Chapter 4 - Business deal

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Ephraim arrived the hotel location sent to him and he went to his hotel room number to meet with his foreign partners. He was being invited for a new business the China company wanted to built a new robot to used in helping humans and they liked one of his invention that they had seen. The HS company wanted Ephraim to educate them more and also launched his new inventory in their country .. Ephraim meet with his partners and he sat in the receiving room discussing with them as he spoked their Chinese language too. As he knew a lot of languages as his personal tutor had taught him a lot and they spoked for a while and finally came to an agreement. Ephraim wanted to built his owned company but his father had refused and still wanted him to continued with Dowins Group as his father told him, Dowins was his birthright and even though Maxuel would be given a share, it was only as a compensation but he was the sole heir and main owner of the company as the next of kin. After meeting with the clients ended with conclusion of Ephraim visiting their company on the agreeable signed date, Ephraim returned back to his room in the luxurious hotel and his mind was still hovering around the beauty that he saw at the airport and during his flight journey. "Oh... Why am I still thinking about her again?" Ephraim cussed as ever since he knew himself. He hardly thought about women nor stared to them once, but he was tempted to stared back to her, even as he didn't knew her name and he knew his ego didn't allowed him spoked to her again nor said 'Hello' to her. "I'm so sure am not gonna see her again, let me just forget about her" Ephraim shook his head as he walked into the luxurious bedroom given to him and he slowly shut his door closed behind him as he was obviously supposed to be thinking about his new inventions and signed business deals but instead, his mind was busy thinking about the pretty lady that he saw. "Oh!. I cannot continue like this" Ephraim cussed as even as he shut his eyes closed and sat on his bed all he saw was her. Her pretty sexy waist that she had swayed to his front, her long black hair that she swirled and let down to her chest. "Women!." Ephraim was enraged and he stood up to left his hotel room as the night hadn't completely fallen. But he thought to walked out and to examined the areas of the hotel, to see if there was any relaxation center hosting entertainers nor dancers to made him forget about the pretty, and maybe it was because she was the most prettiest lady that he had stared to for so long. And he decided to head to the hotel club area to stared at more pretties there, especially strippers as he needed to forget about the strange lady that wanted to made him lost focused and he wondered whom was the lady his father.was also speaking to him about, that he wanted him to marry. "Why would I be feeling like this?. Maybe I just need to head out and stare to more ladies. That way I can stop imagining what she looks like. She was even rude and arrogant. Hmm." Ephraim finally left his hotel room, ensuring to lock his room door properly. Although he wasn't afraid of being attacked. He was a skilled fighter himself and had trained to be tough during his free time. He stared to a hotelier walking passed him and he spoked, "Hello, where's the club in this hotel?." The hotelier stared to him in shocked as Ephraim hadn't taken off his black suit yet. "This way please." The Hotelier took Ephraim down to the second floor in the ten storey building and the strong smell of alcohol hit Ephraim nose as he walked in. Ephraim could see the strippers dancing to the strip pole and some ladies drinking and popping bottles with their lovers. His head ached harder as he thought of the strange lady that he had meet at the airport dragging him seductively and seducing him to make love to her. Ephraim fist clenched as he actually came into the club to got her off his mind. But instead, he was rather thinking about her and imagining all he would do with her. "s**t!" Ephraim cussed out and as he quickly turned to exit the wide hall used for the entertainment. But he collided with a lady dressed in a sexy crop top and short, and she grabbed him forcefully.. and as she wanted to sealed her lips on his, pulling him forcefully to herself. Ephraim immediately pushed her away and all her friends gathered round him as she lost her balance and fell off to the ground, making the other dancers and those kissing and enjoying themselves to stopped and they all stared to Ephraim angrily as they started gathering round him. Majority were young adult and Ephraim knew their parents failed in raising them up properly. "Grace are you okay?!." Stephanie, Grace best friend rushed up to her side and helped Grace up with her boyfriend (Jamie). Jamie gathered with Grace's boyfriend (Pascal), round the handsome man, that had forcefully pushed Grace away. "You!. How dare you pushed my babe off like that?" Pascal questioned Ephraim, as he was a 30-years old man too. Pascal dragged and puffed his cigarette as his red eyes burned angrily and got fixed on Ephraim. Ephraim stared around to them and he tilted his head back and spoked, "It was a mistake and not intentional, excuse me." Ephraim wanted to walked away but Pascal quickly grabbed him back by his shoulder and he smacked Ephraim on his face to the shocked of all. Ephraim face didn't twisted or twitched in pained, surprising Pascal and as Pascal wanted to smacked Ephraim again. Ephraim caught his fist and twisted Pascal's knuckles and rather punched Pascal harder to his face, while cracking some bones and Pascal's nose started bleeding as Pascal screamed out in pained. Just as some of Pascal men wanted to brought out their guns and shot at Ephraim, it dawn on them they were without their guns, as the security men of the multimillion dollar hotel didn't allowed them entered into the luxurious hotel with guns. "You beast!" Pascal men cussed and they started charging at Ephraim one by one. Ephraim suit didn't stained, neither did his face twist and he fought with all of them, ensuring all Pascal's men where laying down to the tiled floor, until the fighting got to the knowledge of the hotel security men and they rushed into the clubbing area and were shocked to saw Ephraim whom they had thought, was a gentle innocent man.. "Sir, You're under arrest for fighting here!." spoked the security man and he shook a little visible wondering if Ephraim was a human or a robot, as he had also seen some news reports saying that there were now new robots being created to be launched to helped mankind. Ephraim stared to the security man and two more security men came in and arrested Ephraim as Ephraim had beaten all Pascal's men, ensuring they went able to stood up and yet Ephraim didn't scented or dripped of alcohol. The security men gulped and took Ephraim away to calmed the situation of the noise in the club center and all the injured men was rushed to the hotel's hospital, which was built closer to the hotel. Ephraim didn't protested as the security men took him away. He only raised his hands up for them not to touched him or dragged him away forcefully, as he agreed and followed them, knowing there were securing cameras there in the club and the hotel owners would definitely watched it and saw he.was innocent. Grace was amazed at how Ephraim had beaten Pascal and his men. And Stephanie cried and run with the health care workers as Ephraim injured her boyfriend too, whom went to fought with Ephraim on Pascal's behalf.
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