The Change

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                                                                             Thalia Aphrodite Williams I gasped as I opened my eyes abruptly. Another memory-like dream. Why would I dream of me being pregnant with Eric's baby? He's a Vampire, Aphrodite. And also, you have a mate, why would you dream of someone making you pregnant, other than him? Stupid! I sighed and then, someone came into my mind. Selene, my wolf, she's been quiet for a while now, and based on what happened I know she's also hurt with how our mate reacted yesterday. My eyes glaze and I saw Selene lying on the ground. Selene? Are you alright? No, the human side of mate doesn't want us. No, don't say that Selene. Maybe he's just shock too, that's why he chose to ignore us. I can tell Aphrodite. Lupus keeps on avoiding the topic about his human. And then, yesterday confirmed my conclusion that he doesn't want us. No, don't conclude that fast Selene. Don't you trust our mate? I do trust him. Then, just trust him to come around and choose to be with us. Okay, if you say so, Aphrodite. That's right, don't be sad okay? Okay But, I have a question for you. How can Lupus mind-link me? And why did I dream of Lupus before I even met him? It's part of being a Lycan, Aphrodite. Even so, that he's a Prince. Lupus can mind-link and can hear or see your thoughts if you're not blocking your thoughts from everyone. He can also feel what you're feeling even though we're still not mated. And you dreamed about him as a tradition to all Lycans finding their mates, they will dream and then find you by the scent and look that they saw on the dream. The night you dreamed about him, I felt him near that's why my conclusion was that he was the one you saw from the window and Lupus confirmed it. I see. But when did you learned all about this? I've been talking to Lupus since the day of your 18th birthday. And you didn't tell me? Why? Because of the human, Aphrodite. Like what I said, my conclusion is that he doesn't want us and I don't want to hurt you, that's why I hid it from you. Fine, acceptable reason. I forgive you. Yeah, I know you can't resist me. Ha-ha, funny. Rest, okay? If you want, we go to a run later if Alpha approved. Okay? Yeah, thanks for cheering me up, Ro. No problem. If it's for my beautiful wolf. My vision of the reality came back and I sighed. I looked at the clock and I'm a little earlier than usual. I decided to get ready even though it's still early. I took my time showering, then I brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and to my vanity table. I decided to put a light make up on my face and put a little effort on fixing my hair. I refuse to look horrible just because the first meeting of me and my mate is not that amazing. I blow-dried my hair then curled it in a natural wave. After curling my hair, I start putting a light make up, a little blush just to put a color on my pale face then, a mascara, and a lip gloss. I looked at my self and I felt satisfied with how I look, then I went to my walk-in closet to choose an outfit for today. I choose a light blue dress and set aside the oversized shirts for the first time. The light blue dress is very simple but beautiful, it was a gift from my mom when I was 16. I put it on and then went in front of my mirror to look at my self. The light blue dress hugs the top of my body but not too tight like what I wore on the club. Speaking of that, I haven't returned yet all the belongings of Rebecca, I guess I'll just give it to Christina since she's always out in the city. I looked at my self more and notice my eyes became more bright and I don't know how but, I think my skin looks flawless, I mean I have some blemishes on my face, it's not very noticeable but it's still there. But now? As I look at my face closely, I can't see any blemishes, it looks flawless and soft. I guess it's the soap that Sophie gave me. "Aphrodite? Are you up? You need to get up now or you'll be late." My mom knocked and said to me. "Coming mom!" I shouted and I heard her footsteps fading as she walked away. I went to my study table and grabbed my bag and things for school. I went out of my room and skip down the stairs. "Good morning, sweetie." My mom said as I reached where they were sitted. "Morning." I replied then kissed her forehead. She stared at me, dumfounded when what she sees finally sinks in. "Where is my daughter who loves oversized shirts and never ever wear something other than oversized?" She said in an exaggerated way. I rolled my eyes. "Just roaming around somewhere but for now, I need to take over her place as your daughter. So! How about some breakfast, mother?" I said, playing along with her. She chuckled and sat beside me. I grabbed my usual breakfast, two pieces of bacon, a scrambled egg and an apple. I started eating while my mom stared at me. I turned to her with my furrowed brows. "Seriously, sweetie. What have you done? I think you became more beautiful than yesterday. Yesterday I still can saw some blemishes on you, but now? Your skin looks radiant and flawless." She said and my eyes widen. I swallowed immediately the food in my mouth and drunk a full glass of water. "Yeah? You also notice! I guess the soap that Sophie gave me is very effective." I said and chuckled. I have to ask Sophie where she get those soap. My mom chuckled too then serve herself some breakfast. As I finished eating, I noticed something. "Where's Althea?" I asked as I'm so used to see my giggling sister in front of me, busy texting on her phone. But I can't see her anywhere. "Oh, she said she's not feeling well. That's why I let her rest for today." My mom said and I frowned. Weird. I thought I saw her yesterday looking so well than ever. Unless... "Guess I'll visit her in her room before I go to school." I said then stood up. "Yeah, better do that. But no fighting between you two." She said and I nodded. I went upstairs, not bothering to get my stuffs for school. As I'm getting closer to her room, I could hear footsteps but it suddenly stopped when I got exactly in front of her door. I opened her door without knocking and smirk. Her lies will never fool me. I pulled her comforter away from her body and saw that she's fully dressed and looks like someone who's going somewhere. "Is this how a not-so-feeling-well person dress? You look like someone who has some plans." I said sarcastically. She sat up and glared at me. But after a few minutes her glaring eyes became a pair of puppy eyes. "Aphrodite, please... don't tell mom. My friends wants to hang out today and I know that mom won't let me go with my friends, that's why this is my only option. Please..." she said, while making puppy eyes. I pretend to think about it. "Hmmm.... I don't think so. Now get up, you're going to school." I said as I started walking to the door. "No, no please... I will do everything you want, just please..." she plead at me, I looked at her and raise my eyebrow. I ponder about her offer. "Everything?" I asked and she nodded vigorously. "Fine, you owe me one Althea." I said looking at her seriously. "Thanks, Ro!" She squealed then hugged me. "But! You have to promise me that you will take very good care of your self. Understood? Are you going with Ashley and Ashton?" I asked and she nodded. "Okay, always, stick together with Ashton or Ashley, okay? I trust you but my mind will be in peace if you're always with them. Okay?" I said strictly. No matter how much we argue, she's still my sister and I love her. "Thanks, Ro" she said again and I nodded, smiling at her. "Now, you need to plan carefully your escape plan. I'll leave you to it, since I still need to go to school. Becareful, alright?" I said and kissed her on her forehead. I was just about to go when she stopped me by holding my arm. "I heard about the Prince of Lycans being your mate. I hope he will take very good care of you." She said and I smiled at her. She let go of my arm and I walked out of her room. I hope so too, but first I need him to accept me as his mate. I went down the stairs and to the  dining hall for my stuffs. I bid my mom goodbye and a kiss on the forehead. I got my phone out as I felt a vibration, an indication that there's a message. From: Sophie We're outside already, Girly. Hurry your fat a*s out! I gasped exasperatedly and then chuckled. To: Sophie Oh, yeah? I'm a fat a*s? But why did your statement says otherwise when you were asking me for a favor? A favor to not tell Damon about your fling with one of the football team. From: Sophie Okay, you win. You're definitely not a fat a*s. Now time to hurry up, Girly. I chuckled then I jogged towards the front door and to the front yard where they are. I saw them immediately when I got out. Sophie were waving but stopped as soon as she saw me. "Oh my God! What happened to you?!" She said exasperatedly and she went out of the car. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Is it really a big deal if I wore a dress? "Don't be so dramatic, Soph" I said but she just keeps on looking at me weirdly. "Hey, nerd. Since when did you like wearing dresses?" Christina asked next as she got out of the car, Damon following too. "If it's because of yesterday, you know you don't have to change your self just for him, right?" Damon said, frowning. "Oh, please... As if!" I said then scoffed. Well partly, yes. "I just feel like, wearing something new, you know?" I said as the three of them are now in front of me. "And since when did your skin looks flawless and radiant? I mean, your skin is already beautiful but you look radiant than ever before." Sophie said and I beamed. "You also notice! Mom said the same thing, my guess is that, it's because of the soap you gave me. By the way, where did you get those?"  I asked and she frowned, they all frowned. "Maybe. Yes, the soap is very effective but it won't just take 24 hours for it to make your skin this flawless. You told me that you opened my gift for you and used it just yesterday. And I've been using that soap for a week and I never got my skin this flawless." She said with a point. I frowned. "Oh my God! I think you're already undergoing on your change." Sophie said with wide eyes. My eyes widen too. "A-am I?" I asked as I frowned, feeling fear for this change. I can't undergo on the change yet. Not until my mate accept me. As I stood frozen on my spot, I felt a hand grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "Don't be afraid, I'm sure he'll accept you soon." Damon said, as if reading my thoughts. "I hope so, Damon. I hope so." I said as I hugged him too, feeling comfort from his warm embrace. "Ah, guys, you think it's time to go to school? I mean, if you don't want a detention, we better hurry." Christina said, sheepishly. I smiled at her as me and Damon let go of each other. We walked towards Damon's car and drove to school. Minutes after, we got out of the car as Damon finally park his car. We all walked towards the entrance but I keep on looking down on the ground, don't really want to see the people's judgemental eyes looking at me. But a certain pair of eyes burns at the back of my head and pulls me to look back at him. I turned around and I'm met yet again with the most beautiful grey eyes. It immediately changed into a pair of deep blue color, glowing under the sunlight. "You're eyes changed color, you saw him?" Damon asked from beside me and I looked at him, breaking the eye contact with my mate. "Yeah" I said, placing a small smile and tried to look cheerful as I can. It hurts to know that my mate is near yet feels so far away. "So, how did I look when my eyes glowed white?" I asked, curiously. I've seen others eyes glowed when they met their mate, and white seems a little weird for me. So, I want to know if I look weirder than I am. "White? Your eyes glowed blue, Ro. That's why I freaked out yesterday, but when I saw who you were looking to, I came into a conclussion that maybe it's the way Lycans recognize their mates." Damon said and I frowned. Blue? Before I knew it, my eyes glaze and my wolf started talking to me. Damon is kind of right, Ro. Kind of? Well, when Lycans met their mate, their eyes will glow into purple. All of them, except the Royal family. Remember the four spirit? Of course, I do. Lycans held all the four spirits and they share a tiny part of it's power to all magical creatures for us to keep our sanity. Lycans are the one responsible of taking care of that spirits to maintain the balance of life here on Earth. And by doing that, each of the family members of the Royal, Lycan family held one spirit. Each of them are responsible of one power, that's why the Moon Goddess required the Royal, Lycan family to only have two children. And the answer to what's bothering you, it's because our mate held the spirit of air, making yours and his eyes glowed blue. And just like werewolves, the glowing of yours and his eyes will only stop once you two mark each other. Oh, I didn't know about that. And at that time, I realize how little I know about the Lycans. About my mate. Since when did you know about all of this? Like what I told you, Lupus and I have been conversing since your 18th birthday. And you didn't tell me about all of this 'til now, why? Like what I said, we're having a lot of talking and- You forgot to tell me, right? I said to my wolf as I frowned. Well, I enjoy talking to you but you need to go to your first period. Bye! And again, before I knew it, my wolf kick me out of our conversation. That little- "Ro, we need to go to our class." Said Damon and I glanced at him. I didn't think Damon would still be here. "Oh, r-right." I said as we both went inside the school. We went our separate ways to our locker and I put all the things I don't need in the morning classes. Then, I wait for Damon to arrive here and we will both go to our first class, the only class we are both in. "Ready for the quiz?" Damon said with a smile on his face as he finally arrived. I rolled my eyes and groaned. "I don't have much choice, do I?" I said and he chuckled. We walked towards our first class. Me, muttering incoherent words, complaining about a quiz we will do in an early hour of the day. *** The morning passed by like a normal day except from the glances I received from a couple of students. As I walked down the hallway to the cafeteria, I feel very uncomfortable as the students murmur all around me as I passed by. I keep my head down and pulled the skirt of the dress lower but then stopped when I realized that it made the neckline lower than necessary. I keep on tugging the dress 'til I feel comfortable when I felt a cloth draped on my shoulders. I looked at it, shocked and then, I looked at the one who put it. I saw the retreating back of a tall guy. I bit my lips to cover the smile forming. Mate. I put the jacket on then, walked towards the cafeteria with a suppressed smile. When I arrived in the cafeteria, almost all pair of eyes turned to me but even that can't take away the happiness and confidence I felt at that time. My mate gave me his jacket! I can smell his delicious smell so strongly. "Hi, guys!" I greet them all in a cheerful manner and they look at me with a frown. "Since when are you this cheerful after the morning classes?" Christina points out as I sat beside her. I put my bag on the other chair beside me and grabbed some of the fries from Damon's tray. "And, since when did you had a leather jacket?" Sophie asked and the three of them eyed the jacket. "I don't have a jacket, it's Alejandro's" I said as I grabbed another fries from Damon. "Woah! You mean, the Cold Prince?" Christina asked. "Are you two okay now?" Damon asked. "That's great, Ro!" Sophie said enthusiastically. I turned to all of them after I swallowed the food I'm eating, then I grabbed Christina's bottled water. "Hey!" Christina protested and tried to grabbed the water from me. "I'll just buy you another one" I said as I took a big gulp from the bottled water and sighed. "Well, we still didn't talk about us but him giving me his jacket with his scent all over it, isn't that a progress? It's like claiming me as his mate already." I said happily. But they frowned. "What?" I asked them as I grabbed another fries. "Sorry to burst your bubble but, Ro. All I can smell is your scent, I can't smell his scent from the jacket." Christina said and my hand froze mid-air as I was about to eat the fries. "What do you mean? I can perfectly smell his scent from the jacket." I said. "Maybe because he's your mate. You can still smell him even when he masked his scent. I guess he might've used an evanescing liquid." Damon said and what he said sunk in, making me dissapointed. The happiness I felt earlier, vanished faster than lightning. An Evanescing Liquid is a specially formulated liquid made by witches to masked scents or hid any things you want to hide and sometimes it will also effect on people if the ingredients are strong enough for a person. It will either not let people see, hear, smell, or touch the thing you sprayed it on, just like it vanished into thin air. The effect of Evanescing Liquid will last upto 1 hour to 2 hours, if the ingredients it have are strong and more unique than the usual ingredients of an Evanescing Liquid. The usual ingredients I think, includes the water that came from the underground cave guarded by mermaids, a tear of the Phoenix, a piece of shiny black berry of Atropa Belladonna also known as the "Deadly Nightshade" and a single petal of the Commelina Communis commonly known as the "Asiatic Dayflower" or to my vocabulary, I call it the Evanescent Flower. But if you want the Evanescent Liquid to be stronger, you need to add a single petal of the Strobilanthes Kunthiana or commonly known as "neelakurinji". The neelakurinji is a shrub that blossoms only once in 12 years, which makes it hard to collect and makes the Evanescent Liquid stronger. Where did I learn all of this? A book of potions that was given to me by my mom's witch friend. "Cheer up, Ro. Maybe he has a good reason for all of this. Give him time, then confront him" Sophie said and I sighed, suddenly not really feeling the hunger anymore. "Come, let's order your food. You're not going to be full if you just take bits from my fries which, by the way is off limits." Damon said then stood up, pulling me with him. I let him drag me to the line as I don't really have a strength to protest. We ordered and I just stayed silent, joining once in a while to their conversation but the truth is that, I'm not really interested about what is more delicious between burger and hotdog sandwich. What I'm very interested however, is to find the group of people that is considered the Royal of all Royals, Lycans. Or specifically, the Cold Prince. Prince Alejandro. "Looking for him? I might know where his whereabouts" Damon suddenly said, and that caught my wandering attention. "Where? I-I mean, I'm n-not looking for s-someone." I blinked many times as I looked at his intense eyes. I tried to deny it but I know that Damon isn't taking my lie. "I know you all my life, Ro. I would know when you are lying or denying things, specially that you're not really good at that department." Damon said with a soft smile on his face. I looked down at my foods then bit my bottom lip. "I sometimes see them hanging out at the back of the school, close to the forest." He said and put a fries in his mouth. I smiled at him and mouthed a thanks. "Go, before the bell rings" He said and I stood suddenly, the two girls looked at me and they stopped talking about their argument. They asked me where I'm going but I just ignore them. I'll let Damon deal with them, for now, my priority is to talk to my mate. I'm already undergoing on the change, I can't wait for him to decide if he will accept me or not. I need to know if he will be by my side all the way to the change. And I need to know if he is not, because I won't let my self undergo on that impossible process if no one will be by my side all the way through it. I went to the left hallway, following the path to the back door where the entrance to the forest is located. The forest is one of the reason why our school was built here, they think that it's convinient to be close to the forest because if ever there's someone who felt boiling rage or any strong emotions that can trigger their transformation into a werewolf, they can easily go to the forest to calm thereselves. Which I think is partly true. Partly because, rogues can linger around freely in the forest, and the forest is very near to the school where there are students that the rogues can harm. Anyways, I reached the back door and saw immediately a group of people sitting and talking under the biggest tree there is. I walked towards there direction and the first one to notice me was Princess Adriana. She looked at me seriously, which is not very surprising at all. Actually as the others notice my presence too, they turned to me with a serious face. But I ignore there burning gaze, my only focus was the guy who's laying on the ground and staring up at the sky. I don't know if he already notices me or not because he just keeps on looking up. Maybe because he doesn't really care about your presence near him. And that thought hurts. "Can I talk to you?" I asked, straight to his eyes as he finally turned to me with an intense stare. I put my fidgeting hands at the back as I felt a sudden nervousness because of his intense stare and the burning gaze of other Lycans. "Alone?" I asked or more like plead because I'm really uncomfortable being watched by a group of Lycans. "Why do we need to be alone? I think it's okay for them to be here, I don't really think what you want to talk about is that important to be private." He said with a cold voice. And that enrage me. "Not. Important?! It is not important to talk about us?!" I said as my breathing became rapid. I don't care if I'm disrespecting him! He's direspecting me too as his mate! "Then, it's not important if I reject you, right here, right now?" I challenged him and in seconds, he's already infront of me. Towering over me with a dangerous aura. But I didn't back down. I won't back down. "Don't. You. Dare." He said with a powerful growl as a warning. I smirked. "Oh, try me, dear mate." I said taunting him and he glared at me. All I did was smirk at him but deep inside I was actually terrified with his way of glaring. After a few minutes he finally broke our eye contact and turned to his group of Lycans. He nodded at them, telling them to go away and I can see from my peripheral view that the Lycans went back inside the school. And now were alone. My confidence slip away as soon as he turned his gaze back at me. It's so dangerous. "What do you want to talk about? I don't really have time for nonsense." He said then lean his back on the tree trunk and he crossed his arms, making me look at his flexing forearms. Focus on the task at hand, Ro, not on his yummy forearms. "I'm serious about me rejecting you if you don't accept me now." As soon as I said that, he tense again and glared at me dangerously. I continued as I look at him straight on the eye. "I-I can't wait for you to decide, I want to know now if you're in to this mate bond or not. I should know, now." I said and I could see from here the way his jaw clench as he turned his gaze to the forest, giving me a good view of the side of his face "I-I'm already undergoing on the change. If you're in then good, but if not..." I trailed on as he's intense gaze turned back to me. I was a little taken aback with his intense yet full of concern gaze. "You better reject me now, because I won't let myself undergo on that impossible change if you're going to decide to reject me soon enough. Please just reject me so that I-I can find someone e-" I was saying but I was cut off as I felt a muscular arm wrapped themselves around me, possesively. "You're mine! There's no one else, you understand me?!" He growled as his arms tightened even more but not to the point that I'm hurting. He leaned my head to his chest and I can feel and hear the fast thumping of his heart. He continued growling and I realize that his wolf is surfacing. I panicked that's why I raised my two hands, ready to wrap it around him too, but I hesitated. "C-calm me, Aphrodite. I-I can't let m-my wolf take c-control or I-I might hurt s-someone." He growled and I immediately wrapped my arms around him. And after a few minutes, I rubbed my hands soothingly on his back, relieving the tensed muscles. We stayed just like that, soothing each other and I can't help but to wish for time to stop, to let me enjoy that moment. Me, soothing him as his arms wrapped around me, possesively. Like he doesn't want to let me go. If I could just stop time, I will. Maybe I could look through my potion book for that next time. I'll definitely will.

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