Chapter 5 - Admiration Mood.

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Grace stood speechless admiring Ephraim, as the security men of the well known luxurious hotel took Ephraim away, and instead of her to rushed up to her boyfriend's side to knew if Pascal was alright, Grace couldn't bait an eye off Ephraim as she was visibly blushing. "Grace!!" Stephanie screamed out at Grace as she saw Grace seemed lost in dazed, and Grace finally snapped out from her admiration mood and quickly rushed out from the club to followed the ambulance that was taking Jamie and Pascal, with some other of Pascal men, that Ephraim had dealt with to the hospital, as Ephraim ensured to beat them to stupor, cracking some bones and they really needed treatment. Ephraim was taken away to the hotel security department and still the hotel managers spoked to him, "We will have to investigate this matter amicably, as you Injured not just one man, but many of them and yet you seemed unhurt." Ephraim face remained expressionless, and if there was one thing he learnt from his stepmother, Mrs Anna Dowins, It was to master the act of hiding his true feelings. Ephraim was hurt and hadn't meant to fought with any of the club men, but they attacked him first. Ephraim was silent as a robot and he turned his neck slightly to stared from one of the security men to the other in the investigation room that they kept him. After conducting few more investigations and seeing that Ephraim was invited by a big company before the fight broke out, As an Assistant manager whom was still on the luxurious hotel got to knew about the fight came to spoked to them. Ephraim was finally granted bail and released instead of been transferred to the police station. "I'm sorry for the inconveniences caused Mr Ephraim Dowins. I'm Albert Josh. Your personal assistant here to help you out if you're in need of anything as the HS Company sent me to guide you and to also show you around the hotel and town if you would loved to visit." Ephraim paused and stared to Albert Josh whom was shorter than him and even not up to his shoulder as Ephraim was very tall in height, but Albert was also a light skinned man too. "Is alright. is already late and I need to rest now. Maybe tomorrow" Ephraim dismissed and he walked away into the hotel room given to him earlier, while Mr Albert Josh left to his owned hotel room. Ephraim sighed after he got in and he took off his black hand gloves away from his palms as he mostly wore gloves to reduced contacting of sweaty diseases from too much handshake he had to do. Ephraim sighed and he walked towards the couch in the executive room given to him, and he sat down there and took off his shoes. He was still in deep thinking and he was beginning to imagine if the lady that had pulled him forcefully in the club, and had truly wanted to kissed him was the pretty young lady that he had seen at the airport. "Why am I still thinking about her?. I won't see her again and that's the plain truth." Ephraim bent his head and he took off his shoes and socks and he stood up to stripped off his black suit too. He sighed and decided to took a bath first as his body still burnt and ached from the fight that he had previously engaged in, as even as he had masked the pained and pretended like he was alright. He still felt sour all over him and he walked away to the bathroom, to prepare a warm bath to sooth and relaxed all his tensed muscles. Ephraim stripped himself and walked towards the bathtub filled with soapy water and he sank into it and began scrubbing his hard toned muscles but still he continued imagining if the pretty was there to bath with him. He knew he would be tortured and it would be difficult for him to stopped thinking about the beauty he had seen at the airport, and so he accepted the tortured instead of cussing out, knowing he hadn't gotten laid with any woman before. Through taking his bath, Ephraim stepped out and he walked out to dried up his wet tauted body with the hotel towel given to him in the room, and he raked his short black hair and walked to the box of clothes he came with to searched for a night robe to wore. Ephraim wore a white robe and short beneath and he sat on his bed and dialed on the hotel room service number as he took out his laptop. "Room service, 103, Rice and wine to suit." Later a knocked came on Ephraim's door and he stood up and walked to the door to pulled it opened. The room service attendant walked in carefully and placed Ephraim orders in a table set as dinner seat for the hotel guest and the attendant asked, "Anything else sir?." "No that's all," Ephraim dismissed as he was tempted to asked if the hotel had females to kept male warmer for the night. He hadn't thought about sleeping with a woman nor trying to felt a woman's soft body beneath his, as he assumed they were all weaklings and pretentiously women and he sighed and walked to the table to took his seat. Ephraim sighed and opened up the tray of food covered and he picked up his spoon and started eating the rice and fish stew served to him. ***** Grace followed Pascal and the ambulance to the hospital and to checked if Pascal was been treated as everyone knew her to be Pascal's girlfriend. She didn't truly liked Pascal but because she was always with him and Pascal was more possessive of her, she found it difficult to quit their relationship or offered him broke up. Pascal wouldn't agreed and he showed up for everything she wanted and needed to do. Pascal was a mafia and worked with the underworld and Grace wasn't happy about that. As she wanted a man that she could be proud off and Introduced to her mother as her fiancee as only staring at Pascal alone, one would knew Pascal was a bad guy, even as Pascal kept his business coded and has never been caught by the police men. Grace knew it was only a matter of time before the security men would got Pascal and laid strong concrete evidence against him to set him behind bars. Pascal was still handsome nonetheless, and also slightly fair in complexion and Pascal surely knew how to satisfy her in bed as he was hot and more of a stallion when it came to bedmatic, Pascal never grew tired. Grace stood out and waited for the nurses to be true attending to Pascal and to bandage his head and swollen nose, but still she couldn't stopped thinking about Ephraim. She bited her on lower lips imaging how strong and rigid Ephraim member would be as she couldn't stopped fantasizing about having Ephraim in bed with her even for a night. Her body ached and she knew definitely Ephraim would still be somewhere around in the hotel as he seemed like a guest and the luxurious hotel wasn't one to hosted poor men, but rather rich men of different influential status. Still thinking about Ephraim, just then her mobile phone rang out and it was definitely her mother calling her. "Oh.. Mama calling me" Grace cussed as she stood outside the private ward, waiting for the nurses to be through attending to Pascal and she picked up the phone call. "Good evening mom" Grace spoked first and Mrs Mila replied, "Grace where are you?. Emma is here and you ain't yet home and is already getting late." "I will soon be home mom. When did Emma arrive?. I don't have any business with her either" Grace pouted. "Shut up Grace. She's your sister and you should come home now to welcome her." "No mama. Joy is my sister and not Emma. Anyways I will soon be home let me round up with what I am doing here," Grace spoked and Mrs Mila sighed. "Alright. Be home safely and don't stay out too long, as it's already getting late," advised Mrs Mila. "Okay mom," Grace sighed as the call finally disconnected. "What does Emma want from us again?" Grace questioned.
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