
The CEO Darkest Secret


Ephraim Dowins, Sole heir to Dowins enterprises was rumoured to be a beast in human form.He lost his mother at an early age of 5-years and rumors had it that he was the caused. He hated women in general and avoided them as a result of a past mistake he blamed himself about.His father remarried another woman and made him had a step brother and sister, but he never acknowledged them nor their mother.Turning thirty years of age, His father proposed marriage to him, and Ephraim eyes darkened as marriage wasn't on his list of want. Women weren't of his interest. But a day came when he crossed path with a stubborn lady at the airport, as she stepped on him and cursed him on top, only to later discovered that she was the same woman that his father wanted him to marry.Hello, read to support my story and please vote

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Chapter 1 - Marriage arrangements
Inside Dowins Multimillion Dollar Mansion. "Son, have spoken to Mr Ben Douglas on the business proposal, and he has sealed it to establish our company in the state." "Okay father" Came the calm respond of Ephraim, as he sat in the studying room with his father, and away from his stepmother and stepsiblings view. Ephraim was a light skinned man, very handsome and attractive, as he resembled his late mother so much. The Dowins mansion is a two storey multimillion dollar mansion, and his father, Mr Anthony Dowins was a 60-years old man. "Son, that's aside. Next month April is your birthday, and I want you to get married." "No father. Marriage isn't on my list" Ephraim stood up abruptly. "Why son?" Mr Anthony asked in surprised. "Father.." Ephraim sighed, and he stared away "I've to be somewhere now father, as I already told you about this before. That I have a business meeting to attend at France, a one week business meeting actually, and I will be back before my birthday date arruves, since you want me to celebrate it here with you." Ephraim brows knotted, and Mr Anthony stood up from the executive black chair that he previously sat on, and he placed a hand across on Ephraim's shoulder and he said, "I can understand you son. But you should always put your family first. Sometimes I wished the incident that made you lost your mother never occured, as she was everything to me. I married Anna all because I wanted you to have a mother, a complete family, and to have both parent, but I guess I was wrong, as I shouldn't had, but should have kept to my vow to your mother." "Hmm.. Is okay father. All that is in the past now. I need to be on my way, as the flight would take off in this afternoon." Ephraim said. "All right son. Give me a call when you reach there and settle down, let me atleast know that you're alright." "Okay father" Ephraim replied, and he walked to exit the study room door, while his father stood beside the study table where they had their private meeting, as father and son, and Mr Anthony called, "Ephraim..." "Yes father" Ephraim paused as he stared back to his father. "Ensure that you tell your mother that you're leaving the house, before you exit the house." "Hmm.." Ephraim didn't spoked a word, and he opened the door and walked out of his father's private office, which was his father's studying room too. Stepping out into the passage on the second floor, As Ephraim room was up above on the third floor, Ephraim collided with his stepbrother Maxuel Dowins, as Maxuel was 6-years younger than Ephraim. "Watch where you're going too brother!" Maxuel cussed, and Ephraim knew that Maxuel and his mother never liked him. Well Ephraim couldn't said the same for Linda, and so he adjusted his white suit properly that Maxuel had touched from them colliding with each other, and he walked away and made his way out through the corridor and he went downstairs to the first floor, and there stood his stepmom, Anna Dowins. A woman of mischievous plots and twist, as Ephraim knew that Anna never liked him and only pretended whenever she saw his father around. Mrs Anna Dowins was a 50-years old woman, and she had married Ephraim father, barely one year after he lost his mother to an unforgettable incident. Ephraim wanted to walked passed Mrs Anna and pretended like he didn't saw her, as she was dress in a green long gown, and having her black wig packed behind her head, and her long eyes lashes blinked at him as she stared to him scornfully. "Ephraim, how rude of you to wake up and just want to exit the house without saying hello to your own mother?." "Hmm" Ephraim paused and he meet eyes with Linda too, whom smiled to him and greeted him first, "Good morning brother." "Morning. Good morning madam" Ephraim immediately walked away and not waiting for Mrs Anna respond, as he didn't liked Mrs Anna either. Mrs Anna was fair like his late mother, and he has heard that she was also his mother's best friend too. But Ephraim wondered how a woman whom claimed to be his late mother's best friend would jumped so quickly to married her late friend's husband. It was all his fault and he knew it. Ephraim hardly trusted anyone and because of that he didn't had any bodyguards nor personal driver, despite the fact he was a billionaire and yet he drove himself downtown by himself, and not caring about his safety or being robbed or kidnapped. He was ruthless, a trained fighter and he fought squarely with criminals and snatched their guns away to shoot them. He was dangerous and even armed men feared him, as his golden eyes burned at his enemies. Ephraim was unique and he knew this as a lot of ladies drooled over him. They gushed at him whenever they saw him but Ephraim hated that as he didn't liked being admired. He was a ruthless beast and can crack his enemies bones, but nonetheless he was brilliant, a hard worker and also very intelligent and work smart. Ephraim strode to his Prado Jeep parked in their garage, and he inserted his hand into his trouser side pocket to search for his car keys. Realizing he had forgotten his car keys inside their mansion and in his bedroom above on the third floor, Ephraim sighed and stared back to the magnificent two storey building mansion that he hated the most. He wanted to parked out before, but his father refused and always reminded him that family comes first and except he was married. Ephraim breathed out his anger and he walked back to the mansion, but arriving at the executive mansion frontage Maxuel stepped out again and he smiled at Ephraim, as Maxuel walked towards his owned Car and dropped his briefcase in there. Maxuel was 24-years old, but one wouldn't knew, as Maxuel resembled Ephraim too, even as Ephraim was older. Maxuel was light skinned too, and all of them resembled their father a bit, and Ephraim hated that, as his late mom and father kind off resembled after years of living together as a couple. Ephraim didn't liked the fact that their father also asked him to mentor Maxuel, and teach him all he needed to know in building their company together. Dowins Multimillion Dollar Group, where they had a lot of foreign partners involve in the creation of digital gadget like laptops, phones and other electronic devices used by individual in their country. Ephraim went back into the mansion and his father was already downstairs in the living room with his stepmom and Linda as it was still early in the morning. "Son.. You're back!." Asked Mr Anthony Dowins. "Yes father, I forgot my car keys upstairs and I've to go up and get it now" Spoked Ephraim. "But Maxuel already left the house just now. Didn't you saw him leaving?, You could have followed Maxuel in his car." Mr Anthony spoked. "No father. My car key is upstairs let me go and get it first." Ephraim replied. "Alright son." sighed Mr Anthony, as Ephraim left, and when Ephraim returned Mr Anthony spoked. "Ephraim.." "Yes father.." Ephraim stopped and stared to his father again. "Have you eaten your breakfast this morning?." "No father, I'm not hungry" Ephraim wanted to walk out, but Mr Anthony called him back. "Son . Come join us for breakfast first, as there's still time and besides, I still have something to say to you that I forgot too remind you about.." "Hmm.." Ephraim sighed, and he walked back to the dinning room and sat down. "That's alright son. We can start eating now" Mr Anthony spoked, and a maid approached Ephraim and served his tea to his front view in a small teacup with two slice of bread kept. And after breakfast, as Ephraim didn't wasted much of his time, Mr Anthony spoked, "Son, why not let Alex drive you to the airport since you are leaving or if you took the car along with you now.. Who will bring it back?." "That's right father. I wanted to head to the company first, but since Maxuel had gone there, then there's no need for that." Ephraim said. "Hmm. So about what I wanted to said.." Mr Anthony started. "Father that can wait" Ephraim spoked, as he didn't liked for his stepmom to listened to any conversation about him. "No son. It cannot. It's about the business proposal I spoked to you about earlier that has been sealed. You're to marry Mr Ben's daughter." Mr Anthony spoked.

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