Strange Dream

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                                                                            Thalia Aphrodite Williams An hour past by and I'm finally finished with my work. I was about to go to my room to wash up, when the door of Alpha Brandon's office opened and the men went out of there, still with a serious face. I stopped walking and went to the side of the stairs to let them through. As they pass by, the Werewolf King suddenly made eye contact with me and I felt that anger again and I felt my head aching too. I put my right hand to my head and grab the railings of the stairs for support. I felt a hand grabbed me to help me but, I don't know why. I feel like the very thought of that hand touching me, made me want to vomit. I turned to whose hand touched me and I was face to face with the Werewolf King. I can see clearly his grey eyes and my heart beats so fast. And it's because of nervousness. I step away from him and bow down. I don't know why I'm feeling what I'm feeling but what I do know is that, I need to show respect. "Miss? Are you alright?" The Werewolf King, King Donovan Gorky, asked and I nodded my head. "Yes, I am fine, Your Highness." I said while I put my fidgeting hands to my back. "Aphrodite? What happened?" Alpha Brandon said and went to my side. I looked at him for a brief moment. "I just got dizzy for a moment Alpha but I'm fine. May I excuse myself, Your Highness?" I asked and  nervously looked up a little to get a glimpse of the King, nodding. "You may, Miss?" He said and asked for my name. "Williams, Aphrodite Williams, Your Highness" I said and he nodded again. But for a moment, I think I saw an unreadable expression passed by on his expressionless face. "You may go, Miss Williams." He said and I muttered a thank you and went up to my room. When I got to my room, I immediately slammed my door shut. I let out the breathe, I didn't know I was holding the whole time and felt my fast beating heart with my right hand. I took a lungful of air and tried to calm my nerves down. Why the heck am I feeling this way whenever I see the Werewolf King? As far as I know, this is my first time seeing him in person. When I finally calmed down, I went to my bed and laid there. I keep on thinking and thinking about the reason of my behavior and feelings. Whenever I see the Werewolf King, I feel enrage and at the same time nervous. I can understand the nervousness because maybe it's really the effect of all Royal family, very intimidating and causes nervousness to all people. But what I don't understand, is the feeling of very deep anger and the headaches whenever I made eye contact with him. Why would I hate the Werewolf King? All I ever heard from people about him since I was a child are all praises. He's the legendary Werewolf King that killed the whole family of Vampire Royalty. Vampires are the great enemy of werewolves and killing the whole family of the former Royal Vampire family made him a superhero of all werewolves. They said that, the rivalry of werewolves and vampires began thousands and thousands of years ago that they didn't know what is the real reason nowadays. Some said that, the vampires are envious of the power, that the werewolves have that's why the vampires tried to kill all werewolves and end the werewolf race.  But others have their own version of the reason, what they do have in common is that, the vampires are the bad ones and never did I heard a story that the vampires are the good ones. Me? I don't know what I'll believe. What I do believe in though is the saying, 'Innocent 'till proven guilty' or something like that, all I know is that, for me, the vampires are not that bad because I didn't see with my own eyes what they're really are. I don't have a reason to hate them, even the Werewolf king, but why am I angry at him? Minutes passed by of just thinking, I fell asleep. "Aphrodite? My love, you need to wake up! Now! They'll be here soon!" A deep voice of a man said and I woke up. My love? I think I heard that before. I opened my eyes and saw a handsome man with green eyes. I looked at him with a frown. Who is he? He pulled me up from the bed and I notice that I'm not in my bed nor in my room. The room is way more bigger than my room, it has ancient designs and screams royalty. I frowned. Where the heck am I? He pulled me up with him, pulling me with my right hand. But I pulled my hand away from him and frowned at him even more. "Not now, Aphrodite! I'll explain later, but now my priority is to get you safe! Come on!" He said and grip my hand again pulling me after him. We run out of the room and to the right hall, I notice the paintings hanging on the walls and ancient designs all over the walls and things on this place. He stopped running when we reached a big painting of a beautiful palace. He went and do something I don't understand. I let him do whatever he's doing and looked at the paintings of people. I saw a painting that looks exactly like the man beside me. I went close towards it and read the name beneath the painting. Prince Eric Darian Smirnov "Eric" I whispered but I got interrupted by a screaming woman. "Eric! They're here!" The beautiful woman wearing a beautiful gown that I know is made only for a royalty, screamed. I also notice that there's a man beside her that has bloods dripping on both the sides of his lips. They were running towards us but before they reached where we are, two big werewolves run towards them and jumped. My eyes widen when the werewolf on top of the woman, ripped her heart off of her, the man tried to fight off the one who jumped on him but when he saw the woman's heart being ripped off, he lost focus and just looked at the woman's direction with tears flowing down from his eyes. The werewolf on top of him took the opportunity and ripped the man's heart off. And then I heard another woman's scream. The werewolves looked at my direction and I realize I was the one who screamed. The werewolves run towards my direction but before they got to me, someone pulled me to a dark place that is lightened by only a torch. The man with green eyes, Eric, got the torch and held it as we went through the passage. As we walk, Eric keeps on glancing my way but I keep on looking down. I keep on thinking about what happened back then. Even though I don't know who the couple is, I feel so sad and angry at the werewolves that did that to them. I also notice earlier that when the man was fighting back, his canines elongated and his green eyes that looks exactly like Eric's eyes turned into a b****y red color making me assume that he's a vampire together with the woman and this Eric guy, as they are so pale. One of the traits of being a vampire. This is my first time seeing a vampire with my own two eyes but I don't feel any fear. It's like I'm so used to the Vampires that they don't even scare me one bit. And seeing the couple earlier, dying, feels exactly like how I felt when my dad died when I was 8 because of a rogue attack. "Aphrodite, come on. We need to hurry" he said and he jogged, I also jogged to catch up with him but it feels like my clothes are heavy for me to run. I looked down and saw that I'm wearing a gown too, like what the woman earlier were wearing, just different with the design. I was busy wondering on why I'm wearing this kind of clothes when I noticed that Eric stop. I looked up and saw him doing another weird thing with his hand and muttering something just like what he did earlier. It opened and I saw that we are now outside. It's dark but I can see from here that there are several men and werewolves from the other side of the castle. "Come on, love. We need to get you into a safe place." He said but I didn't move. He went closer to me and put his cold hands on my cheeks, his piercing green eyes looking straight at me. "I won't let him take you from me, you understand? So don't worry" he said and I nodded but with a frown. He keeps on calling me 'My Love', 'Love'. Don't tell me he's my lover? Is this another dream of me with a handsome prince? But, it feels so real, like a memory. But that's impossible, right? "Come" he said and he pulled me again with him. But we were stop by a group of werewolves in front of us. "And where do you think you're going, Mate?" A voice of a man made my knees tremble. I look at the man behind the werewolves and now were walking towards us. Grey eyes. His grey eyes made me sick. It's full of malice. Like, there's nothing in there but anger and malice. Just evilness. "What? Why do you look so afraid, mate?" He asked again with that disgusting smirk. I just look at him but a body blocked my view of the man. "Oh, my mate's vampire lover. Why are you blocking my view of her? Are you that greedy to not share even a tiny bitsy glimpse of her? Oh, vampires are really greedy, it's so amusing seeing a vampire try to take what's mine" The man said in a mocking voice. I can't help but feel anger towards what he said even though I do understand what he says. Claiming a mate is really common in werewolves but I feel disgusted at him saying that I'm his. "You're maybe her mate but that's your only title in her life. Her heart, body and soul are all mine and you're never going to get her. Ever." Eric said and I looked at him. I feel overwhelmed with what he said. I don't know why, but him saying that makes me want to cry because of happiness. "Oh, is that so?" The disgusting man mocks again. But he move so quickly that he grabs Eric's neck within a second. I shrieked and felt hands grabbed both of my arms tightly. I tried to wriggle away from the two man but they're really strong. I turned to where Eric and the man is and saw that Eric didn't do anything to fight the disgusting man's grip on his neck. "I asked you, IS. THAT. SO?!" The disgusting man shouted on Eric's face but Eric only has an expressionless face. "You, of all people know the answer to that question." Eric said and because of what he said, the disgusting man got angrier than he already is. He tried to break Eric's head but because Eric is a vampire, he quickly dodged, the disgusting man's attempts. Speed is one of the traits of being a vampire. They move faster than any creatures can move fast. The disgusting man seems to be pissed off more and he smirk again, looking at Eric's direction. "No one should get involve. This is mine and that vampire's fight!" He yelled and he turned into his wolf. His wolf is so big, and it's color is just like his eyes, grey. I'm nervous. For Eric. Vampires really are amazing in a battle because they're fast, faster than anyone, strong, and smart. But, the wolf side of a werewolf when let out on a battle is savage. Wolves are not fast as a vampire but they do have strong reflexes and their senses are more heightened. While the vampires don't really have an alert senses. Vampires have a problem with their vision and smell, but what they do use is the sense of touch and hearing to sense there enemies. Meaning, Eric has a half chance to win and half chance to lose. They circled each other, waiting on who attacks first. From here, I can see that the grey wolf is animalistic, always snarling and his eyes shows how much he wants to end Eric's life. While, Eric has an expressionless face and in his fighting stance. I can see that he is calculating the wolf's movements, anticipating the wolves first attack. He wants the wolf to attack first. And that's what happened as the wolf can't wait any longer. Eric dodges the wolf's attack easily and strike on the wolf's right arm, injuring it. The wolf whimpers but snarls at Eric. They circled each other again, the wolf became more savage because of his injured arm caused by a vampire. The wolf attack again, this time Eric didn't just dodge it but he move so fast, he went to the back of the wolf and held the wolf on it's neck. The wolf fights back, he tried to smash Eric to the ground from his back but Eric escaped. Then, Eric broke the wolf's arms and legs one by one in just a second. After that, he held the wolf's neck with his two hands, and that's his wrong move. "Eric!" Before I realize it, I shouted as the wolf use his injured right hand and claw deeply on Eric's left side. Even though it's injured, he manage to claw deeply. Because of shock, Eric didn't move and the wolf took that opportunity to use his left hand to claw on Eric's another side. "Eric!" I shouted again with tears flowing down my eyes. They keep on flowing and flowing as I see how Eric stepped back and his knees weaken. His knees gave up and he knelt on the ground. There's so many blood coming out of his wound and mouth and I saw his eyes brimming with tears. He looked at me and mouthed... I love you... And the wolf ripped Eric's heart at the same time, I shouted what my heart calls for... "Eric!" I shouted as I woke up and sat up on my bed. I brought my legs together and leaned on it while silently crying. The image of his heart being ripped off, makes me feel like my heart is being ripped off of me, too. I was sobbing on my knees when I heard a jingling of keys and my door opened. Someone rushes towards me and I looked up. I saw my mom at my side and Alpha Brandon was standing at the edge of my bed. I went close to my mom and hug her tightly while I sobbed on her shoulder. "What happened, sweetie?" She asked but I just continued sobbing while she rubbed my back, soothingly and muttering soft words to calm me down. We were just like that and I'm finally calming down. Alpha Brandon sat at the edge of my bed and looked at me worriedly. "Did something bad happened, Ro? You need to tell us." He asked and I let go of my mom when I stopped crying. "I-I was s-sleeping when I-I dreamed of something. I-it felt so r-real and I-I just-" But what I'm saying were cut off when I sobbed again and I just cried there while mom is soothing me. "Can you tell me, what was your dream?" Mom said softly and I nodded. "I-I woke up a-and I was in a-another room, I think i-it's a castle. And t-there was this m-man, a V-vampire. He w-woke me up and w-we run a-and there were a c-couple running towards us w-when two w-werewolves j-jumped on them and r-ripped their hearts off of t-them. The, m-man with green eyes took me away t-though before either of the two w-werewolves got to me. We w-went through a dark passage way and when w-we got to t-the outside. A g-group of w-werewolves stopped us a-and then, t-there was a-another man." I said and sobbed more when I remembered what happened when the man with grey eyes showed up. "H-he has this g-grey eyes and I saw his eyes f-full of malice a-and evilness. I-it's like, all I c-could saw w-was pure e-evilness. H-he started saying t-that he was m-my mate and t-the vampire was m-my lover. And t-then, he suddenly grabbed t-the vampire's neck and he was so m-mad. Then, they started f-fighting, the grey-eyed m-man turned into h-his wolf a-and all I f-felt that time w-was I'm nervous f-for the vampire. T-they were f-fighting and t-then suddenly-" I suddenly stopped when I let out another sobbed and I put my hands on my face, remembering Eric's eyes, brimming in tears as he mouthed the three words that I felt deep into my heart, even though I know that it's only a dream. "Shh, sweetie. Stop crying, alright? I'm here. We're here." Mom said soothingly and hug me. When I finally calm down a little bit, I continued the story. "A-and then suddenly, the wolf clawed d-deeply on b-both his sides a-and then t-the wolf r-ripped his heart o-off of h-him." I said and let out all the grief I felt as the memory of that dream keep coming back. The time, Eric mouthed to me that he loves me. I don't know why I feel so affected by my dream, even when I know it's just a dream. It felt so real, like a distant memory. Like, It did really happen. But I know it can't be, right? It can't be. As I finally calmed down, I felt exhausted from all the crying I did. I felt so drained of energy as I used all of it on my emotions. "Go rest, sweetie. I'll be here, beside you. Alright?" My mom said and made me lay down on my bed. As I laid down, I saw Alpha Brandon looking at me with a straight face. I didn't know he's still here. But still, I gave him a smile and he returned a small smile but with a frown. "Ask away, Alpha. I know you want to ask something" I said and he smirk at me. I pretty know whatever his expressions says. "The name. I want to know the name of the man with green eyes, you were talking about." He said and I frowned, remembering Eric's full name. "Prince Eric Darian Smirnov" I said and he nodded. He walk close to me and kissed me on my forehead. "Sleep well, princess." He said and then walk towards the door. "Good night, Derek" I said and he smiled a big smile at me. He turned and walk out of my room. "Now sleep, sweetie. You still have school tomorrow" Mom said and hum a song I'm very familiar with. It's always the lullaby she and dad sing to me and my sister. And even though I'm old for this stuffs, I'll always cherish this moments with my mom. And, I fell into a deep, deep sleep. Third Person's Point Of View "Your Highness! Your Highness! You have to see this!" A little voice of a little person yelled, frantically. A Fairy. "Your Highness, you have to see this!" Pixie, the naughty fairy said again and she flew towards the direction of the beautiful woman, reading a file of a new born werewolf. "What is it now, Pixie?" The beautiful woman said not even taking a glimpse at the naughty fairy. Maybe one of her pranks. The beautiful woman thought. "Your Highness! You have to see this! It's important!" Pixie said again. "How important, Pixie? Because if it's another one of your pra-" the beautiful woman said but was cut off by naughty Pixie. "It's not a prank, Your Highness. It's about Aphrodite!" Pixie said again and this time she caught the beautiful woman's attention. "What about Aphrodite? Is everything alright?" The beautiful woman now looked up at the little fairy. "Maybe yes, maybe not, Your Highness. But something happened that shouldn't happen this soon." The fairy said with a frown and the beautiful woman frowned too. If Pixie, the naughty fairy has a frown on her face then, it's truly worrying whatever she's talking about. The beautiful woman thought. "Show me what you're talking about, Pixie." The beautiful woman said and stood up. She gave the documents she was reading to another fairy servant she has. "Follow me, Your Highness." Pixie said and flew towards the direction where she came from. Pixie led them to a room where they monitor all the movements of every magical creatures. There are several fairies watching one person each on a screen-like object that's run by magic. They passed by a numerous fairies greeting the beautiful woman. And then, they stopped when they reached the center where a male fairy sat in front of the biggest screen-like object in the room. Cleon, the Fairy Guardian of Aphrodite. "What is it, Cleon?" The beautiful woman asked and went to Cleon's behind to see the movements of Aphrodite. The male fairy, Cleon, move his right hand in a circular motion and the screen-like object changes the view of Aphrodite sleeping peacefully into the time she was dreaming. They saw all the things that happened on Aphrodite's dream and the beautiful woman frowned. Pixie was right, it shouldn't have happend this soon. The beautiful woman thought. "You should see this too, Your Highness. I think it would be the reason why Aphrodite dreamed about that day." Cleon said and move his hand again in a circular motion. The screen-like object now, is playing the time when Aphrodite saw the Werewolf King. Pixie gasped. "That's him, isn't he? Your Highness, what will you do?" Pixie asked and looked at the beautiful woman. I can't intervene again or I will anger the council even more than they already are. The beautiful woman thought. "Nothing, I will do nothing, Pixie" The beautiful woman said and turned on her heels and headed to where her office is. "But! Your Highness, Aphrodite is not ready yet to remember everything." Pixie followed her and tried to reason to the beautiful woman. "Everything happens for a reason, Pixie. If Aphrodite needs to remember earlier than I predicted then, she remembers. Aphrodite is smart and strong, I know she can handle it. Besides, I can't intervene again, Pixie. I did more than enough to let Aphrodite have what she wants, it's time for her to do something on her own." The beautiful woman said and sat on her office chair. The little fairy just sighed. Pixie worries so much about Aphrodite because a long, long time ago, she's always her partner in crime whenever she planned to prank someone. Her bestfriend. And seeing her best friend suffer is very painful. I just hope that you will always, always do what you know is right. Pixie thought and flew out of the beautiful woman's office. The beautiful woman sighed. She knows that Pixie was just worried about Aphrodite. She do too. But, she knows too that, Aphrodite will be alright. She's a strong, hard-headed girl. The reason why she even considered what Aphrodite wants a long, long time ago, and Aphrodite is still pursuing it even after the bad things that happened to her in the past. She's that stubborn. "I don't know what to do to you, Aphrodite. I just really hope that, this time, you'll finally get what your heart truly desires" she said and smiled. A big smile. Goodluck, my hard-headed child.
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