Chasing Who?

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                                                                            Thalia Aphrodite Williams "Ms. Williams! Ms. Williams!" I jumped from my seat when I heard my professor in math, Ms. Stone, called my name. I immediately stood up and stuttered as I speak. "Y-yes, Miss?" I asked and she frowned. "I'm asking you a question, Ms. Williams. Will you answer it?" Ms. Stone asked nicely and I was thankful that I was spacing out in her class and not other professors class. "I-I'm sorry b-but I d-didn't quite catch y-your question, Miss." I said and I heard the other students snicker in a not-so-subtle way. The jocks and Queen Bitches more loudly than the others. "Quiet, please." Ms. Stone said and sighed. She repeated the question and luckily I already studied about the topics we will discuss for today, that's why even when I didn't paid attention in the class, I still know the answer. "Such a nerd" Someone scoffed and I turned to where I heard it and saw a snickering Dana Whites together with her cronies and some jocks. The class continued and I forced my self to focus on the class that's currently ongoing and will end at exactly 20 minutes left. The thing that has been on my mind? The smell. The manly scent I keep on smelling everywhere, everytime. Just like earlier, in the hallway and then when the class just started, I caught a whiffed of the smell and I think it comes from the outside of the classroom as it's a little faint but I still caught it and can't get enough of it. I'm addicted. Then a sudden thought came into my mind that made my eyes widen. Is it my mate's scent? Shit! "Ms. Williams! No swearing inside my classroom!" Ms. Stone said strictly and my eyes widen even more. Did I said that outloud? "I'm sorry!" I said, embarassed. "She actually swears!" The new boyfriend or should I say new boy toy of Dana said and the whole class snickers again. Ms. Stone eyed the jock and the whole class. I look down on my desk and just let Ms. Stone continue her class and actually tried to focus on only her this time. Twenty minutes after, the bell rings. I grabbed my belongings and walked towards the door, not until a voice called my name. "Ms. Williams? May I talk to you for a minute?" She asked while she went behind her desk and sits on her chair. I nodded and went towards the front of her desk. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?" She asked seemingly concerned and I admire her more because she's one of the few nice professors I've ever met, and that's not quite a lot. She's also a werewolf because like I said all professors in our school are werewolf. She's in her mid-twenties and as much as she is so beautiful, she still didn't meet her mate which made her a prey for hormonal teen guys in our school. "Yes, yes, I'm fine miss. There's nothing wrong. I'm so sorry about earlier. I promise I'm not going to do that again." I said and hope that she won't give me a detention for swearing and not paying attention to her class earlier. "Alright, if something's wrong, you can talk to me 'kay? I'm just concerned because you're one of the brightest students here and earlier it's not like you to space out in a class. And don't be nervous, Ms. Williams. You're not in trouble, I'll let this pass, but if this will happen again, you'll definitely be in trouble especially on the 'terror' professors" she said but whispering the word terror and winked at me. I smiled at her as she gestured for me to go. "Thank you so much Miss. I promise I won't do it again" I said and turned on my heels, walking towards the door. "Don't promise, Ms. Williams. Just do it." She said and I chuckled when I turned to her for a second. Then, I jogged towards my second class, Biology. My favorite subject. Note the sarcasm. Ugh, sucks to be me. For the rest of the morning classes, thankfully I didn't get in any trouble. And I'm really starving. Biology's fault. I walk towards the cafeteria and my mouth watered when I smelled the mouthwatering scents of food. I look around for Christina and Sophie but didn't caught any sign of them that's why I decided to get into the line to buy food and then look for a table. When it's finally my turn, My eyes widen from the variety of foods I can choose. My eyes darted towards the wonderful cook of this wonderful foods, Mrs. Taylor. A beautiful 65 year old woman that is really, really nice. "Don't just eye it, young lady! You're stomach won't be fed by just eyeing it! Go grab your food!" She said loudly with a chuckle. Her voice sounds raspy because of her age. I chuckled too and grabbed a slice of lasagna and a chicken sandwich. Then, I grabbed a bottled water before I went through my bag for my wallet. "Don't make me laugh, young lady. Just go and take your seat. Don't bother for the payment. It's my treat to you, for surviving another day and hopefully another year of Biology." She said and chuckled again. I laughed too because of her goofiness. She definitely know how I dislike Biology. "Thanks, Mrs. Taylor!" I yelled as I slowly walk away from the line as the other students are beginning to get irritated with how long I'm taking from getting food. I let out a heavy breathe as I stand awkwardly in the middle of the cafeteria and look around for a vacant table, I spotted a vacant table near the entrance of the cafeteria and went towards there. But not before the Queen of Witches made a snide remark about me. Of course, typical of Dana Whites to do that, everyday, for all the years of being schoolmates. "Not so goody-two-shoes are we, Williams!" She yelled and her whole group of witches laughed with their disgustingly high-pitched voice. It's not like I have a problem with witches, actually I think all witches are very beautiful because it's one of the benefits of being a witch. But I know too, that there are witches that are beautiful but has an ugly attitude. Just like Dana Whites and her friends. Beauty is a waste if the beholder of that said beauty has an ugly attitude and behavior. My mom's words. "Still so sluttish are we, b***h!" Christina yelled back and put her arms around my shoulder, pulling me away from the glaring Dana and her friends who were trying not to show their snickering. Christina pulled me to the -thankfully- still vacant table I was eyeing before Dana made a snide remark. "And you, my friend, have some explaining to do about what the jerks and bitches were talking about." Christina said as we reached the table and I slid on one of the metal seats. I sighed. "It's not a really big deal. I just spaced out in the class and accidentally said outloud the curse I was thinking in my head." I said nonchalantly while Christina and Sophie have their mouths wide open. I rolled my eyes. What? Am I not allowed to swear and spaced out in a class? "It IS a big deal, Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes. I mean, because you are Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes and Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes doesn't curse, more importantly in a class! And, she always focus on the class, not spaced out!" Christina said exasperatedly while Sophie nods in agreement. "Like I said it's not a big deal. And I am not Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes." I said and bite a very big bite on my chicken sandwich as I'm getting really irritated with her calling me a Goody-Two-Shoes. Which I know that I am not. I mean, just because I don't break rules and always did what the professors say doesn't mean I'm a goody-two-shoes, right? I'm just doing what a student should do. Wait, I sound like a goody-two-shoes! Oh my God! I shook my head from what I'm thinking and sighed while I chew my food. Then, I took a big gulp of water. "Fine, I am a goody-two-shoes. But why the hell did they make it such a big deal? Am I not allowed to swear or spaced out in a class?" I said and eat the rest of my chicken sandwich. "Of course they will make it a big deal because as what I said, YOU'RE A GOODY-TWO-SHOES!" Christina shouted, making the others near our table look our way. "Alright, enough about that. What are you even thinking about that made you spaced in your favorite class?" She said and I sighed again. I sliced a small part of the lasagna and eat it while thinking about what made me spaced out. And what made me cursed. "I think I've been smelling my mate." I said and they both have wide eyes. "You mean, the addictive smell that pulls you towards the owner?" Sophie asked looking excitedly. I nodded. "That's a great news! At least one of us finally has a sign of their mate. I'm so happy for you, Ro!" Sophie said smiling widely. She's more excited  than me. Maybe because she's the first one who turned 18 but still didn't caught any signs of her mate. It made her excited for me. She's also the most excited in our group for a mate. "Yeah, I guess so. But, why is he not searching for me? Am I the only one who can smell his scent? Can't he smell mine, that's why he's not searching for me? Actually I think, I first smelled him when we were in the bar. I think the one who brought me home. But that's impossible, right? Because if he's the one who brought me home, he would've stayed by my side-." I said and Christina butts in. "Wait, you mean, you already smelled your mate but you didn't tell us as soon as possible? Dude, that's rude!" She said and I rolled my eyes. "Don't be dramatic, Chris. That time, I thought I'm just so intoxicated that's why my brain made me think I smelled what I smelled. A-and I've been hearing this voice i-in my head, saying that he's my mate and I don't believe that. He's probably some bored, pack member dude messing with my head. I mean, that can't happen right? We still didn't mark each other nor meet each other-" I said   but was cut off when I heard that stupid voice again. I'm sure as hell not a bored, pack member dude, Mate. "That! That voice again!" I said and Christina and Sophie looked at me with a frown. God, they probably think, I'm crazy. Which I probably am. Going crazy for me is not that bad, my Love. Get the hell out of my head. I swear if I knew who you are, I'm going to kill you! Yes, kill me with love, please my beautiful mate. I'll gladly accept it. You stupid sh- I snap from conversing with the voice when I smelled that addictive smell again. I immediately stood up and run towards where the smell is coming from. I suddenly have the urge to really know who owns the smell. I want to know if it's coming from my mate. I pushed the double doors of the cafeteria and look around the hallway. The owner of the scent just passes by, I know because the scent is still strong. I turned towards the right where the smell is stronger. And saw a couple of people walking. I run passed the people behind and run faster towards the guy in front of them. The guy walks so fast. But adrenaline rushes in me, and I finally caught up with the guy. I caught his arm and turned him to me. But something's wrong. I sniffed the guy and look at him in the eyes. I don't feel any kinds of connection towards him and I can only smell the addictive scent from the shirt the guy is wearing and not exactly from him. "Where did you get your shirt?" I asked and the guy just shrug and look at me as if I'm crazy. "A dude gave me this when he spilled a juice all over me. He said, he'll give me double than the cost of my shirt if I wear this. I mean, it's disgusting because I think he already put this shirt on and got his scent all over it but the offer is go-" I cut him off and grabbed both his shirt's collar and I look at him with determination. I'm determined to know who the freak owns the scent and why the heck is he playing with me. Really? Getting another guy wear his shirt with his scent all over it to lose me? Oh, you don't know me bud. "Who was the guy?" I asked, firmly but he raised his hand and he shut his mouth and gestured that his mouth is zipped. Well, if his mouth is zipped then I'll freaking ripped that zipper from his mouth! I pulled him to an empty room and slammed him to the wall. Luckily, the guy is skinny and a little weaker than me. "Tell me who freaking owned this shirt!" I whisper-yelled at him while I pushed my arm on his throat harder, making him choked. "Fine, f-fine. I-I don't know h-his name b-but I often s-saw him with t-the Lycans because h-he's a L-lycan too." He said and I let go of him. He coughed and took a lungful of breathe. I brushed my hands on my hair, frustrated. Lycan? The owner of the shirt is a lycan? Why does the owner of the addictive smell, a lycan? My mate couldn't have been a Lycan, is he? How could I, an average werewolf girl have a Lycan mate, right? Impossible. "What's he look like?" I asked him as his coughing finally stop. "Blonde hair, strong built and have green eyes." He said and I frowned, thinking. I think about the appearances of each Lycan and I came into a conclusion that who he was describing is one of the Royal Warriors of the Lycans. "Can you please take off that shirt? I really need it" I said and he looked at me again with an expression saying that I'm crazy. "No way! I don't have an extra shirt!" He said and I sighed. I clenched my jaw. "Fine! Stay here, you understand me? Or else.." I threatened him and glared at him. I watched as his adams apple move, swallowing his saliva and nodded vigorously. I run towards my locker which is the closest I can open and got one of my extra shirts there and run back to the empty room. I saw him sitting there and I throw the shirt towards him. He looked at the shirt I threw at him and looked at me with a frown. "It's for girls!" He said and I grabbed his shirt again as I glared daggers at him. "Take it or leave it! Because either way I'm going to get this shirt from you. Even if I need to ripped it off you!" I whisper-yelled at him and he stood up with shaking legs. I turned away from him to give him some privacy while changing. "H-here" he said and I looked at him and grabbed the shirt. I decided that I should confront who the skinny guy was talking about and run. I was looking around the main hall when the bell rang. "s**t!" I whispered and clenched my jaw. I need to go to class before I got my self a detention, which will not help at all. I turned to where my locker is and got all the stuffs I will need for my afternoon classes. I'll deal with the addictive smell issue later. Hours passed by normally and it's finally the end of class at exactly 10 minutes. I tap my pen on my desk repeatedly, impatiently waiting on when the bell will ring. "Ms. Williams, please refrain from tapping your pen. You're disturbing the class." Mr. Warren said firmly while glaring at me. I muttered a 'sorry' and look down on my desk while he started talking about the homework he assigned. I didn't listen to him one bit and just stared at the clock in the front ticking. Just one more minute... Ring... Ring... I immediately stood up with the rest of the students and jogged towards the door while Mr. Warren keeps on reminding us about the homework. I ignored all the other students and jogged towards where the Lycans usually park their car. I reached the black car and tried to see if someone is in there but I saw no one. I went to the side of the car, facing the entrance of the school. I lean on the car and waited. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and texted Sophie to not wait for me and just go home without me. I just clicked the send button when I caught a glimpse of the Lycans from the school. They were walking confidently and looking bored. It's like, they don't have any care to all the attentions they were getting from all the other students around them. But oddly, they stopped walking as soon as they saw me leaning on their car and the only one who walks towards me is Princess Adriana Black-Ivanov. The mate of Prince Giovanni Kazimir Ivanov, one of the two cousins of the Lycan Prince. She walks towards me confidently and with a serious face. I straightened my body and look down at my feet. Anyone can't look straight at a Lycan's eyes because they are very intimidating and power radiates from them making our wolf bow for respect. Apparently, looking a Lycan straight at their eyes indicates a disrespectfulness. "May I asked what do you need, miss?" She asked with her melodious voice. Even her voice sounds so intimidating. I put my fidgeting hands at my back. "I-I would j-just want to t-talk with one o-of your R-Royal Warriors, if it's okay?" I said and notice some of the students looking our way. Seeing someone talking to a Lycan is very rare as the Lycans kept to themselves and only talks to the other students if really needed. Even on group projects, the teachers always groups them together. They go to school and leave school all together, they don't have other friends other than themselves. Every students wants to be their friends but very afraid to even approach them, because as what I said, they're very intimidating. But because of that, they became mysterious and more attractive. Lycans are a walking mystery that all people wants to unravel. But all people that attempted to unravel that mystery always lose and I know that they're looking because they wanted to see another student get humiliated for attempting to be close to the Lycans. "Who exactly do you want to speak to, miss?" She asked again. "The blonde guy with green eyes, if possible" I told her and I caught a glimpse of her nodding. "And why would you need to speak with him?" She asked again like a freaking investigator. "Just because... can I please talk to him? It's really important." I said in a polite way as I could. I'm getting really irritated with her questionings. Does she really have to know all things before I can talk to them? I mean, I get it that their higher ups than us but can't they act like a normal teenagers? She narrowed her eyes and frowned, making me think that I upset her. But thankfully, she just nodded and gestured to her friends to come close. But I also notice that the Lycan Prince is missing. But, I just saw him with them earlier. I sniffed when they came close to us but I can just smell the addictive smell faintly. I looked at the blonde guy and didn't feel any types of connection to him. I frowned. "Can I ask something? It's really important." I said and he nodded with a straight face. "Do you own this shirt?" I said and got the shirt out of my bag. He looked at it and nodded. He attempted to grab the shirt but I pulled the shirt away from them. "Then, whose scent is this? I can smell that your scent is different from what the shirt's scent is." I asked nicely as I could. I'm getting frustrated from all of this. "I don't know. Maybe the scent you're talking about just got stuck when I was wearing it. Many people bumped into me earlier." He said nonchalantly. But I still frowned. I made eye contact with him but not so long. Call me crazy but I think he's lying. "Then, can you tell me why the guy that you gave this to, said that you're going to give him more money than he needed IF he wear this? I mean, I think that's too much for an apology" I said suspiciously and he gave me an irritated look. "Why do you care? It's clearly none of your business. So, why don't you just give me back MY shirt and go away?" He said irritated now. I tightened my grip on the shirt and slowly back away from him. I clenched my jaw and sighed. "No, I'll keep this. Just please, if you ever encounter this scent, please tell me. It's really important for me." I said and walked away with defeated sigh. I put the shirt back to my bag and just walk towards the exit of the school parking lot but before I got to the exit, a car stopped on my right and I saw a smiling Sophie. "Hey! Girly, do you really think we will leave you here all by your self and walk to the pack house? Man, that's a very long, tiring walk and I'm not going to let my bestfriend do that." Sophie said and I chuckled. Feeling a little happier than before. I went to the front passenger side and greet a smiling Damon. "What the hell happened with you nerd? You just run off from the cafeteria and we look all around for you but you were no where to find. And more importantly, why are you talking to the Lycans?" Christina asked and I sighed. "It's a long, long story, Chris" I said and relaxed my body on my seat, looking to the trees we passes by. "No worries, we have plenty of time" Damon said and I turned to them, looking hopeful for a story telling. I sighed again. Here goes nothing. As we got to the pack house, I'm also finished with my story and we got out of the car. "What a d**k! That's why I don't really like the Lycans. They're so rude and acts like they're better than us!" Christina said "Well, apparently, they are Chris. I mean, you know being the Royals of all Royals.." Sophie said matter-of-factly. "That's enough, don't stress so much about that, Ro. You'll eventually find out who owns that scent." Damon said, reassuring me and put his arms around my shoulder, pulling me to him. I leaned into him more, feeling relaxed on his warm embrace. "Yeah, hopefully." I muttered and we all step inside the pack house. The pack house are crowded with other students hanging out on the main hall, many were just talking, others were making out -which is so gross- while the kids are chasing each other, having so much energy even on the first day of another tiring school year. I sighed and bid them goodbye to go to Alpha Brandon for my punishment. I ascend to the stairs towards his office and just went inside without knocking. And I totally regret not knocking. "Sorry!" I shrieked when I saw several men inside the office and looked like they're having a meeting. I quickly slammed the door shut and muttered incoherent words, reprimanding myself for not knocking first. There in the room are some of the werewolf council and the Werewolf King, himself. The Werewolf King is a middle-aged man that looks like younger than he actually is. He has a strong built as one of the qualities of being a King and also some white hairs are already visible but he is still a handsome man. He's also the legendary Werewolf King that killed the previous Vampire Royal family. I don't know why but when I made eye contact with him, I feel this rage deep within me and disgust. Which is odd, because as far as I know the werewolf race love him so much and I don't think I have any reason to feel enrage. I went to my room and sat at my bed when I feel my head aching and I feel dizzy. I sat there for a while and when the dizziness and headache finally subsided, I decided to just go where I should clean and just go to Alpha after an hour as my punishment said. I went close to an Omega that I sometimes talk to and got all the stuff I will need in cleaning the garden. I started with sweeping the leaves and then watering the plants. Not so bad for a punishment, I guess.
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