Chapter 3 - Parting And Mutual Feelings

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Arriving their flight destination. Emma walked to clear all her boarding pass and she didn't stared back to Ephraim nor said 'Hi' to him. She was a woman of substance and she vowed never to become a puppet like her mother whom was mostly seen begging her father and doing all her father stated. "If that's how love is then to hell with love!" Emma cursed, as she walked to carried her bag waiting for it to arrive. Ephraim was dressed in a business class white suit and it hugged tighter to his well masculine body, and bringing out his well chiseled chest and he walked to carried his box too. Emma wore a long blue gown and she looked like a sexy goddess with her seductive hips and shapes. Emma knew a lot of guys were admiring her and also sending her proposal to be their woman or went on a date with one of them, but as she was a billionaire daughter, they didn't dare to stopped her anyhow or disturbed her life. Emma dream was to secure a good job and owned her own money as she didn't want to depend on her husband. She want to become an independent woman and not a woman licking her husband ass for money. Just as Emma stared backwards, her eyes meet with Ephraim and she gulped wondering if they were going to the same destination. Unknown to Emma she blushed and immediately stared away as she wondered how a man like Ephraim would be looking seductively charming like a woman. Ephraim wasn't smiling. He walked passed Emma and took his box and like a swifter turned, he left her to continued ogling at him as he left and entered into a taxi to went to the hotel location sent to him. Emma finally snapped out from her thought and she shook her head and frowned and finally took her box and also head out from the airport too. She had escaped from home, so she didn't took any much clothes with her as her father was a powerful man and she knew if he found out that she had ran away, he would searched for her and forced her down to marry the man he was busy discussing with her mother about. Emma finally entered into a taxi and went to her Aunt's place as her Aunt was a single mother with two kids as her Aunt didn't married any man either. Emma had thought getting randomly pregnant without marriage was the best, but knowing how her father was more concerned about his prestige and family honour, she knew she would be punished. She was only 22-years and had just gotten her certificate on her business administration and instead of her father to spoked to her, about fixing her into his company, he was busy discussing about selling her off in the name of marriage. Emma relaxed her back to the taxi as her aunt house was far from the airport. She knew her mother would be sad but she didn't cared and wouldn't be tossed around like her mother. "I know dad will soon send his men to find me here, but first let me relax and enjoy my remaining few days before getting entangled with a man in the name of marriage. I'm sure for father to approve of him, he must be a powerful man and not just some d**k and harry." Emma cussed and the taxi driver kept stolen glances at her through the rearview mirror until they arrived at her destination and Emma stepped down and paid for her ride and she went to her aunt's house gate and knocked on it. The security man opened the gate for her and Emma dragged her box in... "Welcome" The security man spoked in their french language and Emma stared to him with a simple nod while she handed her travelling box to him and strode to the house. Aunt Mila Gregs was shocked to see Emma and she smiled and dropped her watering-can as she walked to the front to welcome Emma. She was a 50-years old woman and Emma's mom was her only cousin sister from their maternal side. "Emma, when did you arrived here?" Aunt Mila asked. "Not quite long, the travelled journey wasn't far" replied Emma, as Aunt Mila approached her and gave her a hugged. "Welcome my sweet tomato. You're looking cuter daily, don't tell me you haven't gotten any engagement yet from any handsome man?." "Hmm" Emma frowned. "I'm not interested in marriage aunt. I want to be like you." "Don't say that Emma. You're cute and there's no man that wouldn't turned backward to stare at you twice." "No Aunt. I want to be independent and not a house wife. I don't need a man and dad's planning on selling me off in the name of marriage." Aunt Mila only smiled and nod. "Come let's go in" replied Aunt Mila and Emma sighed and went into the standard duplex house with her aunt. Aunt Mila was home alone as her two daughters were in school, as her first daughter was 25-years, while her second daughter was 22-years like Emma. "Where are Joy and Grace?" Emma asked, and Aunt Mila smiled as she walked into the living room. "They ain't yet home. You know Grace is so obsessed on becoming a model?" spoked Aunt Mila as she walked towards the kitchen to prepare dinner for Emma .. "You must be hungry. Not to worry, you go upstairs and freshen up first, let me prepare something for us to eat." "Alright Aunt. but Aunt.." Emma paused and stared back to Aunt Mila whom stood beside the kitchen entrance door. "Don't tell father or mother that I am here. I really don't want to marry that man and I mean it." Aunt Mila smiled. "Come on Emma. Marriage is sweet when you find the right man. Don't tell me that you like how I am single. Grace and Joy are still fighting with me for not knowing whom their real father is, and being born by different fathers. "Hmm.. But they're still sisters and are birthed from the same womb, does it matter whom their real father is. I don't need a man and that's final." "Alright Emma. You just go upstairs first and freshen up. When you're back we can discuss about this. Besides it has been long since your mother lastly called me. You know Sandra loves your father so much and does whatever he said, as she only supported him and doesn't argue with him. You father is a good man and Sandra is lucky to have him as her husband, As he doesn't cheat on her, and his more committed on focusing on his work than other women. I think that's what you don't understand. If you find a good man like your father, you shouldn't push him away but try to keep him dear as they're rear gem to find." "Hmm.." Emma stared away and started climbing the living room stairs, and she remembered the handsome man that she had sat next too inside the plane. Her body was aching and so Emma thought she needed rest and she decided not to argue with her aunt as she knew that Aunt Mila was almost like her mother and they were still closed like sisters. Emma quickly went upstairs to her room as she had a room in Aunt Mila mansion. When she was a kid, her mother used to brought her to Aunt Mila house whenever she was on holiday to bond with Grace and Joy Gregs as sisters. But Grace was more aloof and older. Grace didn't liked her and they hardly spoked to eachother. Aunt Mila was an entertainer during her youthful age, and she made a lot of money being a strip club dancer. Emma sighed knowing if there was any among them disturbing Aunt Mila for whom had impregnated her in the past?; It would be none other than Grace as she nagged a lot and was a hot head.
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