to stop this war before it's too late"- Aphrodite

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The Black Wolf
                                                                            Thalia Aphrodite Williams I open my eyes as I heard birds chirping around me. It's dark, so dark. I sat up and look around me, hundreds of trees stands tall around me. Dry leaves are making noises as I move, filling up the silence of the forest. The fog is getting thicker as the seconds passed by. I tried to stand up but my feet feels like jelly. I frowned.  How did I got here? All I remember is that, I'm sleeping and the next thing I know I woke up because of noises and then this.  Am I dreaming? If this is a dream, wake me up now. The forest is beautiful, the trees are so tall and thick, it's leaves so green and lively. Some of it's parts are also surrounded with thick mosses. I don't know how but there's a magical feeling around this forest. It seems magical but the silence makes it creepy. If I'm just paranoid, I'm sorry. But I think I feel like there's a hundred pair of eyes watching me. My every move.  I need to get out of here as soon as possible. I tried to stand up again and this time, luckily my knees is with me. Because of my werewolf instinct, all my senses are working more alert than on humans.  You see, werewolves are supernatural creatures that can transform from human form to a wolf form. Their instincts are more alert than with humans. They are also gifted with speed. The normal rate of their speed when running, is the speed of an athlete on a marathon on humans when compared. When in wolf form, the average height of a werewolf is the height of an ordinary car. That is the difference of a normal wolf ( the one who can't transform into human) and werewolf, the wolf can't compete with a werewolf on height, strength and speed. Werewolves also eats a raw meat whenever they like, but because now is a modern generation, the werewolves only eats raw meat when full moon or on occassions. I looked around the forest and tried to see through this thick fog, but unluckily the fog seems to have thicken over the seconds since I woke up, which for me is odd. I step on my right since I notice a path over there, but my right foot steps on a twig. I felt a slight pain on my sole. And that's when I notice my clothes, I'm still on my pajamas and barefooted. I sighed. Guess I have to becareful on where I step too if I don't want my sole to have scratch all over it.  I carefully took steps over steps as I follow the path I notice. For a few minutes of walking, I notice that the temperature of the forest also decreases, making it colder than on an ordinary midnight temperature. I put my arms around my self to keep me warm but as the seconds passed by it gets colder, I can already see fog coming out from my mouth as I exhale.  "Where the fudge is this path going?" I said as my lips trembled and my voice shaking. I keep on walking but this path just keeps on going on. I saw a big rock on my left and walk towards it. I tried to think of something that can atleast make this coldness go away. I looked around me and saw a thin wood and pick it. I'll create a fire based on what's in my surroundings. After a few minutes, a little fire sparks and I blew on it and add more woods to make the fire bigger.  I put my hands near the fire to make it warm and place it on my cheeks. My cheeks feel so numb because of the cold. As I make my self warm, I still could feel the hundreds of eyes on me. Even though it's creepiness scares me, I tried to ignore it and proceeds on what I'm doing. I need to focus if I want to get away from this. After I made my self warm, I stood up from the big rock and walk again, still following the path since I can't see other paths.  I keep on walking and walking but it seems like hours already but I still got to nowhere. It's still cold but a liitle warmer than before. I clear my throat because I could feel it's dryness. I'm thirsty. Even though I could feel my thirst, I keep on walking since I have no choice but to endure it. As I walk down the slope of the path, I heard the sounds of a flowing water nearby. I walk carefully but fast to where the sounds are coming from and I'm met with the most beautiful waterfall I've ever seen. The waterfall on our territory have no match on the magical beauty of this waterfall. There are hundreds of flowers on the big rocks surrounding the water flowing down. The water flowing down is making a thick fog as it meets with the water beneathe. I walk towards the waterfall and stare at it's magnificence even more. I can't help but be awed by it. I got out from the state of awe and just continue walking towards the water. I need to focus. I reached the water and took a hanful of water. I felt the coldness of the water as I drunk a big gulp of it. I took a handful of water again and wash my face. The coldness sips into my skin surely making my face red. I keep on rubbing the water on my face when I feel a swift movement on my back. My body stilled for a moment to hear any movements around me again, but there's none. I got back to washing my face and then my neck but when I'm washing the back of my neck, I saw something that made me jump to my feet. A midnight black werewolf stands tall above me.  But when I jumped to my feet and turned on my back, I saw nothing but the leaves moving on the left. I tried to calm my self as my heart is beating so fast. Recalling what I saw earlier, I caught a glimpse on the werewolf as it's so big that's why I think it's a werewolf. It's such a magnificent werewolf, bigger than the average height of a werewolf making me think that it's probably an alpha male. A midnight black fur and it's midnight black pair of eyes too. Because it's color are all black, the white around his eyes and the white inside his ears stands out. I stayed like that until my breathing calms down. I looked around me again but all I see is the leaves moving along the wind. Dry leaves swirling along the twirl of the wind, birds chirping and singing made small noises around the silence of the forest. I hug my self again and walk along the path. I walk silently while the wind makes my hair fly all over my face. I hugged my self even more as the wind grew stronger. It's like the wind is hugging me.  I keep on walking and then my serious, frowning face changed into a big smile plastered on my face.  I finally saw a clearing! I run towards it and then I stop as I reached it. I can see here the full moon shining above. The midnight black sky makes the full moon and stars stand out. I stared at it in awe. I can't help but admire the moon and stars so much, because even though darkness surrounds them they fight the darkness and makes themselves stand out and shine even more. I came out from the state of awe when I heard a growl. And not just an average growl of a werewolf, but a very powerful growl of something that's so big and magnificent. The Black Wolf It stand tall and proud at the center of the clearing. The power and authority radiates from it in big waves towards me. My knees feels like jelly again and my wolf instinct tells me to kneel down and show respect to this werewolf. I fought back on the urge to show weakness in front of this creature. Kneeling down and trembling body shows weaknesses that's why I fought it. When I didn't show the respect it orders, he let out a powerful, body trembling growl. It walks slowly towards me, it's every step echoes all around the silent forest. It's every step commands respect that makes my body tremble as I fought the urge. Every step it took equalled the step back I took. But because of my unlucky self, I tripped on a big root of a tree and fell on my butt. A butt-wrenching fell. "D-d-don't" I said with my voice shaking. As much as I don't want to show weakness to this creature, I just can't help it anymore. All that I want to do now is to kneel down and beg in front of this creature to not kill me. But to my surprise, as it reached me I thought he's going to bite me on the neck and pluck my head but the strange thing he did is kneel down in front of me. My eyes widen, not believing what I'm currently seeing.  A very powerful creature bowed down in front of ME! ME! I didn't move for a few seconds, just staring at it. And it didn't move too, even once. It just stayed like that, kneeling in front of me. For a few minutes, I thought he's going to attack me if I went close to him. But then, he didn't do anything. I looked at his fur. It looks so soft, I don't know how, but it seems like my hands have a mind of their own and move towards the werewolf, reaching the midnight black fur. At first, I'm still hesitant, but when it didn't move when my hand reached it, I just let my hands move and caress the soft fur of this creature. It's so soft and shiny. The light coming from the moon made it shine even more. As I'm caressing it, he let out a soft purr of satisfaction. He's liking it. I chuckled. "You like it, huh?" I whispered on it. He let out another sound, soft growl. He's agreeing. "Who are you?" I whispered again but this time he didn't make any sound, instead it looked up. And it's the most beautiful pair of eyes I ever seen. The midnight black pair of hole earlier glowed into a pair of deep, deep blue sea. I stared at it in awe. I don't know but I keep on drowning and drowning as I stared at it. I don't know how but I feel like it's eyes wants to say so many things to me. It's eyes shows so many emotions I can't name. But the most visible is the longing. I don't know what it's longing for but all I know is that I want to make that emotion go away. If I just can, I will.  "What are you longing for?" I asked loud enough for him to hear. It whimpers. It's like, he's hurting so bad. "Don't be sad. It'll be over soon" I whispered again and just continue rubbing it's ears as it leans on my hands caressing it. We stayed like that for a few minutes, but the moment is cut off as we heard a feral growl coming from the other side of the clearing. I looked up and saw just a glimpse of the brown werewolf as the black werewolf blocks my vision. The black werewolf growled more powerfully. It's growl speaks a clear warning to the brown werewolf, but the brown werewolf seems to have a deathwish as it growls back again, clearly challenging the black werewolf.  The brown werewolf walks slowly closer to us and the black werewolf snarls. He bent his front knees a sign that he's ready to defend whenever the brown wolf will attack. The black wolf snarls again, but the brown wolf just continued on walking closer. It stops midway and howl. Howling is how werewolves call for their pack. That means he's not the only one. As the brown werewolf howl, I heard hundreds of heavy footsteps coming from all around us. And one by one, they stood out of the shadows and I can see hundreds or thousands of feral looking werewolves, all snarling at oir direction. I can't help but tremble because of fear. As if the black wolf notice my trembling, he looked at me assuringly and blocked me from seeing the other werewolves. The black wolf snarls, throwing a warning to the enemies but it seems like they are provoken even more. The brown werewolf howls again and the werewolves surrounding us, run towards our direction. Because of fear I just stood there like an i***t and watch as they come near us. I stayed like that untill... "Run, my love. Run" I don't know what to do that's why I just followed the voice I heard and run. Fast. Towards where is the closest opening towards the forest. I thought there's no werewolf there because I don't see anyone. But I thought wrong, so wrong.  There's a grey werewolf at my right and jump to me from the shadows. Because I'm caught off guard, I just sat there as it come close to me. And when I realize to move to save my life, it's already too late. The grey werewolf jumps towards me with a snarl and I blacked out. But before I let the dark consume me, I heard a powerful growl. The Black Wolf.

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